Right Wing Watch is right, we need to ban anime since it is leftist homosexual agenda that promotes sissifycation of white males.
Right Wing Watch is right...
Yes because western media is a bastion of conservative values
I agree anime is gay
Watched it once would not recommend
If you watch anime then you're a subhuman
JOJO is fucking redpilled
and Berserk too
That character really annoyed me, why couldn't he have just been a girl? They kept mentioning he was a dude whenever he was on screen for no reason. Traps are not kawaii.
Really makes you think...
That tweet is not real
Right wing watch is anti-right wing site by leftists
gotta pander to all of the perverts for that sweet weeb money
Fuck you. After a life time of western cucktainment anime taught me how women should actually act. And there are no jews and niggers involved in it.
No. I just do girly things with a girl and do kinky things in the bedroom. ;3
This is bullshit. Japan is conservative and for the most part more redpilled than the west. I watch anime and I'm sure as fuck no degenerate. Just don't watch sissy girly bullshit and you'll be fine.
To be fair, it's not as bad as anime.
>draw a character like a girl
>make character's voice feminine
>dress character like a girl
stupid fucking thing
>9s get,
>ban anime
did someone say anime thread?
Homosexual agenda what?
Pic related guts the hero of Beserk kills his father figure gambino for whoring him out when he was a child.
Then grows up to be a badass motherfucker killing degenerates.
I'd give her an explosion from my penis if you know what I mean.
I think i know what you mean user
How about just don't watch anime and don't let your kids watch sexually charged cartoons? Why ban it when hardcore prolapse porn and bestiality is legal? You might want to take this in steps instead of attacking a very tiny subculture with a mentally ill fanbase.
Anime is degenerate
don't be like this, brother
whats wrong being homosexual ?
>what's wrong with being homosexual
Sweden YES
This is now a thread for pure, heterosexual, female waifus. No husbandos allowed!
GTFO my Sup Forums
I unironically agree. Purge all weebs with extreme prejudice
>weeaboos spam their shitty waifus in all threads for no reason
How are they any differwent from bronies?
Its honestly depends what you watch. If you watch little girl anime, yea your fucked.
I wouldn't completely discard it though, has some decent shows.
Hellsing is as bluepilled as it goes, it portrays nazis as evil and inhuman and assumes Vlad would ally with the UK and not the nazis
I love anime though
It's all fucking gay. Look at that shit you posted, whoever thinks that shit isn't gay probably has a chain hanging from his wallet
anime has raised a whole generation of pedophiles and traps. that can't be healthy.
Hellsing sucks though
Is Ranma considered a waifu or a husband?
ITT: redditfags getting mad
Its not gay if the character admits they are a female.
>creates an anime thread
>has to spam images to get replies
This is why anime should be banned and animefags should be eternally holocausted. FUCK OFF
Shhhh.... Don't fight it baby
cry more bitch nigga
No one takes you guys seriously because of your love of anime. It's extremely off putting
But don't many right wingers like Milo and Meinstreem Meteor guy accept homosexuality? Seems hypocritcal to me
Are you niggers forgetting puck? The girly little elf boy? Berserk is my favorite manga of all time, but come on now. The sissy shit is totally ingrained in manga / anime.
Just don't watch anime about gays.I don't know what made you to watch it.
Wrong. We need to ban moe shit. I haven't watched anime in a long time, last one I watched was season 1 of Death Note. Old school anime promotes traditional masculine values. Almost no minorities and if there are they're depicted as racist caricatures. Women support the men. Old school anime is okay for kids, I'd watch it if I had the time.
>catboys are not human
your argument is invalid
I've never watched anime without cringing horribly at every line of dialogue, I don't know how anyone can.
shhhhhhh loli is sleeping.
Just posted it because I remember watching and enjoying it in my pre-Sup Forums days. Don't really watch much anime these days, most shows look like shit.
Any recommendations?
Anime spamming threads are unironically the greatest threads on Sup Forums
Why is she (male) so perfect?
Also, this is now a taste whoring thread. Pls rate mine
>old school anime promotes traditional masculine values
You don't know what you're talking about desu, animu in the 80s and early 90s was even more sexualized than it is now.
>Been here for over 10 years
>Never really bothered with anime
>The past week I've been saving every smug anime girl pic I come across
wtf happened
Anime turned me homo
looks pretty gay user
>Using MAL
What an excellent way to divide and conquer Trump's core base.
I bet Right Wing Watch is a bunch of zionists neocons too.
it's a virus
at first you feel no symptoms, next thing you know you're spamming anime in an anti-anime thread
Why did he never try to rape her in the barn? virgin NEET dumbfuck
you can get the hell off this board. Sup Forums has always been an anime board, that is it's only true identity
>tfw only go on Sup Forums to post anime to trigger alt-right shitters