This is the greatest slavic country
>Touches the med
>Warm year round
>Every part is developed (see street view)
>Strong war-ready men
>Gun culture
>No squatting/vodka culture
>No porn, hookers or degeneracy ever came out of it
This is the greatest slavic country
>Touches the med
>Warm year round
>Every part is developed (see street view)
>Strong war-ready men
>Gun culture
>No squatting/vodka culture
>No porn, hookers or degeneracy ever came out of it
All the other slavs will never be Yugoslav
>totally dependent on one guy's personality cult
>dissolved five minutes after he died
>Touches the med
You wish. Check the map.
>Every part is developed (see street view)
Croatia and Slovenia maybe. The rest are third world shitholes. Be honest to yourself.
>Strong war-ready men
Oh so that's why it didn't manage to defend itself against the Germans in WW2, or against the NATO in the 90ies?
>Gun culture
Everybody having an AK at home is NOT >. There are no shooting ranges, no clubs, almost no gun shooting as a sport. That would be gun culture.
>No squatting/vodka culture
What is Rakija. Check death statistics by cause for example in Serbia. High percentage of alcohol abuse.
t. Croat Disapora
Serbians created Yugoslavia.
right in the feels :(
>Serbians created Yugoslavia.
US did it for Serbia using a half Croat half Slovenian leader.
>i must unite the macedonian and albanian peoples under one flag
-Nikola Gruevski
drinking rakia and hunting animals with your peasant relatives is all the gun culture you need
history goes past last 70 years u know
anyhow fuck off all of u statist scum and recognize ur slave mentality
I've always thought you people don't see yourselves as slavic but as descendants of alexander the great?
fuck off with that shit. IT DOES NOT WORK
No, this is the greatest slavic country.
your ethnicity does not exist
i thank god every day for that
Under no circumstances should you allow a Serbian to die in your country. If that happens, expect that thousands of Serbs appear next day on your doorstep shouting: "THIS IS SERBIA! THIS IS SERBIA!" For some obscure reason Serbs believe that wherever there is a grave of one of them, they have the right to claim the land. Be very suspicious about Serbs traveling in pairs. It might very well be that they just wait for an opportune moment to kill one of them and claim your country. If you need to kill a Serb, it makes sense to take it outside.
Literally the melting pot of all lesser slavic races, excluding croats, who are almost european.
A nation made up by murderes,bandits,thieves and looters.
Ante gamisou, malaka.
Ήταν ειρωνιkό το ποστ.
Σιγά μην ποστάρω στο Sup Forums στα σοβαρά.
whats wrong with being murderers, bandits, thieves and looters?
Yugoslavia was a shit country and it's only good that it doesn't exist anymore.
Fuck off with Yugoslavia, all countries are better off independent, except B&H, it's a non-country.
>history goes past last 70 years u know
not for FYROM lmfao
t. Bulgarian
yugoslavia was a meme country
>all countries are better off independent
yeah it can be clearly seen that we're better now than we were ever in yugoslavia... NOT
You aren't macedonian. Stop ripping off Alexander's legacy, You're some kind of jugoslav who can't even fight off Muslim refugees who're trying to steal your territory in 21st century and got cucked by NATO/OTAN.
Not really. Tito and his wet dreams of greater serbia created that mess. Not to mention there was never such thing as great serbia in the history to begin with. Milosevic was product of that bullshit. Even USSR dissolved without blood.
well i live better then my parents did tho that doesnt mean much
anyways biggest dmg yugoslavia did wasnt even people killed under regime but long term indoctrination of population to anti civilization marxist policies and inheritance of socialist economy
>Tito and his wet dreams of greater serbia created that mess.
tito was the cuck who wanted balkan federation
wasn't he the one who invited albanians in kosovo?
Tito wasn't really America's first choice, and wasn't at all pro-Serbian.
t. Ujko
This, even today only one third of Croatia are taxpayers, everyone else just leeches off them.
our countries became irrelevant utter shitholes
if he was really for serbia then why he split the country in three parts and invited albanians to infest kosovo?
you are bunch of idiots arguing about how your masters cucked the only relevant non-block independent country in europe. its fun and sad to observe how you shit on each other for the interests of your (((governments))) and (((states))).
i hate southern slavs, bunch of fucking cucks, in 20 years your children will shitpos on Sup Forums about how independent voejevodina is good and how they dont want to live under "imperialistic" serb rule
fuck you
fuck us for not learning from you
yugoslavia is dead(just like russia) and you are not yugoslavians(just like im not russian, but "citizen of federation"), fuck off delusional tards.
there is good term i dont know if you will understand
вeдoмыe пидopы вы, иcтopия пoceмялacь и выeбaлa вac, мнe вac нe жaлкo, кaк и poccии. гpycтнo тoлькo
Tito Dickman baby
>Tito, a croat-slovene communist
>wet dreams of greater serbia
Is this shitposting or just retarded?
>edgy Bulgarian thread
Oh boy, prepare for memes
>NdKVD in ID
EU is USSR confirmed
>that flag doe
did europe became a country?
indeed, think of the glorious former economy:
1. military
2. military-industrial complex
3. suppliers to military-industrial complex
4. state-mismanaged enterprises
5. pleb black market
it would've died one way or the other, you cannot motivate people to slave away and not have anything (personally owned) to show for it
Yeah, only if Croats, Serbs etc aren't total nationalistic assholes arguing about who is who.
We are basically same people, and we choose to go to war over shit and push our countries 50 years in the past.
Instead of one powerful country, or even a balkan union, now we have post socialistic shitholes with retarded people which thinks that government is directly responsible for all jobs.
T t t thanks Tito.
this is the best it can get
>inb4 butthurt yugoslav jews AKA slovenes
>>inb4 butthurt yugoslav jews AKA slovenes
you forgot kebabs too
fuck you and your retarded """nation"""
it'll take you generations to even touch upon what we enjoy today (built by ourselves)
>Yeah, only if Croats, Serbs etc aren't total nationalistic assholes arguing about who is who.
This is just a commie boogeyman, maybe 1-5% of both countries is like this, the others don't really give a fuck.
There would never have been a war if it wasn't for socialism.
Hrvoje, please, you know we're much better than you, don't be butthurt about it. Now, please go slave a whole month for what I make in 3 days.
>zaba titov pionir
non country
this man speaks truth
we're doing just fine, and croatia is catching up too. it's just you and bosnia that are shitholes. must be all the turk rapegenes.
must be why you show your inferior documents upon crossing the imaginary border then
>we're doing just fine, and croatia is catching up too.
don't lie janez, you are doing "good" only cuz you suck dick to germans. else nobody cares about your microbe country really, it's completely irrelevant to the rest of the world
What are you, if a non country is doing so much better than you?
>suck dick
more like supply value-added export products that are fit for purpose and built to spec, you'll get what I'm saying one day
Dude, each government you had since Slobo has sucked both Russian and German dick extensively, yet you're still not doing "good"? I know you can't be nearly as good at sucking dick as the Slovenians, but are you seriously that bad?
What ethnicity of people reside in Macedonia?
your average wage is like 200-300€, every serb that knows how to do anything useful escapes serbia to come work in slovenia.
I know lots of serbs in real life and they all prefer to live here. All of them get citizenships and move their whole family here as soon as they can.
>one day
I wouldn't count on it. Look at Africa, if we left them alone they'd still be living in huts and mud. Serbia isn't really better.
>greatest slavic country
That's nothing to brag about.
What is wrong with those russians?
non country
ITT balance slavs fight over which country is less shit
tfw the Serbs will conquer Slovenia through demographics in order to attack Croatia on two fronts
srbi su cigani
>>No porn, hookers or degeneracy ever came out of it
uh the first live sex show I ever saw was there
>>more like supply value-added export products that are fit for purpose and built to spec
So whores?
That's why I keep saying they gotta go back.
>No porn, hookers or degeneracy ever came out of it
I didn't even notice this one! Urban Yugoslavia was just as degenerate as it is today, only rural Yugoslavia was arguably less so.
>No squatting
>slav country
Yeah, no.
balkan is a mountain in bulgaria 2bh they shouldn't fall in the balkan slav category
>5. pleb black market
This is pretty tbqhwyf, also after Tito's death DM became more or less main currency.
>t. Ahmed Bin-Sharia
>speaking about whores
croatia is probably the only place on the planet where you can pick up girls on the side of the highway for 10€.
oh wait, its 5€ in serbia.
but serbia doesn't have highways.
>le epic boris memes xD
I honestly don't know whether I should be mad or glad "slav" is some sorta cool thing kids look up to nowadays
It was the main currency before that too.
hookers in Split are about 10€ a pop, tried and tested.
atleast in slovenia they charge 50-200€/hour.
>kids look up to nowadays
what the fuck are you smoking
>EU Flag
>Being this obvious about being a faggot
You are the reason we have sandniggers in our cities. Hiding behind the EU flag won't save you. We all know you're a globalist Jew.
It's kind of funny, because slovenian whore houses have only ukrainians and romanians in it. The whore house I went to in Vodice in Croatia had pure Zagreb girls, they were telling me how they make money this way over the summer so they can study in Zagreb over the year.
Get your country together.
>The capital of Zagreb was especially popular as a sex-selling destination, as virtually every house of Tkalciceva Street used to be a whorehouse. In order to open a bordello, owner had to register in the town hall and receive a trade license, assuring the quality of services and professional approach to business.
>only rural Yugoslavia
yeah, rural Yugoslavia wasn't degenerate because they were still in literal stone age, so the concept of degeneracy didn't yet come to them, as well as concept of concept
I'm not sure you're being honest here, 10€ barely buys you three packs of cigarettes.
Why would you be mad? Slavs have their own culture and squatting isnt as unnatural as you might think.
You dont need to be cool to look up to us.
it's 10€ Šime, trust me. well, 10€ for a blowjob atleast. they usually charge about 30-50€ for the full package.
don't be too mad though, in serbia you'll get the whole thing for 5€.
why so salty senpai?
Funny thing is I lived all my life in Croatia, have lived in both Zagreb and Rijeka which are supposed to be peak degeneracy as far as Croatia is concerned, and I haven't seen a prostitute in Croatia my entire life.
TL;DR you're full of shit user
im not salty, it's the truth. I worked in Ruma for a while teaching lazy serbs to use CNC machines (the factory since closed down, go figure).
5€ is what your average prostitute charges in serbia.
Doesn't make any sense at all since any female attractive enough to be a whore can find a better paying job during the summer which doesn't include sucking dicks.
Of course you don't see them on the street, it's illegal in Slovenia and in Croatia. You have """night clubs""" where you can fuck em, even thought they offer "only" striptease.
Are you 12 or something?
Mate, there's a big outbreak of vloggers, websites, channels, facebook pages and shit about "slav" stuff. It's "cool" to claim slav ancestry now and squat for a picture or post slavmemes.
>You are the reason we have sandniggers in our cities
Watch me give a fuck :^ )
>Strong war-ready men
>56,594 km2
do you even land?
shittiest map ive seen, what about ethnic bosniaks?
While I'm open to the idea that Dalmatia is a third-world shithole, I still highly doubt it.
Ban Jelacic square, you can get anything from girls to boys.