He's a civic nationalist

>he's a civic nationalist

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>He's a leaf

Found the civic nationalist.

Let's say for the sake of the arguement that I am indeed a civic nationalist, why would that be inferior to ethnic nationalism?

!(ethnic nationalism) => white genocide

Demography will fuck you up period.
Aren't you aware of the current invasion going on in the Western world ?
Thing is, legal immigration for your country is even worse than illegal... And right now building a wall isn't even enough to reverse the process of whites going minority in their own countries.


Coming from countries that have practiced genocide and haven't been successful at all.

Niggers and spics don't care about the Constitution or your white values. They never have, and they never will. That's white people stuff and they have no use for it. Nor do they have the statistically observable intellects to be convinced by your effeminate attempts to convert them.

They will steamroll your culture every chance they get.

Take your civic nationalism to Detroit or Dearborn and lets how far you get cunt.


Fuck you, Yankee scum.

I love America more than you do. Your "white" values are actually American values. Or did you forget that Communism is a white invention?

See OP pic?

I don't live in Yankee hellholes.

Tejano and proud, descended from men who fought for their liberty and who helped build the formerly largest ranch in the world.

Communism is a kike invention. Kikes are not white.

Lol, suuuure.

Russians are now kikes, apparently.

communism in the ideological sense was invented by a jew, marx and engels just published the theory where it was founded on

>. Nor do they have the statistically observable intellects to be convinced by your effeminate attempts to convert them.
>I'm losing because I'm superior

Culture springs from genetics. Blacks in US have the exact same crime rate as sub-saharan african countries on average, white americans have the exact same crime rate as EU average.
Once you swallow this truth, you realise that importing 3rd worlders turns your country into third world, and vice versa, importing europeans into africa turns african countries into european countries proportional to percentage of whites. The correlation between South African/Rhodesian achievements and white demographics is terrifying.

Marx, the creator of communism, was a Jew. So was Lenin and Trotsky, the leaders of the revolution.

You just showed how little you know about communism and Russia.

He's right though, 60%.

Get educated you dumb cunt


thank you leaf

second to check these digits.

>he lives in a country of no actual culture and ethnicity so he has to call himself a "white" nationalist

Communism was also the peak of human achievement
>saying fuck you to darwinism once and for all
>giving a big middle finger to natural heirarchies
Only a white person could invent something so beautiful

Quads of truth. OP BTFO

>All movements based on identity politics have failed but mine will surely succeed because my specific identity hasn't been tried yet

even excluding non Anglo and French whites, Canada is already 20% 'minority' and this is going to be even higher in the future. please tell me what you're going to do?

right, nothing at all since you're an edgy keyboard warrior. muh ethnic nationalism

>He's a vegan furry dressed like Hitler trying to start a "racial holy war"

>Lenin's father, Ilya Nikolayevich Ulyanov, was from a family of serfs; his ethnic origins remain unclear, with suggestions being made that he was Russian, Chuvash, Mordvin, or Kalmyk.[2] Despite this lower-class background he had risen to middle-class status, studying physics and mathematics at Kazan Imperial University before teaching at the Penza Institute for the Nobility.[3] Ilya married Maria Alexandrovna Blank in mid-1863.[4] Well educated and from a relatively prosperous background, she was the daughter of a German–Swedish woman and a Russian Jewish

>His parents were David Leontyevich Bronstein (1847–1922) and his wife Anna Lvovna (née Zhivotovskaya) (1850–1910). The family was of Jewish origin.[4]

>Karl Marx was born on 5 May 1818 to Heinrich Marx and Henrietta Pressburg (1788–1863). He was born at Brückengasse 664 in Trier, a town then part of the Kingdom of Prussia's Province of the Lower Rhine.[19] Marx was ancestrally Jewish; his maternal grandfather was a Dutch rabbi, while his paternal line had supplied Trier's rabbis since 1723, a role taken by his grandfather Meier Halevi Marx.[20]

Yeah, totally not jewish.

>National identity is based on these abstract values no-one can really agree on

Civic nationalism is a meme. It's far too broad to be a useful concept, you can argue anyone from David Cameron to Justin Trudeau are civic nationalists.

>he's a leaf

>tfw there are Somalis living in Minnesota who are considered to be just as American as me because they possess a piece of gov't issued paper saying they are American

American is not an ethnicity so it makes sense

Leaf redeemer

>how to spot a ledditor

>if you don't publicly call for a white-only country at all times you're a cuck and a traitor hurrr durrr

it's about achieving things in an effective way.

white nationalism has accomplished nothing in the last 30 years except get more and more marginalised by the main stream.

straightforward nationalism represented by trump and bannon has already made up more ground among the mainstream and done more help for our goals than open white nationalism or white supremacy has.

first normalise nationalism and conservatism, then once that is the new normal you can start pushing for the more extreme stuff.

This is what the left has been doing ot win teh culture war so far, and it has been working very well except for trying to push too far too quickly in the past couple of years , leading to this backlash and opportunity.

FIRST POST BE- - - - - -

>moratorium on immigration for 20 years
>any talk of grievance politics or identity politics is squashed like an insect
>anti-American (distinct from ant-government) opinions are illegal and can be punished with jail time
>pro USA propaganda 24/7, everybody within our borders loves America

If all of these things were real, I'd be pretty fucking happy, niggers and browns in my country or not.

Civic nationalism is the only way that makes sense in the US because we've been biracial (white and black) since the beginning. Niggers ain't going anywhere unless you holocaust them, and good luck trying to do that without causing a sequel to world War 2 where the US play the role of Germany while the rest of the world dog piles us.

White nationalism in the US is a pipedream. Even if America became white only, Sup Forums shitposting threads would become mainstream political/social discourse - "are the Irish white?", "is Eminem white?", "Persians and poo in loos are Caucasian, but are they white?", "is Alan Jackson white?". No fucking thank you.

Based Aleksandr Isayevich.
My dad told me how he and his friends used to copy his books by hand and read it during the nights.
He gave me copy of "The First Circle" when i was 12, after i told him that communism was a wonderful idea (thanks to an old fat rat, who called herself a history teacher at my school).

Became allergic to any form of socialism since then.

Here, have this Siberian cat for your post.

Your argument can be flipped and used to show how slavery, colonialism and imperialism has destroyed Blacks wherever it has happened.
What you want to do is show examples of cultures that have survived prolonged invasion/domination and White colonialism without becoming permanently dysfunctional.

nationalism never went away. even supposedly cucked Western Europe is pretty nationalist: in polls, Germans and Brits both prefer their national identity to some bigger identification

white nationalism is just (a fring part of) white America's last attempt to ignore the truth that it's a 60% white country, soon to be less than 50%

there's a reason Trump made attempts to appeal to non-whites

also nationalism and conservatism don't necessarily go hand-in-hand, especially in Europe where your average person is pretty damn socially liberal. actual "conservatism" will never take hold

No. Their intelligence and crime rates are correlated to race, not their social upbringing. This can easily be controlled for and has been demonstrated.

ask the romans

It assumes hierarchies are bigoted and hyper-egalitarianism is the answer. It assumes all people can become Americans. If so, what does it mean to be American? Civic nationalism basically means you're all spics, you let immigrants come in so as to be "diverse". They are still bound by the left, and virtue-signal to show how tolerant they are by bringing "muh based black men" into their events.

This, based Belarusian.

He's right though.
This leaf will be spared the rake.

No shit you're a non white spic you fucking faggot. I had no idea. Fuck you

Romans went to shit because there's only so many competent people left before court intrigue kills them all off.

The decision to stop expanding on a war-based civilization was also fatal.

Yes, dysgenics will certainly lead to the peak of human achievement.

>Destroyed them

Colonialism provided them schools, hospitals and roads. They fucked themselves.

See OP's pic.

I can't believe it's been so long since Eminem left D12...

wouldn't you say that's a cultural failing, a result of them not being a united people?

...and refuted.
I'm not saying you're wrong, just that your argument isn't strong enough to be conclusive.
You have to DISprove that sustained abuse and exploitation of the culture will lead to high crime and poorer intellectual performance.

So try it - what about India? If they can be shown to have thrived since colonialism or that they were civilized (in their own way) before colonialism and at least returned to that state then you have a stronger case for genetics.

The US, Canada and Australia are all pretty successful.

>what are mongols, scythians., ect

>Russians invented Communism

I can't handle this degeneracy.

In some cases good schools were provided but not all. In some cases they were deliberateky kept uneducated for generations. Or segregated into an obvious lower class they couldn't escape or challenge.

Again, I'm not here to argue against your position. Just to point out that its not /conclusive.

>Blacks in US have the exact same crime rate as sub-saharan african countries on average, white americans have the exact same crime rate as EU average

actually African-Americans (who are 20% European on average) have a lower crime rate than sub-Saharan Africa while white Americans have a higher crime rate than the EU average

crime rates are still absolutely positively correlated with social upbringing (but perhaps due to other factors) within races. weird comment

meaningless cliche

just fucking lol. Sup Forums is dumb as fuck

It's the natural result of having a multiple generation spanning two caste system where the higher caste is too small in comparison to the lower caste. It's the reason why the Republic collapsed as well to leave way for the Imperium. Racial diversity didn't have any relevant effect.

>source: my ass
please fuck off back to plebbit

>"""white""" Americans

Anglo Saxons mostly define Canadian identity. They're the ones who are mostly responsible why Canada is so developed today. This is coming from a person with mostly German and Italian ancestry. It baffles me that ethnic nationalists believes all White Europeans are are equal and adhere to the same values while being able assimilate to any White culture, as if it it just that easy. It's not. Europeans are as complex as other regions, such as the East Asia.

You think the Japanese, Koreans, and Chinese can inhabit the same area despite not sharing the same culture, religion, values, or even language, just because they're genetically similar? Hell, no. They hate each other and have closer ties to the Americas, South East Asians, and even the Europeans, despite being genetically closer to each other.

We know you are, and you're probably from r_thedonald too.
Basically you fail to look at Brazil as a prime example of your precious civic nationalism crap, nigger.

yes, this emphasizes my point even more. there are people not considered minorities in Canada because they're white (Germans, Italians, Ukrainians etc.) who would bring down Canada's "ethnic core" % even more

"ethnic nationalism" is a non-starter in the new world


sauce on the documentary pls?

>crime rates are still absolutely positively correlated with social upbringing (but perhaps due to other factors) within races. weird comment

Source or get back to work you fucking debtor


you can't read

my claim was that crime rate is positively correlated with crime *within* races hence that comment seemed weird. you showed that it's positively correlated even considering all races, though less so than race


I dont thnk I have enough roman history knowledge to argue against you specifically. But it would seem to me that having a civic nationalist culture changes the psychology involved. ie in an ethnostate people see the country more as an extended family because thats what it is essentially and therefore are more concerned with it's longterm welfare. On the other hand in a civic nationalist state I would think people are far more concerned with the direct short term consequences on themselves.

This is true for myself as a 2nd gen austrian-german canadian I never really cared about Canada in general and still don't really, I'm far more concerned about the fate of germany/austria

That means you didn't culturally integrate, nor your parents did.

Canada's (ontario) culture is literally just american-contrarianism and being nice/weak. I dont believe cultural integration is possible as long as the person has some knowledge of their heritage.

>just fucking lol. Sup Forums is dumb as fuck
wtf i love jews now

Civic nationalism only works if you have a strong culture for others to assimilate into. If you don't have that or won't force people to accept your ways then it will fail.

The Canadian identity has always been americans that stayed loyal to the u.k

If you can't handle that then go back to Europe

(((Civic nationalism))) is a psyop by (((them))) to stifle the white nationalist movement that is picking up steam in America so (((they))) don't end up in the (((oven))).

>Canada's (ontario) culture is literally just american-contrarianism and being nice/weak
Which means it's a weak culture
>I dont believe cultural integration is possible as long as the person has some knowledge of their heritage.
It's not that you cannot care at all about your heritage, it's that you need to put your country of birth first and foremost.

being obnoxious doesn't make you seem any less ignorant.

This has to be one of the most retarded things I've ever read

>it's that you need to put your country of birth first and foremost.
but from a game theory perspective why should people? if you can just screw over the country and make a ton of dosh then emigrate to your preferred country, why wouldn't you? The only real reason would be if you had family in that origin country.

Fuck off kike

>many retards

Jackass the U.S. has been assimilating people since the 1700s

People from Europe, yes.

Not third world savages, faggot.

Oh cmon what the fuck is this civic nationalism nonsense? Somebody redpill me on this, did Americans yet again come up with something retarded?

Which is why an education partial reform must happen as well, or at least on the history part of it. For civic nationalism to work, the large majority of the people need to become nationalists as well.

An easily acceptable right wing argument usable in colleges is this
Tech and society development
Imagine you're part of a wondering dindu tribe at tech level 3
Suddenly white people came over, got you to submit and threw tech level 7 stuff at your people
Some will make it work, but lots will drop out

One of the countries that didn't get bleached
Performs far better compared to typical black countries, still below every white country, but well... you get the idea

This is true

at the end of the day you are still going to be a corporation and not a family. Maybe short term you perform better economically but in the long term the cultural foundation is too weak and it will crack for it not to you would have to assume that every new immigrant & their children will become as strong a nationalist as the people trying to integrate them. I dont think that's possible I think it's diminishing gains.

Only person talking about 3rd worlders is you, you obsessed moron.

if whites are so superior then why are you afraid of the free market?

If you eliminate welfare then all the darkies would peace the fuck out

Is there any way to fix the nigger problem without violence?

Britian took over Zanzibar and let the local arabs continue to run the show until the blacks chimped out and slaughtered the arabs

>that's a bad thing

Its not but you were implying that blacks ran it

>he's a civic nationalist

Look at this kike trying to talk circles around me. Look how the kike dances around arguments effortlessly.