Can someone explain to me honestly how ISIS is so different to Nazi Germany, which Sup Forums seems to worship?
Can someone explain to me honestly how ISIS is so different to Nazi Germany, which Sup Forums seems to worship?
They arent white
germany was white isis isnt
Germany had much better uniforms.
Germans weren't pussies that had to hide their faces.
Germans didn't fuck goats.
What the fuck will western women do if western men decide that islam doesnt sound so bad after all
>I can have my own harem?
>I can hit my wife if she doesnt cook me food?
>And I get to stone women that are suspected of cheating
I mean, women are the ones that want multiculturalism the most. Too bad it wont look like they hoped for.
Arabs are white though
lol nice
I can't
Can someone explain to me honestly how ever race is allowed it's own ISIS except white people, which liberals seem to despise?
Yet the Catholic church was side with Hitler the Pope be showing seig hails all the time
White is synonymous with European blood, of which they are not
Hitler said they were descendents of the Aryans , Am I right?
But the ancient Aryans would have been the Germanic pagan people that migrated from the Caucasus .
I don't know if I'm mixing things up.
There are a lot of white ISIS fighters from bosnia and chechenya and autistic german convertites
European blood is very hard to define.
It's like your negleting hard mixing during centuries.
Arabs are brown
White = European or European descent.
The Fendippitous Eggmen are returning soon.
All Europeans are considered white. Even though some Greeks and Italians are brown as Arabs.
That makes no sense.
Syrians are at least as white as Italians
Yet they have whites on they're ranks.
Same way Hitler had battalions of Arabs .
Full Nationalism with religion above all.
We just don't know Hitler religion..
Ok you can argue he was Atheist.
ISIS don't believe in Führer, Volk und Vaterland.
Also they're kike pawns.
>enlisted mens' belt contained the inscription "Gott mit uns"
They don't care about the white race at all.
You consider pic related white ?
Because he looks white as any Syrian .
Ok so he was not Atheist we are getting somewere.
But he was religious because he believed in God , the thing is that I don't know what God is that , is it the Christian God ?
Nazi Germany was one of the best countries to live in before the war, unless you were a dirty commie or Jew.
And Islamic State would be shit for way more people
Being European automatically makes him white.
Who are the darkest Europeans btw?
Portuguese, Greeks or Italians?
There is nothing at all similar. What the fuck are you smoking.
No they are not. You wouldn't know what Syrians are like you dumb kiwi. They're pretty damn dark.
>inb4 posts a picture of Assad claiming all Syrians look like him
Because their book is the dumbest of all three. I don't understand how Muslims with secular education into Western Civilization would even put Greek writings anywhere near the Koran. It is just because the adherents to the religion are brainwashed, or lying and also are disowned by their families if they try to quit.
Well he is white as any Syrian
The darkest people in Europe ?
I don't even know how to reply this question .
I don't even condier myself white after that one , like we be the nogs of Europe .
'Nazi' Germany was a political and socio-economic party, which its only goal was to defend their racial and cultural identity. ISIS is a relegious and fanatical group that wants to dominate the world throught Islam. Maybe they both have some things in common, but if you are an 'open mind', why don't compare USA or UK to ISIS? Will you find something in common?
As if the Greeks were not also Imperialistic and did not practice violence .
Human history is based on war.
Trump is thesame by involving himself with groups from the middle-east that have nothing to do with his culture or social ideologies .
>kill people for ideology
>have distinct clothing
>don't try to find any arrangements other than killing people that looks and act different
>more killing
>loss of humanity in general
Because NSDAP was not created by neighbor country's collapsed regime's state security elites for sole purpose of rapid extraction and resale of resources? And Nazi Germany was a state run by germans, rather than glorified looting skirmish run by international assembly of mercenaries and idiots?
The american health care system can be very well compared to isis
It's all a mather of perspective .
You just described any regime, that ever existed, since the dawn of primates. Especially Israel
They are cavemen with AKs and C4.
Oh boy there's gonna be blood bath soon , more then it's already happening.
Islam denies cause and effect cos le magic sky daddy
And NatSoc is based on science.
Islam is also like communism race retarded / ignorant.
While NatSoc based on science acknowledges race and celebrates the maintenance of diversity and national heritage.
And nazis were cavemen with Sturmgewehr and Stielhandgranate.
Does anybody have a link to the map with refugee crimes in Germany with the police reports linked to each one?
Need it for redpill reasons
yeah no I'm not arguing with some fucking kike with an eternal victim complex
They use drones you know
Something on your sentence is appealing to some sort of ego fantasy , you are very wrong when you mention science not being compatible with Islam, that is a big mistake of yours.
And science itself had become a religion with many Gods
One is a collection of brown retards who were forced to read a badly-written book of bullshit based on the ideas of a mentally ill child molester from antiquity.
The others were Germans.
So the sun goes down into a swamp at night... as gay mohammad stated when asked?
What is science for you ?
Are you having any though about how could science easy annexed to a religion with the claim as God creation ?
You have scientology for example.
It is a western religion but you only mention what is convinient .
t. Abdul al-Germani
You're comparing an advanced nation with uneducated slobs who have read at most one book in their lives and said book is devoid of any intelligent thought.
Just google "Einzelfall XY". You are gonna find it. Im too lazy to actually search that for you now
The Hindu god of Chaos.
Nice try schlomo