Trump supporter gives Sanders earful over 'absurd' free college idea
The Fendippitous Eggmen are returning soon.
wow shes good
didn't realize bernie was a sexist. look at him try to mansplain
God damn, this is my least favorite conversation to have with liberals.
Gee, it's almost like there's something different about offering it for a country with a population of over 300,000,000 with necessary massive military obligations.
/leftypol/ here.
That wasn't a very interesting video. She seemed very self-important.
Sanders basically turned on the left's retarded identity politics after the election. He's still a bit of a cuck, but a great guy nonetheless. You're probably fighting the same fight.
It's not absurd. Literally every other country in the world, rich and poor, manages is.
Stop coming up with stupid arguments and just be a man and say what you really want to say, "fuck you, I got mine".
Sanders is a kike who simply wants more people to undergo post secondary indoctrination. American Universities are cancer. His support of tenure tells you all you need to know about his true motives.
Americans in general really, really, really don't like paying taxes. I'm not sure why, Canadians and other countries on the other hand generally see them as necessary.
It's funny, with all the crazy high deductibles and huge insurance premiums, it'd actually be cheaper for Americans to get a single payer healthcare system.
>with necessary massive military obligations.
you mean because we fuck with every country ever and have to protect ourselves from retaliation?
>niggers tongue my anus
>great guy
>Want people to starve to death waiting for bread
hmm makes me hmmmmm
I see what you mean. The whole college system in America is kinda absurd. But I also feel like a lot of professions in the future will require a higher education. The manufacturing jobs that are left will soon be gone. Trump won't be able to turn that around.
Sanders probably doesn't have any underlying motives. He's a bit of a naive idealist. He certainly isn't aiming at indoctrination. His political revolution was about getting Americans back in charge of their political system, so it would be kinda weird for him to suddenly invert the whole thing and demand the American population be politically indoctrinated by the elites.
That statement is basically a meme. Breadlines by themselves aren't a problem, they're great. Their necessity, on the other hand, is a massive problem. That's what he wanted to say.
>Americans in general really, really, really don't like paying taxes. I'm not sure why,
Because it's my money and taxation is theft
sanders true colors showed when he didnt do anything to fight back against the DNC who clearly conspired against him. Then he went and supported the person who cheaply undermined his chances at winning
>typical cuck
FreeCollegeCucks BTFO
>Complaining about someone else acting self-important
>/leftypol/ here
>bernie again pointing the finger at households with more than 100k/yr
This guy is a political thief.
Non starter until Sociology is removed. If Universities were just STEM academies, I'd be open to this. But they're little more than Marxist factories and Bernie is a Marxist who knows exactly what he's doing.
Furthermore training more people for jobs that require higher education won't actually create more of those jobs, it will only increase competition for the few of those jobs there are, driving down salaries for them in turn. It's no different from allowing hordes of migrants in to compete for low skill jobs- in fact it will turn more Americans off from these jobs further increasing the "need" for foreign workers.
Fuck Bernie.
>Americans in general really, really, really don't like paying taxes. I'm not sure why,
Because what I want, I will buy with what I have earned. I dont need to give someone else 100 dollars to get a 40 dollar service/item for "free", that is fucking retarded
>old ass bitch who probably paid nothing for college tries to attack Bernie with pure ideology
This is stupid.
>Because it's my money and taxation is theft
I thought it was because it's your money and YOU NEED IT NOW!
I wish college was free....until I graduate.
As resident of Vermont, I think you're a faggot and it's people like you and Bernie that are ruining this once great state.
>You're probably fighting the same fight.
You're fighting for equality that will never be equal enough. I'm fighting against YOU. Big difference.
Daily reminder that boomers paid almost nothing for college.
You can think that,
But Sanders is just Jew Socialist that wants shekels and to ruin western civilization where he can.
And he approves of rape.
We have free Elementary, Middle, and high school. But expanding to higher education is absurd?
Fuck off retard.
I kind of agree but Bernie's argument was pure retardation. He said only rich kids have the opportunity to go to college even though student loans exist.
Well why the fuck don't you just stay there you fucking moron?
probably walloon
On top of other countries being willing to pay higher taxes for better healthcare and free education, which historically rebellious anti-tax Americans will never agree to.
Just another retarded cuckservative
>But I also feel like a lot of professions in the future will require a higher education. The manufacturing jobs that are left will soon be gone. Trump won't be able to turn that around.
Not quite true. There's millions and millions of jobs that don't require a college education anymore than manufacturing does, but in many cases a college degree is required, or at least favored, in these positions because it's a convenient way to shed some applications and because of a hangover from the days when a college degree was impressive.
Also there's certainly barriers you can put up to existing manufacturers leaving the country: tariffs, subsidies, import controls, exit taxes. Collective bargaining also empowers employees to impose more stringent terms for terminating jobs in the event of plant closures, as would reforms to Chapter 11 bankruptcy so that employment contracts cannot be shed as easily. There's even the option of destroying the manufacturing capacity of other countries, either directly (obviously an act of war, so extremely unlikely) or through IP controls and harsh trade practices.
>Bernie is an idealist
As someone who liked Bernie, especially opposed to Hillary, it surprised me how naive so many of his young millennial fans were, even the educates ones. Bernie brought up a few times that "we have to be like Denmark", but Denmark is a small, fairly homogeneous country with strict immigration controls and a long and strong history of a cohesive civil society. The concept of "public health", so widely accepted for probably a century not just in Denmark but in Europe as a whole, is still not readily accepted in the US; many still consider health and medical care to be a private matter, and Obamacare hasn't really changed this, it's actually hardened the feelings of many who are believe healthcare should be private, either through your own money or through charity.
Higher education was never supposed to be as big of a thing in the labor market as it is today. People with "Physical Education" science degrees are beating out otherwise qualified candidates in unrelated fields that shouldn't require a college degree to do.
This is because we have so many wetbacks and blacks in the "Non-College" category and companies have found that the easiest way to not hire those retards is to make college a requirement.
Even the whole college problem comes down to having too much immigration and the black thug culture.
It's too late to turn back. We didn't make those decisions but we're stuck with them if we want to continue as a nation.
>"I do not believe that it is a right. And I do not believe that I should be expected to pay for not only my education and my children's, but somebody else's as well."
Trump voters in a nutshell
>/leftypol/ here.
Filthy walloon nigger
>Americans in general really, really, really don't like paying taxes.
Average middle class person already pays around a 50% tax rate when you add all of the various taxes up.
>It's funny, with all the crazy high deductibles and huge insurance premiums, it'd actually be cheaper for Americans to get a single payer healthcare system.
Nope. Health care is only cheap in other countries that leech off America's health system. The USA does about 75% of all health R&D and other countries keep lax IP laws so they can steal it like the godless commies they are.
So Bernie wanted us to be 90+% white with closed borders?
Really softens the noodle.
Taxes are necessary. But we should be trying to pay as little as possible to keep government from being powerful enough to fund things that aren't infrastructure and war.
There's nothing different about it, we waste about 50 billion on tax breaks to the rich, we could just as easily use this 50billion to subsidize education.
Bottom line is, you either believe people should be educated or you think only the wealthy 'deserve' an education. We had good public colleges/universities before the 80s, before college prices inflated thanks to Ronald Reagan.
You're essentially arguing do nothing, if we do nothing we are commiting our nation to trillions more in national debt. IF we subsidize education, we cut the national debt because ((())) on Wallstreet won't be making billions off dumbasses such as yourself who think "muh loans" and "let me pay twice for things I already paid for cuz muh socialism otherwise"
People that don't live in America don't realize the (((opportunities))) given to lower income or minority households.
Its a meme that lower income people cant afford to go to college.
My wife is currently $35k in debt because her dad made $80k a year so she couldnt receive any financial help or relieve.
Fast forward to her minority coworkers.
None of them have half the debt she does.
She went to satellite campuses of major universities.
It couldnt have been done cheaper.
My wife is white.
Dumbest post in days i've read here
that woman is pretty much the reason why Trump won. She doesn't have a fucking clue how any other position works besides her own entrenched beliefs.
>"Why should I pay for some elses education and my own childrens?"
You wouldn't be. It would be a tax on the rich. It would be a relief on you because you would not be paying either. You wouldn't be paying for your child's college education anymore. That's thousands in relief right there.
Her response to that everyone has the "opportunity" for a college education equality is just as entrenched. They don't. That's the fucking point. If you can't afford it, you don't have the opportunity. Flat out. That's like saying everyone has the opportunity to take a year long vacation in Hawaii.
By her first statement she's already tuned out whatever Sanders has to say. The man is too fucking good for this country. He spent his entire adult life trying to better the lives of people like her and she's too stupid to understand it.
>We had good public colleges/universities before the 80s, before college prices inflated thanks to Ronald Reagan.
Haha holy fuck
We are arguing maybe part of the reason prices for colleges have risen so much is because getting a trade is now looked down on.
Maybe if the government didn't offer loans to literally everyone not as many people would go to college.
Not as many people would drop out after a year of partying.
Less supply of people means less demand for schools which will drive down prices.
Everyone should be required to pay for someones optional post K-12 education
>"Free healthcare and education are asburd communist ideas that does not have a place in a free world"
Only in America, the rest of the world thinks you're retarded.
They won't understand.
A large percentage of Sup Forums has the attitude of that woman, mixed with the isolated burn outs in high school that came from broken homes. They don't understand why spending money on others to the betterment of all is a good thing because they were never hugged as a child.
It's not everyone, buddy. We all know you don't have a job.
Saying that everyone doesnt have the oppertunity to go to college in America is idiotic.
If you're smart there are scholarships.
If you're minority there are scholarships.
If you're a smart minority they essentially print money and give it to you to go to school with for living expenses.
>Implying you can better the dregs of Society that the Libshits have fostered into being an assured voting constituent
>even brazil can afford free college
americans are so cucked.
it's cheaper than prisons, friend
mmm, yeah, well I guess I can tell you're not either of those since you can't spell!
Is it?
All of these memes about "free" college never seem to mention the unprecedented tax increases that would be sure to follow.
Sure think skippy, just keep buying our shit at absorbent prices and stay in your kiddie pool.
Newest batch of B-grade video cards will be over in a few months.
"College is a right"
UK doesn't. We just have a better loan system and mandate maximum course fees.
it would reinstate regulation over public universities. It's not stated in the clip, but Sanders is only talking about public colleges. Included in "everyone gets free college" is the mention that it also means community college.
He's not advocating paying to blow 30k a semester at harvard.
Also, it would be a tax on wall street trades to damper the kind of trading that lead to the last crash. It would make it economically unfeasible to have microtransactions.
So, yes, it would be cheaper and better and wouldn't burden 99.9% of the US population. It would be a relief from the burden we currently have
>says the country that has an incredibly fragile economy that's on the brink of collapsing
uhm no its not, its booming atm.
>Its a meme that lower income people cant afford to go to college.
>My wife is currently $35k in debt because her dad made $80k a year so she couldnt receive any financial help or relieve.
This is another thing that's destroying the middle class in this country. Colleges see that an applicant has a middle class background, and barely give them anything in scholarships. This wouldn't be quite as concerning if the cost of college hadn't ballooned and if a college degree was still the ticket to a decent and stable job that it was 30 years ago. So middle class kids, especially white and Asians, are getting kicked down from middle class to lower middle class or worse because they have debt from school but also have less employment prospects. Meanwhile poor kids, especially black or Hispanic ones, get full rides or other big scholarships, and in many cases struggle as the college environment is a major adjustment for them.
It's nice to help the poorest members of society, but it's not a great thing when you end up kicking down other people just because their parents made more money.
>absorbent prices
>Only wall street will pay for this!!
>Implying an increase in already sky-high tax rates for the middle class just so that Jamal can go to Community College to learn about African American studies will be a "relief of burden" for the middle class
Really nudges my noodle
>shit colleges with bad infrastructure
>teachers on strike half of the time
>any decent major have insane competition for the few spots available
>major traces of marxism ideologies on it
nice meme
It's gonna suck up all of your money!
>Trump supporter gives Sanders earful over 'absurd' free college idea
First, it's absurd for anyone to call college "free" unless they are severely retarded. And the fact that she doesn't want her taxes to pay for anyone else's education - like she can pick and choose - shows how little she knows about budgets. I don't want my taxes to pay for $25 billion in fraud waste and abuse by the Pentagon, but most of us are smart enough to know it's not an al la carte system,
Second, I get that these kind of stingy people are insanely greedy and miserly, but they apparently lack the education to understand the positive economic impact of having more college graduates available in the labor pool. The most well proven example of this is the impact of GI Bill in the 1960s.
Corporatists will mislead you that there's too many college graduates now, but that's because they are pushing the corporate agenda to keep wages low. In reality, corporations have hired tens of millions of H1B visa college graduates from foreign countries. Trump has hired several thousand himself.
The insidious part is that corporations trick you into believing lettuce-picking Mexicans are stealing your jobs, when really it is them farming out your high-paying jobs to China, India and Brasil.
In economics, technology and education are the two factors that push the production possibilities curve to the right. You can produce more GDP with more college graduates
>STEM major
>teachers never on strike even when everything else stops
>competition is reasonable
>no debt
Maybe you shouldn't have picked liberal arts?
If the government wasn't absolute shit at educating kids at the K-12 level, we wouldn't have this problem in the first place. Why don't you stupid nigger liberal faggots fix that gigantic mess before you create another one of even more dire proportions.
Liberalism is a mental disorder.
I still don't understand why can't Americans do many things but there is something going on.
Ever since ~20's, Americans tried to reform their math education and it always went in the worst way possible into further dumbing down the subject. The world has known many successful programmes meant to make math education better/more effective but it doesn't stick in the US.
Same goes for let's say healthcare - numerous nations can do it right with the only issue being queues, while in the US you get Obongocare which is complete disaster. I'll just point something out - before obamacare Americans paid twice as much per capita for their healthcare as Brits or Canadians did, with much worse results in everything but hospital mortality rate(likely because really bad cases couldn't afford it) and availability(meaning no queues). Then obongocare came and they pay even more while the quality either deteriorated or didn't change at all.
It's like your entire elites and administration workers are inherently incompetent.
This makes me believe that any college reform that somebody would enact would only end up in college kids going into bigger loans for whatever reason.
>canadians see taxes as necessary
>makes a smug, absurdly reductionist statement about the changing-of-the-guard post WWII
>sums up half a century of complex geopolitics as "fucking with other people"
wew lad
>Second, I get that these kind of stingy people are insanely greedy and miserly, but they apparently lack the education to understand the positive economic impact of having more college graduates available in the labor pool
Sounds like you just got scammed by communists, tbqh.
For now maybe. Within a decade your economy will collapse. Screencap this post if you don't believe it.
Why do "news" organizations use quotations in article titles to "secretly" say what biased shit they want to about the subject?
>penalising successful people
>strawman successful people with marxist terminology and labels that claim they are bad people
I don't understand the left. They'll spit in your face for doing well and tell you that you earned their ire.
This country is shit. I'm moving to Denmark.
*insert self identifier* here
Cut that shit out or fuck off
I actually agree that Sanders is a good guy that genuinely wants to help people, I just think that he's wrong about the way he wants to do it.
Same with non-crazy leftists. They generally do want people better off, but their methods are ridiculous.
Giving free tuition to as many people as these campuses can hold will only lead to the devaluing of a college education and have people going to school 17 years of their lives instead of 13 to get the same results. The argument is that a 'bachelors degree is today what a high school diploma was 30(?) years ago'. Well if you introduce more of those, having a degree means less and less with each one. You know why Master's degrees matter? Because not that many people have them. If everyone starts to get Bachelor's degrees, then none of them will have any value at all and the people who couldn't afford to go to college, even free college, are brought FURTHER down than they originally were.
Because even if tuition is free, college still costs money and time, and the poorest people need that time.
Except that debt burden restricts opportunities. You are basically buying opportunity now at the expense of future opportunity.
If debt just expanded everyone's opportunity why not just go crazy with debt?
Well to an extent some people do and it blows up in their face in the future and then they lose everything.
Because they get scammed by their big pharma and health industry.
In any normal country the government runs the whole healthcare scheme and that's it. In the USA they have to make these weird compromises so that the lobbyists still get their cut.
Kek. Delusional Marxists! crawl back into a hole please.
the 'free college' term is not something she made up, it's the way bernie supporters and many others refer to it even though everybody knows it means it's paid with taxes, everybody but you, retard
>Sounds like you just got scammed by communists, tbqh.
If you're talking about that marxism conspiracy theory, that's sheer ignorance, too. There's literally no actual communists anywhere in the world.
If you have long-term payments but you NEED CASH NOW!
This is a bad thing why?
>You're probably fighting the same fight.
Love how the American people will so hotly defend possibly the biggest shitshow of a university system in the world, just because it's what they currently have.
Because not paying taxes is how this country was founded
Higher education here was valued higher before tuition was introduced.
The problem with the market argument and putting the funding in the hands of the students, which is what student tuition does, is that it means the Universities have to market to the students therefore lower the quality, make things easier to get people in so the university gets the money. If it is too harder students will not be putting funding into the university and go elsewhere where it is easier.
If the student does not fund the University then the University itself can select students based on their ability. They are already funded either by government or private sponsor they don't have to cater to students to the same extent, they can freely select students, they are the ones in control.
>the 'free college' term is not something she made up,
I don't doubt that, but she's still wrong and she apparently doesn't have the cognitive ability to know why.
>everybody knows it means it's paid with taxes
Then she's a deliberate retard. Thanks for clearing that up.
>everybody but you, retard
If you were a lot smarter, you'd know that I'm the one who already knew it wasn't "free" college.
I'm talking about the fact that a solid-sized chunk of available majors in the US will not, in fact, provide you with a well-paying career or boost the economy. Why should liberal arts or gender studies or Ancient Greek students be subsidized by the taxpayers when they contribute to absolutely nothing at fucking all?
Do you mean as in quality of education or the overall payment system?
Because I agree that the quality of education leaves some dumber than they originally are, and the payment and debt problems with universities are also an issue.
However free tuition is not the solution.
Except the question in the video said "free college tuition" not "free college". If only she knew the difference.
Asians are constantly called white and are discriminated against even more than whites, asian doctors need better grades than even whites unlike other minorities.
East Asians are also generally based. Countries are poor so still rife with "peasants," but I'm always impressed with Asian immigrants.
My research lab is filled with expats or exchange students, and they work so damn hard and learn concepts even when they can barely speak English. Remind me of my grandparents and prents coming here on a boat and having to adjust and learn everything new without freebies.
>you mean because we fuck with every country ever and have to protect ourselves from retaliation?
No country could ever defeat the United States except ourselves. We have massive military obligations because we took on a role as world peace enforcers, which is stupid. I do think we need to fucking disband the CIA
>we waste about 50 billion on tax breaks to the rich
What did he mean by this?
How do you "waste money" on tax breaks?