>tfw Ireland and France are the last bastion of the white european race
Feels good man.
>tfw Ireland and France are the last bastion of the white european race
Feels good man.
You do realise the french births are more than likley niggers or mudslimes right?
>Algerians breed like crazy
>this is a good thing
It probably help boost the numbers but we still have a pretty good birth policy, and I know a lot of white families with 4+ kids (including mine).
That not true Obongo
only 50 000 muslim? Based Ireland.
>20millions of Afro-maghrebians giving birth is great.
Yay last bastion of Europeans ! More likely the first European country to go full civil war mode in less than 10 years.
>mfw this map is BS cuz here every family has at least 2 kids
Francois pls kys
Our increased fertility is a direct result of mass immigration.
It's realistically somthing like
1.4 Swedes
2.4 Immigrants
who gives a shit lmao
>only 2 kids
That's a problem. It's 3-4 kids per family here.
Learn French Pedro, it has nothing to do with muslim and nigger children.
>literally 1% of the population to Britain's 4%
Thanks, that cherrypicked image really disproved the data
wow it's nothing
Your population is tiny compared to ours and at the rate muslims and niggers breed your time will soon be over.
I'm French too man, and 65 percent of non-european in Ile-de-France means there's no way back unless a giant remigration.
Do you not understand how percentages work?
>the rate muslims and niggers breed
which is the same as ours
What's so funny?
Kek seems like every Spanish posting here isnt actually Spanish.
Youre right,65 is way too much, but this also includes Greeks and Portuguese people right?
They are a pretty big minority
its still bad though
No you aren't. And learn French your shit graphic is full of shit. This disease affect white people too
French white women have an average 1,8 fertility rate.
It's actually either more like 0 versus 3 or 4+.
Dear lord... How did we get this fucking far without being aware of the consequences... how did we let this happen ?
I feel like every european nation needs to address this issue and displace all of the non-european out before the bomb explodes.
No. it's >2.00
green part = high fertily rate. Region full of white people have a good fertily.
la drépanocytose est une maladie qui ne concerne quasi-exclulivement que les populations estra-européennes...
That false. (and you are not French)
Ça se passe bien Rachid ? This disease is specifically tested on Extra European origin newborns. They're trying to pass it so they'd test it on every single
It's the only way to make an ethnic statistic since they're forbidden in Frônce.
m8 Britain loves Pakis who are all Muslim. They all come here because muh empire muh commonwealth so it's kinda different to the rest of Europe.
>specifically tested on Extra European origin newborns
But that not fucking true you dumbfuck.
In Corsica, 35% of the new born are tested, does that mean 35% of Corsician new born are shitskins?
>wow it's nothing
A 1250% muslim population increase in 20 years, hardly nothing. That's how it starts.
And a 3% decrease in the 5 years since
Ireland gave birth to this thing
Thanks America and social media
But I've never met a white Frenchman