VIDEO: Bald white man 'accidentally shot and killed black friend' while streaming live on Facebook

"There you go," Leannais says in the video. "Now it's not loaded."



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wow baldlets are the worst. has anyone ever noticed that baldlets are either criminals, biker thugs, or turbo autists? They are literally subhumans.

Tfw the latter is me.

The media makes it so hard for me to support freedom of speech.


doesnt even show the actual shooting, fuck off

>bullet in the chamber
every time


Why is the bald part so important?

He can't keep getting away with this

We dont have guns in britain so i cant say im an expert. But isnt just a simple matter of counting the bullets as they go in and counting as they leave. I honestly dont know how you make such a mistake.

hey rabbi

Ha! You're so cute

The chamber had one loaded into it so it doesn't matter if you remove the magazine a bullet is loaded into the chamber and will still fire if the safety is off. Or so I'm guessing, don't you have to pull the slide back to empty the loaded bullet? /k/ is going to go mad at my post.

Should treat a gun like it's loaded no mater what, lack of respect of a firearm get people killed. Fucking thing isn't a toy, you don't play with it

Rule 1: treat all guns as if they are loaded, even if you know they aren't.

Now kiss.

We grew up with guns obviously

As a bald, white guy, I resemble this remark.

Who cares, Nigger is death. Everything fine in my book

No thats stupid. You remove the magazine, pull back the slide, catch the bullet, then ease the slide back into place while visibly verifying the chamber is empty.


Oh so I was right, and yes a respect of guns is common sense.

This seems like a design oversight. Why should you be able to shoot a loaded bullet with the magazine removed? It gives you a false sense of security and something like this was bound to happen.

Just think, if that guy that was putting it in his mouth would of pulled the trigger, the black guy would still be alive

you'd think so, but my experience is most people who werent raised in a "gun" household dont know shit. Ive tried to teach friends to shoot and ended up treating them just like my dad treated me when I was 6 and learning.

Look how pretty they are and how they work, it's quite interesting, think I shall start reading about them now.

so you can have a +1 bullet.

It's done on purpose. Gun design is one of the most intentional things that get created.

I don't own a gun or know much about them and even I know there's still a bullet in the chamber once you remove the magazine
it's common sense

kek burgers cant do simple maths, you take out clip put 10 bullets in fire gun 10 times how many bullets you have left

a = 0
b = can't count so must be loaded


Do you not have to do any kind of basic gun training in order to get a gun from a shop or obtain a licence/permit? A simple cleaning courses/basic safety etc?

its like guns are dangerous or something, who would have thought?

implying he is a skinhead and that this is racially motivated.

you're fucking retarded, holy shit nogunz are the biggest faggots

no. we aren't faggots.

Sure, but I'd still expect the safety to automatically engage when the magazine is pulled, so you don't accidentally shoot when you're reloading.

Nope, there is a cool down period on handguns though.


Not if you have your CC licence. I could go today, buy one, and walk with it in AZ.

I always said that was rule 0 when teaching gun safety to friends/relatives

Because its not a "real" rule, but its also the single most important rule to keep uneducated people from hurting others or themselves

As long as you know that rule, you can forget everything else and still be safe

The guy cycled the slide and removed the bullet from the chamber.

its called freedom bong. My country respects my right to defend myself effectively, and so I have the ability to purchase the means to do so without jumping through hoops. All you need is a clean criminal record and to be 18.

There is no "gun owning permit", but there is a permit required in some states if you want to carry concealed. That requires taking a class and a little bit of training. If you want to own a gun and keep it in your home for defense/target shooting/as a masturbatory aid you are free to do so and the government can't say shit

Alcohol and guns never mix.

There needs to be a new law that makes it mandatory for gun manufacturers to incorporate built-in breathalyzers into the grips of pistols that you have to blow on in order to unlock the firing mechanism.

Something must have happened after the idiot put it in his mouth. Baldlet clearly takes the magazine out, racks the slide twice, and dry fires. It seems like it was unloaded

I was screaming at the screen as they were saying it's unloaded and showing the magazine



Then don't complain about "common sense" and having to teach people how to use guns when you offer no basic training in how to handle one as being a requirement to owning one. You preach about responsibility, some people are not responsible, you can't just have muh freedoms without consequence. Idiocy is a consequence and you're seeing it. Don't complain about it because you want it, you want the idiocy.

Obviously he didn't do it enough times because the gun was loaded. Derp derp.

>The chamber had one loaded into it so it doesn't matter if you remove the magazine a bullet is loaded into the chamber and will still fire if the safety is off. Or so I'm guessing, don't you have to pull the slide back to empty the loaded bullet? /k/ is going to go mad at my post.

This is correct.

People are fucking morons and this is how people get shot constantly. I remember one guy on /k/ got was at a range when some guy's gf tried unloading a gun by taking out the mag, pointing it sideways, and pulling the trigger, which then proceeded to shoot through the barrier separating them into user's fucking face.

>This seems like a design oversight. Why should you be able to shoot a loaded bullet with the magazine removed? It gives you a false sense of security and something like this was bound to happen.

You may need to take a shot quickly when reloading. Magazine disconnects mean your gun is useless while you're fumbling around trying to change magazines.

Common sense dictates you simply check whether the chamber is loaded or not.

Some guns/ and mfgs do have such a feauture, it's called a magazine disconnect spring. Browning High Powers are a great example

There needs to be more happy accidents like this.

I could watch this for a very long time

D-did he died?

What are the barriers made of, anyway? Is it just plywood?

That's called a magazine disconnect; it's not a feature on every weapon, and it's debated if it's even a good thing. Mostly it makes the weapon more mechanically complicated (i.e. more shit to go wrong), adds cost, and doesn't grant any safety that observing the rules of firearms safety doesn't already provide.

Also if you're in a gun fight you could conceivably need to shoot at something mid-magswap.

Hope he goes to jail for a very long time. This should also be tried as a hate crime.

I hate the media so much it hurts.
I would honestly execute each and every person working at CNN, MSMBC, and most people at FOX given the opportunity, all the way down to the janitors that clean those faggots piss and shit.

trust me, never assume it's unloaded.


so I watched 1:42 of a movie clip just for nothing you dirty faggot. Also why the fuck do these ppl act like 12 yo

>you could conceivably need to shoot at something mid-magswap.
Who the fuck swaps magazines that are still loaded?

>down to the janitors
You're an asshole. The janitor probably votes the way you do.

>Do you not have to do any kind of basic gun training in order to get a gun
In Illinois you do. You have to take classes and get a permit. You also can't own a handgun until 21. This state sucks ass.

Shit guys, the proof is out there now, the liberals will know that it's GUNS THEMSELVES that are racist.

>trust me

Not even once, Shekelstein. Nice try.

He didn't die. It was a .22 if I remember correctly. Floored him instantly and he said it felt like getting punched in the face by an NFL linebacker suddenly out of the blue. He got up and walked to the front desk bleeding profusely. Still has fragments in his sinuses.

Just kill yourself

>Some guns/ and mfgs do have such a feauture, it's called a magazine disconnect spring. Browning High Powers are a great example

And to add, one of the big reasons they don't add this feature on a lot of guns is because you still want to be able to fire your gun if for some reason the mag is out, and that the disconnect safety can fuck up the trigger pull quite badly.

Although there are other things affecting this, a good example of what a magazine safety disconnect does to a trigger is to compare a 1911's crisp, light trigger to the abomination that is the Hi-Power's trigger.

is it best to get it all shaved off, or go for the Benjamin Franklin, balding mullet?

people always say to just shave it off, but it makes you look mental if you haven't got a 10/10 face.

Don't care, they get money from the company, they die.

People that compulsively reload in FPS.

>fire 2 rounds

>fire 2 rounds

Did they pay his medical expenses or anything? I wish you hadn't told me this story. Now I'll never be comfortable at a gun range again until I ask them what their dividers are made of.

Do the Jason statham 5 o'clock and short mullet

Whatever edgelord. Pop that pantera album back in and shut up.

sounds like somebody missed tea time. Guns are dangerous and people are stupid, but they are the great equalizer. idiots darwining themselves is the price we pay.

capcha was tea

If you're in a shootout and in cover and your mag is almost empty, changing it for a full one would be prudent.

That is what dumb fuck skins head do, Nazi suck nigger dick the best.

>Stanford (black guy) ran out the door after he was shot.


ctrl+f clip
>2 of 2
>one is about the video

Wow, only one faggot in the thread so far... that's a pretty big improvement.

I would be more concerned if I accidently hit the mag release and then was unable to at least fire the round I had in the chamber.

It's a terrible design to have the firing mechanism in a firearm dependent on he magazine being fully and perfectly seated in the gun.

Its more difficult to clear a gun when the bullets haven't been fired. If the bullet is still in the casing its larger and has more of a chance not to clear.

>badmouthing Pantera
Watch it Chrissy.

>didnt do it enough times

>Did they pay his medical expenses or anything? I wish you hadn't told me this story. Now I'll never be comfortable at a gun range again until I ask them what their dividers are made of.

IIrc they were white trash and he didn't get shit. He says that if he goes to a gun range and sees any women there he just leaves immediately.

Black ethno-state when?

If you are in a shootout and your first mag isn't enough to take care of business, I hate to break it to are going to die

>He says that if he goes to a gun range and sees any women there he just leaves immediately.

This, kek


IF nothing else, this is going to make me way more mindful of the people on the range than I have been previously.

Do you want the gun to wipe your ass for you too? Holy fuck what a moron, I forgot though its the guns that kill people not the idiots like you using them.

you didn't mention the fact that we baldlets work to further bald interests together
the ultimate red pill is realizing that baldlets have no loyalty to the country, only each other
behind every jewish conspiracy is a baldlet

wtf he's bald lmao must be a neo nazi racist hate crime!


lol why not go back to africa.

>also why the fuck do these ppl act like 12 yo
I just assume that's how all American't citizens are.

How do i catch the bullet with my teeth if i haven't remembered to put tunng on?

am I right in saying that racking will unload the bullet? Because if so... how?

...Stephan Molyneux?
Guy got hench

I fucking love the cycle of operation in every weapon, even the shitty ones. I've always wanted to learn how to get into gunsmithing but I'm too poor to go anywhere outside of my town and we have nothing close.

>didnt cycle the slide enough times
Kek. You really shouldnt be so condescending ahout things you obviously know nothing about.
Maybe the bullet jammed when he cycled the slide, i find that hard to believe though. The slide would likely have jammed and plus it would be pretty fuckin obvious if you cycled it and a bullet didnt pop out. Im guessing the clip got put back into the gun and the gun was cocked again by someone after the video ended.

Maybe someone put the mag back in, and they "checked" it again to make sure it was unloaded but actually just pulled a round from the magazine.
