How do I respond to this?
How do I respond to this?
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The Fendippitous Eggmen are returning soon.
Thr Fendippitous Eggmen are returning soon.
Yes, thank you, I will tell my friend this.
>Hacked into our government...
Wtf does that even mean
>Putin owns the largest oil company in Russia
Ho ho ho ho it's the other way around
This shitty meme is getting out of hand.
Bring up all the favors Hillary Clinton has done for Russia. Get rid of any moral highground they think they have. I provide you some links but I am posting from my phone.
He'll settle down soon, see
>hacked into out government to get trump elected
That shit reads like a bad made for tv movie.
Russia owns the largest oil reserve in Putin?
>largest oil company
which one exactly? Gazprom doesn't belong to him.
Yeah I guess its way more ethical to keep buying from the Saudis
If they hacked into our government to elect Trump then they already into Obama...
>Russia hacked our govt. to get Trump elected
That's... not how elections work.
>How do we more oil?
>hack the government, duh!
>lel only dumb right wingers believe in stupid conspiracy theories
>putin definitely rigged the election and probably wants to invade finland xD
there should be an aptitude test before anyone is allowed to go online
This is a fake news conspiracy theory islamophobic racist gender-denying hoax.
How to reply? Take one for the team and literally beat that braindead asshole to within an inch of their lives.
No, seriously, this is my stock explanation to anyone with a shit opinion i have any reason to disagree with but lack the time and compassion to debate. The feminists at my uni actually stopped talking for a moment to process what I said after they tried going on a rant after I repeated myself a second time. Just keep saying it until they drop the topic.
Yeah, just point out that Russia has a decent Islamic presence in the nation and that it's just more Western Islamophobia.
Strangle them on their own buzzwords.
>mfw now that we've memed Trump into presidency we've become the enstablishment.
How do we deal with this? Normally, we would just have to kill ourselves now that our goal has been accomplished.
>Obama put sanctions in place that stopped that deal
Why'd he do that?
Seems a bit like an abuse of power t b h
>Russia hacked into our gov't
Wrong. DNC leaks were an insider. Their only 'propaganda' was real, true DNC/Podesta emails detailing their crimes & what they really think of the average person.
>Mitch McConnell refused to tell..
He refused to spout a baseless conspiracy theory. That's not a accurate definition of blackmail.
CIA has not released an official state. They met behind closed doors with a few senators & still were unable to reach a conclusion.
One person or a group of people within the CIA released their opinion to the media, not the combined census of everyone at the CIA.
Then the media and SJW keyboard warriors further manufacture this blatant lie out of vague, unofficial statements.
Then the FBI comes out with an OFFICIAL statement calling bullshit.
The CIA 'assessment' works with the russian buzzword shit.
Also, his wife's pick into the cabinet was for the TRANSPORTATION dept. No real power, yet defangs McConnell. He can't fuck up Trump's shit without fucking over his own wife. Its a very 4d chess move.
Rex is eh. I like and i dont like things about him. But there is a fundamental difference between
>Trump having them in his pockets
>Them having Clinton in their pockets.
You guys would be having a field day if Hillary had won and picked an oil company CEO for her cabinet, much less SoS. Trump is apparently eliminating corporate lobbying by cutting out the middleman and putting corporations directly in control of the government. Time to wake up lads!
I barely even know how computers work but even I know that:
>Russian then hacked into our government
Is balls to the walls retarded.
Same thing as 'hacked the election'
Fuck off shill.
Again, a fundamental difference between Trump employing these guys vs. These guys employing Clinton :^)
And do you know that everyone who agrees to be in Trump's cabinet is forced to sign an agreement that stops them from lobbying for 5 years & a lifetime ban for lobbying on behalf of a foreign gov't?
These things actively give corps more power. TTP needs no explaining.
EPA regulations suffocate small business. Big Business loves the monopoly this gives them. The fines from these reg's are slaps on the wrist.
And he's giving tax cuts so small business will have a bigger advantage.
Hard to say he's for the big corps when the policies he's pursuing have a real benefit for smalls companies. Again, they work for him. Not the other way around like Clinton.
i don't get it you fucking tards , seriously , just because it came from russia , doesn't mean that the value of the leaks drop
that doesn't change the fact that hillary is a fucking criminal
>hacked into our Government
just request clarification on that
there should be a leaf filter as well
for one, Seth Rich wasn't Russian.
second, i remember decades ago was a plan to build an oil pipeline from Russia to the USA via the Bering Strait. it's time to revisit that idea. Russia has more oil than Saudi Arabia. let me re-emphasize that for you...
could you Sup Forumsacks remind me again why we are supposed to be enemies with Russia? is it because they are capitalist now, and we are the new commies?
Uranium deal.
>DNC leaks were an insider
RIP Seth Rich
The US has more oil than Saudi Arabia. And Russia.
post your face when Russia hacks your government
>Russia then hacked into our government in order to get Trump elected?
What does this even mean? Did they hack our voting machines? Did they upload Hilldog's Identity into her firmware to make her the most corrupt and unfit candidate in U.S. history? Did they use wall hacks and aimbots? This claim is fucking retarded...also, where's the evidence?
>When the CIA told Congress this in September, Mitch McConnel refused to tell the American people.
Proof that this happened?
>Comey released the infamous no-information letter.
Is this referring to Hillary's e-mails? In which case, we don't know what information was found on them, so assuming they're connected with Trump and Russia is retarded.
This is all tin-foil hat-tier. A lot of claims with no evidence to back it up.
I'll give you this. Your stories are getting better. They are beginning to actually show signs of intelligence. They resemble something like swiss cheese now. Lots of little holes, rather than one giant one that resembles your gaping butthole.
Your buzzwords still give you away. Since you use them to cover up the places where the story falls apart and expect us just to nod and agree.
Your biggest mistake is assuming it' stupidity that has allowed you to win thus far. It isn't.
It was fear.
Because Putin is a magic man!
Paragraph 2 and onwards is irrelevant, hypothetical, doom-and-gloom drivel.
1. Russia didn't bamboozle those emails. The leaking began long ago in a galaxy far, far away.
2. American oil companies financing international oil operations is good for America, rofl #shiton
3. Is it fair to accuse him of blackmail if it's concerning the truth of the matter?
4. Clintons have used their positions to personally profit off US assets in trade deals - with Russia. It's a small world.
As for comey and the CIA... Comey told the truth based on the facts as they were. CIA didn't have substantial evidence, but followed orders anyway. But apparently, if you question a baseless accusation you're in bed with the accused. Durr
Today, the partisan politics continue. The CIA still won't put forth a factual statement, and they never will because their assessment is based on hypotheticals mixed with their own internal politics. Sad.
About this hacking bullshit. So far the allegations I've seen are about looking at files and shit, and not a single one about anything actually involved in altering the vote.
Want hacking? Look what the Clinton campaign and the DNC did to Sanders early on, and then tried to blame Bernie's people and get his cutoff from DNC databases.
Typical Democrat strategy. Point at someone else and accuse them of doing something that they are actually doing, and pretend outrage.
He "owns" "gunvor". Regardless of your opinion on Navalny, try to watch this video.
"if our government could be so easily breached perhaps it needed to be replaced like this"
agitation of global super prowlers is in the interest of all who men
There wasn't even anything in the emails inb4 pizzagate that shit is /r9k/ tier
And now the best part
People who fought for your country in 1944 would pick up their Garands in a heartbeat if this shit happened in their day
You literally, and I mean actually, got cucked by Russia, BIG FUCKING TIME
MFW when they are trying to convince us that Russia hacked into Podesta's emails not realizing that they are simply telling us that we should thank Vladimir Putin for exposing to us how corrupt and evil Hillary Clinton and her people were. I wonder if they also believe Russia deleted Hillary's emails in order to convince us she did it herself and then tricked her into admitting it. The shilling never ceases to do absolutely nothing to my confidence.
if the cia had information in september they should have released it, I'm still waiting on more proof than "the russians did it"
Ask them if it's better that we elected a foreign corporate agenda (Saudi Arabia and Soros through Hillary) then an agenda with American interests (Exxon is an American company)
I like the mental gymnastics that a unsubstantiated claim made that a foreign government (i.e. Russia) some how "hacked" the election is 100% legit while there's plenty of evidence that side making the former claim has supported ballot stuffing and people voting illegitimately and that's somehow a non-existent non-pressing issue.