I'll start.
Post countries that shouldn't exist
Other urls found in this thread:
Another one.
And what would happen with the millions of Italians, Spaniards and Germans here?
Needs to be broken down into smaller pieces.
Other way around cuck.
There's no need for so many small shit countries when Russia could take care of them.
Second civil when?
I'm thinking we start with Chechnya, and the entire eastern half of Russia. It will be able to pry them from Russia's hand.
this x100000000000
our real flag is so much nicer too
forgot pic
What the hell is this anyway?
You need them for oil, bro
everything around Serbia except croatia romania hungary and bulgaria
Soon. I can feel it. The country is so fractured Balkanization is the natural course history is taking.
Very nice.
The only people living far east are a few hundred thousand mongoloid chukchi tribes who cant even into roads and cars. You're fucking retarded if you think Russia will give them up because A) its the most natural resource abundant land in the region and B) Chinese and Americans are going to make a dash for it instantaneously.
Keep in mind Russia doesn't even pay to maintain these regions, there are no taxes or development projects (at least not many). Its just free land where they get gold and oil and shit.
We got plenty.
Plus if we run out we can just rape and pillage the middle east again. no worries
The pathetic "country" of Argentina, which can't even seize a couple of shitty islands, only a few miles from its own coast, without being BLOWN THE FUCK OUT by a SUPERIOR race of WHITE, INTELLIGENT ANGLOS, coming from HALF WAY AROUND THE WORLD and STILL being able to beat your ass back to the stone age
Don't forget that gulag in winter is still better than your shithole of a country
>*Autistic screeching.
You mean this one?
>when Russia could take care of them.
russia can't even take care of russia
oh snap
I hate Argentina
Polish belong on gulag anyway.
Russia needs a gulag country for you.
Give west poland back to Germany first.
we all know the real French flag
Which is why we should just Annex them. They literally don't have a distinct culture outside of Hockey and saying 'eh' a lot.
Quebec can become it's own nation and we'll annex the rest and make Toronto a part of New York State to contain their leftie electorate.
Talk to the brits
Maybe if England actually backs the confederates this time
Not a country.
Stay buttmad, rightful clay
Who the fuck says that?
>being this new
No gas Toronto and make sure no one leaves. INVADE US PLEASE!!!
You mean Turkey? Germany doesn't exist anymore.
Give'em 5 years, they'll come back
Fuck off CIA faggot. Your piece of shit country deserves to be spread into pieces.
That country with the flag of this message
Give Falklands back to Britain.
Oh, wait, you can't because you don't own the Falklands and you never will.
That's the Argentinian flag.
>They literally don't have a distinct culture outside of Hockey and saying 'eh' a lot.
America literally doesn't have a culture outside of blacked.com and school shootings.
A thousand times this
Tell Juncker that his drunken ass should start fixing all the problems EU has or else his globalist union will fall
Uh, guys...?
fucking muzzie go back to your sandy shit hole
Then get the hell out of our sandy shit hole
You want the Jews to be spread out all over in other peoples countries sabotaging stuff up? At least in Israel they mind their own business and shoot terrorists.
not soon enough
Obviously we delete the jews along with their country
We don't even think about you.
>Only mentioned 64 posts in
Sup Forums is shit
Except the jews are still spread out even with Israel dumbfuck. They refuse to go back
>check flag
every fucking time
>check flag
>it's dutchfag
as expected
rude t b h
what did Kek mean by this??
Austria-Hungary when?
that you should never trust a russian
Miedzymorze against the bullies when?
>Annex them
how to make usa permablue the post
not very soon now that they elected a green islamig gommunist :(
wedged between two pagans, bad times for poor little hungary again
I hate Belgia so fucking much
I mean wtf
it's a criminal hellhole
ghettos everywhere
non existent government
split up
muslims everywhere
How to fix
>Vlandern goes to Germany
>Vallonia goes to France
>Brussels gets nukes
>Implying Belgium is a country
may i ask you a question?
But at least you were right about the colours
Not an argument
Gee I wonder who could be behind this post
he's islamig doo?
oy vey
They're not even a real country anyway