redpill me Sup Forums on meditation
Is this another jewish trick? I'm talking about non-religious meditation, not buddhist or some shit
redpill me Sup Forums on meditation
Is this another jewish trick? I'm talking about non-religious meditation, not buddhist or some shit
Why don't you just try it? Do 10-15 minutes a day for a couple of weeks, or more if you feel like it.
It doesn't require you to believe a goddamn thing in order to work.
rather than ask the board, lets have the board ask you.
what do you think of meditation, do you see any pros and cons with sitting there, and engaging your mind, body, and spirit using that little voice in your head that you can make anything out of?
improves brain function
lots of health benefits due to stress reduction
easy and free of charge
compatible with any belief system
most of the dudes who are kicking ass and taking names in life have some form of meditative practice
experiment and figure out what works for you
complete scientology-tier bullshit for low iq "spirituals"
>sitting down humming like an addict on psychedelics
This is possibly the best meditation guide in existence
It's basically "do this, and this happens." You're not required to buy or believe anything.
Cheap book too, considering how extensive it is. Best thing I ever did for myself.
I do breathing exercises everyday. I'm lazy so I only do 2 minutes. Some people do 30 minutes.
Feels good though. If I wasn't so lazy I would go full Wim Hof
Something that bothers me with all of this is:
it doesnt have an evolutionary science base.
Because how can something like this, which people dont do by default, have developed into something beneficial. It makes no sense.
I bet you faggots cannot explain through the angle of science, basically every piece of lore, except some end research of its effects, is tied to /x/ophile retardation.
I said non-religious nor spiritual, more like "mind exercise" rather than common definition of meditation
This book looks interesting. I try to meditate daily and ive only ever used like youtube training guides. This seems like a more in depth approach I might buy it thanks user.
What I linked up there is exactly that.
Basically what you do is close your eyes and focus on the feeling of your breath going in and out of your nose, while attempting to quell all thought and ignore other distractions like pain and discomfort. Makes your concentration crazy sharp, among other things.
People do do it naturally, It promotes order, rhythmic regularity and mental discipline as well as conserving energy whilst being completely alert.
It also provides a nice mental reference point away from the constant bombardment of information in the modern world.
Why would they do it though? Have you seen meditative behavior in the natural world? Your argument is weak, so much that its not actually an argument.
I dont even really feel like explaining the BASICS of biology to you. Do you even know how the hand developed? How the eye developed from what previous forms?
Well I do, because I am not a retard like you.
So knowing the very in depth evolutionary mechanics, I can see no trigger for this type of behavior to develop. Thus it seems that its not really a thing that is important.
Unless I see an actual evolutionary, biological link in your next reply, you should just kill yourself instead of wasting my time faget.
Not all evolutionary developments are consistent with being happy or content. The human brain is a busy place, constantly looking backwards for reference and information to plan for future needs. Needs that will ensure the creation of a safe environment to pass ones genes on to the next generation. But in our present technological reality not much mental energy needs to be expended to achieve this end. We have a lot of free time for our minds to dwell in painful memories or imagine positive or negative futures. It’s the mind’s way of trying to plan. But we got lost in all these endless thoughts and it can be paralyzing. Meditation is a tool to quiet the mind and give thoughts their proper space so that they can be evaluated as useful or true. It’s possible that people who practice this discipline of quieting the mind will be more successful and pass on their genetic material over those who do not. It’s also possible that it will make no difference. It all depends on how our environment/technology develops.
thats just grasping at straws with no data. You have no fucking evidence for anything like this.
There are no animals in the animal kingdom that meditate.
there is most likely no trigger for this kind of behavior to develop.
You know what else people do that is retarded and have no biological base? The niggers in africa put tiles in their lips. And they have the same arguments as you, only in different forms.
Why don't you see for yourself? What could be more scientific than that? You don't have to join a monastery and invest thousands of hours.
I could also use LSD and think that I am elevating myself. You cannot use things like that as evidence, MRI machines, data from large groups, meta analysis etc. is what constitutes scientific proof
Kill yourself.
The good news is that it does work. Usually it is best to sit in front of a lot candle and periodically look at it then close your eyes. Soon, the light will start to create what you will soon see images of things, maybe even memes, pop up, when you close your eyes and concentrate, any time, beyond just using the technique. Then, your dreams become more relevant and vivid. Then you eventually can start to slowly visualize with your eyes open.
Also, if you think to yourself, do it in your favorite language and eventually you can hear replications of sounds, or voicesome, for instance think about what a car horn sounds like and you can hear it, from memory.
Both of these things lead to more creativity. I can't fully conceptualize with my eyes open, but I am on hiatus, for a few years, but was consistent for years off and on. What this lull (me not meditating with the candle method, except for a brief stint last Summer, which i am still reaping the benefits of) my returning again to the original practice has done is stunt me in many of my research passions, because I lack the calm induced by more consistent meditation that allows me to handle deep truths, gained both from reflection, constantly probing my memories and also just reading scary stuff.
Point is it works, but it can feel like a chore, when left undone reduces the quality of life, which can cause depression when you lack the motivation, leading to less-productivity.
I need to go back. I have reached a good level, but can't progress the way I really need to, I am still progressing (no fap actually) and this appears to be flowering my crown Chakra, which has been the point.
You will find calm and revelations you didn't know you had, or were capable of, but will come to resent that you don't feel as well if you don't do it.
Basically 30 minutes at night, as much as you can handle. I felt scorned by the issues caused by doing, then not doing it.
>t. started the technique 11 years ago
Non religious meditation is the first step towards religion. Good luck op.
It's an ancient control mechanism might be ok if you don't follow gurus or advice. Meditate by taking walks in nature.
>Because how can something like this, which people dont do by default, have developed into something beneficial. It makes no sense.
The same goes for personal hygiene. Your point?
so to summarize
>has no evolutionary scientific basis
>drugs may trigger a similar response and may be have been used by shamans
>could be under huge placebo problems
>99% of the lore around is is backed up by pre-scientific era, mumbo jumbo that makes no sense and even collides with different sects and groups.
>most likely the paleo man did not meditate whatsoever since we cannot find evidence of this
>only 1% of the lore is tied to actual scientific research, but only on that of the effects, none of what is actually happening
So yea, I get to shit on all of you, as I would shit on homeopathy and other nonsense. And the scientific community would have to agree with me.
so fuck all of you, go kill yourselves.
Animals don't need meditation because they are not occupied with thoughts and are pretty much living in the moment . You could say the same with the older humans who were living simpler lives, but now when stress is at its highest and people are preoccupied with stuff meditation is completely normal as you need to let your brain rest otherwise, you know?
Also there Steiner said that if you are not a student of the occult/mysticism a high level one then it can be quite harmful. This is basically what goes on in the west whitewashed new age crap. Also your ego and thoughts are essential and shouldn't be suppressed.
Maybe if you meditated you wouldn't be such an angry little bitch baby. You asked, do your own research. I have nothing to prove to you.
koko the gorilla had an IQ of 83, so in some way he did have higher thoughts. How are you to judge him for not having them?
Because you cant, because we dont know the mechanism that enables this.
because its all unscientific garbage.
Kill yourself
>turn off all electronic devices
>go be by yourself where you're reasonably certain of not being disturbed
>set a timer for 10 minutes
>sit there and pretend you're paralyzed (locked-in) and only have your mind to interact with
>count to 100 breaths
>yes in a row
>make a note of how far you got
>come back and try some more the next day
I've never been able to do any of this consistently, but the few times I have done it it was like power washing a car caked in mud. I really did see immediate effects, yet not the effects that could make for consistent practice. But I keep on trying, which is part of the point.
Good luck.
Thats not how science works you little bitch. If you want us to do something, you should presence evidence for it.
and none of you have any, because you are all mongoloids and charlatans.
Meditation is the only thing that actually curing my depression.
>Also your ego and thoughts are essential and shouldn't be suppressed.
You haven't the faintest idea of what meditation is.
>sitting down and clearing your mind
>taking a moment to gather your thoughts
>a jewish trick
Not everything is a jewish trick you know
Yuri said its great for indoctrination.
Get a couple bluepill friends. Sit 'em down in a circle with some nice candles and meditate for an hour or so. Just when you think they're really getting into it, whisper "dead niggers, dead niggers" REALLY quietly and rise in volume for half an hour until it looks like they're about ready to come out. Then let them wake up and ask them what they want to do with the rest of the day.
What's hilarious is that you haven't the faintest idea of what it is that you're arguing against
>I only believe what ((science)) tells me
Psychology is Jewish pseudo-science, evolutionary biology is just self-gullible psychotics imagining what they think pre-history was like. Please child for the love of God take a brisk fucking walk and pull your head from your fucking colon.
You know what else "cures depression"? Pic related.
Any creature experiences stress, and higher creatures even something like depression if they lack things on this pyramid.
Next up is chemical imbalances and problems with health, like being obese, having low testosterone etc.
You know what fixed my problems in the long term? By lifting heavy weights and eating healthy. You know what therapists and professionals HAVE to recommend to patients so that they improve? Exactly what I have said.
The law requires them to say that sports, good nutrition, friends, family contacts, something to do, a roof over their heads etc. is what will make them better. Because the law tries to operate to truth as close as possible if it is permitted. And the truth is science.
>higher thoughts
>the same with constants
You don't understand what living in the moment means? Modern people need meditation because they are preoccupied with thoughts not that the their thoughts are higher. Let a tribesman live a month of the generic wagie and see how his cortisol will go up.
Lol you retards dont realize that because of your anti scientific ways, you will always remain on the fringes.
my word gets put into law, your word gets put into the local gathering of bored grannies.
Meditation isn't a Jewish trick in itself, but it is manipulated and subverted by Jews. When you meditate it is possible to tap into energies in the world that you're not usually aware of- the point of the Jewish subversion is to sort of tune your mind towards their energies and their entities, instead of wherever your mind naturally goes.
When/if you meditate, you should sort of be going in blind with no idea what you're doing or what you expect to happen. Theravada Buddhist monks, for example, will give you minimal instructions because they don't want your experience marred by preconceived expectations.
The guy in your picture is doing a Satanic hand gesture, which is common in a lot of modern instruction, but you won't ever see anything about those hand poses in any reliable esoteric sources, because that's a modern invention that is just part of the subtle ways that kikes manipulate your perception.
Your word dies with you just like everything else.
Maslow was the biggest cuck in all of psychology. Anyone who is under that umbrella of humanistic psychology should not be taken seriously.
lol kys
It's just what it says on the tin, so to speak. You practice letting go of thoughts, so you get better at it. Nothing more or less. It's much easier to let impulses and urges out of your mind after a few months of spending a little of each day practicing doing so.
This guy is so mad lol bro... maybe you should try meditation you wouldn't be such a rage cuck
he explains it
>When/if you meditate, you should sort of be going in blind with no idea what you're doing or what you expect to happen. Theravada Buddhist monks, for example, will give you minimal instructions because they don't want your experience marred by preconceived expectations
I you get what you expect from meditation, you are not meditating, you are merely suggesting yourself.
Kek seems to unironically like your post.
Find peace ragebro. God bless.
>I'm right because I say the (((state))) says I am right
If you're not into meditation then leave.
Surely as a master biologist you realize that there are thousands of balancing forces in a body and in a society. If any process is too active or too inactive, then it would do damage and there is a biological incentive for it to return to a healthy, balanced state.
Exactly and my theory is that the kikes take advantage of that principal and try to feed you specific suggestions to influence your life.
>bunch of cucks cant handle the bantz, they cant even provide evidence in the glorious routine of scientific shitposting
>muh anger
>not realizing that anger actually has a valid and easily recognizable evolutionary basis, as it serves a good purpose
I am probably even more healthy than most of you cucks who cannot let loose such a glorious emotion, since all you guys do is faggotly sit, while I do loads of sports lol
speaking of sports...
Your argument is that all beneficiary human behavior has to have evolutionary and natural precedence and yet you provide zero basis for that claim when a substantial amount of our behavior, maybe even most of it, isn't reliant on evolution or behavior of other inferior animals in nature.
In fact, all you've been doing is call others retards over and over again because you're an aspie biology major with an inferiority complex, which tells much more than the obvious lack of basis for your posts.
Lol Autism.
lmao poor lad
Buddha showed the ways of Meditation 2500bc , well before the jews controlled everything.
Meditation is redpill
The Western Protestent work ethic was instilled in us by Jews so we can be their slaves.
This causes much anxiety and unhappiness.
When you slow down, focus your breathing, putyourself in a kind of trance, and you feel buzzing all around your feel your heartbeat, you 'contemplate your naval' and there is never a better feeling of euphoria/contentment and universality. The 'You' goes away and so does all of your problems, concerns, people that have offended you, all the things you've done wrong seem not to matter and it's possible to find peace.
You can do this anyway. It is a true redpill. You don't need a guru.
It's the opposite. You are constantly fed (((ideas))) and perceptions about what you need to have, achieve or feel in order to be happy. That you expect those things to show up in meditation. But meditation goes the other way, it allows to see the most subtle aspects of yourself, which are not manipulated by external influences.
Moroccans have finally replaced the nederdaad kanker.
>redpill me Sup Forums on meditation
>Is this another jewish trick?
the only place you are truly free is your mind
Physical exercise is better for the mind.
Expect something like this. When shit starts to happen then you know that it is no trick.
If you see the Buddha in the road, kill him.
How is that the opposite? The kikes feed us all sorts of propaganda to manipulate our deepest thoughts. I'm fairly positive that meditating isn't just going to magically make that go away or overcome that- even the Buddha was tormented by Satan while trying to reach enlightenment and he I'm sure had a mind far less brain washed by kikes than 99% of people today. I do think the most subtle aspects of a person can be deeply influenced by kike propaganda.
I'll try not to let this tangent/example go on for too long, but I know so many people whose natural instincts and what they felt was their deepest feelings lead them to make disgusting degenerate choices in life- they have to retrain themselves to even get over their automatic responses to things which are driven by selfishness, hedonism, fear, etc.
It's about as far from jewish trick as you can possibly get.
A mindful person is incapable of being used by jewish tricks.
>If you see the Buddha in the road, kill him.
>american takes everything literally
p o t t e r y
Looks good. Thanks user.
>How is that the opposite? The kikes feed us all sorts of propaganda to manipulate our deepest thoughts.
The goal of meditation is to free yourself from delusions, that includes propaganda.
Teleports your spirit body to the shadow realm. Avoid!
You probably chose wrong quotation
>read this picture
>"hmm who is this julius enola"
>read his wiki page
To add to what was said the brain has diff frequency states alpha theta delta etc. Meditation helps one access the other states easier. Just closing your eyes produces a different set of brain waves than having them open.
I can confirm that meditation is very good. Helps quiet the mind, allows focus, and its very possible to have some pretty intense little journeys through your mind. I use a counting method to initially quiet the mind, then once breathing and quietness become one, then the true fun begins.
Try it op, you got nothing to lose, but everything to gain in the mind department.
What the fuck are you on about? Explain how exactly you think that I could be using that phrase literally? Idiot.
But that doesn't mean that any and all manipulation and delusions are automatically going to be BTFO by mediation.
>Meditation is only sitting
0/10 not even a good post
Have you just never heard of tai chi or a proper eastern martial art before? I do my best workouts during meditation. It's one of the best methods of dealing with pain.
>workouts during meditation
When you meditate enough, at some point your dark stuff tends to bubble up so you can deal with it
And how much of your dark stuff is just a result of kike manipulation? I know that honestly every bad part of me and every lack of virtue that I have comes from things I was taught by this kike society.
Ok and yes there are also some normal things like laziness and stuff too.
I began meditating some time early in the year and went through with it for about two until I met this girl and fucked my whole process by focusing on her,
Stupidity aside, on the last sessions before I quit, after about 15-20 going full zazen I had a moment of pure enlightment which completely energized me and gave me a true connection and synchrony with everything, although it only lasted for about 10 seconds before I zoned out since it was too overwhelming, it was nothing I had experienced before and I didn't even think it was possible, is there a name for that?
Shit went south with that bitch and I'm going back into meditating before the year ends
>When you meditate enough, at some point your dark stuff tends to bubble up so you can deal with it
tfw. you discover a deep seated grudge against your friend because he lost your pen in the 1st grade.
Pretty much Yoga
running is a form of meditation.
I've ran up to a half marathon and you have to focus your breathing in order to go long the end of it you're in a unique state of euphoria
I'm using this book, too.
Can recommend, it's the best.
no one is redpilled without meditation
Not familiar with the concept? Tai chi is a form of moving meditation that works the body and allows one to practice blocking out the world to perfect your forms. Ideally you should be so engrossed in the activity that there are no active thoughts in your head, allowing you to slow your breath and make more gradual movements as Tai Chi is meant to be done in time with your breathing.
I also practice some additional traditional Chinese bullshit that involves stuff like doing 999 hand grinds without dropping the arms. It's good to be able to relax and focus even when in pain, as if you're wounded in a bad situation losing focus can mean death.
Yeah. Absolutely. Yoga is such a good workout for the body.
>being a normie
> refusing to take the reddest pill
its not real meditation tho
also mantras are basically a cheating method for noobs
>Have you seen meditative behavior in the natural world?
The dog barks at a car.
The crow flies onto a trashcan.
The fly rubs his limbs on a piece of shit.
The tree swings in the wind.
The sun shines on (You).
Meditation is not sitting on your ass and thinking up examples of how smart you are. The purpose of meditation is to lose all the unnecessary shit in your head and heart so you can observe and act in the world as you actually are not who you think you are.
Walking meditation is meditiation, why running is not?
>be a millenial
>literally too young to remember that the redpill maymay comes from the matrix and that neo is literally jesus and dates trinity
literally gibberish, "science" has completely ruined europeans mind.
Evolutionary science also doesn't explain the existence of cucks and gays, but we all know those exist.
acid was created to mk ultra the 60s
Retarded euroshit. Go watch game of thrones or something.
acid was discovered on accident by albert hoffman and it's really great stuff.
the truth is that LSD is about as potent as alcohol. it's really fucking nothing anymore. maybe it used to be serious shit, but not anymore, basically anyone today should be able to drop a couple hits of acid and not be more affected than if they had a couple of shots of alcohol. and by hits i mean 200ug.
we have much more powerful stuff nowadays, but i don't even think LSD qualifies as a 'psychadelic' anymore.
remember, people used to have hallucinations on coffee when it was first introduced to western culture.
how these normies find Sup Forums is beyond me
you're the normie
that's not true at all and the fact that you are even comparing lsd with alcohol just proves you never tried it
no, u
i've done a ton of acid. i take DMT medicinally twice a day, 50mg, and have for 2 years straight now. i've taken yopo and bufotenine, i've 'licked frogs' (you squeeze it out of them) and tried the entire 2c series, as well as a dozen other novel psychostimulants with only chemical names.
if you think LSD is 'strong' you're basically just soft in the head, it's really nothing special anymore. it was special in the 60s and maybe as late as the 90s but the day is coming that someone can operate heavy machinery just as safely on a tab of acid as they could on one can of beer. it's just not that crazy. we've developed.
it's like, oh wow, great, my mind is echoing thoughts back and forth between neurons and so it's as if every thought fills an eternity, and i can witness the phenomena of sensation unfiltered, in all it's crudity, without a psychic filter. wow, amazing, all the attenuation and vibrations of my psycho-emotional structure are flowing like a river through my corpus callosum, yawn. whats for dinner?