The Biggist Salt Mine Ever

Holy fuck. I'm at a loss for words.
>New York officials probably won’t take my advice, since seizing Trump’s property might appear partisan. (Manhattanites voted against Trump by about 10 to 1.) But, according to almost every eminent-domain scholar and land-use lawyer I consulted, if the city tried my strategy, courts would probably uphold it.
>The city doesn’t need to prove that Trump Tower is derelict to declare it “blighted”; the mere fact that it’s hindering traffic, impeding commerce and draining the public fisc could be sufficient. Then officials just need to find some alternate use for the property — perhaps a Hamilton memorial? — that they could reasonably believe better serves the city’s interests.
>Lots of liberal elites believe our president-elect is a nuisance. In this case, though, the term has a specific legal meaning: any activity or physical condition that “obstructs, damages or inconveniences the rights of a community.” Crackhouses, brothels, foul smells and blocking of rights of way are common examples.
>The best part about this “public nuisance” strategy (besides its name)? The city could condemn Trump Tower without having to pay Trump “just compensation.” It wouldn’t owe him a dime, in fact.
>Hey, Trump did say the government needs to start driving harder bargains

What the fuck did I just read?

Other urls found in this thread:

>Lots of liberal elites believe our president-elect is a nuisance
>liberal elites

Holy shit they aren't even hiding it anymore.

A sound and solid argument by a liberal for taking property from people when it negatively impacts the community. This couldn't possibly backfire on them...

Read the archive. It's fucking blatant.

What is she fucking retarded? How out of touch can you possibly be to think this makes any sense and how entitled are you to think that people would listen to you? What an amazing faggot this cunt is.

Seriously though. There are people who actually buy into this crap and think WaPo is trustworthy.

>Sup Forums successfully made the collective unconscious of the establishment run out in the street naked screaming about russians

>people still believe anything washington post writes

The city wouldn't so shit. NYC was saved by Trump buying out shit in areas that went south, and turned around with his businesses. Plus TT probably brings in a hefty amount of money.

Liberals are stupid, they wouldn't understand any of this if it walked up and beheaded them.

Wanna rage at this but I laughed.

This is the logic of a 10 year old.

>Trump Tower drains fisc
What the fuck are property taxes you dumb cunt? I bet Trump pays more per year in property taxes for Trump Tower alone than I make in like a decade.


>New York officials probably won’t take my advice, since seizing Trump’s property might appear partisan.

lel. they are this desperate.

The NYPD would probably betray de Blasio and take up garrison positions inside the tower if they tired this

Why don't I get paid for writing Sup Forums posts?

By those standards we should've Seized Washington DC a long time ago

>"New York has one of the most expansive eminent domain laws in the country, and has condemned property as “blighted” for fairly flimsy reasons."

>'"The statutory language is so elastic, you can fit almost anything into it'"

She doesn't have any problem with this

Wonder when/if the top Jews call off their animals and make them remove fangs. The big money jews seem to be moving ahead, the cultural ones still have fangs in. Maybe when MSM collapses. Big money jew is terrified of him now, he can wipe billions off in a tweet.

That police sketch is fucking eerily similar to the Podesta brothers.

I can't find any info on the author except for this
"Catherine received the Weidenbaum Center Award for Evidence-Based Journalism and is a Gerald Loeb Award finalist. She grew up in South Florida (the New York part) and graduated Phi Beta Kappa from Princeton."

>Grew up in Miami to NY parents
>lives in NY

It's a bit of a stretch, but I think we can either call "ethnic jew" or "jew affiliated/related"

(((Liberal elites)))

The one caveat is that the sketch was for the same man though, if that is true it just seems like a coincidence but I still believe in pizzagate.

The WaPo part is all that's needed.

Confirmed jewish.

>CR: I would say I’m an agnostic. I was raised Jewish, but now am pretty secular.

lmao you'd think these morons would be in damage control mode trying to rebuild their reputation but they just keep digging deeper

>Sup Forums is always right

>being this butthurt

Let's start a campaign to get Catherine Rampell's apartment seized using the same legal strategy.


Sorry, I couldn't get pat "officers wielding gigantic guns" in front of Trump Tower. What were they wielding? Howitzers? LOL

Why is the left worshiping Hamilton so much all of a sudden?

Does it have to do with the banks?

If only I had known a "journalism" major meant "get paid to shitpost."

Who else /saltbiz/ here?

I've made a goddamn fortune in the last few months, but my returns have dropped off since the election since the market is flooded. Anyone got any tips for a fellow entrepreneur?

They still think they're on the moral high horse

Good they continue to out themselves as communists that would like to use the state to seize private property for no reason

It's just because of the nigger play

Trump should use eminent domain to seize all of Amazon's property

That stupid musical that portrays the Founding Fathers as black people. That's why. I'm not making that up either, look up "Hamilton: The Musical" it is a real thing.

To NYC cucks an MP5 is serious fire power.

> Propose coup
> Act shocked and surprised that no one takes you seriously



Say it with me Sup Forums



CTR, the election is over, did you think haypennies would just fall out of the internet forever?

>those comments
liberal genocide when?

Because Alexander Hamilton was a proud trans African-American woman.

And was all rappy. Founding Fathers, fucking rapping.

>New York does this
>Trump pulls all federal funding out of NYC
great job WaPo

>Then officials just need to find some alternate use for the property — perhaps a Hamilton memorial?

She meant a memorial to the play not the man, didn't she

>securing this 58-story building in a high-density neighborhood will, by Inauguration Day alone, drain $35 million of local taxpayer money.

>the city would have to pay Trump the fair-market value of the property, about $471 million.

Somebody is terrible at making deals...

It's just a coincidence.

I'm saying this for your own good
Get back in the kitchen

who is this loser who wrote the article and why are they allowed to spread such divisive propaganda solely aimed at destroying America?

We need unity squads to dispense new law upon those who seek to destroy our unity making us the divided states of America.

Washington Post, AKA FAKE NEWS. Opinion discarded.

>TT probably brings in a hefty amount of money.
I bet it brings even more in now that he is president. How could it not?

>leftists seizing anything

just look at this

obvious clickbait

obviously attempts to make people either furious or "agree" as a part of brainwashing the masses program

Pic related gives me comfort.

He was from and was the governor of New York
but she's a jew so probably

>the sketch was for the same man though
In cases like that its common for children to blur things, especially two similar looking brothers

>a hamilton memorial

I feel like these people know nothing more than the scrappy, inspiring Broadway character. Can't see a new York liberal wanting to memorialize a man who helped draft the alien and sedition acts

Mike "Shock em till they're straight" Pence at it again

Sup Forums was right again.

the fuck is it with liberal fagots and Hamilton?

>liberal media with clickbait title
you cucks need to stop making these threads and fuck off back to a Pizzagate or other containment thread

Am I crazy or are Atheist Jews even worse than normal ones?

The bants are real.

>the play was so fucking bad they already have to mourn its death

>musical that portrays the Founding Fathers as black people.
Excuse me, what? Surely you jest.

By far. Regular Jew Jews aren't even that bad, but the fucking media Jews and Hollywood Kikes look down on even their own kind.

>why are they allowed to spread such divisive propaganda solely aimed at destroying America?
Obama legalized propaganda use against American citizens

The Washington Post has been a public nuisance for decades. What alternative use should the Washington post building have? Perhaps a Frog memorial?

>our credibility is in the shitter
>I know, let's publish anything that all that complete retards send to us
"I'm like Jonathan Swift! It's a modest proposal!" -Retard when called out

sigh, since the goldfish can't into two-week memory, here's the real reason for the traffic problems

Cause of that hip and wildly diverse musical dude, Hamilton was the best founding father don't you know? I couldn't tell you the first fucking thing about him or what he did for this country but those rap songs he sang were pretty dope so let's all start sucking him off


When did the Washington Post become Buzzfeed tier garbage?

Was it always like this ?

Don't forget the Electoral College and helped Wall St get its start. You know for supposedly being free thinkers and intellectuals they seem to get all their ideas from pop culture

that's a good idea. But what will they do with the owner of the most part of the tower's apartments that have nothing to do with Trump? If they receive just compensation, Trump would also receive.

NYPD needs to get off their ass and publish the wiener laptop files! FBI is burying the thing.

trump nukes new york in retaliation
please kek let this happen

>r decades
They were the Jews who screwed Nixon. there's a scene in "turner diaries" where he reads an editorial "dripping with talmudic hatred" and so goes to find the jew with sawed-off shotgun. Hilarity results.

>liberals are so upset they want to take down a residential tower where people live, because tje owner said mean things

He truly can affect the stock market at this point. Even just tweeting that he's thinking about cancelling a government contract could seriously hurt a company. I think you're right that the big money Jews are afraid of him

>a Hamilton memorial


It's an opinion piece so it's irrelevant anyway.

Honestly its probably more than most people make their entire lives. like at least a few mil a year. but it somehow hurts the economy???

Slimey jewish butthurt.

This is a satire piece right?

I got a better idea.
Have Trump finance a play called "Burr".

It can be about Hamilton and Burr's rivalry and subsequent duel.

The story talks about Hamilton's use of the Media to defame and libel Burr. Hamilton’s animosity toward Burr was severe and well-documented in personal letters to his friend and compatriot James McHenry.

>"Nothing has given me so much chagrin as the Intelligence that the Federal party were thinking seriously of supporting Mr. Burr for president. I should consider the execution of the plan as devoting the country and signing their own death warrant. Mr. Burr will probably make stipulations, but he will laugh in his sleeve while he makes them and will break them the first moment it may serve his purpose."

Make a big point of the story Hamilton's frequent dueling and make him look like a madman who believe he is perfect and invincible, and the well-known fact that he was an arrogant asshole and huge elitist.

Hamilton will be played by a woman, Burr by a white man.

Draw obvious parallels to Hillary/Trump, and in the end, we already know that Burr kills Hamilton in their second duel.

still, this is what wapo considers fit to print.

Do you not recognize George Washington?

Remember how the Jews are supposed to be God's chosen people?
They split into three groups after Christ died.
1. Christian Jews (best ones, the counter-Jews like Brother Nathanael)
2. Jews who deny the validity of Christ (The Jew in belief and race)
3. Jews so butthurt about Jesus and the goyim getting eternal life that they decided to become atheists to spite God (These are the cultural marxist hollywood jews that are trying to destroy the white race, the family, and the Christian faith)

how many housing projects could we shut down for being a public nuisance?

I wish it was, leaf. The whole thing sounds like something Clickhole would put out, not a """"real"""" news site

Every fucking time.

>Hamilton memorial
Why the sudden hard on for Hamilton? Is it just because of that play?

You really don't want to do that. The projects keep google stink contained. When Chicago shut down their high rise projects the googles spread out all over the south and west sides of the city.

we need to realize there are jews on our side, and their own community is divided

God dammit, it's always one of them.

>"I'm like Jonathan Swift! It's a modest proposal!" -Retard when called out

IIRC an author already used an excuse like that when their outlandish bullshit backfired on them