Why are white nationalists/"national socialists" such failures as individuals? I thought they were supposed to be superior ubermensch.
Why are white nationalists/"national socialists" such failures as individuals...
Other urls found in this thread:
> national socialism
> socialism
Because the genuinely intelligent ones are constantly purged by (((Them)))
but they keep the retards around so they can perpetuate the idea that only retarded people like being White is good
Anyone who thinks they're "white" vs "x-American" is delusional.
"White power" (or rallying around 'whiteness') is a false identity (like Naziism), relatively easily directed, controlled, the otherwise atomized Goyim's only coherent identity vis-a-vis the Jew, who has an intact, vibrant identity, is Christianity, and more specifically, Catholicism.
Because only complete retarded failures with nothing to lose reveal their power levels.
The intelligent ones yield levers of power within government and corporations behind the scenes.
Catholicism is a cuck's religion and is controlled by the chief pawn of the multikulti promoters himself
Literally the gayest thing I ever read. Found the cuckypol Reddit fag
It's called being an FBI Informant.
Too busy polishing their helmets to do any real strategic political thinking...
cherry-picking at it's best
lol hitler killed himself and you should to.
They've got nothing else in their lives aside from their whiteness. Reminds you of people here in Sup Forums?
why don't you show pictures of these guys?
no tattoos, no piercings, short and tidy hair, fit.
I bet because that doesn't fit your narrative
oy vey! I think I hit a nerve there. fuck off kike!
They're often bitter virgins who turned to an extreme ideology to convince themselves that they're still special.
People cheered when churchill died. Hope the same happens to you.
>country founded by people who talked about white people
I would say "edgy," but being anti-American and anti-white is pretty much just normal for a lot of people these days.
Only the autistic have the time and energy to discover the truth about the world
>lives in a country founded by white nationalists
>thinks he's better than them
This is delusional as fuck.
Lol how does people cheering when Churchill died trigger me?
U wot?
Are we going to pretend that white supremacists are nothing more than impoverished white people who want to blame anyone but themselves for their problems?
I get being proud of your own race and wanting it to be perpetually secure, but if you seriously believe melanin levels are responsible for the abilities of a race then you are a certified retard.
Last time I said this some faggot posted pics of skull sizes being different sizes/shapes in different races. Too bad he didn't control for diet in his skulls.
Google how Irish peoples skulls changed when they immigrated from Ireland to the USA and no longer ate potatoes. The scientific conclusion was that diet changes your skull size/shape.
They proclaim achievement for something they did not achieve. Only the bottom-of-the-barrel will does this, as they have no achievements of their own to stand on.
Here’s a little secret about white people: we are all white supremacists. Every single one of us.
You see, some of us like to pretend that we aren’t, and those are the ones that parade around their so-called lack of racism like a badge. A great big shiny ‘not-racist’ badge.
But here’s the thing: those so-called ‘anti-racist’ whites are the worst ones. They are the ones who know, deep down in their minds, that they are of the greatest race to ever exist. This creates guilt in their minds, because they see the pathetic crawling dark skinned masses and feel disgust for them and their own sense of superiority. So they go out of their way to ‘’prove’’ that they are not racist. It’s really quite disgusting to witness, if you are a normal white person.
TL;DR All white people are racist, it’s the ones that pretend they aren’t that are actually more racist
Nobody should respond to bait like this.
I could easily post hundreds of pictures of retarded Liberals, Commies, Anarchists, etc. But there is no point to waste my time like this.
>be old
>get drunk
>truth comes out
lol trotsky got ice-picked and you should to [sic].
It's the only thing they can cling to
I know it's a meme to national socialist that they are loser's because they need to hang off their heritage, but In a way it's because people feel so disenfranchised they need to rally behind their race
We have become so bloated as a society that individual people matter very little, even high level people can be replaced. The day we are born we dream of being important, but for some they think the only way they can be is to have others fight with them
>flag held by a mexican
Hi there. r/anarchism, not enjoying the fire safety?
>thinking that is any way representative of the demographics of this board.
>the same people who appear on Jerry Springer as living strawmen for the largely Jewish narrative about normal white behaviour.
Pic related is where your ideas about white ethnocentrism originated.
>Impoverished Niggers
>Impoverished Whites
Liberals, everyone.
I wholeheartedly agree on this. It's like the little secret about men: they ALL like fat cock, however some of them do not publicly admit this. Moreover, there even are men who pretend to hate fat cock and consequently criticize other men's craving for fat cock. I think this last category of men represents the biggest threat to mankind and should be eradicated from our planet asap.
>muh white race
>muh concept of race
What went wrong?
t. Ahmed
I googled this Irish skull thing and I'm pretty sure it doesn't exist.
Well, since you are clearly a nigger and therefore an automatic down-low cock guzzler, perhaps you are projecting a little bit about the cock-loving. I know that in Italy it's more acceptable to be a fucking faggot, more so than your native Nigeria, but the fact remains that you are a cock-obsessed fucking faggot.
On the issue of white supremacy, however, I assure you that it's the white people that pretend that they are not racist that are, in fact, the most racist. I know because I am one of them.
Kind of like you are a cock-gobbling homosexual faggot.
It's like she has to concentrate on having big tits.
HAHA white people BTFO lol!!!!
LEL i'm a girl, not a faggot. But I was serious, dude, ALL men deep down like fat cock, the difference is just between men who have the guts to publicly admit it and men who don't.
Show me this Irish skull shape source you lying piece of shit.
They put the watermark on that, completely ignorant of the irony. Jesus Christ.
*tips conical hat
>>I get being proud of your own race and wanting it to be perpetually secure, but if you seriously believe melanin levels are responsible for the abilities of a race then you are a certified retard.
If your reddit spaced ass was smart enough to ever glance at a history book, you would know how wrong you are. It's not just melanin. It's hunter gatherer genetics vs farmer genetics. The government has forcefully integrated us with savages, dumbed down our society, and made us pay for it with our tax dollars. We have every right to be feral. Niggers in America still have fucked up nigger skulls.
WOW!.... it's like the retarded elements don't hide their power level.
What an amazing development.
>on Sup Forums
>a woman
>NOT a faggot
Holy shit go burn thyself on a funeral pyre.
You get points for missing the spirit of this place so widely.
But I like Sup Forums :(
Again, you're projecting.
Just because you like to lick pussy, doesn't mean that men like to suck cock. Just because you hang out with a bunch of sissy wops doesn't mean all men are a bunch of faggot dagos.
However, when it comes to white supremacy, there is a difference, which is a fact.
All white people are racist.
:This is not the same as a desire for cock or pussy, as your over-sexed mind constantly tries to compare these veritable apples and oranges (or bananas).
All white people are racist, and going out one's way to prove otherwise actually indicates the former sentiment.
Remember to throw Antifa in the garbage.
Anyone who holds strong political beliefs is overcompensating for their failures in other aspects of their life. This is why they are the most beta looking people of society.
The true redpill is apathy and hedonism
Then lurk moar you fucking roastie.
No one cares about the context for your insight.
Give us the insight, don't fucking dick around by getting your sense of self entangled in all this.
Your sense of self doesn't fucking matter.
reddit.com has a down vote option. It allows you to disagree and hide posts that you don't like without having to refute the poster. It's much more effective than spamming threads you don't like until they're pruned. I think reddit.com would suit you much better than 4chin.
Swedens NS movements gets fewer and fewer who look like absolute retards. Good I say.
Both have nothing to do
t. Mustafa
>why are the retards who wave flags and yell at niggers retarded losers?
real nat socs understand our supremacy is systemic. we put ourselves in positions of power and use our merrit to propel our kind into the next reich
Yeah mustafa would really think that's a good thing...
>The true redpill is apathy and hedonism
Nihilism is for people who gave up. People who give up are failures.
Can you even gain employment being a nationalist in Sweden?
In case the enlightened folks of Sup Forums haven't figured it out yet, the only people who care about shit like "racial purity" and racial "superiority" are losers with nothing going on in their lives. Regular people with fulfilling lives don't care about imaginary bullshit like this because they don't have to go searching for shit to build a life and a personality around. That's why white supremacists tend to be white trash lowlives with addiction issues and criminal records. Their unhappiness is their defining characteristic and permeates every facet of their lives.
Yes. But there are limits of course.
White nationalists are fucking pathetic.
Nothing makes me kek more than a bunch of conservative nu-males who have accomplished so little with their lives the only things they can take pride in are the accomplishments of other people.
Oh, you say you HAVE accomplished things? You made a 'dank' meme? You 'trolled' a ESSJAYDUBBELYOU? Oh, wow, I'm so impressed.
It's good to see that Sweden isn't all together dead
nice strawman reddit
So just going out and not giving a fuck if I breed with a brown girl is not being a loser? I have the opportunity right now to pick between a white girl or a brown girl to stick my penis inside. What's wrong with picking the white one to breed with to make better offpsring?
This whole "pussy is pussy" shit is asinine.
Maybe in the US. The NS in Sweden also got a lot of people with criminal history... if you count hate speech that is. Otherwise they dress nice and behave well.
>the only people who care about shit like "racial purity" and racial "superiority" are losers with nothing going on in their lives
>the only people who care about shit like "racists" are losers with nothing going on in their lives
Wow, you fucking idiots make broad generalizations as well.
You have the choice between your hand and a melon, you fucking loser. You're not getting pussy of any color, unless it's that weird beige of a pocket pussy.
>our racist criminals are better because they wear ties
Duuude the sooner you admit to like fat cock, the better you will feel about yourself I can promise you that. See, men already gave up with their privileges from a legal point of view (women are no longer property of their husbands, women can vote and so on); they realized they like fat cock and consequently cannot really discriminate women because that would be... well ironic :) Now it's time to admit your true nature, to say publicly that you are fat cock lovers because only in that way you will no longer fight reality but instead come to terms with it. I hope you can understand that!
Weebs on Sup Forums got tired of LARPing animu characters because no one took them seriously so they want to try something else.
pls speak English, you are not making any sense
Nah it's probably just people that want a decent future for the next generations and once you're willing to confront the ugly realities of the truth it's quite obvious that the only way to do that is a society of whites.
>You have the choice between your hand and a melon, you fucking loser. You're not getting pussy of any color, unless it's that weird beige of a pocket pussy.
>the people who want a better future for the country are the ones with criminal records as long as your arm and crippling addiction issues
Is English too complicated for you? You're not breeding with anyone, retard.
the "x supremacist" are the absolute lowest dregs of society.
The black "we wuz kangs" shit is the most hilarious though
I feel like you are really deflecting the issue of the inherent racism of white people into cock-loving, and I’m kind of uncomfortable with your textual coercion into making me suck cock.
I feel like I’m being raped. Literally, I feel raped right now.
How dare you, you fucking traitor. And I thought you were such a liberated woman, and here you go trying to rape men over the interwebz. You have become literally EVERYTHING you supposedly hate.
You Nazi fucking rapist bitch
Made me lol, though there's a big difference between a conquering empire and disorganized looters.