I've gone far too long without a yummy in the tummy hamburger
Postnumbers that end in the same two or higher numbers decides how I top it
As long as its something normal
Oh G*d Sup Forums I need that burg'
enjoy your diabeetus Lardass
Is shit normal? I think it's normal.
don't top it at all.
>causing diabetes
germcuck education, everyone.
Top it with some mayo
>american shitfood
>not full of Sugar
Its okay fatfuck Cleetus, go drink your burger sauce or whatever.
shoot yourself in the head
The buns are made of simple carbs which can cause diabetes
>not just eating wheat buns
>Wheat messes with estrogen
>Grow yourself a wheat belly and you won't just need a bigger belt; you may also need a man bra. In males, visceral fat spurs the production of estrogen, which results in the growth of breast tissue and leads to what scientists call gynecomastia, or what your friends probably call "man boobs."
diced green olives instead of pickles. Thank me later
>falling for the "natural" jew
ever notice that shit is marketed to lefties?
LMAO now Fatmerican OP can get himself a nice bra for his new grown udders
fuck this thread. I was just warned about posting non-political images (alex jones and cenk pepes). why does this fly?
I'd rather die of eating too much burgers thand watch my mother and sister get raped by Abdul and get beheaded afterwards like the cucks in your disgusting country.
Burgers are very political
digits confirm mc donalds
If you eat too many burgers how are you going to stop them?
Maybe the Jew wants to keep them alive longer so they can destroy the country with their vote?
>What makes wheat the real bad guy is its addictive property, which it doesn't share with other grains, like millet and flax, says Davis. Wheat stimulates your appetite so you want more and more of it and when you stop eating it, your body goes through withdrawal symptoms. In fact, wheat's effect on the brain is the shared with that of opiate drugs.
Top it with whatever's in your pic OP, looks tasty
Mustard, pickles, red onions, tomato slice, no ketchup, lettuce leaves instead of a bun.
Thin slice of cheddar on top if you're a filthy hedonist.
put dog shit on it
My people have both been eating pasta and bread since day one, no where near as many fat people here as there are in US UK or Hitler's shame.
this and piss and shit on it now FUCK NIGGA
>Being so weak-willed that you can't even eat control your consumption of bread.
Get some fucking self-control, you spastic. Easily cultivating addictions are inherently a degenerate trait.
Trump admitted to having an addictive personality and that's why he doesn't drink.
I've developed a gym addiction
Had 2 burgers last night.
Bbq sauce, onion rings, American cheese, lettuce tomato and dill pickles.