Olbermann: Trump Is Putin ‘Puppet’ And Anyone Who Disagrees Is A ‘Traitor’



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Gentleman's Quckoldry

That was both painful to watch and enjoyably comical.

why link this guy you only give him views

Anyone know where I can buy his left-wing water filters? I think the Russian Scum are putting something in our water

Why is his show called "The Resistance"... when he's completely embedded with the mainstream in America?? Well, I guess he's on the way out now so kinda makes sense.

Who is this waskwilly wabbit?

> pol spends literal years railing against Cultural Marxism
> pol enthusiastically supports Trump, Putin's actual Manchurian Candidate

Reminder: Putin = KGB, Putin's Russia = USSR revived, and Sup Forums = useful idiots. Enjoy your disguised Communism, Sup Forums statists.

An increasing number of threads on Sup Forums are just OPs linking news articles without providing their own input.
It's too easy for these threads to be made by shills; don't respond to them in the future.

Some leftist pundit who lost his job at MSNBC and has clearly went insane.

He didn't write his own REEEEEEE rant to read so thats why

I want to bash his face in with an aluminum baseball bat

I can think of at least 8 instances where America directly intervened in the politics of other sovereign nations to influence the vote.

LOL olbermann is funny as fuck.


How do I despute the "72 national intelligence agencies have proof russia helped trump" meme? It's all my libfag family
Members spout at me when I deny the russia boogeyman shit.

Hillary is an oiligarchy puppet. Now what ?

are there people who watch this stuff for real?

I mean this guy is as bad as Alex Jones if not more, and he has some legitimacy

Even your media is running away from this...


These threads get the most (you)s thats why

Now I am curious. Where does this 72 comes from?

I disagree because Russia hasn't been relevant since the 90's and the only things they've done was troll countries surrounding them.

Seriously, these old folks have a cold war hard-on because they want to see war with Russia in their lifetime. If anything, they are the true traitors to this country and its interests.

Why do we have 72 intelligence agencies
>seems legit

There is reason to believe that the CIA is wrong they have shown no proof of their claims.

Just like they had no proof that sadam had WMDs

lefty glenn beck

would be marvelous if he got his wish and a civil war happened so we could see him hang in the streets as the traitor he is, but trump will make it to the white house and these treasonous babies will sustain us with their tears for 8 years

that's a pretty cucked way of looking at it

Same. I have a friend who parrots CNN and I sometiems don't know what to say because I usually already thing the stuff is false. Then it makes me think.
But for real. I dont know what to say about the russian claims and fake news. I should probably here what the fuck the reporters are saying before i do anything.

10-20 years ago it was the cuckservatives who would always freak out about Russia. Things have changed...

i think he meant "17".. but yeah, that number isn't even correct or relevant.

17 intelligence agencies "believe that Russia might have been attempting to influence the American elections".. uhm, yeah, most people do. did they succeed? they did have any impact? what exactly did they do? no one knows.

>he hasn't read Reuters headlines this morning that the ODNI cannot embrace CIA's opinion.

Wow. He's on GQ youtube now? Damn thats low. Your supposed to work up the ladder.

Just pointing out it wasn't considered an act of war in those instances. Obviously America did it to prop up regimes during instability from interventionism but often in south america it's been completely reprehensible.

Show them the Tucker Carlson clip interviewing a Dem congressman where he refuses to directly say Russians hacked Podesta's emails.

Beware of weasel words.


Is he really this unhinged or just a click whore?

If Putin = KGB and KGB = 1/2 NKVD x 10 (USSR)^2, and if Trump=tan x root (manchurian)/gommunism

than the answer is simple!

The answer is faggot = (you)/2

He sounds exactly like how my 88 year old grandfather sounded after the 2008 election. He believes because he can use big words that he is smarter than those he is talking to but in reality Olberman is just a crazy radical who gets fired from every job he has held. Should have stuck with sports.

Face it. Trump's appeal was that he had the vocabulary* of a 3rd grader, just one level above his supporters.

*number of words he knows

>The election is rigged.

>Trump wins

They are still so damn mad. The tears just get sweeter.

Holy shit what a butthurt shithead. Is he a brother to Glenn Beck?

Infowars replied and said they Keith and others are crazy conspiracy theoriests. Infowars said they were conspiracy theorists.

Do we need more proof that the timelines switched in 2015? Le humble water filter merchant is more credible than Keith, the man who's been fired from 4 jobs in 10 years.

Why should we care if Russia favored one candidate?
We're not in the fucking cold war anymore you wrinkly old McCarthyist faggots. Of course they favored the candidate who was not trying to start a fucking global conflict over a no-fly zone in Syria.
What about all the heads of state from cuck countries who openly slandered Trump and contributed to the hysterics and tried to get him banned from travel and shit like that?

No no no. We want them to think that. It's much funnier if they do.

This guy isn't relevant.

I want more of this, though.

he got fired from the sports shows too because he would keep bring up politics

>leftwing comedians are calling for their fans to attack trump voters for 'treason'

these fucking marxist scum want a civil war in america to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the bolshevik revolution

It's pretty ironic how the Dems have become uber-nationalist all of a sudden.

It seems like their position just changes to be whatever is most damaging to whites at the time. This is evident in how they used to support trade protectionism; but now they oppose it, because they're focused on importing Mexicans to replace the white worker voting block.

Now look who they're imitating



Ask for the proof. Demand the proof. Remind them that the burden of proof on something yet to be proven or dis-proven lies with the believer not the denier.

The only thing worse that his total "SCUM! RUSSIAN SCUM" INGSOC Two Minutes Hate sperg-out is his implication that the US doesn't interfere with the elections of other countries, which is basically all that the NED and USAID does on a regular basis.

I can't get enough of the fact that the republicans are now the peace party and the democrats are the globalist red scare warmonger party.