Could us, Spanish people, be considered white?
Pic is Alejandra Alonso
Could us, Spanish people, be considered white?
Pic is Alejandra Alonso
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The Fendippitous Eggmen are returning soon.
if you arent from the green area, you are not white
>Green Eyes
Man, that's iffy territory.
That offwhite complexion is the master race of whites. Anyone who says otherwise is a LARPer
Am i still white if i only have a smidgen of Cree native american in me
Spain and Portugal were Moor'd.
You're part negro, Alfonso.
>Could us, Spanish people, be considered white?
the best looking group in the world is mediterranean with that slight tan. nobody wants to be too white which is why we spend millions on tanning products.
pic related is spanish who moved to mexico to be a star.
Who cares?
Nords are not white. They are asians with an eye mutation.
Anyone whose been to Spain knows they are white.
She's beautiful, but she's not white bro.
Spanish are white, stop this shit we're doing the ZOG's work for it.
Austrians and Swiss are white too. They're still part of the German master race.
>master race.
Thats not spanish.
I am iber
Germany wasn't even a country until 1871 and then Bismarck was strictly against colonialisation. When he died all good colonies were already occupied.
The fact you failed to get your shit together until 1400 years after the Romans evacuated is not our fucking problem.
German had the luck of having a widespread culture group and completely fucked it up. Now you're a central European shell of what you once were.
>implying the nordic people aren't (almost, english birds are the best) the most beautiful people on the planet
Go away you amateur, find some proper taste.
>english birds the best.
I hope you realize how dumb you are, but that's what's expected from burger
do you have some mexican blood? Your eyes/bridge/nose/mouth are suspect
who let this slavic nonwhite in here?
Reminder your women are youthful and then shrink to 3 foot and grow moustaches at 40.
And here he continues. Go on.
How is 'Greater' Serbia coming along?
Nobody cares about greater serbia except the cuck Seselj.
Spanish are whiter than Americans.
Do we need this thread every day?
>t. Kikestein
you were saying
Wtf do you mean by "cuck"? He's like the only politician who supports sending some of our army to Kosovo which was guaranteed as a right by the UN resolution 1244.
And what exactly are you trying to say with this map?
White is a color, not a ancestral background.
Are you pure European? who knows.
saying what, half-jew ?
Hehe, yes.. Who cares.. Stop caring, stupid goy. Go do some race mixing.
>American education
Ok Tyrone, whatever you say
Meant to reply to
Literally this.
>le meds aren't white maymay
>falling for Sup Forums d&c garbage spread by leftists, roaches and kikes
I think you've got them confused with mestizo/Indio women from Latin America. Med women are hot as fuck and can keep their looks into their 40s.
He's trying to say that we're not white, since we were occupied by turks.
i really dont get the obsession with her
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Would be better if you all stopped helping that Albanian trash
If we aren't I've been wasting my time fighting against white genocide
No I haven't.....
I have never met a Metizo person, we don't get them here pal, on the other hand I have been to Spain plenty of times.
Hollyjew seems to have an obsession with skinny pale women. I can't tell if it's because jews are low-t betas and actually find that attractive, or because they want the whites watching their movies to chase skinny women and have weak beta kids (anyone who wants proof can see modern whites).
You don't have to be white to be master-race.
Not much difference if you were white then maybe
Yeah well I guessed so. As many of us like to say, American education.
Of course. Stop being an insecure faggot and stop listening to that one retard making ten of those "north vs. south"-threads every day.
Oh look, germany hates fun, who could have seen that coming?
In the U.S., you're white. In Europe, you're a filthy southern european.
The Exiled Mudslime prince invaded Iberia with a bunch of random tribesmen from around north Africa, you better believe he brought some nig nogs with him.
It's funny when it comes from a burger. They're literally mix of everything, probably a nigger since their bitches only like black cock.
>muh best country in the world
Look, it's another burger thinking he actually knows something about history episode.
t. DeQuandro
t. Deigo Blanco.
they're nasty whores. your picture proves this.
Why post this girl? She's attractive enough, I suppose, *for what she is*. But she's Brazilian, with clear negrid and probable amerind traits.
Have a proper Med girl...
No but we can appoint you to honorary positions like the Japs and Russians if you like.
After you prove your worthiness of course.
Of course.
>nobody wants to be too white
I actually wish I had a snow white girlfriend. Maybe with red hair. I myself am very white, so maybe I'm just looking for someone similar. I personally don't understand at all why people want to tan themselves. Blonde hair and tanned skin looks disgusting.
If it makes you feel better you're about as white as Greece but not Bulgaria
Some, which were later expelled when they rebelled.
Maybe I'm just a redneck but blonde tan girls are top tier
dont forget to surrender your bin Abdul
>Desiring warning coloration
You should visit Stockholm. They're everywhere in there.
who cares, she needs a bbc in her now, goyim, he-he-he-he
>Mfw can't resist the celt ladies.
>mfw mongrel genes.
why live lads.
She's Lebanese (christian)/Italian, so as Med as it gets. Woman in your pic is a celt. Love celts too, but actual genetic meds are dark. Pic related is 98% European according to 23andme
DNA test required for moor semen.
R1b = ok, everything else, not OK.
Kek I tried to fuck one of the girls she shares a page with
Tell me about it.
Your stupidity is off the fucking charts. I suggest you stop posting for now because it's sad.
I've been getting a lot more attention from girls since I started tanning
Just my experience here
If you're not Germanic then you're not White, very simple.
ITT butthurt serbians circlejerking each other trying to convince the other that they are white
stay subhuman
>t. blonde hair blue eyed anglo
She's my ex :'(
looks definitely maghrebi
her forebears got clearly al-andalus'd
not white
Post more
98% european? I don't believe it...
is or has your civilization been anywhere near as grand as the roman or english empires at their peaks?
I have more. Tits don't count as porn, right? I kind of fell bad doing this, but she kicked me to the curb after 6 months for no fucking reason then dates some manlet the next week.
The guy she's engaged too seems like half a fag or something. Also, tits don't count as porn you're right :)
Who gives a shit if we are white or not.
The only thing we spaniards have to celebrate is the legacy of our great empire, that's why we should unite with our latino brothers instead of dividing ourselves even more basing on race.
>inb4 south america is a shithole
It is, but only thanks to socialism and shit nationalistic policies, if we had never abandoned them thei'd be great, like the canary islands
I can confirm
Arguing over who is and isn't white is a pointless tactic that divides Europeans and the ethnic nationalist cause.
Everyone's posting this picture, kys.
She's desperate to be validated as "greek" because she was born in Turkey, so she dumps my mickwop ass for some fag because at least he's part of the group my ancestors enslaved. Funny, I thought her loving the size of my cock and unending attention would be enough.
Go back to work burger,
you need to pay your taxes cause Israel needs more missiles
Im iber tribe fool.
top kek
He probably had a bigger dick