I'm a gay jew who voted Trump. Am I redeemable?
Or will Sup Forums stoop down to Hillary's level and call me deplorable and irredeemable?
Fuck off Milo we don't like you
You're probably better off with civic nationalism anyway since latinos and muslims hate gays more than whites though if the USA goes full on WN you're fucked either way.
Anyway do you have the shiksa thing too?
What do you mean by shiksa thing?
>Sage thread
pic related, OP
Like do you only get your pass pounded by goyim men?
Are you a ball or roll of seasoned chopped liver, baked or fried?
No, I'll tango with jew or gent, as long as they're white
>hurr durr jews white pick one xdddd
Your only hope of redemption is to an hero and take as many jews with you as you can.
a bowl of matzo ball soup
what did I do that was so wrong?
I voted Trump desu :
Find yourself a wife, convert to Christianity, keep your weird fetish on the down low and you're golden.
You personally may have done nothing, but Jews will always jew. The presence of kikes always results in a degradation of white society. It's just what kikes do, user. I don't hate you for it. I just want you to live somewhere else so we can self-govern and restore our homeland.
Are you cute user
seems to think so :3
be my Sup Forums bf?
But I love America and want to live in a white American utopia. Is there no room for me here, even if I disavow my kike blood?
Stop being a fag and cultivate masculinity.
Also denounce your kikehood.
are you white? last time I had a Sup Forums bf, he sent me a picture and he was not white.
jewish is even better :^)
yep im a white with green eyes and brown hair
>Stop being a fag and cultivate masculinity.
being gay and being masculine are not mutually exclusive
>denounce your kikehood.
We already tried that once. It was called the Spanish Inquisition. I personally don't mind keeping a few good ones, but you can't change your racial makeup, and it's very hard to change a culture learned from birth. Far better and easier for every people to be a nationalist advocate where we can all have our own homeland free from foreign influence. We both know you're a foreign influence.
You're probably right.
The thing about Jews is that, for the most part, we maximise the exposure of other jews to kids growing up. For instance, I went to a 7 week sleep-away summer camp for 7 years when I was younger, after those summers I went on a european tean tour that was 99% jewish, I'm going on birthright this winter, I go to an ivy league school. It's hard to escape other jews but because I spent all my time around them, I've become more comfortable around them and just connect with them on a different level than I would a non-jew. This level of connection can vary from non-existent to a very apparant preference, but I think that's natural and not exclusive to jews. But that does not mean that is appropriate behavior.
Honestly if you could stay out of politics and end usury, things would probably settle. But muh oppression is such a huge part of your culture as a whole, that I doubt your people would avoid politics. Hell, why would any people avoid the politics of the place they live? Like I said, I don't intrinsically hate you. I just think there's a huge conflict of interest, incompatible political views. The stronger your people get comes at a direct cost of weakening my people. Your holocaust is a self-fulfilling prophecy, desu
>Fag Jew
Literally Double Trouble
>but I think that's natural and not exclusive to jews
You're right. But currently only one group in the US is being chastised for this preference.
>end usury
what are investments
But the talmud said you have to kill yourself.
>vote trump
Jews love contradiction, don't them?
>what is fiat currency blood-letting
Youre a basket of deplorable, you faggot. Get ovened.
If OP redpills himself I don't see a problem with him living outside of Israel
Being gay is a choice. You can be attracted to men without being gay. You can be attracted to men and still have a wife and kids and being a functioning member of society.
There is no need to define yourself by a fetish. Being "gay" is no different from being a Furry or a Bronie.
Dump your boyfriend, stop sucking cocks, go find a woman who will bear your children and provide for them. If your fetish is really that bad you can go fuck around at the bathhouse on the weekends or just jerk it to porn. Don't tell me this is impossible because for nearly all of human history less than 1/10 males managed to actually get laid. There are thousands of incel kissless hugless virgins in the world and they aren't spontaneously combusting. If you can't keep yourself from going out of your way to shove a cock in your ass then you have a problem and should seek professional help.
lol wtf
why is voting trump a contradiction?
Gay jews are okay in my books user, just don't make babies.
You tackled the problem here mate, good analysis
What's your opinion on multicultural society btw and increasing islam?
If OP is a kike and not just larping, he's already red pilled. Brainwashing and destruction of culture is only an experience for the goyim to endure. The kikes know it's bullshit propaganda.
be careful!
I was reminded by something I read last night.
It's a contradiction with being jewish because Trump is against the plan of the jews to rule the world and mix all races
multiculturalism is cancer and islam is aidscancer
Nevermind him. If you use your powers to help us create white utopias in North America/Europe, you're welcome to live alongside us.
>implying all jews are in on the plan
Whatever. If op supports whites like Bobby Fischer did, he is a good one.
See, OP is on the right side. You are a hero my friend for not joining people which want to destroy civilization. :) There should be more like you.
OP is pizza?
I thought milo was baptized catholic
nice trips
and not only that, I actively redpill my liberal friends.
I'm doing Kek's work
He was, but his mother is ethnically jewish.
It's kind of pathetic that you would vote so obviously against your interests, but I won't complain
It's on you to prove you are not irredeemable.
its natural to want to be friends with coreligionists. My mom sent me to a catholic boy scout troop and I went into catholic youth groups in high school and was a part of the newman club in college
What are your thoughts on American foreign policy?
Jews always play both sides. They will play the globalist/multiculturalist/Marxist game for the goyim on one side, and the Zionist game on the other side, often both at the same time.
With kikes, you have to remain vigilant against subversion. I just think it's easier to kick them all out and not waste the effort that could otherwise be spent on more important things. It's swimming upstream against the current.
Nice try, kike. My oven pic was just bantz. Be careful of that self fulfilling prophecy of Jewish persecution
my interests?
I couldn't care less about gay marriage
best i got desu
the thing is, none us were religious jews. Maybe go to shul once or twice a year but that's it. It's just a certain way of acting, socially, that makes me more comfortable around them.
Stop intervening in other countries' business, continue giving money to israel, but with stronger conditions.
>just bantz
now I can tell you're nervous
He has seen your posts and will judge you accordingly.
>continue giving money to Israel
Welp, back into the oven you go
The big problem with giving money to Israel is that they don't do much for the US in return.
fuck being "gay", that's an artificial limit on male sexuality. the great minds of the Classical era weren't "gay" but they had sex with men and provided for their families and culture
Mudslimes are worse than jews and you know it.
Just one step closer to the final crusade.
Jews and Christians will fight side by side to destroy Islamic scum.
Hes not anti gay or anti jew.
So no, no change of opinion about you for voting the correct choice.
I'm a gay Bavarian who's a liberal and who supported Hillary.
But at least I'm uncut :^)
This desu
I really only use the label on Sup Forums, I honestly have thought about doing that, hiding my homosexuality. I want a normal family, I want so badly to be straight and attracted to women. I just don't know how I can make it work. Currently I have zero attraction to women, maybe that'll change, maybe I need some Mike "ACDC for the LGBT" Pence in my life, but until then, I don't think it's feasible to marry a women based on a lie.
Sup Forums likes to make fun of faggots but they forget that it wasn't my choice ;_;
ohai Milo so glad you could show up here
well first of all let me just tell you that hillary however crooked she is she couldn't call you a kike or a faggot just becouse you are a jew and her master Soros wouldn't let her.
I however wouldn't call you deplorable or irredeemable but i would call for a second genocide of jews that by the way NEVER HAPPENED THE FIRST TIME, and i would call for world health organization to conduct scientific investigation into homosexuality and until it's not done bring homosexuality right back into (WHO) mental disorder list because it did disapear from the list without any scientific investigation or a proof that it is not a mental disorder after 1990 and it was always there before that.
Muslims are pretty impotent as long as they stay in their own countries. The main reason they don't is because of immigration and mulculturalist policies that were shaped by Jews, and the refugee crisis and terrorist groups that were created by interventions in the Middle-East for the sake of Israel.
>mudslides worse, kikes and Christians fighting side by side
Fuck off, OP. You're staring to show your kike nature. Kikes and Arabs have lived side by side for millenia. Kikes are more afraid of whites than the slimes. Thats why they seek to destroy our way of life. I'm new enough to bother replying to you, but I'm old enough to know when you're trying to blow smoke up my ass. No more (you)'s for (((you))).
he's never seen a pizza oven other than an electrical one
As long as your a true pollack then there should be no issue wether you are a jew or not.
>I'm a gay jew who voted Trump.
Give me my foreskin back, and we'll talk, kike.
You will be hung on the day of the rope.
pick one
>You will be hung
Freudian slip, you closet homo? :^)
thanks :3
I already am, friend ;)
Tell me Jew? How are we supposed to "fight against Islam" when Jews are trying to force Islam into Western countries? You can't fight them when they start making up a large share of your own population.
I have no idea. I don't fully understand the "jewish agenda" as it is not the agenda of all jews but a small number, less than 1%. I oppose mudslimes coming to Europe and the US. I honestly don't understand the refugee program, especially in germany and sweden. Do they feel obligated to take people in? Do they not understand the social implications of taking in millions of savages?
Why is that man wearing a target on his head?
Your identity means nothing. Your actions mean everything.
I am a gay latino but that doesn't mean shit. The important thing is we voted trump
>I am a gay latino
Are you uncut? :^)
>Am I redeemable?
To make it easy, he's being considerate
You got a nice boipussi jew-kun?
>im a gay jew
hi Milo
fuck off fag
I'm a jew and most of my friends aren't jews, what's more I went to a jewish middle and highschool and I hate those entitled pricks.
Long periods of chastity(including no fap) will make you want to fuck women.
>I'm a gay jew
are you pozzed yet?
that's the only redeemable path.