Friendly reminder that Hillary WON the popular vote.
Friendly reminder that Hillary WON the popular vote
Unfriendly reminder to go shave your arms spain.
House GOP also won the popular vote, so maybe get over it.
>Drumpftards can't comprehend real life in their peanut brains so have to reduce everything to a game of chess
It doesn't count as winning when it's not the thing you're competing for.
fuck off already spain cunt
I bet I could beat you in a simple game of chess, fag.
So you think that pic related should decide all international laws/policies just because there are more of them?
That's now why the electorate was created.
false equivalence, drumpftard
How come wherever recounts are held, like Michigan, they find counties where it's actually democrat votes being modified? In one county, democrat votes were counted 6 times instead of just once.
Sounds like the only hacking here is courtesy of Shillary.
And lost the election
Oh no two states gave her millions of votes. We should give those two states all the power to dictate what happens to the other 48. That sounds like a fair system that allows everyone in every state to be represented.
the illegal vote. at least 4 million of those were invalid.
Friendly reminder that Donald Dumpy-pants LOST the population vote. :)
>Johnson visibly confused about uno cards
Gets me every time
Friendly reminder that we are the greatest country in the world and we have an electoral college.
Maybe someday you can leave your shithole country and come visit for a little bit til your visa runs out then you go back to where the fuck you came from lel
I am not familiar with this popular vote in a presidential election.
I am pretty sure it is because there is actually no such thing in presidential elections here.
Hillary voting scum still this asshurt :^))
Say it with me..