So now that it's been confirmed Russia hacked the election, what do we do now?
Revote or give Putin our thanks?
So now that it's been confirmed Russia hacked the election, what do we do now?
Revote or give Putin our thanks?
Other urls found in this thread:
Nuke Trump, Arrest Hillary and make Putin president of the U.S.A.
Nice source.
Nothing has been confirmed. Stop spreading fake news!
The actual proof or your own echoe chamber proof?
OP confirmed to have no evidence. Abandon thread, sage on the way out.
Everyone says so, so must be true.
thank Obama, if they hacked the election who but him could've prevented it?
>So now that it's been confirmed Russia hacked the election
So no proofs?
Well what proof are you looking for? The actual proof? Or the confirmation bias one?
I want what you are basing your claim on. You claimed that it has been confirmed that Russia hacked the election.
Back that up.
Yeah, but what exactly? Proof that only adheres to your views? Or the actual proof?
It was seth rich.
Are you this much of a cunt irl or do you save it up for shitposting?
No proof. Thread over.
What is it that made YOU believe that Russia hacked the election? You made a thread, made a claim, and posted no proofs.
It's not about me, you are the one making the claim, so you present the evidence that led you to believe that claim to be the truth.
Cool, cool. But are you looking for the *actual* evidence, or only evidence only *you* specifically agree with. You haven't specified that.
>So now that it's been confirmed Russia hacked the election
CTR you should stop spreading fake news before you get felony charges.
There is ZERO proof Russia hacked the election.
Your DNC leaks were done by Seth Rich.
Washington Post said, that their unnamed source says, that the CIA says, that Russia did it.
The CIA and 17 other intelligence agencies have point blank blamed Russia, for fuck's sake. Stop being in denial.
Russia hacked the election. You are putting Donald Dumbfuck worship over your country if you want to stonewall an investigation.
That depends. Is the 'proof' that Hillary kept saying it?
There aren't 17 intelligence agencies in this country.
Try again.
>b8 thread this shitty
permaban this faggot
Can you even name those intelligence agencies and describe their histories?
Also, proof. Name some proof.
I just heard on the radio that not only were the Ds hacked but so were the republicans, except Putin didn't want to expose the Rs. And he's also holding it for future use if Trump doesn't toe the line.
And the proof was explained as: imagine someone used a very specific saw to cut into a bank vault.
Hillary made it up, so he's parroting it.
It's a joke, they're completely incapable of thinking outside the company's line.
That's why they lost, and that's why they're going to continue to lose.
They're just too dense to win anymore.
half life 3 confirmed?
Actual proof:
Echoe chamber proof:
Have fun, lads.
So they helped with the campaign - why not.
Hacked? Wew that's strange. Isn't FBI better at hacking american machines than Russians? Doesn't that sound insane? For what reason would they need Russians exactly?
nice proofs
>US intelligence agencies believe Russia acted covertly to boost Donald Trump in the election race, US officials have told leading newspapers.
>A report in the New York Times says the agencies had "high confidence" about Russian involvement in hacking.
>"high confidence"
>its even in fucking quotes "high confidence"
so no fucking proof
Its not the russians dumbass. Its you`r own party
>seth rich
There are no proofs and people realize it.
>hacked the election
I didn't realize leaking documents that expose the DNC's corruption is the same as "hacking the election". The results of this was that the voters were made more informed during the campaign, something that anyone would be hard pressed to denounce. The actual voting itself was not interfered with by any outside groups, nor is anyone alleging as such.
If I found out that one of the candidates is a secret pedophile, and I broke into their house and took the evidence in order to distribute it to media networks everywhere, am I guilty of rigging the election?
Just post proof.
PS: Responding to this post with something that isn't any kind of proof means you don't have proof.
(PPS: You don't).
>People think Operation Mockingbird ever stopped
1: >intelligence agencies, an official, we believe, they believe
Not proof.
2: >a US official, the official says
Not proof.
3: >snopes
Into the trash
4: >both parties hacked
Then it's not in favor of Trump if it?
5: >all based on washpo article
This isn't proofs. Where are the names, and the official records? When did this probe start, when was it concluded?
>the action of falsifying information or a theory
fake news
oh look at that, no proof. Thread over.
feels good mang
bout time
Kek, Pedosta is so scared for his ass. First "the leaker should shut up!" now "We now know that the CIA has determined Russia’s interference in our elections was for the purpose of electing Donald Trump. This should distress every American”.
I really wish it was us. Although I see 0 reasoning in why Russia and not FBI with Trump would be the first to make it. 0! We ain't that cool, not in the American things especially, and yeah, still not invading the Europe. I think it's BS, but I like it :)
How interesting they rewording it to "hacked the election" everywhere like they literally hacked it and put someone's votes for Trump lol. Although they're talking about a whistle-blower only. Whoever it was, it was still people who decided for themselves for whom to vote.