Why did your country stop being a monarchy
Why did your country stop being a monarchy
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bg- they were overthrown by bulgarian communists because they lost wars (2nd balkan, ww1 and ww2) over macedonia, and didn't work together with russia, which the average man had no reasons to hate at the time
the heir to the throne was PM after the fall of communism, but he was not liked
fucking jews and krauts+retarded ruler m8
Popular referendum decided for Republic.
Savoia kings were low IQ inbreed, nothing was lost.
We didn't.
I think we're probably going to start soon.
Barons were too powerful. Then Cromwell made things even worse, and the Glorious Revolution cemented parliament's power.
We never stopped
we still are a monarchy ya bludger
In name only, sadly. Politicians run our governments.
After the independence we imitated USA. Our constitution is a mix of the american and the french one.
that's a pretty tacky looking throne
because he led us into WWI
>Not liked
Best PM so far imo, let down by all the stupid Jews he hired. Dude is too diplomatic, he tried to unify and represent all circles so he failed.
Still just having a strong single leader caused huge economic gain. Look anywhere you want, vast majority of good companies and businesses were established during his rule.
Completely solid proof we need a dictator.
Wie Sie später sehen werden, half uns das zu unserem Erfolge: es gab uns die Möglichkeit, neben anderem, den Haupttrumpf in unsere Hände zu spielen: die Vernichtung der Vorrechte, oder mit anderen Worten der eigentlichen Existenz des Adels der Gojim, jener Klasse, welche der einzige Schutz war, den Völker und Länder gegen uns besaßen
(((we))) didnt want it anylonger, i suppose...
they wanted us to actually pay taxes on the shit we were smuggling into the country.
Leftist overthrow all monarchies
Fuck taxes
As you will see later, this helped us to our success: it gave us the opportunity, among other things, to play the main trump in our hands: the destruction of prerogatives, or, in other words, the actual existence of the nobility of the Gojim, which was the only protection peoples and countries had against us
from: 24 protocols of the elders of zion, basel 1897
>still a monarchy
not sure how to feel about it
when did everything go so wrong?
because the noble class were a bunch of shitters who partied and raised the taxes whenever they partied too hard
so we told them to go fuck themselves and made our own then, then militaristically dominated the entire planet within 300 years of founding the nation
You should
how is
freedom of speech
freedom of thought
freedom of expression
rule of law
doing in morocco?
serious question
...and then heavily cucked yourselves importing millions of dindus to take your hard earned money and the nation your father's created, allowing the creation of a new royalty that parties even harder and literally sends you to your death so they can sell you a weapon to kill others before they kill you, just so they can party even harder on your smoking, rotted corpse.
Well done.
They spent all the gold.
Because muh independencia
Because our king was a vile man and a scared cunt. He could have taken responsability for his actions, instead he run to Brindisi when the war was over.
A referendum in 1946 decided that we were going to be a Republic, and the king and his whole family were banned from the country for 50 years, while his property were seized.
One of the thing that make my proud about my country. I couldn't stand having a royal house of degenerates like the Saxe-Coburg and Gotha - or Windsor, if you like.
>King Harald regarding the refugee crisis: – We cannot take in entire Africa
What he himslef thinks is very clear, but his job is being Norway's symbol, and the government writes down the shit he gotta say. That's how he makes money, except for our tax money of course.
>Killing of an over thousand year old tradition
the greek king looks like a cartoon villain
>was forced to join the Axis
>people rebel 2 days later
>leave the Axis
>get invaded like 2 weeks later
>army surrenders after 11 days
>the monarchist managed to fuck off to Egypt and later start a governmnent-in-exile in London, recognized by the Allies
>territory is divided amongst the Axis
>fierce ressistance happens, alongside heavy infighting amongst various factions
>in the end the Communist party frees Yugoslavia
>even the Allies recognize it as the true ruler of Yugoslavia
>tfw Harald is 74th in line for the British throne
>freedom of speech
>freedom of thought
>freedom of expression
you can criticise the PM , the gouverment , the military ,the police , everything , just don't touch the king (not kidding)
>rule of law
i would say like most european countries , no guns allowed and everything else is very moderate
>doing in morocco?
to be fair life is good , nice weather , nice geography
is it true that the Morocco king is actually the richest druglord in the world?
Commies and Globalist destroy the one thing that linked Europe together then wonder why the EU is failing.
They fucked up.
>just don't touch the king (not kidding)
lol fuck no
we've got maybe some of the highest quality hashish and he's rich as fuck but i wouldn't say the richest
We got bored.
>manuel thingken about bacalhau
Lmao, do these brits unironically think they are ruled by the queen?
Our last king was massive cuck and we got partitioned by Austria, Russia and Prussia.
it never was you absolute cunt
Because fuck the Brits and their fucking tea.
ps:i could end up in jail tonight for laughing at this , okey i might be exagerating but pretty much mc hammer :D
A maroccan friend told me that there is a kind of "corruption tax" that every top-level smuggler must pay to the system or face the consequences. That's normal for any narco-state of course but he told me that the king is like the final boss of everything drug-related.
On the other hand I've been told by all the maghrebins I've met that maroccans are liars, so i dunno who to believe now
sold to the Rothschild
In theory our entire political system is meant to accommodate a monarchy. She has immense powers. Theoretically she has the power to shut down the Canadian and Australian government, or her representative (Governor General).
But that's all in theory, yeah, no, I think every Brit is aware we're ruled by a bunch of weird little fucks in parliament now.
>hes clearly lannister
you dun fucked up
The eternal Whig.
Constitutional monarchy is not true monarchy.
Because we accidentally the king and everyone that stood on our way
Basically, Jews.
We lost the war, the monarch was at low popularity and becoming a democracy, so the people in power thought, would help to ease the heavy sentence after a lost war.
My Head of state is Her majesty Queen Elizabeth II.
>also our military commander
Military ranks
6 February 1952 – 1 February 1968: Commander-in-Chief of the Royal Canadian Navy
6 February 1952 – 1 February 1968: Commander-in-Chief of the Canadian Army
6 February 1952 – 1 February 1968: Commander-in-Chief of the Royal Canadian Air Force
1 February 1968 – : Commander-in-Chief of the Canadian Forces
Get fucked United States of America.
Wtf, day of the rake when?
we got
our crown got stolen
t. magyar
Add us to blue
It didn't. There is a queen of Canada that looks suspiciously like the Queen of Australia
>tfw commowealth vassal
it complicated
yes the top-tier dealers pay a "tax" so that their ships won't be stopped (there are no real evidence but we everyone knows that)
about the king being the final boss, i'm not sure if he's dealing with this or not , but we know that he controles everything (if you can speak a little of french you can google "holding royal"))
>On the other hand I've been told by all the maghrebins I've met that maroccans are liars, so i dunno who to believe now
google "ketama"
Theory can become practice when the need arise.
If the queen decides to use the powers who's gonna stop her?
>Juan thinken about burgers
Reminder that all the ills of Western civilisation can be traced back to the French revolution.
It didn't.
1898. The United State chimped-out over an old boat and stared a war against Spain.
This is actually true.
Which can be traced back to the American Revolution which can be traced to you taking our guns
we should have...
king's half a retard and the prince is some globalist fag who married a literal junkie prostitute.
The kings funded the revolution in a place to get rid of monarchy which in consequence triggered a revolution in his own place and people got rid of him.
he dun goofed
The Crown can stop her, being a seperate institute to the monarchy its self. But the Queen can assume absolute power, again in theory. Only "in grave constitutional crisis," the Sovereign can "act contrary to or without Ministerial advice." With no precedent in modern times, it's not clear what would actually constitute this, but the possibility remains.
>Implying we we did
>going to Antarctica
It aws an honour to fight by your side baugette.
i speak french but googling holding royal shows nothing related, maybe tenue royale? details are appreciated.
Thank you anyway Zakaria, i'm a drug geek so any hint is interesting
King Cuck the Sixth
when we shot our kangz then implemented a republic in 1910
A non country can only have a non king. You literally don't exist.
We lost our king when WWI was won by the eternal anglo.
Which was a response to anti-british sentiment produced by colonial newspapers, msm everytime
>importing millions of dindus
Hey, slavery was an international institution at the time. Don't you remember the Congo?
Never did senpai.
Whcih can be traced back to the taxes, which can be traced back to the seven years war, which.....
When some lowlife retards shot down entire tsar family.
You lost your monarchy when it intermarried with jews. It's not legitimate.
In the end, political power stems from military power. I don't really think that your army or police would ever dare to stop a not-totally-crazy queen or king. So I guess she is powerful in a creepy way.
Not in Australia or Cuckada, i assume (or they have to be even more stupid that I could ever think), but in Britain yes.
BTW this is very interesting, so I'd appreciate any further explanation.
>You literally don't exist
That is true for Jugoslavia only, pal
You too Polan
A shame your prince drowned in that river
i was passing by the great war monument in the avenida de liberdade and looked at it for a while.... europe really lost a lot in that war. horrifying.