Can anyone actually give me any ACTUAL reasons to be a nationalist (muh heritage doesnt count) instead of promoting a one-world government, which sounds better in many aspects?
Can anyone actually give me any ACTUAL reasons to be a nationalist (muh heritage doesnt count) instead of promoting a...
a one world government is still a nation
imagine being one of the billion people in india, your vote means poo there
now imagine being in a city state, where the politicians care about local problems and are much more easy to overthrow, if they don't represent you
tl;dr: embrace balkanization
There are no good reasons
Nationalism and patriotism are cancers, they have led to war and genocide. Nationalism is pride in a chunk of land that is surrounded by abstract and invisible lines, lines that are meant to give a very small group of rich white people some power over the unfortunate who are born within those abstract lines. Nationalism is also the belief that the small percentage of the Earths surface that you live in is somehow and incorrectly better than the other pieces of land out there, those that you can't distinguish from one another from space.
I want to fuck that frog.
Because the one world government is run by a bunch of brainlett psychopaths who want to reduce everyone to serfs so that they can play god.
you dumb fucking piece of shit use your own brain
Can you imagine Jean Claude Juncker giving a shit about you?
Competition is required for progress. Remove nations and you will lose the chauvinistic and patriotic competitions between people.
Another reason is that the only way a tiny figment of information that will be left to talk about your existence in the future after you inevitably die requires a population of same ethnic background and same culture which you share with them and that they will preserve. The way our ancestors live through us we will live through our children.
Another reason is the reason you exist the way you do is because of your nationality. Without the nation in which you grew up you would not be the same man but something else entirely. Something someone might want to preserve.
>Competition is required for progress.
No it isn't.
humans are social animals, we survive through cooperation.
I can't imagine a government of that size working out very well. The US federal government already overlooks the needs of many of its people. I'm supposed to trust something even bigger to look out for me?
My country's government can barely manage a federation of states effectively, a decentralized government where groups of people are able to govern their own as they see fit while united for a common goal is the best.
Smaller governments are able to keep much more in touch with their subjects and kept in check to be unable to abuse their power, as well as being able to manage with an increased amount of efficiency compared to a government that has the power to manage everything constantly.
It's evil.
A one world government sounds like a good idea on paper, but just look at the mess EU is and imagine something 20 times bigger.
It's not doable.
Maybe if we found some ayy lmaos or we develop AI it would become possible. But right now? No way.
One world government, think about it for a moment. Radical Sunni Muslims ???! would they obey your government?
Which is why you'd need a lot more police and a stronger military to maintain absolute control, even if it comes at a cost of not having a police state and some freedoms
In the United States, we might lose some freedoms, but at least in North Korea and Belarus, they'll gain some freedoms so we all win
Most technological development has been done in and around the field of warfare and during open total wars technology suffered golden ages.
Even if you remove warfare, most other technological developments have been breed during competitions. Economical competition between the varying mercantile nations of Europe and religious competition led to the discovery of ship building and navigating technology that led to the discovery of the new world and sailing around Africa.
The best reason to be a nationalist is that nationalism is the foundation of democracy. If you don't have some sort of shared cultural identity as the foundation for you nation state, it's just going to devolve into warring tribal factions. That's why identity politics are so dangerous.
At some point in time a world government might be better, but for now the nation state is also an important bulwark against globalist corporations. It's the best social institution we've ever come up with, and it'd be retarded to discard it without a viable alternative.
As a final point, ideologies basically exist to help us find a shared sense of meaning, and nationalism accomplishes this very well. The key to find that meaning at least in large part at the level of the state, rather than as part of some sub-group.
Are you also willing to erase all spoken languages but one?
Because as long as people have different cultures and different languages, they will naturally form their own communities.
Erase the borders and nothing happens. We will still have invisible borders where countries used to exist.
Hell, there are almost no borders in the EU right now. People can move between countries freely, and yet only a very small minority is willing to move to another country to live and assimilate.
So what would you have to gain with one government? You would still need to have regional "mini-governments" to govern each state.
Just like in the US where each state will elect their own people for senate to represent them and each town elects their major, most likely the regions would continue to elect the regional leaders from the same set of politicians that lead our countries now.
So you would have better cooperation between countries than today? Certainly, but that's nothing that trade agreements and unions can't do already.
Is this supposed to be convincing?
You do realize that to maintain the one world government they will have to destroy any separatis taught and remove the means of those tinkers to have any power.
Which means freedom of speech goes out the window and so is any possession of armament.
Add that the lowest common denominator culture will be pushed and all others eliminated by force and you will have something even King Jong Un will find excessive. As history shows the grater the empire the greater the oppression required to maintain it.
>promoting a one-world government
You will get fucked over.
For a one world government a homognous society is needed, there is no other way.
Diversity has to be estinguished (aka the whites outbred and killed) and an authoritarian socialist system put in place to rule over the masses. Every other system is bound to collapse within years as people will always strive for a better life.
The EU is a perfect example how well this has worked. It simply does not work.
The financial and refugee crisis has already brought the EU very close to its collapse.
>spend more money on law enforcement
>maintain "absolute control"
I'm all for increasing the military, but I want to do it through a method of integrating the people into the military in the form of civil militia, and using the military for things such as fire and rescue, and road crews, allowing us to maximize the military potential while keeping our standing army to a bare minimum.
There's no reason a loose federation of independent nations shouldn't be preferable to a single totalitarian entity.
A one world government would be horribly inefficient
Nationalism is capitalism on a macro scale, so it's way more efficient
Nice platitude my dude.
>ants are social animals! This means all ant colonies of similar breeds should cooperate.
"Social Animal" means forming a population sized group based on common heritage or common nature and competing for maximum resources. Humans are wired the same way. It's why among low iq populations unable to repress instinctual behavior gang and tribal warfare is endemic. And fun fact, the majority of the world's populations are like this, and while a nice global civic nationalist super state sounds like it would be lovely and peaceful all you're doing is giving all the uneducated worthless people from the 3ed world carte blanche to emmigrate en masse and bring their tribal allegiance with them, form non productive enclaves, and leech off the welfare state. see migrant crisis. Not to mention the obviously terrible repurcussions or such high level governance being unable to address local issues and everything that comes with putting all your eggs in one basket , the really questionable desision of having a single currency, the inability for any minority group to have their voice heard on a global scale, it's totally retarded. That's why the nation state is so effective and multi nation states are brewing civil war shitholes, see Turkey, Syria, Israel, Uganda, ect and to a lesser extent the USA, France, Germany.A general union of the people, manageable scale capable of effective governance, and solid national sentiment
>Most technological development has been done in and around the field of warfare
Yes, warfare... implying that two armies were fighting eachother.
And armies are comprised of a whole bunch of dudes cooperating with eachother, supported by non-combattants who cooperate with the soldiers by supplying food, taxes, weapons, etc....
Yea I already know you're retarded my dude, no need to point it out.
That isn't at all what nationalism is, you stupid fuck.
>Yea I already know you're retarded my dude, no need to point it out.
Wow, what an amazing non-argument.
Are you saying that individuals within civilizations don't cooperate with eachother, ever?
Or are you merely using this as an excuse to fuck over everyone you see?
>This is what open borders Cucks actually believe
So that your government represents your community and achieves its needs, and always has its the success of the nation in mind, rather than be some foreign community of leaders manipulating the success of individual areas in strokes too broad to represent anyone's individual community.
It's not an argument because "in going to point out an obvious thing as if it proves something totally different" is not an argument.
Cooperation existing Inside a single nation or entity does not mean species wide cooperation is a feasible reality or even desirable. Why don't you actually read my initial responce
That cooperation was there because of competition.
If you no longer have anything to compete against there is no need for effort or ingenuity.
What is the one world governament going to fight?
Ayyy Lamo's?
But you said that we progress based upon competition, right?
The progress from competition (military competition) only makes any sense if there is already AT LEAST two nations full of people cooperating with their countrymen.
Military conflict can't happen without cooperation.
I mean, just look at tribal warfare, it's not exactly two dudes fighting eachother... it's a GROUP fighting anouther GROUP.
This obcession with competition seems to spring from a very selfish and narcasistic view of the world that you have.
Tell me, did your parents not love you?
You're overlooking the fact that they're cooperating to prevail in a COMPETITION.
hey if globalists want to mix cultures, then why do they push the sjw stuff so hard when sjws say that mixing cultures is appropriation?
>only makes any sense if there is already AT LEAST two nations full of people cooperating with their countrymen
Which there are. So your argument is
>global cooperation is the best solution if all of history never happened
A global government would be much more corruptible.
So you're just being deliberately obtuse, got it, I should have been able to tell by the tripcode
>You're overlooking the fact that they're cooperating to prevail in a COMPETITION.
ordinarily, they are cooperating in commerce.
>Which there are. So your argument is
>global cooperation is the best solution if all of history never happened
No, I said nothing about global cooperation, I was referring to local and national cooperation.
Actually, to be specific, I war referring to tribal level cooperation, but that's neither here nor there.
It's about commerce.
China is trying to compete with Murica by even using dirty means.
Same with Russia and the EU.
>So you're just being deliberately obtuse, got it, I should have been able to tell by the tripcode
Nope, commerce is about cooperation, not competition.
Trade is by definition an act of cooperation.
If trade was about competition, everyone would just steal everything.
wtf. did you get your political education from tumbler and laci green
>China is trying to compete with Murica by even using dirty means.
>Same with Russia and the EU.
I was referring to commerce in your own nation, and in a local level....
Where commerce originally began, at the tribal/local/town level.
Perhaps if we grew it organically, globalism would be the way to go. A single small tribe as it spread out, would not have broken up into additional tribes, but would have kept in contact and governed at a distance.
The Roman Empire, The Holy Roman Empire, the Ottoman empire, The British empire- Empires have been as close as we've gotten to any kind of large scale rule. They were undeniably able governments, bringing their version of 'civilization' into what they saw as more backward areas. But the cost of forcing a single government on so many people at a distance, backfired in the end. People don't want a government that is too far removed from them and cant relate to them. And so South Africa, Hong King, America, and India, Africa even down to the Zulus, all told Britain to fuck off. In some spectacularly bloody ways.
These empirical examples are going to be as close as we can get, since globalism has never been tried. It would be the height of naivety to think that all the separate countries are going to get conquered without a fight. Someone will have to be the last government standing. And we'll have to take out Russia, they won't assimilate without a fight. And China and North Korea, and the entire middle east. None of them will assimilate without a fight.
Empire has never been seen as 'ideal' by people, down to even our cultural norms that have ingrained in us to rebel against totalitarian governments; our stories from ancient texts like the Bible to modern forms like Star Wars movies shows our reluctance to be under large or global dictatorships. Everyone throughout history has fought so hard for freedom for millenia, they will not go backward. No one, from the indigenous tribes of South America to the Corsicans on their rocky island, is going to go along willingly.
Globalism indeed may be a workable form of government. But the road to getting there will mean war, and death, on an unimaginably global scale.
High quality post
Because a world government will ignore you in favour of a larger mass of people or interests elsewhere.
Not to mention the fact that different regions of the World have different cultures, economies, and challenges, a one-world-government would be inflexible in dealing with the reality of more localised (and by localised I mean less than the entire fucking Earth) issues.
cooperation from competition. Are you five years old? All humans will not cooperate with each other until the day of an alien invasion. Common enemies unite. This is basic 4th grade level stuff here.
if things go wrong in a one world government you cant do anything, also there are not other places to compare.Imagine nazi germany or USSR ruling all the world.
Even then if tribe A traded cattle for firewood from tribe B at any one point tribe C could pop up and offer more firewood per cow forcing tribe B to compete or no longer have cows.
Also, stop using Froppy for your shitty posts. She is too pure.
I'd say it's a healthy balance of both.
All culture would be gone. Japanes anime would not exist as most of the world would think its disgusting and ban it from being made. Americans wouldn't have guns because yurofags would be anti gun.
The only way the entire world would unite under one is if it is done by slavery.
>cooperation from competition.
You are dumb.
>at any one point
Sure, guy.... way to miss the point.
You have to be cooperating in order to trade, the competition comes later.
>Sure, guy.... way to miss the point.
>You have to be cooperating in order to trade, the competition comes later.
So you are just being pedantic at this point. Yes the act of trading a good for another is an action of cooperation.
But when you factor in human biological response of self segregation, dislike of the other , the fact that humans like to act up on spite or prove themselves better than the other. You will see that competition will start to take hold and will steer cooperation in a much more efficient direction.
>I'd say it's a healthy balance of both.
Past a certain point, sure...
But cooperation comes first.
No man is an island, and all that jazz.
>steer cooperation in a much more efficient direction.
Without cooperation you wouldn't get anything done in the first place.
Do you know what lothario means, and why it was used as a curse word?
Pic related. We stand to lose more than we would gain from a one world government. If you actually care about the diversity of the human race you would not want to destroy it all in the name of equality.
Additionally the idea of Nationalism places the well being of the nation before the well being of the individual, like Kennedy said "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country" and that man was a Democrat. My how a few decades changes things
>Without cooperation you wouldn't get anything done in the first place.
Are you autistic or something?
Literally 1 sentence before I gave you that as a given. And you either have a brain of a goldfish or you are being an ass on purpose.
And just because an action is done via cooperation doesn't mean it's efficient. It just means it was done via cooperation.
I'm only in this thread to read this post.
>Are you autistic or something?
So, when you are having an argument, you have to always be looking for the upper hand to make yourself look better, by insulting the person you are arguing with, right?
And you expect actual discussion to take place when you aren't even looking for truth, you are just looking to one up everyone to make yourself feel special?
How does it feel knowing that you are incapable of anything by yourself, and can only rob others of their accomplishments?
I bet it makes you feel like you are capable of doing things on your own, doesn't it?
Go away, and come back when you have fully grown up, you literal autistic child.
Because diversity is strength
No other country (even western) has a 1st or 2nd amendment. Having god-given rights that were thought up 240 years ago that'll be taken away if you don't protect them is why I became at least patriotic.
>So, when you are having an argument, you have to always be looking for the upper hand to make yourself look better, by insulting the person you are arguing with, right?
>And you expect actual discussion to take place when you aren't even looking for truth, you are just looking to one up everyone to make yourself feel special?
>How does it feel knowing that you are incapable of anything by yourself, and can only rob others of their accomplishments?
>I bet it makes you feel like you are capable of doing things on your own, doesn't it?
>Go away, and come back when you have fully grown up, you literal autistic child.
Calm down your tism m8. This level of sperg is reaching Sonichu levels. Also your salt is delicious.
If you fail to see that I agreed with you, even when I pointed it out to your face it warrants you being called out.
And look kid there is nothing wrong with being autistic if you don't let the autism overcome your thinking.
>Calm down your tism m8
I'm sorry, I thought that was your preferred method of communication.
This is a pretty hypocritical post, all things considered.
>still being salty you got called out
Calm down m8 nobody is taking your tendies away.
God, what is with tripfags and tims.
>one-world government
Because cucks like you think your utopian one world government will be run by benevolent Scandinavians and not Chinese communists, Muslims jehadi's and/or African tribals wo will shit up the entire world
I don't like either option but nationalism is marginally better because at least with nationalism if you don't like it you can leave.
With a one world government if that government is corrupt or dystopian you can't escape it.
This. I come to these threads to make sure it has been posted.
No because no one here actually understands what a one world government would mean
The bitter truth is were moving towards a corporate government more and more. No one seems to be paying attention but the internet ensured that was our end.
With the way Google has a monopoly on the internet and what you see, and the fact everyone just creates a file on you, Google will, and is, dictate us.
Your opinions aren't your own unless you get left out in the woods without contact with anyone.
>This is a pretty hypocritical post, all things considered.
Just responding in his native tongue.
>Calm down m8 nobody is taking your tendies away.
I'm too poor to afford tendies, fool.
>God, what is with tripfags and tims.
Well, I have a dedicated stalker force that is contractually bound not to reveal that they stalk me, and only refer to me by insulting ever post I make in a vain attempt to create a negative social perspective of me.
I'm guessing that's you, right?
It's okay, I've seen these tactics before, go ahead and pretend that you don't know what I'm talking about and call me paranoid, schizo, etc...
I've seen these tactics used against me by those better at psyops than you.
Seriously, just don't even bother arguing against me, because everyone here knows that the only words out of your mouth will be to disparage me, and try to make you look good in comparison.
And I'll just be sitting here, speaking the undiluted truth while you cry in a little pool of your own perpetual failures as a shill.
By the way, how much do they pay you to argue against me on the intrawebs?
its a lot I hope.
Group A want something
Group B wants something different
Group A outnumbers group B
Group B has no voice
Think of it like this. Imagine a world government. Most people on earth live in China, India, or Africa. Assuming a representative democracy the head of state of the world government would almost certainly be extremely socially conservative. Have fun with laws allowing you to beat your wife or sell your daughter. Have fun with all your tax money going to build projects in Africa and teaching Indians how to use toilets.
>What are VPNs and NoScript
As much as corporations/governments try to dominate the internet, there's always a counter.
>Well, I have a dedicated stalker force that is contractually bound not to reveal that they stalk me, and only refer to me by insulting ever post I make in a vain attempt to create a negative social perspective of me.
What's with tripfags and assuming people give a shit?
>Seriously, just don't even bother arguing against me, because everyone here knows that the only words out of your mouth will be to disparage me, and try to make you look good in comparison.
>literally agree with you
>I am somehow trying to disparage you
>By the way, how much do they pay you to argue against me on the intrawebs?
>Thinking someone would pay people to shitpost against you
Jesus fucken Christ this is too retarded.
The less centralized authority is the more experimental nations can be. I don't like the term nationalism, I would preferable simple patriotism. Anyways patriotism enables countries and citizens to improve the nation out of love for it and for no other reason than it is your home. In no way should it be associated with race or ethnicity in my mind.
Rather like any good steward you make sure the house, the home if you will is in order and running smoothly. The practical policies of a good running house are wide ranging and variable and therefore for success on a large scale to be achieved it is better that multiple nations with a cohesive culture exist so that other countries and cultures can learn to improve based upon the successes or failures of other nations.
Essentially independent and culturally similar nations lead to more experiments in regards to civic success.
Do you want to live in America, or do you want to live in Syria?
nationalism preserves cultural diversity
>What's with tripfags and assuming people give a shit?
Then why are you responding?
>Jesus fucken Christ this is too retarded.
Yes, very good retort...
Very good retort indeed...
However, that was not an argument.
Anarcho-capitalism is the best system, and it would result in many small privately owned villages and cities, many of which have nationalist tendencies where they connect on ethnic/cultural grounds.
Therefore, nationalism > globalism because nationalism is ultimately an expression of private property and the right to exclude others from it.
>Then why are you responding?
Because your reactions are hilarious. This is like watching a hobo having a moment from a safe distance.
>not an argument
>using the not an argument meme after 2 paragraphs of sperging out after me agreeing with you
Keep going man. I got all night to see you ramble.
One world govt. is honestly a good thing if you live in a below average shit country because you effectively get to take advantage of welfare (which will be many times greater then even some well off people in your country make) paid for by the people who live in the above average countries. However anyone that lives in one of these above average countries would not benefit at all from a one world govt. In fact I would be willing to bet that even the welfare recipients in these countries would lose out after the average income rates see them in the "pay more to support the less fortunate" tax bracket by sheer virtue of how drastic the average income is between places like America and places like Zimbabwe.
The fuck do you think no script is going to do against Google?
By using Google anything you've given up your IP location identity access to pictures and more.
Countries like the US are prosperous because it's citizens produce more than they consume.
Countries like Uganda are shitholes because it's citizens produce less than they consume.
Pile this all together and it becomes a zero sum game. Those who produce more than they consume have resources taken from them, making production less rewarding while those who consume more than they create will be able to survive at greater rates. In the end this will cause perpetual poverty globally except for a small elite that control the infrastructure of extortion resources and giving it to the masses.
>Because your reactions are hilarious.
And you are just boring.
>This is like watching a hobo having a moment from a safe distance.
You say that while posting on Sup Forums you know...
Are you saying that you are above posting on a place such as this ugly and disturbing dark corner of the internet?
Oh come now, surely you of all people can see that claiming to be above a board that you are posting on absolutely reeks of unoriginality and self absorbed narcasism.
>Keep going man. I got all night to see you ramble.
And ramble I shall, perhaps I shall teach you a good deal about verbal banter and the power of internet memery?
Maybe I shall school you in the fine art of diolouge, dialect, and discussion?
Argumentative ambiance and combative conversation?
Well, I suppose that me delivering a fine linguistic lecture to you beats the absolute hell out of listening to whatever tired diatribe you would consider a discussion, as you have made the point quite clear, that insults and self aggrandizement are preferable to honest discussion and discourse.
So, while you sit on the sidelines thumbing through your thesaurus, I shall be here dispensing the most unequivocally dank verbiage that you have ever had the pleasure of witnessing with your own mortal eyes.
Lord knows ONE of us has to be interesting in this thread.
Your retort?
Nationalisim in its truest form, is the expression of pride and love for ones country.
Its policy and aims differ from nation to nation but it is bound by one universal oath to put the best intrests of the nation and its people first.
Nationalism also seeks to preseve the culture, traditions and race of ones country by
>preventing degenarate influences from posioning the nation.
>Promoting the history and great achivments of ones nation.
>stopping immigration completly.
Lastly nationism belives in a nation eventully becoming fully self relliant and not needing to rely on other countries for anything. Nationalists belive this is when a nation reaches a state of transcendance fully reaching its full potential.
Its a great ideology to stand behind of you love your country and hate seeing whats hapening to it. however I do belive its missing some key important social aspects that national socialism picks up on and implments perfectly.
I should probably block more but it's a start.
Bad analogy but I get your point. I'm still obliged to call you a stupid faggot though.
Different countries and governments means different expriences and more data, then you can pick the best parts of each one, improve, do another iteration, pick the best parts, etc...
Also, a global government can make one big mistake and affect everyone. Never put all your eggs in one basket.
>instead of promoting a one-world government, which sounds better in many aspects
sounds better but isn't better
do you think rome got so large because it played diplomat and never used its military?
people won't be ruled by treaties and they definitely won't be ruled without force
>You say that while posting on Sup Forums you know...
So, the statement was in refrence to you not the board as a whole
>Are you saying that you are above posting on a place such as this ugly and disturbing dark corner of the internet?
Where did I state or imbly that?
>Your retort?
Big words, fancy sentences, word play and all other manners of linguistic performance dancing doesn't make up for the fact that you just had a sperg out and it doesn't constitute an argument.
As a refresher we where talking about how trade also has competition, which I claimed is good as it makes it more eficient.
>So, the statement was in refrence to you not the board as a whole
Romania, huh?
That should be interesting...
>Where did I state or imbly that?
>Big words, fancy sentences, word play and all other manners of linguistic performance dancing doesn't make up for the fact that you just had a sperg out and it doesn't constitute an argument.
Aw, he keeps using "Sperg" as an argument, how quaint.
>As a refresher we where talking about how trade also has competition, which I claimed is good as it makes it more eficient.
Because there are a limited number of resources that people compete for. A nation, or any community for that matter is supposed to better the lives of it's members. A one-world goverment will never work since you will never, ever make everyone agree to be one big hivemind. If it's not nation it is religion, if not religion then race, if not race it is your favourite sportsteam and so on and so on. People are tribal creatures by nature so a one-world goverment or nation is just a pipedream held by a few that can never exist.
I was going to say I agreed with you but I cringed when you said national socialism. Your grandfather must be disappointed.
Please stop responding user. I have a fever and the tripfags posts are messing with my head. They're so strange and obtuse and obnoxiously smug.