In the night of saturday to sunday, a 14 year old girl was raped by a 22 year old Afghan (((Refugee))) in the small city of Meiningen, Thuringia.
Two hours before he was controlled by the police, thus they could catch him shortly after.
Germany - 14yo girl raped by Afghan Immigrant
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Do you think she came? I bet she did, Germans are whores..
Why even posting that?
Just another day in germany.
If someone gets blamed it will be all men but NEVER some ethnical group.
many such cases
Don't worry, citizen, just another isolated incidence.
Should have stuck to Syrians.
He a gud buy! He dindu nuffin!
that's the future the leftists chose for them
goin 2 da mosque 2 get his lyfe back on trak.
Don't worry. Some afghans will hold up a huge "so sorry" sign again like last time that happened, and everything will be okay.
>14yo alone outside at night
Dumb parents
How very Einzelfall of him!
It's my home town.
This is basically porn for Merkel. I bet she masturbates to shit like this.
This isn't news anymore, Mehmet.
White men rape too. The media are so biased...
>be german
>get raped
headline literally reads
"girl raped - police checked perpetrator before crime"
they had to check if his skin color was dark enough to enrich the girl
at least try
focus isnt even dailymail tier they blatantly make shit up
whats it like there?
only because your mother still kept her last name schroeder, doesnt mean that ALL german females are whores
There is no proof that he did it, he just went for a walk with her one hour before the crime, like every normal 22 years old would do with his 14 yo girlfriend.
Most German girls fuck Afghans voluntarily. It's only natural that this poor refugee got confused.
Europe deserves to fall. Their social situation is disgusting and they are dominated by Jews, but the majority of its population does not give a shit because its economy is well.
In addition, after being raped, they continue to support refugees. Let the world take his course then.
Ther Fuhrer ;_;
pic related represent 5% of germans
I get that rape is bad and all, but imagine an austrian rapinga girl, do now all austrians have to apologize because they are austrian?
Its true that the police and politics act biased towards ((refugees)), as in being like "he is a god goy, he dindu nuffin", but is that the fault of all members of a race?
At least he didn't drown her, OP, but I guess you're just a half glass empty type of person.
No such thing
Every other mammal alive "rapes"
based ahmed
Focus occasionally reports on stuff that left sites won't report on. You can track these things back to local police reports.
I never get why people only want to listen to "reputable" news sources when those are the ones who just ignore stuff.
Replace the word "Europe" with "Germany" and you're on point.
Here, this should brighten up your day.
i wish bitches would grow some balls and chop their rape babies up into pieces, then spread them all around the kebab areas
women love being dominated anyway, she probably reported for attention
White men do not go to foreign countries and rape the locals in numbers never seen before, nigger.
Don't forget the part where native German girls go give out roses and kisses to poor innocent rapefugees and immigrabs to make sure the far right can't capitalize on rapefugee criminality. Because the hateful racist Islamophobic bigotry of native Germans is the real problem!
yeah, isnt democrazy great, you fabulous dhimmi? newsflash. merkel doesnt give a flying fuck about you, and your fellow germans dont either. now swallow that salty afghan load because you have to respect democratic decisions! btw do u habe a minute to talk about ancap?
If Austrians are a 5% minority in a country but cause 49% of all violent crime even Nazis would point the finger at them.
Even though the other 95% are more criminal in absolute numbers, as the Lügenpresse propagates.
this attitude is equivalent to being confronted by several 8 year olds and simply letting them hit ad kick you until you are slowly beaten to death.
thinking "ha! It's good that my women are being killed and raped because they had shown support for refugees" is just letting your race die out.
It's JUST as cucked in mindset as being a leftist male and supporting refugees.
infact you're being even more cucked right now. Because a leftist male probably believes that in the future the refugees will be peaceful and integrate and native germans will eventually live in peace, while you believe that germans will be wiped out and you're satisfied about that.
stop with this shameful cuck defeatist attitude.
it's especially shameful when I see you people make posts like these when a teen gets raped.
a teen who will have been too young to ever vote for merkel, and is obviously just repeating what the popular media say without knowing any better.
saying things like "heh, good , this 16 year old probably supported refugees" is disgusting, defeatist and cucked.
that flag, that post
plz be my ai bf
its simple truth my man, whether that makes you uncomfortable is another issue
((((( you ))))))
>tfw even more Turks will swarm into Austria when Turkey extorts it's way into the EU
>tfw Austrians are ok with this, because they voted Van der Cuck
ok, i will let me get arrested for hate speech instead, great idea
Cant deport this one. In his home country he would get death sentence for raping. Therefore he has to stay and out of prison, because of the mere thought of being threatened by death sentence he should be set free.
Whoever disagrees is an intolerant nazi and should pay 1 gorillion shekels. Relatives should pay up when you aren't able to.
Why hasn't the "on the fence" people in your country put 2 and 2 together yet?
Needed the spongebob pic for full effect
What can I say. Jamal is right. German women are scum. Just imagine, if the refugee has to take care of a baby with this monster. Jokes on him, I say.
damn... sending a wristband to her.
Its my dream to fuck an underage. Fucking refugees fullfilling dreams.
good point. turkey is going to let loose the gibemedats of war, and it will be hilarious
Lol right next to that article I found this bitch who speaks for 3 minutes convincing u it's "einzel fall"
Or just a unique incidence and it's just her doing mental gymnastics and trying to convince you to do mental gymnastics too , this isn't even news why the fuck is it even on that website
what do you think
this happened here not that long ago
some old fart hanging out at a cafe invited one of the girls there to his flat
well he put his thing in her she put his knife in him
It's sad but we have to understand them, they come from a different background, they were traumatized. The girl was born in a rich family and will get proper care. But the assailant is himself a victim in a way, and will be targeted by white nationalists.
>well he put his thing in her she put his knife in him
Double penetration.
Einzige fall*
>multiculturalism and diversity
This shit it's what happens when you let left wing take control
>BTW Sweden it's more cucked, don't be a bitch and whine about it
Want to do something? then start purging those roaches they're plagues after all
what is an einzelfall anyway? its newspeak word like wutbürger
>what do you think
I seriously need to know.
rapefugee gonna rape, 14 yr old wanted it. cappuccino baby = social house.
>Einzige fall*
"Einzelphallus". Get it right
did Brexit awaken some fire in the hearts of British men?
Why do young women always go with 30 year old shitskins?
It's a common pattern of how girls get raped, even in Vienna.
Is it just failed parenting?
How do you mean?
>elect a disgusting barren old spinster into power
>be surprised when she fucks up your entire nation
How are the refugees and migrants? What are the native Germans like? Are people talking about this rape?
Sheeeeet nigga my bad, ich versuche
No it's been going on for a while now, Sup Forums just doesn't like to talk about it because it goes against their narrative of English people "doing nothing".
The girl comes from a bad parenting, marginal home.
Yes, let's just jump to conclusions.
Not like there are plenty of examples of eye witnesses or victims making up facts to spread propaganda, for example this girl who claimed to have been raped by migrants, when in fact she wasn't raped at
Or how about this guy, who claimed this photo was of a refugee in Germany holding an ISIS flag?
Turned out that photo was 3 years old, not of a refugee, not an ISIS flag, and shot during a counter-rally as a response to a far-right party doing a rally through Bonn.
Or how about this case, where a facebook user got 70000 shares for pointing out that an apparent IS fighter posed as a refugee to get into Europe?
Turns out that the guy was Laith Al Saleh, who did indeed fight in the Syrian civil war, however not for ISIS, but in the Free Syrian Army, which wants a secular and democratic Syria and is one of the more effective groups fighting against ISIS (and which is one of the few groups where you can not joke about "moderate rebels").
But yes, let's instead continue to take everything that a single individual claims as a fact.
>but in the Free Syrian Army, which wants a secular and democratic Syria
Actually the Lügenpresse is recently spreading a "fake news" meme, telling you to distrust the hateful internets and rely on good old Tagesschau. It has a pretty pathetic aftertaste.
Well, I am not there now but you can bet for sure.
People are really sensitized about immigrants since there were all the time other incidents.
Most people when I went to germany are cautious of migrants and don't trust them, my girlfreind's friends are scared for their pussy cause of the news.
In private or
In the comfort of their homes the old german people express their dislike for them and dissapointment in germany.
That's pretty much it
take your facts and fuck off if you dont mind... RAECE WAR NOW
merkel will literally pull a hitler and keep doing this until she gets dragged out of her bunker
What the hell is wrong with burgers? Why do so many of you have cuckold fetishes where the first thing you think about when a mudslime rapes a white woman is "I BET SHE CAME OH GOD IM SO CLOSE TO CUMMING TO OH GOD THATS SO HOT"
You make Canadians look good.
You know that song Tannenbaum-o-Tannenbaum?
It should be Einzelfall-o-Einzelfall...
Would be funnier if he just had a little sweden flag on his little dog body
I'm so glad merkel wants to ban every false news out there.
I'm sick of these lies!
If we don't get censorship really soon this could all go wrong for those poor refugees.
>Down with the fake news!!!
Not sure if satire tbqh. This isn't about isolated cases, Jamal. It is about a pattern of behavior.
We would've had a Cologne-like sexual assault fest in this country a year ago if the cops weren't tipped off beforehand and hence could prevent hundreds of Arabs from meeting up to sexually assault females as their New Year's celebration.
~60% of 6yo children in west germany are non-white. just fuck my shit up senpai. we're literally all 1 generation away from being a minority is a shitload of western country
to civic nationalist cucks out there : If pol end up being right (again) and race end up being a crucial part of western civilisation, this will not be reversible. I hope you know what youre doing.
Why is there a picture of tony hawk there?
Good. It will boost their birthrate.
>fsa isn't isis
Yep it's the girls fault for walking alone at night
German street are very very dangerous after all
Of course if I see a girl alone in the night in the street the first thing I want to to do is rape her
>36% of Muslims believe 9/11 was partially or wholly justified. Source:
>Arab countries have the highest rates of inbreeding in the world. Source:
>1 in 3 Muslims favorably views Hamas, a terrorist organization. Source:
>1 in 9 Arabs has a positive view of ISIS. Source:
>Muslim countries produce so few patents that their contributions worldwide are “invisible”. Source:
>The average Muslim nation produces less than 1/10 as much scientific research as a non-Muslim nation. Source:
>Between 3% and 30% of Turkish college students believe honor killings are normal. Source:
>1 in 3 Jordanian youth agree with honor killings. Source:
>As many as 50% of rural Afghani men engage in pedophilia. Source:
>Half of all Muslims are inbred. Source:
>Hundreds of millions of Muslims reject freedom of religion and freedom of expression. Source:
>The four countries with the highest rates of child marriage are all majority Muslim. Source:
>Rape of infidel women is part of Islamic law and Islamic tradition. Source:
>if I see a girl alone in the night in the street the first thing I want to to do is rape her
i mean if shes pretty, why not?
i dont get you westerners
Germans and the rest of Europe, WTF? Do you realise that your government dosen't give a fuck about you?
They don't give a fuck if you are going to be raped, killed, injured, mistreated. The fuck are you waiting for?
For coordinated ISIS attacks on your population, who came in thosands with the rest of the rapefugees?
Does Europe really wants to go extinct?
Couple of years ago in that place, a girl could walk naked alone in the night through the park or on the streets and with almost zero chance to get harmed in any way.
Even some people never locked their homes.