>Sup Forums got tricked into thinking a billionaire is an 'outsider' and 'anti-establishment'
He IS the establishment.
>Sup Forums got tricked into thinking a billionaire is an 'outsider' and 'anti-establishment'
He IS the establishment.
But he's not a pedophile cultist murderer cannibal.
Suck my dick OP.
>believing fake news
He's a Chinese puppet put into power to press for American isolationism and technological regression.
By 2020 China will have light fission reactors and will have fully finalized the imperial conquest of Africa and much of Asia.
But you kids have fun "making America great again". Spoiler. America was never all that great.
Lol ok
THIS, wake up pol, why are you so eager to listen to lies?! What happened to logic and reasoning?
Yes he is, he was good friends with Jeffrey Epstein and he called Roy Cohn (a well known pedophile kike) his mentor. He has Kabbalah shit on his office wall, not to mention his tower being 666ft tall and him living on the 66th floor, so you know he's into the occult shit too.
Murderer and cannibal, who knows but if he's hanging out with pedo kikes it's extremely likely.
His great grandmother was an Ashkenazim woman in Bavaria- these are literally the people who sacrificed thousands of beautiful European children aka blood libel.
The Fendippitous Eggmen are returning soon.
You didn't think evidence just disappeared, did you?
Madeleine McCann. Note her right eye.
Note the right eye.
You didn't think that kikes would just carelessly leave all of this plethora of evidence right out in the open for y'all to discover unless they had some sort of ulterior motive, did you?
I'd love for you to explain what magical age-reversing technology these kikes have their hands on.
Whatever Donald may be, he's still not a child eating, child raping, child smuggling pedophile.
The sad thing?
Its looking like OP is correct based on trump cabinet picks and yet Sup Forums will defend him to the gates of hell if need be.
This is why i cant take Sup Forums serious. They are unwilling to criticize /ourguy/ even against insurmountable evidence of his establishment bullshit soros/banking buddy hires. Then jailing people for freedom of speech for flags and banning media for slander.
Trump is about to make his billionaire buds richer and you all will pay the tab with a shit eating grin on your face become because its all part of your god empowers plan.
So stupid. Trump was the butt of jokes 2 years ago. Hes still the embarsement of a human being then and now.
I gave him a chance but this is bullshit. I dont accept
Go ahead and call me a ctr. Truth is YOU are a ctr. You wont criticize trump and you infest every crack of the internet shilling for trump
good thing she didn't age you fucking retard
>Because the Chinese, print our money
It's her. Instagram pic doesn't have a date
I am with her, right OP?
Logic and reasoning do not mean truth.
He is the establishment now that he hired it to run his presidency. Before that, he was more like a mafioso who worked with the establishment but had different goals.
The choice was between the evil we knew and the evil we didn't know. I would vote the same way next time even knowing how this seems like it'll turn out.
Also, do you think you could give him like even one day in office before you judge his ability to govern?
>and yet Sup Forums will defend him to the gates of hell if need be.
The stages of acceptance. Trumpniggers are still in the denial phase. It's still early.
who gives a fuck? this has been the best two years of my life.
Prove it kike slave.
Give me a reasonable explanation for why Jeffrey Epstein wouldn't deny Trump's involvement with underage women instead of pleading the fifth? Why would he plead the fifth and especially why would he say that he would "love to answer" but that it was best left to his lawyers? Also, isn't it a funny coincidence that one of the young girls that was victimized by Epstein was found by him while working at Trump's mar-a-lago hotel? Oh yeah and of course this same girl has said that Trump raped her.
Wow you fucking retard. It literally does have a date for one thing, 141 weeks. Madeline McCann was already older than the child in this photo when she was taken and today she would be something like 11 or 12 years old. You're either a troll, a shill, or an idiot that doesn't even bother researching anything that he says online and instead just regurgitates memes like a dumb preteen girl.
Okay. He didn't eat her though.
Not even in office yet lmaoaoaoaoaoaoaoaoaoaoaoaoaoaoa
> thinking that people awake to Trump's corruption and kikery wouldn't be the kind of people to have known all about Clintons kikery for years.
but he's on OUR side!
yeah, fuck drumpf. the electors need to choose clinton and save us from the establishment man
this gonna be so fun hahahah
Well he FUCKING LOVES to eat McDonalds all day and while this is just speculation there have been many kikes who say that the Satanists dispose of aborted and murdered infant and child flesh by mixing it into the meat at places like McDonalds- by the way this company LOVES Israel just like Trump!
I wouldn't be surprised if these fast food places are like goyim flesh fuel-up stations for these demons, you always see high up figures eating fast food especially McDonalds.
141 weeks from which date?
>What happened to logic and reasoning?
>Implying this place hasn't been foregone-conclusion-based-on-muh-feels since day one.
From the date it was posted.
> when your argument is so weak you have to resort to these low-quality straw man arguments
lol reminds me of pic related
Chinese still can't make Jet Engines for Jet Fighters a generation (or now 2) old.
They have to use Russian engines.
The Chinese aren't making anything new.
And what is the date posted?
Go look at his cabinet hires.
Goldman sach
Neo cons
War mongers
Big banks
Big oil for secretary of fucking state.
The outsider candidate .
We were duped son. Ive already conceeded and soon you will conceed as well.
Get ready for bush term 3.
Hillary would have been trash but at least we all could have kept shitposting at the status quo like the past ì years.
And really now, how bad were the 8 years? We are all here enjoying pur freedoms.
Well get ready for trumps thick hard throbbing freedom crushing cock.
All Republican house, senate, supreme court. President. What a shotstorm we are headed too. Trumps going to send you to youer death for middle east oil. You'll see how bitch
Yes. That's why the Chinese mass-export students to US universities to get the training here.
Yea I got tricked into thinking he would trigger all the SJWs and leftist cucks. Oh wait I got exactly like that.
He IS the president
I suppose a nuclear exchange with Russia is a better outcome than having a bought cabinet.
I had real doubts about the man but holy shit.. You convinced me he's probably shit for our cause..
Not shilling.
Watch the damn wall... For fuck sakes
February or March of 2014. Not 2007.
but how many lobbyists are on his team?
or are you one of those "they're secretly hyper lobbyists" demoralizers?
And where does it say that?
Yes exactly! See picture here and pic related too
What does it matter. Lobbyists are just middle men.
>muh billionaires = bad meme
>Watch the damn wall... For fuck sakes
He's still a man which makes him better than a woman.
If only I had seen this before the election day, not that it would make a difference, but thanks anyways kind user.
And Hillary isn't? At least he's entertaining
Totally not madeleine McCann
Totally not raped, murdered and sacrificed and eaten and the bones buried somewhere where we'll never find them.
That's enough.
While I only made that specific meme more recently, I had been trying to tell people about this for months before the election. I became suspicious during his AIPAC speech and my research quickly lead me to this. I had been sharing pic related most commonly. I really wanted to wake people up. Now I'm afraid that if people do begin waking up it will only because that's another part of their game/illusion and it's just the next subverted step.
>he fell for the "no lobbyists is meaningless" media meme
Eye birthmarks just grow on trees. Extremely common desu
People who were four in 2007 look like three year olds in 2014, extremely common faggot
You're totally missing the point because you got triggered. There's little difference between hiring lobbyists and hiring the people they work for. The lobbyist was only ever a middle man. Trump is basically removing the condom to give you the shaft raw.
>that's enough
Oh ok so you just pulled it out of your ass then.
No phones in the rape dungeon.
>I became suspicious during his AIPAC speech
you mean the one where he said I dont need your money and there was a collective oy vey
Hey guy I still don't have evidence for your 2014 date.
Are you pedos usually this dumb? Must be the Kuru disease.
>There's little difference between hiring lobbyists and hiring the people they work for
ok ill give you a chance. explain why there are even lobbyists in the first place
explain how many different lobbyists, total, exist
explain the maximum number of members trump can have on his team
(you are about to get rekt real hard in the ass so you might as well not even post)
No tunnels in Comet ping Pong
>adurpa derp, he's picking ceos instead of career politicians, he's the swamp
>hurr durr he's rich so he can't be good
>shssudhrushduurrrrrrr the real NWO is opposing him just for show obviously
>hurrrrrdurrrr the NWO wants us to be nationalists, don't you see?
All your questions are shifting goal posts.
We have terrible policies lobbied for both because of lobbyists but also importantly because of the people that bank roll them.
>IQ Test
I seriously hope you guys aren't doing this
You're obviously trolling, the proof for the 2014 date is that the photo says "posted 141 weeks ago". This screenshot can't be more than a couple of months old, which would make the photo posted in 2014 or at the very earliest maybe December of 2013.
Again what makes you think that the kikes would just leave all of this pedo and Satanist symoblism right out in the open for you to discover? It's too obvious and over the top to be real, you're being lured into a trap.
That didn't happen at AIPAC but quotes like this one did:
"I love the people in this room. I love Israel. I love Israel. I’ve been with Israel so long in terms of I’ve received some of my greatest honors from Israel, my father before me, incredible. My daughter, Ivanka, is about to have a beautiful Jewish baby."
I love how you retarded prisoners spout this shit constantly. Obama was weak to try and reset relations with Russia, but suddenly we can make the jump that Hillary was going to start a war with Russia. Pure idiocy of the highest caliber.
not really commie. Sup Forums knows and doesn't give a shit. the lulz from your crying fits were worth it. if we're getting fucked anyway we might as well diner on those delicious liberal tears.
so salty but damn that sadness tastes so good
only low IQ people say that
>having pictures of children on Instagram means you're a pedophile
You guys really are disconnected from the world
>hurrrrrdurrrr the NWO wants us to be nationalists, don't you see?
You're such a dense idiot that you can't even understand the point. Trump and his crew do not authentically represent what they claim to represent. They have no interest in protecting the values that people like us hold dear. The whole nationalist vibe is a lie, they're telling you/us what we want to hear.
He's not bad just because he's rich, I guarantee you most people posting against Trump in this thread supported him at some point and they didn't care then that he was rich, it's about the people that he associates with and to me personally about his kike ancestry as well.
who got tricked? wasn't us. even if he was lying, he was the only one saying what we wanted to hear. if he fails, another will rise knowing our platform is a path to victory. our aims, once considered fringe and extreme are now the mainstream and something worth catering to.
Of course not, it means you're a benevolent saint with rock hard abs.
Money has no politics, you only get it by creating value. It's a direct indicator that he's a good leader.
They said it's fake so it must be fake because they said it's fake so it must be......
>/leftypol/ got tricked into thinking rich people are the establishment
>Sup Forums knows
Tell that to all of the anons constantly making threads about how based and red pilled the "god emperor" is.
They think it's about pedophilia because of all of the blatant and over the top symbolism- weird slang words that have sexual connotations, use of symbols that the FBI use to represent/detect pedophilia, etc.
But what they fail to realize is that real evil pedos would never put their shit out in the open like that. It's the reason we never hear about all of the actual ritual abuse perpetuated by our government. I wonder why the white house twitter never posts photos of children dripping in innuendo? Because even though people that work there are evil and definitely in on stuff like that, the real stuff is never revealed to us goyim.
NO he's a mongolain plant to make the golden horde real again. Its so simple don't you see the connections. You've been had
150 terrabytes of pizza in Norway
>who got tricked?
> who got tricked?
>even if he was lying, he was the only one saying what we wanted to hear
So you mean he tricked you?
Why are you shills so fucking retarded?
Who is we? Day of the rake can't came soon enough.
Oh oh oh
Lmaoaoaoaoaing at your life.
He never said what we wanted to hear. The media said what we wanted to hear.
>Hillary promised to establish a no-fly zone above Syria
>doing so would involve declaring war on Russia
wtf I love hillary now
Say, isn't this guy the leader of CTR?
What? What are you even talking about?
>ITT: rationalizing real hard