Why do you hate nature and the environment, pol? You deny climate change and push for oiling, deforestation and killing endangered wildlife, why?
You want to destroy pic related as much as the kikes don't you?
Why is pol against nature?
Other urls found in this thread:
Oil companies are run by privileged, rich, white, Christian males, a demographic that is heavy in Sup Forums. Of course, they are OK with sacrificing our planet for some profit.
Pollution such as land waste, and spills into bodies of water is a problem and we have to be careful to preserve these.
Tree huggers who complain about paper mills and logging companies cutting trees are idiots because these companies know if they dont replant trees, in 20 years they wont have a business.
Climate change and ozone deterioration is a jew meme.
Right wing in America is stubborn to change and anti liberal. Both of these things support environmentalism. So there you have it.
Logging still damages the soil and land along with the wildlife there.
We don't hate the environment we hate environmentalists. Yuge difference
Drink some Clorox faggot.
I support nuclear power, but in America there isn't any party that supports it.
Every Sup Forumsac is suicidal.
+ im pretty sure we are all so full of shit we contribute alot of methane
It's not perfect but it dosen't permantly damage it, and they replant and the wildlife has time to recover.
Pol had a lot of Natsoc people. Natsoc were very protective of the environment most on pol would agree we must conserve, not give dumbass green haired environmentalists money for feels.
There's no point in pussyfooting, the environment will certainly be destroyed at some point, whether it's done by humans or whether it's a natural disaster is irrelevant.
Our only job is to gather as much resources as possible as quickly as possible and leave this ball of dirt to the mudskins while all the whites go on to explode the stars
Nuclear power is unsafe and damages the environment enormously, idiot.
Nuclear power is clean, efficient and pretty safe.
Much better than alternatives.
Only in a few specific cases, and the amount of power it generates makes it much more viable than other renewable energy sources.
Looks comfy desu.
Im not sure if you are the biggest retard on this site, or a shitty troll.
And yet your pic related exists in spite of cutting forests, drilling for oil, and killing endangered wildlife. Perhaps we privileged white christian males aren't as interested in sacrificing the planet for profit as we are in feeding people, giving them houses, and a means to provide for themselves.
I'm not denying any of the shit you said.
I'm just saying it's not worth worrying about because if we don't reach the stars, this planet will be our tomb no matter how well we take care of it.
But what do you know about environment? You're an Australian, your entire continent is more inhospitable than Mars.
>Climate change = Pollution
I want this meme to end..
Most people here are nigger tier whites, they're are shills even though they aren't getting any of the profits
This, we fuck soils beyond replenishment
Depopulation is the best way to save the environment. Reducing the population to under 500 million people will save the planet.
Prove me wrong.
Then an giant ass asteroid comes along and BOOM everybody's dead
wildfire is natural. you could grow anything in that supper nutrient stuff afterwards. right? and logging, done right, does nothing.
Some farmers torch their crops at the end of the seasons because it fertilizes the soil for the next season for certain crops I think
How many privileged white christian males live in the OPEC countries? Go jerk off with a sickle while you shove a hammer up your ass.
Quit being so afraid of change. It's 2017.
>Why do you hate nature and the environment, pol?
>You want to destroy pic related as much as the kikes don't you?
>Im not sure if you are the biggest retard on this site, or a shitty troll.
He's just shitposting. We must achieve safely-controlled machine superintelligence as soon as possible, so we can exploit the universe that is ours by right. Environmental protection only has relevance inasmuch as we must stay alive until we reach that stage. The earth is of so little value when faced with the potential that is out there, it's laughable.
In certain cases it might bebe a good thing in others not so much.
> wildlife has time to recover
Well, no. Since you don't seem to have an inkling of knowledge about how much we already have fucked up our biosphere, I'd refer you to the the internetz to do some research on e.g. the red list and man made mass extinction.
Won't go and do the research for you, boy.
From what I see Sup Forums is actually loves nature. Work with it, make sure pollution is kept in check.
What most of Sup Forums does not like is politically charged, weaponized "climate change" for easy votes and social engineering.
Life tends to be easier when things are spoon fed.
dont quote me on it
my country still clubs seals because of the fucking natives
Climate Change? Or do you mean global warming?
CO2 had only a limited range of energy left it could absorb before saturating the spectrum it is physically able to absorb energy on. This is why after the mild warming over the last 200 years the global average temperature has been static for the last 20 years, even while CO2 levels have never been higher in accurate recorded instrument history.
CO2 was selected for taxation and control because energy is the largest sector of any developed nation's economy. Larger even than finance. CO2 is the product of about 75% of our energy generation across electrical and transportation use.
Without liquid fuels modern transportation other than electric trains ends. No more delivery trucks or ships. No more air travel and most destructive no more personal transport.
Electrical use exactly matches standard of living, the more electrical power people use the higher their standard of living is. Natural gas and coal with the modern technology only releases CO2, water vapor, and a tiny amount of NOx as emissions. Coal and gas round out the cheap means of electrical production.
The only other viable alternatives are nuclear and hydroelectric.
Hydro has geographic limits but still should be maximized.
Nuclear is the future with the breeder technologies of fast neutron uranium breeders and thermal thorium breeders. (Pic related for a nuclear reactor that has 100 times the fuel efficiency as a light water reactor and produces only grams of nuclear waste a year running at GW/h of constant output.)
Wind and solar are cash grab government subsidy level corruption.
We care about the environment but we are not members of the cult of environmentalism. Real pollution should be regulated and eliminated. CO2 and water vapor are not pollution.
yeah this would describe my views well
I don't litter and I recycle as much as I can to keep waste out of landfills but I also drive a V8 sedan and don't think twice about how much fuel I consume driving around.
Fucking racist
>Nuclear power is unsafe and damages the environment enormously, idiot.
Everything is unsafe by some standard of may possibly cause harm at some point under some conditions.
As for the damage to the environment, you can't build a less damaging energy source. Yes it does damage but no more than building a big box store and parking lot.
Picture is of the waste footprint of a nuclear reactor. That waste fuel if put into a breeder reactor like the EBR-II will produce another 10 Billion MW/H of electricity without having to mine a single gram of uranium. This economy of recycled waste fuel applies to every light water reactor in the world, and will not only supply us with more power from current fuel, but will in turn consume 99.999% of the nuclear waste.
But green fuckers have been lying about nuclear power to the general population for 50 years so we are stuck with terrible tech like wind and solar.
Watch a video;
>This, we fuck soils beyond replenishment
Which is why we have 30% more plant life today (world wide) than 50 years ago because of all the soil damage.
Actually most logging companies replant trees and harvest them the same way you'd harvest grain or corn. Due to good land management, the US has more forests today than it did 100 years ago
Also, many of our endangered species are thriving thanks to conservation efforts
If you want to look at where the destruction is, look at the 3rd world.
Pol is retarded. Havent you figured that out yet?
Why do liberals have a cars? I thought they wanted to save the climate
>electric trains
Most of which are for fast passenger transport in North America. Cargo trains here are almost exclusively diesel-electric, because it's far cheaper than running power lines across thousands of miles of rail.
It wouldn't be impossible to electrify all the track in North America, if the option was not to have any train traffic at all.
We can run cargo electric trains if we had to.
And you dont have to be afraid of your V8.
Human history has always been about controlling nature around you.
A wild forest grows dark and stifles life, a pruned one thrives.
I hate this hippie notion that nature is automatically Good and pure like a mother.
Fuck you, nature can be evil and kill you in a heartbeat.
You cant live without consequences in this world.
And guess what?
Some species thrived because of us, and many other died sadly because of our egotism.
Today we can clearly see we are messing with the environment but we are also helping it.
Biomass increased since we started the industrial revolution, what we need to be careful is destructive unnecessary pollution.
I live in Oregon and I witness logging and soil rejuvenation projects, they are not entirely the environmental bargain you think it is.
Why should I give a shit, by the time the earth rots and dies ill be dead anyway.
>Sup Forums is retarded
>even though I get btfo every time I try to argue
Sup Forums is retarded. the data shows that
Strong words user.
Because liberals are in favor of protecting the environment. So that means if I don't want to be a liberal I must be against it.
We lived to see the left turn into fascist early marxist drones.
Fuck them.
>We don't hate the environment
>We hate people who want to protect the environment
Wait a second...
well said
Environmentalists are dipshits you faggot there's a difference between wanting to conserve an environment and being a dumbass asking for money and blowin shit up.
Do you even know Hallstatt?
It is a shitty cold, small, tourist freak park with crappy retaurants. The only thing cool about it is the fucking big cat sitting on the first floor on the 4 to last house at the end of the town.
>Nuclear power is unsafe and damages the environment enormously, idiot
Is that why there are 450 working nuclear reactors worldwide and around 50 are being built right now?
They must have made a serious mistake!
Quick enlighten them with your knowledge!
>There's a difference between wanting to conserve an environment and being a dumbass asking for money and blowing shit up
I'd call the former an environmentalist and the latter a terrorist.
But maybe environmentalists resort to abject vandalism because our EPA has been a gutted institution for close to a decade now?
I honestly think we're looking at the Great Filter in Fermi's Paradox now. That life almost inevitably reaches a point where it fucks up its environment beyond the point of habitability.
We're like yeast fermenting a sugar solution, with a steadily rising alcohol content until it reaches a percentage thatkills us all.
why the fuck is hallstatt posted so much on this board?? it's actually not that special, nothing but chinese tourists who don't spend any money there
The EPA is full retard. They are not a gutted institution, but rather the exact outcome you expect when you give a government body unlimited power to drive for an ideological end.
Pic related; This was the EPA spilling contaminated toxic water into a US river and claiming because they did it no investigation was required and no one was at fault.
On the flip side if you want to remodel your home to remove lead based paint but your house was built too close to another house so you can not put down the EPA mandated catchment trap because it would physically enter the building beside your home you will go to jail and be fined for not taking proper precautions when removing lead paint.
The EPA is also set (but with Trump thankfully not going to) to start closing down coal and gas plants for violating EPA CO2 emissions they just made up without any legal oversight from the Congress.
Fuck the EPA. Good idea terrible execution.
These forests only exist because humans started using coal, oil and gas for heating instead of firewood, and the CO2 released is good for them and helps them grow.
And we wouldn't have any endangered wildlife if wild animals could be privately owned without a hassle.
fuck you hitler
Can we agree on a couple things?
Corporations can only be trusted to pursue a profit for their shareholders. Innovation and competition are incidental to that, a fully realized corporate entity in fact hates competition.
We therefore require government bodies to regulate and enforce competition between corporations and protections for our environment.
get fucked, you boy loving degenerate
Because Sup Forums is the corporations willing whore.
Regulation is required.
But the EPA is full of activists.
One trick the EPA would use is to tell environmental groups to challenge an EPA regulation in court over a current project. The EPA would then go to court and refuse to make any case to defend the government position. The courts would then rule in favor of the activist environmentalist groups changing the regulation by order of the court, bypassing the legislative oversight of the Congress.
The EPA hired scientists so they could have a science based backing for their implementation of the law. However the scientists they hired were all environmental activists and so the EPA became a government funded and empowered environmentalist group.
The EPA needs to have everyone working in it fired and banned from government employment then rebuilt in the style of Hoover's FBI; To be fanatic legalistic enforces of the law rather than environmentalists.