Why are you guys saying 'mayn streem meteor'? He's clearly saying main stream media

Why are you guys saying 'mayn streem meteor'? He's clearly saying main stream media.

Am I surrounded by liberal fascists?

Wot doo yu meen?

None of the CTR posters (read: anyone who isn't a classical liberal) are able to prove any of his arguments wrong, so they have to discredit him with fascist propaganda.




I figured this was the case. I've never even seen a video from this guy, but the constant shitposts here about him are exactly the same as the ones you used to see during the election season where they'd use a Donald Trump picture warped in different obnoxious ways to try to make him look goofy I guess. All these threads accomplish is making the op look like a shitposter.

Anutha treeck bwhy dur Maine staim meahteor!

fuck off cunt.
du scheiss untermensch. anglo scum

Hes like that actor from Hell or High Water if he was short and ugly


Just by people that think doing that thing where you repeat something in a high pitched voice with a stupid face is a legitimate form of debate.


>at a coffee shop
>an ADOREBLE gurl wolks in
>my PEENUS becomes stiff and I staht tah feel like BILL CLINTOHN
>SOOPAH MALE VITALUHTY kicks in so I get the cohredge tah TOLK tah her
>can't fink of somethin tah say
>"OI! Did yew know NOINETY FOH PASENT of peeple don't trost the MAYNE-STREEM MEATIER"
>she looks confused so I tolk moh loudly
>IMAJUN MY SHOCK whin she stahts to roon away
>that fill wun no GEE-EFF

Same. Wish Sup Forums would at least try and debate classical liberals like PJ, Kraut and Tea and Sargon of Akkad.

But no, it's a bunch of communist fascists and racist neo-nazi white supremists working together against the truthspeakers (More proof that the horseshoe theory is irrevocably true)

lost hard

Racist neo-nazi

Oh fuck off you centrist cunt you never visited a /nsg/

NatSocs are one of the least racist people on this board.

The only WS are the ones who fall into the alt-right meme tral.

Go ahead, ask for a race war in a /nsg/ and they will telk you it's a devide and conquer tactic to keep the non-jew races from fighting the jewish banking kabal

The only non-racists in the world are critical thinkers, the likes of Thunderf00t and Richard Dawkins, who reject the racist rhetoric of the left AND right to espouse knowledge to the masses.

I think pol is mad because paul joseph doesn't believe the JQ has any legitimacy at all and doesn't believe in race realism. Yet he claimed to be alt-right, which is a movement that while loose and somewhat unorganized holds the JQ and race-realism/racial-identity as central tenants.

I guess people think that he was trying to co-opt the movement.


Why does this meme trigger idiots so hard?

Strong 8/10

Because everyone thought paul was edgy and brave yet it turned out his views were very milk-toast

>Sargon of Akkad

The fucker spammed gay interacial porn instead of ignoring trolls and when normal people who didn't want to see that on their twitter timeline told him to stop he accused those people of being nazis and went all "YOU ALTRIGHTERS GOT TRIGGERED HMMMMM? , ':^)."

Fuck him.

If you ever went to our sister board, /r/the_donald, you'd see race and the JQ has no merit. He was alt-right before it just subverted by racists from the left and right after Trump got elected.

>NatSocs are one of the least racist people on this board.
>fighting the jewish banking kabal

what a shitty graph


Yeah, racists would find the truth 'shitty'.

>critical thinkers

>one completely dismissed the Brexit vote as a bunch of racists when that wasn't the case.
>one completely hates Trump's rethoric against muslims even though he agrees with him on how backwards Islam is.

Yeah real smart people.

Let me get this straight. You post nonsensical garbage here.
Then you post asking why we're posting nonsensical garbage.
As if we can't tell you're samefagging.
What exactly do you think you can achieve?

Thunderf00t was proven right by the documented and evidence-backed hate crimes after Brexit.

Sir Dawkins is right, religion is backwards. The people are just the same as you and I, however, and if they were freed from the oppressive shackles of Islam they would definitely be better than the racist neonazis on the new alt-right.

Nothing truthful youre literally just jerking off your side just like everybody is.

Good thing is unlike religion we'll get to see who's right. we'll see who's right in about a generation when a lot of white country become a minority.

If youre wrong, it won't be reversible remember that.

> Can't tell if shill or just retarded.

Spencer coined the term "alt-right" in 2008/2009

PJW just accepted that he was alt-right when Hillary called him out in her speech. Watson never bothered too look and see what the term meant. He was like the main stream media he hates and just accepted their narrative without questioning who actually is "alt-right" (also some Alt-right people are not big on the JQ but they all are race realists)

I am sorry bud it isn't really racist when it is stating how it is. Jews own the banks and the media and normally wouldn't be an issue if it weren't for their religion promotes them discriminating against non jews. (see The Talmud.)

Just like how the skinheads are white and ISIS is Islamic, the 1% is jewish.

You better not be one of those atheist liberals who believe islam is a religion of peace.

>What exactly do you think you can achieve?
desu I just wanted PJW memes and I don't know how to ask politely

>atheism, the non-religion is morally superior

You came from reddit, didn't you?

Are you trusting the same media that is owned by the 1%?

Just because some degenerate skinhead chimps out after an election doesn't mean everyone who voted for leave is a racist.

Men of Islam choose the religion.

Races are genetically different, skull shape, skin color, eye color etc.

Peopke from islamic countries tend to be as inbred as a skinhead


oops wrong post reply

maynestreen meteors

Because OP we are filled with underage liberals

why angloscums always post images with jews?


any suggestions on how to ask/bait Sup Forums into posting it?




Technically, it is not centrist


communism, fascism, monarchy, dictatorship, totalitarianism, socialism, oligarchy, etc


anarchy, classical liberalism, libertarianism, Austrian economics, etc

>monarchy is left

Yes, anything that grants the state more control. Whether the core philosophy is social contract theory or the divine right of kings is irrelevant.


The true right seeks to abolish government authority, while the left wants to increase it.

>None of the CTR posters (read: anyone who isn't a classical liberal) are able to prove any of his arguments wrong, so they have to discredit him with fascist propaganda.


>climate change denial like it's a bad thing
But human climate change is clearly a hoax.

Ok confirmed troll.

>anarcy is right

wew this is worst than the horseshoe bullshit