Is this true???
Is this true???
Everything but "Looks out for economic interests of it's population"
The Fendippitous Eggmen are returning soon.
haha yeah. Russia is culturally cool but they are going to eat us
Russia is a shithole with poor economy. Their country is absolute garbage filled with idiots
You're right, they not a threat. Because they wouldn't be able to do shit
this guy is still relevent ?
repeating numbers and US and Russia nuke Rakeland
Yes, Putin will protect Russia's (and his own) interests even if he has to walk over others.
This includes you. Do not think for a second that if you are a friend of Russia, he won't exploit you in a heartbeat. Russia are not the good guys, because there are no good guys. But at least they are not as fucking crazy as western liberals.
So yes, being friends with Russia is not a bad thing, certainly. As long as you have a common goal.
kek this meme is funny
what a vapid cunt this guy is
>The entire Alt-Right are content being puppets for Russia.
This is fucking insane, we practically have two governments right now. This will either end in Trump being impeached or a minor civil war. I can't see any other way around this.
Usa promotes degeneracy. I could also name more garbage but trump will fix it.
There are no good countries you retards. The world is dominated by (((them))). What we see is (((their))) factions fighting inbetween. Whoever wins we lose anyway
>Protects its own culture
Kinda true, although the Orthodox shit being pushed is more about providing opium for the masses
>Refuses to import millions of immigrants
False. We get loads of immigrants from neighboring shitholes, such as Ukraine, Azerbaijan and all the whatever-Stans.
>Refuses to bow to radical islam
One could argue that we bow to the weird patriotic chechen islam, which keeps us safe from radical islam.
>Kicks ISIS ass
Mostly True, as in The Syrians and Iranians are doing more actual work. Air support can only achieve so much.
>Encourages the population to have children
True. Unfortunately, this policy is indiscriminate, so chechens and the other peoples of caucasus mountains breed like fucking rabbits.
>Looks out for economic interests of its population
If by population you mean the oligarchs, then true.
Admittedly, the fiscal and monetary policy are not in full on "Trickle down" mode, so while dealing with corrupt bureaucracy is difficult, it is possible to run an honest business.
>Rejects unipolar globalism
You bet your ass we wouldnt be rejecting it if we were the sole superpower
>Wants to work with leaders of other world powers, not go to war with them
Yeah, America did a really good job antagonising whatever is not under it's direct control. As result, uneasy but necessary alliances had to be made (fucken Chinks, looking at you)
Technically speaking it does.
The more expensive oil, natural gases and other raw materials that Russia exports remain, the wealthier the Russian people are by proxy.
This is why Russia has a vested interest in the middle-eastern oil market.
US of course likes having cheap oil and doesn't want Russia to grow too powerful, which means that by waging war in middle-east, US is more or less doing the same thing.
This is why Trump said that if you leave from middle-east, you gotta take the oil. If you don't take control of the oil, you're not only giving terrorist groups methods of funding their operations, but you also throwing away the only good reason for you to be in middle-east to begin with.
The only people who hate Russia are retarded Neocons and Neoliberals who are still living back during the 70's and never got the memo that Russia isn't a communist country anymore, it's a solid Christian nation and could be America's greatest ally.
This. They're incompetent and utterly corrupt, and it's impossible to have a professional relationship with them.
There are several Norwegians who have started very successful businesses in Russia, but what usually happens is that the Russian assholes falsely accuse them of a crime (usually espionage) so they get deported, then take over the company.
I love Russian culture, especially Russian literature, and Russian Orthodoxy, and I even think Putin is a necessary figure on the world stage, but it's important to note that Russia is not a free nation. It is a 2nd world country, with a multi-ethnic, multi-religious (multicultural) population and has open borders with Asia. It has insanely high abortion rates too.
Paul Joesph Watson is buying into the equal and opposite of "virtue signaling". What we see and admire in Russia does not reflect the reality of Russia.
And yet you still lost the war against them.
t. Hochol proxy
Nope, you can fuck off, Hocholski.
Well putting your country in massive debt is looking after the interests of your people unlike western Europe and USA who treat their people like spoiled children and only tell them what they want to hear.
When the global economy crashes they are gonna have a wild ride
Gee, a country with 140 million people won a war against a country with 5 million people. The fact that they had so much trouble defeating Finland proves his point, you fucking moron.
Biggest mosq in europa.
Puttler sucking mosslem cock hard.
Causing said terrorism.
Are you drunk, Bernd?
First off, i would count that victory as Pyrrhic at best. Definitely not something to be proud of.
That said, just like our spectacular defeat against Japan right before WW1, these losses triggered reforms that helped us in the real big wars.
And with proxy, i dunno, you seem to be pretty shit at telling those apparently.
>Mohhamed cartoon publication illegal
We have a law about protecting religious feelings. It works in both ways so that one doesn't count.
You see comrade, when keep people in perpetual famine, they are not noticing many when famine is worse. Immune from people anger when sanctions!
Anyone using that term is an apologist cuck.
Finland I swear to god, shut your dirty fucking mongolian face hole
A leaf spreading its cheeks to a foreign power. How droll.
>what is Dutch disease
you don't understand macroeconomics at all, do you ?
Russia seems so foreign when it comes to daily life. The US seems like plastic. Everything is shiny, comfy, and perfect. You can have your christian family in your safe suburb, fake grass and all. Your kids go to school, and your wife stays home as you go to work your job.
Russia seems very cynical in comparison. More of an "It is what it is" mentality, where the though of improvement doesn't seem to come to mind. People just accept the corruption in Gov't and whatsoever. Oh, Ivan got sent to the gulag? Ha! Stupid Cyka blat had it coming. You're gay? Mr.Putin isn't going to like that. Muslims? Sure, Mr.Putin pays the ones in Chechnya well so they don't blow shit up.
Thought I suppose that after centuries of shit that'll happen. Poor Russia. Of course the US has it's own clusterfuck of problems. I just like the whole American Dream mentality. You can do whatever you want no matter who you are. The living standards are good. The cops won't beat you then demand a bribe like in some countries. What do I know though, I mean I've never actually left the US. Everywhere seems to have it's pros and cons after all.
Yet another example of the Kremlin's propaganda wing of paid bloggers and trolls pushing the anti-Western, anti-liberal and pro-Putin narrative.
>Everything is shiny, comfy, and perfect.
You're delusional enough to believe that?
Like I said, it's like plastic. It appears that way, but that's not the truth. I mean shit, I leave my suburb and go into the city and it's an entire new world
>Somalis/Illegals/Ebonics everywhere
>Police presence in mall is big
B-but at least I have the constitution.
>providing opium for the masses
Old habits die hard, huh?