>movies not out yet
>already 57 reviews
makes me think
>Politicizing Star Wars
I hate 2016
Another movie for Sup Forums to go apeshit over that will go on to be a smash box office hit?
Was Zootopia and The Force Awakens not enough losing for you guys?
Why didn't you mention Ghostbusters?
This, it's rife with it. Political allegory, SJW-ism and shoehorned female power fantasies, the whole gamut
I can't watch anymore
Literally what did she mean by this?
Zootopia was pretty gud 2bh, force awakens was gay
Press screenings
>Rotten Tomatoes is owned by Warner Bros.
>Trusting the Jews at RottenTomatoes
what are pre-screens?
That glass door in front of the screen door usually
What did you expect from (((J.J. Abrams)))?
>Rogue One
>supporting a terrorist group
Wew lads, didn't know you were so blue pilled.
> Jedi vs. Le Ebil Drumph
> ignores Ghostbusters
> ignores plethora of other meme films
Really making me think.
>what did she mean by this
Be a good goy and go watch Rouge One or as we experts like to call it fuck-the-patriarchy-and-own-with-western-culture The Movie
How does this have anything to do with Trump?
>Asian stereotypes
>muh stronk womyn stereotypes
>muh white supremacy stereotypes
Seems like exactly the sort of thing that's good for Trump. Slightly comedically racist with hamfisted "social commentary" that people got tired of a long time ago.
Empire wins though
Would explain westworld...
The hackers are the good guys in this movie
>people spending a shit ton of money going to the movies, keeping people employed and stimulating the economy
>Donald Trump's worst nightmare
What? Sup Forums loves Zootopia.
Many critiques of the original trilogy pointed out allegories to the Vietnam war. Arguably they were seeing a Rorschach blot from Luca's seemingly child-like view of war as a backdrop and not as a political statement.
>A-atleast we still have three moovieeez!!!Heh- losers.
>Star Wars invokes thoughts of Trump in the mind of all liberals
I fail to see how this is his nightmare.
Who cares? I mean, it's Hollywood, you can't expect a shit from them. Go see the movie if you want, enjoy it and let your like keep going.
You are not going to see nothing but SJW garbage if you choose a blockbuster, deal with it.
>its not racist when we do it
>Lets alienate half of our projected audience with political clap-trap, surely that will help our revenue stream
Just fuck my shit up senpai, they should cast Kapernick in the next one and just drive it home for White America
>reverse seats for Rogue One
>stay at home
Is this going to hurt them?
These people are so fucking easy to pander to selling an entire lifestyle to retarded elitist leftists beats selling Merica shit to poor retarded whites.
>Nothing could stop Trump... except the new Star Wars film! Right guys?
Sad, to be quite honest lads
the first one was obviously about the nazis
Not anymore, they've actually given up trying to make money in order to push virtue-signalling shit nobody watches. Pic related, also FemGhostbusters
That nigger argentinian made me laugh so hard, thanks.
Fucking bombed
fuck star wars
no one should go see these dumb movies
>Give a bad rating to a movie that goes THAT far out of its way to push the jew envelope
>never get contracted ever again
Sup Forums B T F O
>see shitload of threads about rouge one reviews
>think - wait what, isnt this movie coming out in like months
>realize its half of dezember already
fug ;_;
>American Education
We need some more right wing indie film producers.
I avoided the last one because of the token nigger and mary sue stronk queen who slay yas yas!
I was considering watching this one because it looked ok and wasn't pandering as hard, this sealed the deal. Day one pirate, I won't be giving these fucks a cent
yes yes everything's the nazis
Just stream it. You'll get to laugh at all the bullshit while not enriching the cunts.
I saw tons of ads for this on Fox News. Did they really think an anti-gun movie is something the Fox News audience would be interested in?
>going to the cinema
Yeah, nah.
>Can't pause the film to go for a piss.
>Cunts always talking throught it.
>Popcorn costs more than diamonds.
>Uncomfortable shitty seats.
How is it current year and people are still falling for the motion celluloid jew?
pol is clearly the best column.
I'm so sorry to have to point this out.
Star Wars: The Red One.
Cultural marxist propaganda.
>American education
2016 is objectively the best year we've had in a long time.
I like to bring my food, make me feel like a terrorist sneaking mistrels in, also that arkwark walk to the bathroom through the seats.
Dude, Force Awakens is shitty but in a totally boring and unremarkable way.
Rogue One is the most cringeworthy female power fantasy you'll ever see in your life. It was deliberately written as a film about "strong women defeating a white supremacist organization".
I saw part of Force Awakens but I really just don't care about Star Wars any more. Rogue One will never be seen by me. I can't even sit through the Marvel movies, they are embarrassing and boring, like, how is it possible to take such outlandish and wild stories and make them any blander than than the MCU? Oh man I am SO excited to see Robert Downey Junior walk on stilts AGAIN while making non-jokes to his non-friends in front of real green screens!
he didnt direct this one
Wait, so it's even worse than "episode 7"?
I thought nothing could be worse than that.
>rich get richer as the plebs watch their latest cash cow franchise release and absolutely nothing changes
we did it reddit!
We sure do.
>I see conspiracise everywhere
For memes I agree, other then that it's been shit.
didnt the ghost busters movie have good reviews in advanced screenings.
didnt that piece of shit not break even when adding in the cost of advertising
Ghostbusters was a flop.
Projection: The Post
You just know they shoe-horned some blatant counter signal in at the last minute, like the Walking-dead finale when Negan grabbed that girl by the pussy
Finn got cucked hard though, almost dies for some girl and she just and he's still just a friend.
Zootopia was redpilled as fuck.
>stereotypes often turn out to be true
>discrimination works both ways
>politicians are shady and corrupt
>fearmongering is a tactic used by the elite to keep people docile
>some people are just naturally better at certain things
>the only way to make up for your natural disadvantages is through really hard work
>disliking a certain group of people doesn't mean you can't work with or even be friends with one of them
>diversity is useful in small doses but generally people prefer to stick with their own kind and that's usually for the best
Execute Order 66.
so it's seen by a bunch of leftists
who cares
we'll see what happens when the general public gets a chance to see it
>Jews are this desperate
they fucking have lost control. We could end up in a nuclear war (thanks Germany for paying for 3 2nd strike nuke options for the Jews) or it could all collapse on them. their entire house of cards. This is what Dr. Pierce always predicted.
That's right
No surprise here. Reviewers are either paid or always accomodate their opinion to the popular view. People read reviews only to hear what they want, so reviewers can't dissapoint if they want the shekels.
Maybe their plan was to make conservative old people (read: people who don't know how bit torrent works) go see it so they could get angry and complain about where the country is going.
The only reason Force Awakens succeeded as much as it did was because of nostalgia and despite all the red flags people decided to give it a chance.
And what does Donald Trump have to do with Star Wars?
Best year of my life so far and I remember when the wall fell.
Disney has made a fatal mistake. They have encroached on people's autism even further than that of the big companies in vidya. There will be consequences.
stop this fuckin dumb operation you fuckin imbeciles
keks this was going to happen, they've destroyed the franchise with their retarded propaganda
A kid movie and a already established movie franchise. Really cooks my noodle famm a lam
True. Force Awakens would not have been good enough in and of itself to spawn a new franchise or earn the shekels and praise it did.
This, Zootopia is redpilled as fuck in some aspects.
He's of course Hitler and the left can't stop thinking about him.
I want Star Wars to die already.
It was always manchildren garbage.
>what is Angry Birds
When the thing you see everywhere is a centrally controlled media that expounds a certain narrative across all spectrum, it is not hard to see an obvious connection. everywhere. Because media is everywhere.
Fake norwegian.
Satanic trips of truth.. like the old ones are okay but these people that obsess over it are cringey and always have been
Remember high Ghostbusters scores from critics and how hard it flopped ?
Remember low Suicide Squad and BvS scores from critics and how it made loads of profit ?
Noone is taking critics seriously anymore.
fuck man i really respect gareth edwards as a dude and you know he just jumped at the opportunity to make a star wars movie and had to deal with all this bs
10 bucks says the 'reshoots' were to add in more propaganda. the empire probably came across as a nuanced villain in the original cut, and then (((DISNEY))) couldn't handle that and demanded reshoots showcasing hitler / trump parallels
1 P O S T B Y T H I S I D
BvS wasn't even a bad superhero movie. There was obviously some weird shit cut from the film but it felt suitably grandiose and had some great choreography, and yet the whole media seemingly was paid by Marvel to turn BvS into some kind of redheaded stepchild. It was way better than either of the recent Spiderman movies and most of the Marvel films.
I didn't see SS but it seems to be trying something a little different so that's at least a plus.
>manchildren and hambeasts like a childrens movie
This is like the articles that came out about Ghostbusters and how the movie smashed the patriarchy or some shit. Just SJWs reaching preconceived conclusions based on their ideological bent.
Dude this movie was so heavy handed I had to break it up into two chunks to watch. Snyder does this shit every time, his only good movie is Dawn of the Dead. Everything else is good cinematography and shit tier direction.
If you rely on "expert opinions" for enjoying movies you're essentially illiterate.
>white women lead people of color against white men
Yeah that's a lot of bullshit. And where were all these non-whites who supposedly make up the Rebel Alliance during the first movie? The Rebel Alliance wasn't even shown have many non-human members until Return of the Jedi.
I'm not saying that non-white people have no place in Star Wars, but these retards saying that the Empire is white people and that the Rebel Alliance represents multikulti are turning Star Wars into something that it is not.