>Are you right leaning, moderate, or left leaning?
>If you're right leaning, how long have you been redpilled?
>When and how did you discover Sup Forums?
>How long did it take you to become redpilled?
>Were you ever previously an SJW and/or liberal?
>Do you have a gf/bf?
>What's your opinion on non-whites/Jews?
>What's your opinion on women?
>If you have negative opinions of non-whites, women, etc, do you think there's any exceptions to the rule?
>If you have any friends (counting online ones) are any of them non-white and/or a liberal?
>Would you consider yourself a racist?
>What's the biggest redpill you've swallowed?
>What's your opinion on the LGBT community?
>What are your religious views?
>What are your philosophical views?
>If you're a Christian, do you think atheists should be allowed on this board, or do you think Sup Forums is a Christian board?
>If you're a non-white, how do you feel and deal with all of the racism on here?
>What's your opinion on refugees/immigrants?
>What's your opinion on Islam?
>What's your opinion on communism?
>Do you think the alt-right exists?
>What's your opinion on Spencer?
>Do you like Hitler?
>And lastly, how do you feel about racemixing? Totally against it, indifferent/don't prefer it but don't have strong opinions on it, or do you support it?
Sup Forums survey
Other urls found in this thread:
too ambiguous
too ambiguous
not a fan
i am a fan
yes, Christian non-whites are better than non-christian whites
yes, but to be more accurate i am a niggerphobe
too ambiguous
their mental illness needs to be treated, not enabled
they should be allowed here, and yes it is
they'd be better off if we helped them fix their country rather than inviting them into ours
not a fan
not a fan
i don't really know enough about him to express an informed opinion
not really
not a fan
>100% European Mutt, pic related.
>Always been right leaning, seriously redpilled when I was 16-17
>Discovered it after I was redpilled, heard about it from others
>About two months or so of introspection over a holiday period where I sat down and thought about my views and challenged myself
>No I was not an SJW or a liberal
>I have girlfriend of 3 years
>I have a pessimistic outlook on them as groups but I treat them as individuals when I meet them
>They're group creatures and will follow what the group does
>There are anecdotal exceptions
>Yes I have non-white friends and yes I have liberal friends
>I don't believe in the term
>Things would have been better if the Germans had won in WWII
>I think that generally they are toxic attention seekers and that they shouldn't be allowed near children.
>I want to say Catholic but I think the Church has been hijacked and has strayed from the true religion
>Evola, Schopenhauer, Kierkegaard and Thomas Carlyle can summarise my views.
>Yes I think atheists should be allowed. I think atheism is a path to nihilism however.
>My opinion on the current refugee crisis is that it's economic migrants taking advantage of the situation to get free shit from Europe. I don't like non-white immigration and I would prefer a European ethno-state.
>Islam is a cancer and lacks the transcendental qualities of Christianity
>Communism is just a lazy reductionist view of the world and an excuse of weak people to stick it to the successful. It's also exchanging the rule of successful men to the rule of sociopathic bureaucrats.
>Alt-Right is an umbrella term for everyone who doesn't fit on the mainstream spectrum.
>He has potential but things are a tad cringy with him
>I admire his will to power, his vision and his mastery of rhetoric. I can't ever know his entire beliefs so I'm skeptical of him. Atrocity propaganda is a large contributor to his modern image.
>I am against race mixing between Europeans and non-Europeans.
Nice proxy, though you could've picked a better country. Hungary? Really? Might as well pick Zimbabwe
3 years
I knew about it for about 6 years but only came in regularly last 3 years
I became repilled in a few months after realizing feminists where just a ploy used to weaken nations and push leftist politics and eventually figured out who.
I was a Patriotic Socialist
I am single
I don't mind non whites if they stay out of my country and jews belong is an oven, if palestinians where mainly Christian I wouldn't even mind giving them the whole thing.
Women are a mixed bag of people problem is current society is pushing and even enforcing the worst in them
Only exception to jews are the Christian ones that don't push for the help Israel meme
Most of my friends are fashy or neutral
I state myself as openly racist
The biggest redpill is that death is not our enemy but the fear of it. And everything from jews being jews to liberals is an extension of that fear and dismissal of the inevitable.
Faggots belong in mental health institutions
I am a Christian Orthodox but I don't mind most other religions as long as they don't try to mess with my culture and are not Cathocucks or Protestocucks
I like perfectionism over all other philosophies
All people should be allowed on this board as it allows everyone to better thanselves and makes my b8 more tasty
Refugees should be shot on sight for trespasing
Islam is retarded with the exception of Tatars and Sufis but Shia's at least show no intrest in being cancer over here so I prefer Iran over the Saudi's
Communists should be shot
Alt right is code word for ethnic nationalism in the cucked west
Spence is a bit too cocky and gun hoe but he's ok
Hitler lost so fuck him
Define racemixing. As I don't mind limited mix up between caucasian people, just don't go about trying to replace my whole population.
redditors fuck off
ITT: datamining
National Socialist
7 years
1 year ago, and from morrakiu.
probably about 3 months
I've had 3 girlfriends, but I don't want white girls anymore.
Remove kebab, niggers have low IQ's, jews are the root of all evil.
They're worthless trash and make me physically ill.
No exceptions for women, but for non-whites there can be some.
Women are parasites.
Kill it with fire.
No, Sup Forums is a christian board.
I'm white tho.
Deport them all, if they refuse, kill them all. They're pedophiles.
Islam is semetic cancer.
Communism is the worst ideology to exist.
he's shit and an imposter.
Yes I love hitler.
I'm totally against it. But white women are so disgusting and unbearable, I really don't want any.
>Are you right leaning, moderate, or left leaning?
>If you're right leaning, how long have you been redpilled?
Since i was forced to play with blacks in preschool.
>When and how did you discover Sup Forums?
I head about Sup Forums and /fit/ and checked out other Sup Forums because people kept talking about it.
>How long did it take you to become redpilled?
The moment I met a black kid and realized my dog was smarter than her.
>Were you ever previously an SJW and/or liberal?
>Do you have a gf/bf?
About to get married.
>What's your opinion on non-whites/Jews?
I think Jews looking out for their own, as whites should, and we shouldn't trust them, ever. All of the people who have tried to get me to 'model' have been jews.
>What's your opinion on women?
Maybe the right to vote shouldn't go to most women. Just landowning ones. Same with men.
>If you have negative opinions of non-whites, women, etc, do you think there's any exceptions to the rule?
There are always exceptions, but letting your guard down as a girl means you'll get attacked.
>If you have any friends (counting online ones) are any of them non-white and/or a liberal?
I have to pretend to be nice with non-whites and liberals or I'm an outcast. But, most of them will agree with me in private.
>Would you consider yourself a racist?
I would be called racist, but I don't think I am. I just think blacks are animals.
>What's the biggest redpill you've swallowed?
I think the redpill analogy is stupid, but it's probably that gays are bad for society.
>What's your opinion on the LGBT community?
I used to think gays were ok, but the more I learn about them the more I think they're extremely mentally ill and should be excluded from society. Most pedophiles are gay men, most lesbians were molested and mentally ill, most trannies should be euthanized, most bisexuals are attention seeking.
Nah mate. Made this thread only because of curiosity.
Kek. I'm not the FBI. Gotta love paranoid cunts though.
>34 yo
>White (French/Irish)
>Far right
>Fully redpilled? Have only been economically conservative for 2 years, racially since a long time
>Been on Sup Forums since around Sup Forumsharbor
>took about 2 months, meme power m9
>i may have been a Stalinist at some point (t. Edgelord)
>Subhuman scum that must be eradicated
>Women are the canary in the coal mine, victims of their own vanity
>i have 2 IRL friends, both are nationalists but with a classical liberal bent
>Me? Racist, ofc not :DDDDDD
>That big government, the safety net for the less fortunate, is a jew plot for globalist governance
>agnostic with a deep appreciation for Christian heritage
>Ultra-nationalism, traditionalism, utilitarianism
>anyone is "allowed" on this board, gotta be ready to be BTFOd
>they should stay put where they came from, for the betterment of their own culture
>religion of peace
>hilariously delusional
>lel no
>fucc him and all the other clowns trying to take credit for what the chans did
>like isn't the right word
>totally against it
>What are your religious views?
Christian. Islam should be banned. Jews should live in their ethnostate, as it would be good for them.
>What are your philosophical views?
This is a wide ranging subject and I don't belong to any -ism.
>If you're a Christian, do you think atheists should be allowed on this board, or do you think Sup Forums is a Christian board?
Yes, they should. Although I've come to see atheists much the same as LGBTs.
>If you're a non-white, how do you feel and deal with all of the racism on here?
"racism" is just a way to shut whites up.
>What's your opinion on refugees/immigrants?
Refuse all unless they're white Christians.
>What's your opinion on Islam?
It's anti-christ. It's basically the opposite of whatever Christians believe and do.
>What's your opinion on communism?
It doesn't work and can't, due to the nature of man.
>Do you think the alt-right exists?
It's just PR.
>What's your opinion on Spencer?
He makes other things more acceptable in comparison.
>Do you like Hitler?
Not especially, even though he was right on a lot of things. If he had conquered and genocided Africa, no one would have cared.
>And lastly, how do you feel about racemixing? Totally against it, indifferent/don't prefer it but don't have strong opinions on it, or do you support it?
It should be illegal. Half breeds are mentally ill. That's why blacks in the US are so much worse than any other blacks.
>doing data mining surveys
>for free
No thanks. Fuck off. Anyone seriously replying to this should kill yourselves as well.
I'm literally not data mining you absolute retard.
is that enough info for you?
then m8 show your own response.
ITT: newfags falling for FBI datamining
>ITT: you're a paranoid fuck
if you aren't FBI post your answers then
Wouldn't that be the NSA's job?
And isn't FBI on our side since they told CIA they are being retarded over the Russia thing?
>>Are you right leaning, moderate, or left leaning?
>>If you're right leaning, how long have you been redpilled?
~2 years
>>When and how did you discover Sup Forums?
I was on Sup Forums like all edgy kids I migrated because Sup Forums is complete shit
>>How long did it take you to become redpilled?
~couple of months
>>Were you ever previously an SJW and/or liberal?
>>Do you have a gf/bf?
>>What's your opinion on non-whites/Jews?
Gas them
>>What's your opinion on women?
I dont know
>>If you have negative opinions of non-whites, women, etc, do you think there's any exceptions to the rule?
>>If you have any friends (counting online ones) are any of them non-white and/or a liberal?
>>Would you consider yourself a racist?
>>What's the biggest redpill you've swallowed?
>>What's your opinion on the LGBT community?
Gas them
>>What are your religious views?
I dont know
>>What are your philosophical views?
I dont know
>>If you're a Christian, do you think atheists should be allowed on this board, or do you think Sup Forums is a Christian board?
>>If you're a non-white, how do you feel and deal with all of the racism on here?
>>What's your opinion on refugees/immigrants?
Gas them
>>What's your opinion on Islam?
Gas them
>>What's your opinion on communism?
Gas everyone who supports it (start at my university please)
>>Do you think the alt-right exists?
>>What's your opinion on Spencer?
I dont care about him
>>Do you like Hitler?
A bit, he had a noble goal but failed
>>And lastly, how do you feel about racemixing? Totally against it, indifferent/don't prefer it but don't have strong opinions on it, or do you support it?
I dont like it
whoever is behind it they are still data mining
>FBI is on our side
nice try, Hungarian KGB
It's like a MySpace bulletin board in here.
>newfags falling for data-mining
I would blame companies or CTR
We don't have genders here you absolute god damn shitlord fascist.
no company would fund this and CTR is just a failed superPAC. this is the work of the covernment
> male
> 20
> Lebanese (Christian Phoenician, not a mudslime invader)
> Formerly Lebanon, now U S A
> Right-leaning
> Four months
> stupid fucking memes
> It took a few weeks.
> Never an SJW.
> I have a gf, likely going to marry her soon
> In white countries, they are the most ungrateful, destructive animals. Jews need to stop manipulating the world
> Women are people, but they're very different from men. Very sympathetic, but NOT empathetic. They feel bad for anybody who is going through trouble (mudslime immigrants), but they cannot put themselves in those people's mindsets. If they did, they'd realize how disgusting these rapists and murderers are.
> Plenty of exceptions. Ben Carson is a stand-up black guy as is Kanye West. I'd say 85-90% of blacks are niggers. Those that aren't are outstanding people.
> My best friend is 1/4 black 3/4 Dutch. he is a Roman Catholic like myself, and realizes some of the plights
> I am a racist. It isn't a crime. I am pointing out the troubles that other races (in general) bring to white countries. The minority of 12% of the country commits 51% OF ALL CRIME.
> Hitler.
> The community is retarded and mentally-ill. Normal gay people are okay.
> Greek Orthodox
> I like NatSoc. It won't work for every country though.
> Sure just be decent
> You guys are autists stop dividing and conquering. Anglos Nords Slavs Meds and Aryans are all white. We need to band together.
> Jackals. Only 5% of them are refugees, the rest are immigrants from Africa and ME. Jews keep finding reasons to bring them over.
> Violent religion for idiots. Not as bad as Jews, who are quietly satanic.
> stares at the aryan bone fields
> Yeah but it's vague
> Moron started the Nazi thing w/o bothering to redpill people on the truth
>Anybody that doesn't likely has a brainwashed view of history. He was an amazing man though with some flaws and was blamed for the fakest atrocity of all time.
> Can't avoid it entirely. It's fine within whites (med/nordic won't kill you)
Wouldn't it be easier and more efficient to track your search parameters, your purchasing history, and stuff that would require an account.
This seems a bit to retarded for even your government.
Phoenicians were Western European
>what is IP address
>White/British/Northern Irish
>England/Northern Ireland
>As an adolescent incredibly left leaning Labour voter, then I got a taste of the world and realised I hated most people so now right leaning.
>8 years
>1 second
>Close to it but not fully.
>Not for a year
>I hate men of every race, love the women.
>Love women
>Plenty of friends, closest one is a banter machine and loves the racism etc. the others I have to be careful what I say.
>I hate every race equally including most whites.
>The EU trying to eradicate my race.
>Fine with gays etc. as long as they don't shove it in my face (bantz)
>Fix your own shit and don't come here.
>I don't know him.
>Hate it but would gladly do it.
>not having a constantly chaing IP adress and VPN
moderate to right leaning
when I was a babby
hate niggers and mudslimes, don't mind the rest
intelligent women are fine, but are few and far between
there are exceptions to almost every rule
yes, some are
fairly racist
not sure
mental illness
>muh philosophy
send refuges and illegal immigrants back, all legal immigrants
fuck islam
fuck commies
fuck him
not particularly
hypocritically against it
Came here to post this, move along dont let the CIA agent snag ya.
White Anglo
been steadily going further right the past 2 years, bretty redpilled but not fully
discovered Sup Forums after checking Sup Forums out and visiting Sup Forums and Sup Forums mostly, saw the bantz on Sup Forums
like 9 months
used to be an edgy atheist but not full SJW
>tfw no gf
i can look past race if they share similar values, Jews are pigs
most white women are libshits nowadays
literally all my friends are libs, all are white
race realist, racist by todays definition
probably the jews controlling the media
they're all abominations that need to repent
im pretty Christian but I hate modern church institutions
atheists should be allowed but should not expect to be fully accepted, Sup Forums IS A CHRISTIAN BOARD
immigration should be very controlled and highly selective
Islam is total heresy and we need a new crusade
commies are pretty disgusting
no it's just a faggy buzzword
fucking homolover who worships his ethnicity as God
he ruined NatSoc forever and was a fucking filthy atheist
not a fan
>The biggest redpill is that death is not our enemy but the fear of it. And everything from jews being jews to liberals is an extension of that fear and dismissal of the inevitable.
Beautifully said.
National Socialist
>If you're right leaning, how long have you been redpilled?
>When and how did you discover Sup Forums?
friend showed it to me
>How long did it take you to become redpilled?
Not long, after I realized Germany's real enemy were the Soviets and Jews.
>Were you ever previously an SJW and/or liberal?
I lapsed into Communism by hanging around the wrong crowd and doing drugs in high school for a year or so. The Army made me apolitical, then the deployment Iraq set me straight again.
>Do you have a gf/bf?
Gf, 8 years
>What's your opinion on non-whites/Jews?
I want my race to be separate from theirs in our own homelands
>What's your opinion on women?
Made degenerate by modern society
>If you have negative opinions of non-whites, women, etc, do you think there's any exceptions to the rule?
The rule comes first. There are exceptions, but it makes no difference.
>If you have any friends (counting online ones) are any of them non-white and/or a liberal?
>Would you consider yourself a racist?
>What's the biggest redpill you've swallowed?
Women being degenerate and Jews run everything
>What's your opinion on the LGBT community?
>What are your religious views?
>What are your philosophical views?
>If you're a Christian, do you think atheists should be allowed on this board, or do you think Sup Forums is a Christian board?
I don't care
>What's your opinion on refugees/immigrants?
Get out
>What's your opinion on Islam?
>What's your opinion on communism?
>Do you think the alt-right exists?
I guess?
>What's your opinion on Spencer?
Well spoken, good face of the movement so far
>Do you like Hitler?
>And lastly, how do you feel about racemixing?
It weakens the superior race.
Pure Finnish
Left and right are arbitary labels that dont really mean anything
Ive been redpilled for maybe 4 years
About a year, I was always a nationalist even when I was a liberal
Yes I was a liberal and wanted Obama to win in 2008
Not all non-whites are bad (asians) but truly inferior races need to be kept out of the west or exterminated, all immigration needs to be kept to very low numbers to ensure cultural and genetic integration. Jews need to be dispossed and most of them exterminated
Women are too emotional and conformist to be trusted with political power and voting rights
Yes there can be exceptions to rules
Yes I am racist by the defenition most people use
Holohoax and general truth about ww2
Homosexuality is a mental illness and we should work to suppress it and maybe one day cure it
National socialist
All refugees and immigrants from the truly inferior races need to be deported or killed
Islam is a dangerous and subversive ideology that needs to be destroyed
Communism is jewish controlled plot to destroy europeans
Yes alt right exist and Sup Forums is alt right
Spencer is doing good work altho his strategy of trying to get maximum media coverage is not a great plan
Hitler was a true revolutionary against jewish hegemony and saved finland from communism and genocide
Racemixing should be discouraged in all cases and forbidden between truly inferior races(niggers, abos, arabs, gypsies)
do you want a DNA sample and the size of my underwear?
I'm not answering this shit
>White (Irish/Italian)
>I'd consider myself left-leaning, most of my peers consider me right-leaning
>My parents taught me from a young age to question everything I'm told by the media and government, they're still strong liberals though
>Discovered it several years ago, didn't start posting regularly until a few years ago, still not very active
>Haven't really changed my mind on any basic issues, I've just become more aware of how shitty things have gotten in the past couple years
>Hung out with various SJW groups, eventually left or got shut out because I kept questioning the narrative and pointing out hypocrisy when everyone else was willing to sweep the ugliness under the rug and prioritize feelings over truth
>Nope, don't think I ever will either, I'm not really a people person (high-functioning autistic)
>I've got nothing against them, and I try to keep an open mind about everyone I meet
>Feminism has been holding women back, women who don't give a damn what feminists say are usually great people
>There are usually exceptions to the rule when it comes to sociology, there are lots of different people and it serves no purpose to paint them with broad strokes and generalize; stereotyping is a fruitless exercise that doesn't do any good, it only serves to make everyone dumber and more susceptible to groupthink and other cognitive fallacies
>Absolutely, but then again I'm a very easy person to make friends with since I dislike getting close to people
>No, I believe that it is possible to make general statement about races and accept statistical facts that put certain races in a bad light while also not treating individual people any differently based on race, essentially giving people the benefit of the doubt
>Well-intentioned, and worth trying to save, but ultimately doing more harm than good
>There is probably a God, beyond that I don't know
Tejano hispanic
The ultimate redpill is knowing that there is no redpill, just facts.
Uhhh, 2005?
I've always been on the moderate left.
See above.
I don't care about race. Zionists are cancer.
Women are people. Feminists aren't.
>>If you have negative opinions of non-whites, women, etc, do you think there's any exceptions to the rule?
Anyone can be decent. Even in shit populations, there will be outliers.
>>If you have any friends (counting online ones) are any of them non-white and/or a liberal?
Most of my friends are right wing, socially SJW as fuck liberal, but are libertarian or recently disillusioned with the left.
>>Would you consider yourself a racist?
I talk shit, but that isn't racism.
>>What's the biggest redpill you've swallowed?
Occultists run the world and all this tech shit is their attempt at one last immortality ritual.
>>What's your opinion on the LGBT community?
The quiet ones are good. The "community" is cancer.
>>What are your religious views?
Very lax catholic.
>>What are your philosophical views?
I'm a nihilist, but that just means life is beautiful.
>>If you're a Christian, do you think atheists should be allowed on this board, or do you think Sup Forums is a Christian board?
Open discussion is good discussion.
>>If you're a non-white, how do you feel and deal with all of the racism on here?
It's just banter.
>>What's your opinion on refugees/immigrants?
Out of control, but not inherently bad.
>>What's your opinion on Islam?
See above.
>>What's your opinion on communism?
Unfeasible in the present. Oppressive.
>>Do you think the alt-right exists?
>>What's your opinion on Spencer?
Literally who?
>>Do you like Hitler?
>>And lastly, how do you feel about racemixing? Totally against it, indifferent/don't prefer it but don't have strong opinions on it, or do you support it?
Don't care. Do as you like, but don't force shit down people's throats.
Nice datamining thread, shill.
Very nice thread OP. Please post more information.
>white but tan easily, western/northern/eastern European mutt
>very right leaning
>redpilled about 2 years
>3 years ago, at first for lulz, then started reading cited sources, come here still mostly for lulz
>redpill took a course of 6 months probably, went full blown Falange then realized humans can't rule other humans, now Hoppe libertarian snekist
>was maybe left-libertarian in college but was always a brutal enemy of feminists and SJWs, although that was long before "SJWs" and "alt-right"
> no gf but a very strong prospect, more on that later
>I judge everyone as individuals, collectivism is a spook, but non-whites def have a higher rate of utter degeneracy, which is promoted by the Jews
>women for the most part have to be firmly guided, if/when they are incapable of having their own opinions
>plenty of exceptions, like I said, collectivism is a spook
>friends of all races, all orientations, and they all like me somehow
>I don't think of myself as racist
>biggest redpill is that Hollywood and state-controlled media are very much a branch of government
>LGBT is fine, just leave me the fuck alone
>Christian, but I wouldn't say I'm strongly practicing
>I'm an altruist, as I've had many near-death experiences and life is just too short to be a pissed off little faggot all the time
>anyone can come to Sup Forums who wants to, if you get triggered then go away
>I'm pretty closed-borders for a libertarian
>Islam itself isn't the problem, take Russia as an example
>Communism has no place in civilization, and I am a proponent of helicopter rides and physical removal, so to speak
>the people who are scared of the alt-right are idiots and the people who claim to be alt-right are bigger idiots
>I agree with Spencer on a lot of stuff
>Hitler was a sensitive man
>the girl I like right now is 100% Cheyenne, no problem with race-mixing for myself as I am likely infertile anyway and I think she is too, white people should probably breed more though
> social studies project, analyzing pol
>Classically liberal (read a bit of Locke and loved it) mixed with a bit of utilitarianism
>Opposing viewpoints are good, Sup Forums needs to keep being stimulated to avoid groupthink
>I have an non-white adoptive parent and a mixed sibling, I think that most of Sup Forums is good-hearted but they get stupid when it comes to racism and want to appear edgy/redpilled, so they act like cunts and then get mad when people dislike them for being cunts; also the stormfront faggots need to fuck off and die, nobody likes you
>Screen them as thoroughly as possible, but accept and help those who really do want to become Canadians
>In need of reformation, there are good Muslims but more people start to stand their ground and criticize the religion, both for our safety and for theirs, if Islam doesn't evolve it will die soon
>A good idea in theory that doesn't work and will never work in practice, communists should focus on how to make capitalism better instead of throwing out what's ultimately a very flawed system, but the best one that we've come up with so far
>I think the alt-right is bigger than most people on either side think it is, the problem is that most people stop reading when they see the word 'racist' so most liberals who would otherwise agree with the alt-right are too afraid to explore other options, they think either they stick with the left or become a crazy racist
>don't know who that is
>no, he was an idiot who tried to wage war against the entire world instead of just making his country prosperous, worthless dickhead
>It doesn't matter, marry whoever the fuck you want
>Less than 18 kek
>White, dutch and polish heritage
>Like four months, used to be a ... dare I say it ... left-libertarian
>3 months ago, from right wing insta accounts
>Not very long on some respects, some economic issues and issues woth women took longer
>Kind of
>I actually don't mind Jews that much, and most Asians are chill.
>Complicated. I think they can do well woth a strong male figure guiding them basically.
>Yes obviously, there are always outliers
>Yes, a couple not-whites and a good number of liberals. Best friend is a fucking liberal in fact.
>Sure, but I like to give non-whites a chance if I meet them, they could be based or intelligent.
>The redpill about how women are basically parasites.
>Nope, and the community is especially bad.
>Raised catholic, agnostic atheist now (not a fedora tipper, I still have a tremendous respect for Catholic and Orthodox Christianity)
>I am not really Christian
>I am white
>Maybe take some smart Asians, thats about it
>I used to be basically communist. Would never, ever work in any context and would literally cause the collapse of society if the true ideology was put in place. People are naturally lazy and need to be given incentive to work.
>I dont really know him
>No, not really. I disagree with his economic policy and his Jewish policy.
>Totally against it, I cringe whenever I see mixed race couples.
>White (German/British)
>Right Leaning
>Redpilled since a month into trumps run.
>Came here from Sup Forums
>The shit that France went through last year really did it for me.
>Was fairly bluepilled, the indoctrination levels in Canadian education are fucking unreal now that I'm out of it. It's no wonder we have a joke like Trudeau as PM.
>Broke up with GF of 18 months in the week leading up to the election after she decided I was literally hitler for not supporting Clinton.
>Non-Whites can be fine and have the potential to be fine, (see redpilled blacks that supported trump) the problem is that the vast majority have such a skewed vision of whites and authority. Idk how to fix that.
>Again, in my experience, vastly bluepilled. But if you can find a right wing woman you've pretty much won life.
>Non-whites just need to wake up. Except for the Chinese. Fuck the chinese.
>I'm working in the film industry, as such many of my friends are quite liberal. I have to keep my powerlevel very hidden. One of my friends is half black, but extremely anti feminist. I can take refuge in fact that most of my friends, while economically liberal, are generally socially conversative.
>No. Just defending myself as white in a time where I am increasingly demonized to my peers.
>The entire Jew redpill as a whole.
>I recognize the validity of LGBT. Anything past that t is mental illness. At the end of the day, your sexuality is like a dick. I've got mine, you've got yours. That's great and I could care less, so we won't have any problems unless you whip it out and wave it around in my face.
>Protestant Christian, born and raised.
>Not sure tbqh.
>Atheists should 100% be allowed. The greatest thing about this board is that anyone can speak. There's no censorship. Sure, people might disagree with you, but you can still say what you want.
Part 1/2
>A little under a year
>Few years ago, decided to leave Sup Forums
>A few months
>Liberal yes, SJW, fuck no
>Ashkenazi Jews are Europeans, would be treated as such. Race mixing should only be allowed on small scale with Chinese, Korean, or Japanese.
>Should have equal rights, but needs to be accepted that genders are different. Women are more emotional, weaker, but better carers. Don't force images on people one way or another. Women will naturally fall into place.
>Yes, but very few, proportionally.
>Race biology, Soros machinery, Rothschild control, superiority of imperialism as a foreign policy
>Don't care about the first 3 as long as they stop being disgusting and showing their junk in those degenerate parades. Trannies need serious therapy and anti-schizos.
>Agnostic atheist
>Humanity can do great things, but needs a powerful leader to break them out of their current cycle of repetitive and inefficient chaos.
>I will prove myself. Deus Vult
>Legal immigrants in small numbers can integrate. Current refugees in the middle East should stay there.
>Needs to go
>Needs to go
>Spencer's alt right is tiny, untoward/Breitbart/Steve bannon altright is more significant
>Weaseling opportunist
>Explained above
sage (fuck you this isnt spam)
sage (fuck you this isnt spam)
3 years
via Sup Forums 10 years ago
1 year
ok if they dont fuck with me
our less rational counterparts
there are no shortcuts to success
trash but ok if they dont fuck with me
pragmatism, self-reliance
i never felt discriminated against here, not even once
shoot them on sight, but try to help them in their countries as long as they're willing to be helped, africa is a lost cause
you're talking about it so yes, the idea does
edgy kool kids klub
a bit
i fucked people of many ethnicities but would only procreate with one of my own
>I respect that they need to escape a war zone, but on the other hand, if you come to our country, you have to accept that you're going to have to embrace our customs and culture, and if you disagree with them, you can leave and find one of the many countries that share your beliefs.
>Islam has grown immensely out of control. We need more based Sikhs,
>Shit and will always be shit. Can't believe people in my school have fallen for the "real communism never been tried" meme. Fuck.
>Alt-Right exists, but is a fairly new phenomenon that many can't seem to classify. It's a very broad group that falls under that name as of now.
>Fuck spencer, he doesn't speak for us and makes all of us look like literal nazis. (Even if some of us are.)
>Lot of good ideas, incredible what he was able to do with a previously war wrecked country in a few years, just went a bit too far in a number of places, and also fuck him for effectively making white nationalism taboo.
>Cringe. Just cringe. I mean, do what you want, but people should try and breed within their own race.
>I respect that they need to escape a war zone
This is why we built refugees camps all around the warzones. The majority of the ones who come here are not even from a country at war.
Moderate (strongly for 2nd Amendment)
Not sure
I've been on Sup Forums since I was 16 or 17
I was a libtard when I was a teenager
Yes, a gf
I race-mix, but don't like black people
Women are often fucking retards
There's good black people out there, I just generalize
My friends are all moderate
Yes, there's nothing wrong with racism
That welfare programs and a minimum wage are cancer
Gay people are fine
Refugees should figure things out themselves, these people aren't our problem and it doesn't matter if they die
Islam is a cancer
Communism is a cancer for lazy and misguided people
The alt-right exists if people identify as it
Hitler was a piece of shit
I race mix, so that's how I feel about it.
male transitioning into being a male
I'm ashamed to admit I'm white
USA occupation of native lands
when newnew got shut down
as a white male, I don't have the right to be a SJW. I listen, I don't speak
My partner is gender non-binary
I have so much respect for non-whites/Jews. They have been put through so much
Women are actually stronger and smarter than men
All my friends are non-white and liberal. More than one white man in a group is bad
I am racist because I am white. There is no escaping it
Abortion is killing more beautiful black babies than whites. It worries me.
LBTQ are wonderful people. G are fine, but need to check their privilege
Agnostic. I admit that I know nothing. That is why I am wisest
Yes, pol should be for everyone, though I wish it were more diverse
More refugees will enrich our disgusting white dominated non-culture
Islam is a religion of peace. The oppression of Muslims is the real cause of terrorism
Communism has never truly been tried
The alt-right is millions strong rebranded nazis
Spencer is a Nazi
Hitler is the worst human ever. People like him and people who like him should be exterminated
Totally support racemixing. It's the first step to world peace
United States
>>Are you right leaning, moderate, or left leaning?
I'm a socialist but I disagree with a lot of leftist stuff
>>If you're right leaning, how long have you been redpilled?
>>When and how did you discover Sup Forums?
About 7 months ago. I used to go on Sup Forums as a kid and I came back to Sup Forums after I got tired of reddit and heard they had an lgbt board. From there I explored.
>>How long did it take you to become redpilled?
A couple months
>>ever previously an SJW and/or liberal?
>> gf/bf?
>> non-whites/Jews?
Don't really trust/like them. I'll be nice to them and won't be open with racism, I'll just watch them closer.
? Some are good most are cucked, just like with guys.
>>If you have negative opinions of non-whites, any exceptions to the rule?
I like Asians, they're usually nice, peacefull, and redpilled. Also I think latinos are alright but you still got to be careful around them.
>>friends non-white and/or a liberal?
Not really friends but aquantinces
>>Would you consider yourself a racist?
>>biggest redpill?
The Jews (((goldpilled)))
I'm trans so I'm obviously biased but I have no problem with gay or trans people unless they're annoying.
>>religious views?
I'm a christian
>>philosophical views?
Idk much about philosophy but I used to be pretty nihilistic.
I don't care about what other people believe.
>> refugees/immigrants?
Send the men back
Mixed feelings. I don't think it's as bad as Sup Forums says but I think it's worse than sjws say. I think wahhabism is the real problem.
>>What's your opinion on communism?
It's an ideology that has some academic value but should never be used as a basis for real life
>>Do you think the alt-right exists?
Unsure, I don't really trust him
>> racemixing
I think people should be with the people they love, not decide it based on race.
Are you pure?
Your alright.
M 18 Black U.S
>>When and how did you discover Sup Forums?
This year. Usually browse Sup Forums.
I agree with most theoretical liberal views but I don't agree with the way liberals present their views.
>>Do you have a gf/bf?
no ;_;
>>What's your opinion on non-whites/Jews?
People should be judged as individuals not by their race.
>>What's your opinion on women?
Swallowed the "women aren't wittle pwincesses" aka women want dominant fit men to FUCK the shit out if them redpill recently. I only hate that cause I wasn't dealt a good hand when it comes to my body. If I was Chad or Tyrone I probably wouldn't care so I'd just think women should be submissive to men but still hold on to a sense of humanity (not want to be treated like a whore submissive but "honey, dinner's ready" submissive).
>>If you have negative opinions of non-whites, women, etc, do you think there's any exceptions to the rule?
See above.
>>Would you consider yourself a racist?
>>What's the biggest redpill you've swallowed?
See above (kill me pls).
>>What's your opinion on the LGBT community?
I grew up in a morally conservative family so there's still an aftertaste of feeling disgusted by them in my mind but I don't really care about it.
I grew up religious but it's been dying out since I entered high school. I don't understand why God allows extreme suffering if he is all-powerful. If he's all-powerful then there must be some combination of actions he could take to would have prevented my life and the life of billions of people to be shit. /blog
>>What are your philosophical views?
>>If you're a non-white, how do you feel and deal with all of the racism on here?
Autism/understanding lack of empathy for people who they have nothing in common with.
>>What's your opinion on refugees/immigrants?
As long as there's a will for them to positively contribute in whatever country they're moving to then it's ok.
>>Do you like Hitler?
>Are you right leaning, moderate, or left leaning?
>If you're right leaning, how long have you been redpilled?
6 months
>When and how did you discover Sup Forums?
1y ago, because milo (kek)
>How long did it take you to become redpilled?
>Were you ever previously an SJW and/or liberal?
>Do you have a gf/bf?
nope, I dumped my ex
>What's your opinion on non-whites/Jews?
There's a tiny minority of high-class jewish intellectuals/activists that do a huge harm to our society with the radical criticism. We need to point that out in order to have a more peaceful and cohesive society.
>What's your opinion on women?
Unfortunately, they are prone to vote left.
>If you have negative opinions of non-whites, women, etc, do you think there's any exceptions to the rule?
>If you have any friends (counting online ones) are any of them non-white and/or a liberal?
>Would you consider yourself a racist?
I don't hate ppl because their race, but I do know that there is race differences and ignoring them causes more harm than good.
>What's the biggest redpill you've swallowed?
Kevin MacDonald
>What's your opinion on the LGBT community?
There's some sexual options that are mental illnesses
> female cisgender hetero scum
>whole life; parents have always been redpilled
>discovered Sup Forums a year ago when my friend said that my political views were as Sup Forums as it gets
>was already redpilled when i got here
>no, never
>no gf, no bf
> don't think other races are inherently inferior, but in my experience from living in the south, black people can be fucking awful at times
> i think most women are whiny bitches
> yes, there are always exceptions
> i had a black friend and a hispanic friend, and then they found out i was a trump supporter and literally haven't spoken to me since
> yeah, i'm kinda racist. ghetto-type black people piss me off
> dunno
> gays and bisexuals, i don't give a fuck. trannies, genderqueer, gender fluid, otherkin etc are mentally ill
>no clue
>not christian, not atheist
>i'm white
>hate communism
> idk
> faggot
> hitler was a sensitive man
> i feel like it'd be kind of odd to have a kid that looked significantly different from me. for example, if i had a little girl with nappy hair, i feel like the whole mother-daughter bonding over styling our hair and doing cute hairstyles together would be strange. it's like you can't even relate to your kid. obviously that's a really superficial example. personally, i would only ever bear a white man's children
>White - Slovenian
>Probably national socialist
>Always, family pretty based
>By accident. Heard you had good memes
>Non-whites - fuck off, we're full. Jews - exterminate
>Abortion is degenerate, otherwise mostly ok
>Degenerate scum
>I'm supposed to be catholic. Moderate catholic
>Yes, no
>Fuck off we're full
>Don't really mind, as long as they're not invading my country
>Useless prick
>the problem with racemixing is that stupidity is the reason for it 9/10 cases. Sometimes racemixing couples can have good families and provide countries with physically and mentaly healthy children.
Moderate, I guess.
For about two and a half years, now.
I knew about Sup Forums for a decade, knew about Sup Forums for a year.
I just got bored one day and took a peek before spending a few hours here, laughing at memes and reading debates.
A week. I did nothing but watch videos of feminist arguments being debunked and researched the information that was brought up.
Both. I'm a very empathic person, probably because I'm a woman, and people took advantage of that by feeding me false rape statistics and saying "Hey, feminist are against this thing."
>Do you have a gf/bf?
Just Dumped
The black community is plagued with criminal culture and poverty. We need to help ourselves, instead of trying to get a handout or claim that the system is against us. I've only met nice jews, so I'm a little biased.
We don't need to be coddled.
There will always be at least ONE exception.
Yes, and I argue with them sometimes.
No, but I've been called one by another black person because I didn't support BLM.
Sandy Hook was fucking fake.
It's filled with pussies. Also, I don't really get the bisexual hate.
I'm an atheist, but I'll pray before dinner when I'm eating with someone who is religious.
I'm a taoist/daoist.
Personally, I don't give a shit about the racism on Sup Forums or any other board, but I do laugh at the "we wuz kangz n shiet" because I know people who are like that.
Unless they want to be productive members of society, keep them the fuck out.
It's shit.
See above.
At this point, I don't know if the alt-right exist or if its just a meme. Like, 2016 has been too surreal.
I don't know who that is, but feel like I should.
He had a hot girlfriend.. I'm not really educated on him enough to give you a good answer.
Date who you wanna, I don't give a fuck.
>retards ITT actually share all that information
White (Italian/German)
Mostly right
Hated immigrants since the day I was born
Have gf
I'm okay with some non whites, if they're less than 10% of the population
An Arab or Asian family that has lived in Canada for generations is fine, it's just that they're extremely rare
My friends all have similar views to me
Maybe a bit. I don't like blacks on my property.
Biggest redpilled is that the only thing stopping us from limiting immigration/being nationalist is the media brainwashing everyone into thinking those things are wrong
Roman Catholic
Don't care for homos, but they're not all bad
Atheists can stay as long as Christian cultural values remain
Immigrants are okay but only in small numbers. 90% have to go back
Islam is evil
Communism is evil
The alt-right is the silent majority becoming vocal, it's not really a new thing
I don't like Hitler
Racemixing is fine as long as the couple and their families share the same values but I would never do it myself nor would I want a friend or family member to racemix
German-Korean 50/50
>Are you right leaning, moderate, or left leaning?
Mix of extreme left and extreme right beliefs
>When and how did you discover Sup Forums?
Found Sup Forums in 2008 because of video games, went to Sup Forums in 2012 for some reason
>How long did it take you to become redpilled?
A couple years
>Were you ever previously an SJW and/or liberal?
I've become more and more liberal (and less and less SJW/conservative)
>Do you have a gf/bf?
dating a stay-at-home trap
>What's your opinion on non-whites/Jews?
nonwhites are fine, jews are not
>What's your opinion on women?
they are extremely conservative and close-minded, bad company
>If you have negative opinions of non-whites, women, etc, do you think there's any exceptions to the rule?
mentally healthy women make bad friends, mentally damaged are cool sometime
>Would you consider yourself a racist?
>What's the biggest redpill you've swallowed?
women shouldn't be allowed to vote
>What's your opinion on the LGBT community?
marriage shouldn't exist in law, people should mind their own business and keep relationships to themselves
>What are your religious views?
LaVeyan satanist, I don't partake in the aesthetic though
>What are your philosophical views?
>If you're a non-white, how do you feel and deal with all of the racism on here?
it's immature, don't really care though
>What's your opinion on refugees/immigrants?
situational, really bad idea for USA and Europe though
>What's your opinion on Islam?
superior to Christianity until the fall of the Ottomans, now they're the new Christians
>What's your opinion on communism?
helicopter rides
>Do you think the alt-right exists?
>What's your opinion on Spencer?
>Do you like Hitler?
>And lastly, how do you feel about racemixing? Totally against it, indifferent/don't prefer it but don't have strong opinions on it, or do you support it?
lean against it
>Are you right leaning, moderate, or left leaning?
Right leaning.
>If you're right leaning, how long have you been redpilled?
Redpilled 6 years ago.
>When and how did you discover Sup Forums?
One year ago, from the other sites.
>How long did it take you to become redpilled?
3 years.
>Were you ever previously an SJW and/or liberal?
>Do you have a gf/bf?
>What's your opinion on non-whites/Jews?
I treat equally all races. Germanics are annoying me.
>What's your opinion on women?
Most of them are degenerates. I've never met good one.
>If you have any friends (counting online ones) are any of them non-white and/or a liberal?
>Would you consider yourself a racist?
>What's the biggest redpill you've swallowed?
My love of free market.
>What's your opinion on the LGBT community?
LGBT is disgusting but gays that don't expose their orientation are OK.
>What are your religious views?
>What are your philosophical views?
>If you're a Christian, do you think atheists should be allowed on this board, or do you think Sup Forums is a Christian board?
Atheists should be allowed on Sup Forums.
>What's your opinion on refugees/immigrants?
No welfare – no useless immigrants.
>What's your opinion on Islam?
I ridicule Islam.
>What's your opinion on communism?
I hate communism.
>Do you think the alt-right exists?
I don't really know that much about the alt-right.
>What's your opinion on Spencer?
Never heard of it.
>Do you like Hitler?
I don't like Hitler.
>And lastly, how do you feel about racemixing? Totally against it, indifferent/don't prefer it but don't have strong opinions on it, or do you support it?
Racemixing on a limited scale is rather positive.
CIA PLEASE GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!
depends what you define "redpilled"
about a year ago i first came here
kinda when i was younger but i didnt really give a shit in the first place
not right now
dont view them differently to whites tbqh
theyre hot most of the time
leaving this one blank cause it doesnt apply
yeah, a lot
that there are elites controlling politics/the media/ everyday life and opinions
as long as they dont parade themselves around and shove it in our faces im fine with them, i have gay friends
dont really have any but i believe in god and would probably be closest to christian
dont really do that
this one doesnt apply to me, but i think most are welcome here, well not welcome but you know what i mean
this one doesnt apply to me
legal immigrants: fine, illegal: not fine shouldnt be here-refugees: we dont have a clue who they are, until we do we shouldnt let them in they're clearly lying half of the time (that theyre kids etc)
its better off staying in islamic countries, isnt compatible with western societies
doesnt work
yeah im sure it is
seems like a dumb arse from his whole "hial trump" shit
pre 1939 he was a good leader that turned around his country from shit hole to superpower (kinda inspirational tbf), after that he fucked everything up
i dont give a shit what others do but im personally only attracted to white women
Not your business
European descent
>Are you right leaning, moderate, or left leaning?
>If you're right leaning, how long have you been redpilled?
>When and how did you discover Sup Forums?
A few years ago. Laughing at Neo-nazi memes
>How long did it take you to become redpilled?
My age
>Were you ever previously an SJW and/or liberal?
Never been
>Do you have a gf/bf?
>What's your opinion on non-whites/Jews?
They can fuck off my lands
>What's your opinion on women?
They give good feelings to my dick
>If you have negative opinions of non-whites, women, etc, do you think there's any exceptions to the rule?
>If you have any friends (counting online ones) are any of them non-white and/or a liberal?
>Would you consider yourself a racist?
>What's the biggest redpill you've swallowed?
Being redpilled isn't being right-leaning
>What's your opinion on the LGBT community?
They can fuck off my lands
>What are your religious views?
Not your business
>What are your philosophical views?
You can fuck off my lands
>If you're a Christian, do you think atheists should be allowed on this board, or do you think Sup Forums is a Christian board?
Sup Forums is neopagan, retard
>If you're a non-white, how do you feel and deal with all of the racism on here?
>What's your opinion on refugees/immigrants?
They can fuck off my lands
>What's your opinion on Islam?
They can fuck off my lands
>What's your opinion on communism?
They can fuck off my lands
>Do you think the alt-right exists?
>What's your opinion on Spencer?
Confused major fag
>Do you like Hitler?
Mixed feelings
>And lastly, how do you feel about racemixing? Totally against it, indifferent/don't prefer it but don't have strong opinions on it, or do you support it?
Against it.
>All these people giving out their personal information in a fucking FBI thread
>I'm literally not data mining you absolute retard.
>not data mining
>doesn't answer his own questions in OP
these threads are only good when people roleplay
white / German
>Are you right leaning, moderate, or left leaning?
>If you're right leaning, how long have you been redpilled?
~1year ago, sheepy before, but no token cucktard
>When and how did you discover Sup Forums?
see above
>How long did it take you to become redpilled?
~2 weeks (arguing about closing borders)
>Were you ever previously an SJW and/or liberal?
liberal (still am, but not what Americans call liberal)
>Do you have a gf/bf?
no gf
>What's your opinion on non-whites/Jews?
Jews are all right, niggers are niggers, Middle Easterners and Roaches normally are pretty based desu, but not the ones which are coming right now
>What's your opinion on women?
women do have 3 usable holes
>If you have negative opinions of non-whites, women, etc, do you think there's any exceptions to the rule?
many exceptions, too long of a list to mention here, but I don't judge individuals based on statistics
>If you have any friends (counting online ones) are any of them non-white and/or a liberal?
yep / yep
>Would you consider yourself a racist?
might seem contradictory to what I said before, but yes I am
>What's the biggest redpill you've swallowed?
Buddhism (no new age bullshit)
>What's your opinion on the LGBT community?
bunch of faggots
>What are your religious views?
no religion
>What are your philosophical views?
philosophy is a meme but quite entertaining. Liked the French existentialists and Nietzsche
>If you're a Christian, do you think atheists should be allowed on this board, or do you think Sup Forums is a Christian board?
yes / no
>If you're a non-white, how do you feel and deal with all of the racism on here?
Wouldn't care
>post too long, no questions from now
I don't
see some answers above
Islam is a cancer, it's a sorce of terror
communism is a illusion set up for the uninformed masses
don't know him personally but he probably was a chill guy
fuck racemixing
half german.austrian ashkenazi, half anglo/german/italian
>right, moderate, or left
right, would call myself a national libertarian
>how long have you been redpilled
been redpilled for less than a year
>were you ever an SJW or liberal
yes, I was a bernie faggot last year and before that in my teens I was a psuedo socialist atheist edgelord
>have a gf/bf
I have a girlfriend
I despite non-whites for the most part. The way they act in public disgusts me, and I hate their music. As someone who's half Jewish I can tell you there is something in the genes that leads to a propensity toward leftism and subversion. I don't trust them on the whole, but there are some who are redpilled. I mostly hate the elites who actively try to fuck over the west
the niggers of genders. women's suffrage was a mistake. they have the strongest political opinions with the least political knowledge, for the most part. they also don't really know what they want, you need to understand women before you can really try to work with them. sadly I had to figure out how they tick for myself
there are exceptions. one of my earliest friends who I would consider my second best friend is a black guy around my age who I met on xbox in sixth grade. him and another dude are my oldest friends. the black guy is extremely smart and have had the best conversations in my life with him. he's for trump from what I understand. I make jokes about deporting spics to him and he loves it. that said, on average we really should have deported them. 99% of nogs are fucking insufferable
>non-white friends or liberal friends
read above for non-white. my girlfriend is actually sort of liberal, but I've made her see how ridiculous liberal stances are. she's afraid of angering me so I don't get to talk to her that often about politics, because she knows I'm a lot smarter then her and know what I'm talking about
tits or gtfo
I work with Belathar at the general goods store
I work with Belathar at the general goods store
I work with Belathar at the general goods store
I work with Belathar at the general goods store
>>Are you right leaning, moderate, or left leaning?
I work with Belathar at the general goods store
>>If you're right leaning, how long have you been redpilled?
I work with Belathar at the general goods store
>>When and how did you discover Sup Forums?
I work with Belathar at the general goods store
>>How long did it take you to become redpilled?
I work with Belathar at the general goods store
>>Were you ever previously an SJW and/or liberal?
I work with Belathar at the general goods store
>>Do you have a gf/bf?
I work with Belathar at the general goods store
>>What's your opinion on non-whites/Jews?
I work with Belathar at the general goods store
>>What's your opinion on women?
I work with Belathar at the general goods store
>>If you have negative opinions of non-whites, women, etc, do you think there's any exceptions to the rule?
I work with Belathar at the general goods store
>>If you have any friends (counting online ones) are any of them non-white and/or a liberal?
I work with Belathar at the general goods store
>>Would you consider yourself a racist?
I work with Belathar at the general goods store
>>What's the biggest redpill you've swallowed?
I work with Belathar at the general goods store
>>What's your opinion on the LGBT community?
I work with Belathar at the general goods store
>>What are your religious views?
I work with Belathar at the general goods store
>>What are your philosophical views?
I work with Belathar at the general goods store
>>If you're a Christian, do you think atheists should be allowed on this board, or do you think Sup Forums is a Christian board?
I work with Belathar at the general goods store
fucking newfags don't know what datamining is
Pic related it's me working for Belathar at the general goods store.
>the niggers of genders
Dumbfucks on Sup Forums actually answer this fucking question. You people are retarded. I hope you all end up on a list.
>would you consider yourself a racist?
>biggest redpill you've swallowed
probably Jews. but the thing that made me originally start to click into being redpilled was the migrant crisis, and the cologne attacks in particular
>opinion on the LGBT community
I'm fine with people being faggots in their own time for the most part...but it shouldn't be encouraged how it is in society. I also think trans people are severely mentally ill and we shouldn't conform to their delusions
>religious views
I'm a practicing Catholic
>philosophical views
I wouldn't consider myself subscribed to specific philosophies, but I really like stoicism, nietzsche, and aristotle's virtue ethics
>should atheists be allowed
they should be allowed to speak. I wouldn't have changed my views if it weren't for legitimate argumentation and also listening to what Peter Hitchens had to say. we're a forum of discussion, banning different opinions would make us as bad as SJWs
don't fucking let them here. european immigrants would be good, but we should stop importing the third world
cancer of the world.
ideological cancer. listen to yuri bezmenov
>does the alt right exist
sort of. I hate how the media is able to paint broad strokes using the term though. It's decentralized and there's a broad spectrum within it. nobody really has a stronger claim then anyone else as to what it specifically believes
thought he might have been controlled opposition at first, but listening to him in interviews I like him. wish he were a bit more articulate and had his arguments a bit more in order, but he's okay
we shouldn't have fought him. we could have had a glorious power balance of the british empire, USA, german europe, and imperial japan
fucking disgusting. have you seen di niros kids? literally flushing your genes down the toilet. at least the children of liberal cunts who mix will no longer be considered white.
>National Socialist
Your wishes won't get granted, dumbfuck. I'm not data mining.
I'm pretty sure most Sup Forumstards are on muh level
Anglo (Caucasian)
>Are you right leaning, moderate, or left leaning?
Socially conservative andnationalist, and economically centre-right
>If you're right leaning, how long have you been redpilled?
My old man was a ''racist'', plus I visited Sup Forums
>When and how did you discover Sup Forums?
Was a Sup Forumstard interested in politics
>How long did it take you to become redpilled?
What is the pinnacle of being redpilled? If you're talking jews, then I'd say around mid 2014
>Were you ever previously an SJW and/or liberal?
Not an SJW but more DUDE WEED, fuck corporations. But I was still for strict border control
>Do you have a gf/bf?
Yes, Married to a chick
>What's your opinion on non-whites/Jews?
I like all caucasians (Whites, Arabs, Pakis). I'm aware of niggers, abos, and amerindians having low IQ. Also, race aside, I hate all muslims.
>What's your opinion on women?
I love women just like any other person, but I don't think young women should be allowed to vote. Women are emotionally driven.
>If you have negative opinions of non-whites, women, etc, do you think there's any exceptions to the rule?
see above
>If you have any friends (counting online ones) are any of them non-white and/or a liberal?
Non-white, yes, quite a few. As for Liberal, I have 2 of my m8s who're getting redpilled anyway.
>Would you consider yourself a racist?
I'm a race realist and an ethnic nationalist
>What's the biggest redpill you've swallowed?
Jews are worse than Muslims
>What's your opinion on the LGBT community?
Leave them alone. Let them have civil partnerships, but they shouldnt be allowed to be married in a church, and they shouldn't be allowed to adopt children
>What are your religious views?
Was never christened, but a appreciate religions creating civilisation, plus helping create morality
White English
United Kingdom
1 year
My younger brother showed me it 2 years ago after he found out I liked UKIP
3 years of engaging in political disscussion
Never been a SJW but I was a Libertarian
Not currently
They should pursue their own interests separate from whites
I view them as a partner to men. Equal in value but performing different roles, however I also like personal choice so I don't agree with forcing women to adopt their 'gender roles' just that they should be encouraged to.
There are always exceptions.
Plenty of non-white friends and liberals.
Yes, Because I believe in Races not being equal.
Still summing up my opinion of the holocaust.
Gays and Lesbians I'm ok with as long as they aren't using it as a form of identity. Trannies can go get help though.
Im Agnostic. I don't think humans have the ability to ever know.
Philosophically I view subjects case by case and don't subscribe to a specific ideology.
Refugees should be put into a large camp that is protected by international forces. Not allowed to come to Europe. Immigrants should only be white, with very very very few exceptions.
Islam is not for me, but others are free to indulge as long as they do it outside my country.
Communism is misguided and dangerous.
The alt-right has always existed its just become more noticed now it is self naming itself.
Spencer is a good guy, with good intentions.
No, but I don't demonise those who do.
Should be discouraged but I will allow for exceptions. Personally I have fucked many people of different races, but I wouldn't ever have a kid with one. And I'd hate it if my sister dated outside our race.
>What are your philosophical views?
Militaristic-Religious- National Conservative Republicanism
>If you're a Christian, do you think atheists should be allowed on this board, or do you think Sup Forums is a Christian board?
Yes. Free speech is one of the most important thing to political discussion
>If you're a non-white, how do you feel and deal with all of the racism on here?
I wouldn't feel bad at all. Facts over feels, unless I was a jihadist, or a ''muh dick'' nigger or chink
>What's your opinion on refugees/immigrants?
Only allow immigrants if they're high skilled workers
>What's your opinion on Islam?
Moral in a way, but too degenerate and authoritarian in another. I want muslims to leave this planet, or non muslim countries at least. It's better than Judaism still.
>What's your opinion on communism?
Helicopters & Gravity
>Do you think the alt-right exists?
No, it's just a term made by the media
>What's your opinion on Spencer?
I don't know anything about him
>Do you like Hitler?
Yes and no. I like he's nationalism and his redpills on jews, but he was a degenerate methh addicted druggie who made NatSoc a bad thing
>And lastly, how do you feel about racemixing? Totally against it, indifferent/don't prefer it but don't have strong opinions on it, or do you support it?
I don't get triggered by interaccial relationships in public, but I'm aware that anyone who's destroying their genes for lower IQ humans, is a TOTAL FUCKING IDIOT
Left leaning
I am one right now
Yes, but I haven't told him I'm a tranny yet :)
Awesome :)
This place is retarded conspiratards jerking off in their basement
CIS Male
Non-Hispanic White
United States of America
>>Are you right leaning, moderate, or left leaning?
Far Right
>>If you're right leaning, how long have you been redpilled?
27 years
>>When and how did you discover Sup Forums?
2008, friend
>>How long did it take you to become redpilled?
>>Were you ever previously an SJW and/or liberal?
>>Do you have a gf/bf?
No, tried many timea
>>What's your opinion on non-whites/Jews?
Don't cause problems, won't be problems
>>What's your opinion on women?
Read above
>>If you have negative opinions of non-whites, women, etc, do you think there's any exceptions to the rule?
Solution isn't bias
>>If you have any friends (counting online ones) are any of them non-white and/or a liberal?
>>Would you consider yourself a racist?
>>What's the biggest redpill you've swallowed?
Sandy Hook
>>What's your opinion on the LGBT community?
>>What are your religious views?
Roman Catholic
>>What are your philosophical views?
Nebuchadnezzar II
>>If you're a Christian, do you think atheists should be allowed on this board, or do you think Sup Forums is a Christian board?
>>If you're a non-white, how do you feel and deal with all of the racism on here?
>>What's your opinion on refugees/immigrants?
>>What's your opinion on Islam?
>>What's your opinion on communism?
>>Do you think the alt-right exists?
>>What's your opinion on Spencer?
Calm down
>>Do you like Hitler?
PreWW2, yes
>>And lastly, how do you feel about racemixing? Totally against it, indifferent/don't prefer it but don't have strong opinions on it, or do you support it?
>Helicopters & Gravity
tip top kek
Hui Chinese
I could still be considered a liberal
I don't care as look as they're good people
I like women quite a lot
Not sure
I don't care about them but they shouldn't teach it in schools especially to 3rd graders
Agnostic but culturally muslim
Not sure
I'm not Christian but its not a Christian board
I don't really mind it
Refugees should be sent aid to their camps in Lebanon and Jordan but not bought here. Immigrants are fine as long as they're highly skilled.
Will never work, socialism on the other hand...
The alt right is whatever people classify it as so yes
No, he was genocidal.
I don't care but I'm going to race mix for sure.
White British
Right leaning (UKIP member)
2 years or so
discovered Sup Forums 2 years ago, came over from Sup Forums
1 or 2 months
not wholeheartedly, i was only left because i had never done any research
lol no
As long as you contribute to society in a positive way and share my political views i don't care
need to stop being liberal, and whining over trivial issues
Conservative / right leaning individuals
all but one are liberal. all are white
gun control is stupid (this is a big deal in UK)
bunch of faggot that need to shut up a bit more. and the tranny faggots need therapy
Rationalism, scientism
refugees, keep them out. immigrants are ok as long as they integrate properly.
bit of a pleb, hes not bad jut lay off the segregation bollocks
no, why would i? my grandfathers fought against him
neither support it, nor discourage it. but i wouldn't race mix myself
17 (shh)
>Are you right leaning, moderate, or left leaning?
Far Right
>If you're right leaning, how long have you been redpilled?
Dad has subtly red-pilled me since I was a child maybe 5-6
>When and how did you discover Sup Forums?
Someone on /fit/ told me to go here
>How long did it take you to become redpilled?
Wasnt hard
>Were you ever previously an SJW and/or liberal?
Sorta liberal when I was like 12-13
>Do you have a gf/bf?
>What's your opinion on non-whites/Jews?
Most are bad
>What's your opinion on women?
Most are bad, find you a good one
>If you have negative opinions of non-whites, women, etc, do you think there's any exceptions to the rule?
Always exceptions
>If you have any friends (counting online ones) are any of them non-white and/or a liberal?
Yeah a couple friends are liberal
>Would you consider yourself a racist?
>What's the biggest redpill you've swallowed?
Muslims are bad or no global warming going on
>What's your opinion on the LGBT community?
Idgaf just stop shoving it down my throat
>What are your religious views?
Practicing Orthodox Christian
>What are your philosophical views?
Nietzche had some good points. Just be a good man and do what makes you happy.
>If you're a Christian, do you think atheists should be allowed on this board, or do you think Sup Forums is a Christian board?
Sup Forums is a Christian board
>What's your opinion on refugees/immigrants?
Gtfo heathens
>What's your opinion on Islam?
>What's your opinion on communism?
>Do you think the alt-right exists?
Yeah but people that share the alt-right ideology dont all identity with it
>Do you like Hitler?
Yeah but he fucked up
>And lastly, how do you feel about racemixing? Totally against it, indifferent/don't prefer it but don't have strong opinions on it, or do you support it?
Dont support it but its a free country so whatever.