Why do so many homos say this? Does /pol genuinely believe that the American voter would actually be bothered enough to resort to political violence if Trump is denied the Presidency?
What would the "plan" be? To boycott McDonald's?
Why do so many homos say this? Does /pol genuinely believe that the American voter would actually be bothered enough to resort to political violence if Trump is denied the Presidency?
What would the "plan" be? To boycott McDonald's?
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It doesn't matter, Trump's not going to be denied, shill. The EC is not going to shake the public confidence in the very core of our Presidential elections just to satisfy a bunch of Soros operatives.
Fuck off shill
>300 million guns
>55 million gun owners
Why do you think that is?
If someone else was installed with a coup, they would be assassinated along with the faithless electors who helped and those in the house who vote to confirm them.
Because dildos would be too obvious?
Sadly, you are probably right, even during the 'real' civil war less than 20% of the people did shit.
Seeing as no presidential elect has ever been denied the presidency post election after winning it, yea, it very well could.
civil war?
nah, the army will step in if the EC votes against Trump
The head of the Los Angeles FBI field office's child sex crimes and human trafficking division goes by the name "MK"
Really makes you think...
I really wonder what it would look like if over 10,000 armed Americans just started marching on Washington.
To be frank OP you'd have to be retarded to think there's any peaceful way a candidate other than Trump assumes office on the 21st, at the very least you'd have massive problems with the military chain of command as various people tried to decide who the "legitimate" president was, and that's before you get into what all the Bundy-tier retards would do.
In short yeah if you guys fuck around with this people will get hurt.
Yes, I am so ready.
You fail to realize what Sup Forums lives for.
Conservatives aren't liberals. Conservatives have been hoarding guns for years and, if Trump gives the cue, they'd use them.
how is this a thing or a problem?
As far as I was able to tell, compared with Hillary, trump enjoyed strong support by the military.
What do you think happens if there's a civil war?
James Mad Dog Mattis going "well, this is hard to figure out..." or rather James Mad Dog Mattis going all "Hoorah!" and every fucking Marine and vet Marine joining in the uprising?
trump has chosen the proper people and has support within the military. His voter base is significantly better armed than the democrat voter base.
Civil war would not be long,
but it could set a dangerous narrativistic framework for the globalist agenda going forward in europe, for example.
Wanky wanky wanky. That's the sound of masturbation.
I think you'd get a large degree of "civil unrest" at the very least, but, really, it's not difficult to imagine one of so many militias starting shit if the Electoral College pulled out some trick. Or a governor here or there disavowing the results. Really, a burger civil war is not that unfeasible.
if you think this country isn't closer to CW than it has been for decades, you aren't paying attention.
It's cool fag believe us or don't. The fact is we have nothing left to lose if they take it away from him. This is our last chance to keep control of our country, otherwise we'll be flooded into irrelevance by spics and rapefugees so I'd rather go down in a blaze than die in a nursing home being abused by minorities because whites no longer have any power.
There's a reason soldiers aren't allowed to have political opinions. Expressing political opinions leaves them open to exploitation by enemy agents.
It sucks on their end but it's better off they keep quiet all together.
The Fendippitous Eggmen are returning soon.
the truth is that if they did that it would result in the deaths of anyone deemed complicit in stealing the election the U.S people who voted for trump would believe that they had the right to overthrow a tyrannical government which is what it would be perceived. I Guarantee it.
>Does /pol genuinely believe that the American voter would actually be bothered enough to resort to political violence if Trump is denied the Presidency?
American voters were bothered enough that he won the election to resort to political violence. They just also happened to be unarmed liberals. Why is it farfetched that the armed contingent of the population would resort to political violence in the event that dozens upon dozens of faithless electors deny Trump the presidency?
You're absolutely right. Sup Forums loves to LARP that they are "operator" and would love to kill libcucks and niggers but the truth is most of them are teenage losers with no money to buy a gun, no combat training, and no ambition to put down the cheetos and leave their neck beard den. The only civil war most of these morons would ever engage in is against mummy after she forgets the tendies.
> what would happen if politics denied a democratic republic election, the will of the people and installed a puppet dictator?
Guess you are just going to have to wait and see CIA. It won't happen though. This is just the bargaining state of denial.
Got a problem with tendies, normie?
>The head of the Los Angeles FBI field office's child sex crimes and human trafficking division goes by the name "MK"
Mortal Kombat?
Except Russian meddling in our election has already done that, thanks to you /yourgoy/
Shit, the electors whose names are known, would need protection for the rest of their lives. Some nut job would top them.
i thought they stopped paying CTR even before the election?
You mean.
>Some Patriot
not only would it be a civil war but the ethnicity most primarily responsible for this bullshit would not survive. hint its not niggers or spics.
Are you going to wage civil war?
Top lel, you're no different than retarded repubicans you bitch about
phase 1 : 4 divisions of armed men storm the white house when hillary gets sworn in. at the same time 3 nuclear power plants are attacked on the west coast
phase 2 : regardless of the success of the 4 divisions of armed men the power plants are now going critical and the radiation will sweep across america in a U pattern thanks to the jet stream and typical direction of lower level air currents
phase 3: 2 groups of people with 50 boxes of matches each go on a road trip to the west coast they do not know of the incoming radiation thats important. they burn as much shit down as they can. starting fires along all main roads where there are no buildings present
phase 4 : all active members on law enforcement shoot black people as news of reactor failure is broadcast. thats the signal
phase 5: with hundreds of millions displaced with nowhere to go we take over canada
phase 6: we nuke america using the nukes in canada