Does Sup Forums support Palestinians?
Does Sup Forums support Palestinians?
Yes, if only out of spite.
Only if they kill the Hebrew.
Yes. I genuinely feel bad for them. Getting their children splattered for defending the sliver of land the kikes haven't stolen.
i support israel
If it is bad for the jew it is good for humanity
I miss the Gaza threads
Pretty much a non-country
fuck them & fuck you
mooselimbs are all shite
Okay rabbi
Israel is practically begging Europe to go 14/88 again against Muslims and they don't do shit. Israel is one of the few countries with testicles any more.
Those threads were my introduction to Sup Forums as well as my first redpill.
>bottle rocket lands in field
>"Oy vey! Let's blow up their schools and hospitals!"
No other country could or should get away with such atrocities. In those short weeks Israel committed more war crimes than Isis has in their entire existence.
>In those short weeks Israel committed more war crimes than Isis has in their entire existence.
t. Achmed
Jerusalem will be Muslim in any case.
Sandniggers killing sandniggers leading into sandniggers killing sandniggers.
They have my approval.
>supporting barbaric muslims
no, neither Israel, fuck both
Yes, and if Sup Forums is as Christian as it proclaims itself to be, then they should support them as well.
The Palestinians inhabiting Israel today are the real descendants of the ancient Israelites. They converted to Islam in the 7th century. The fake Khazar/Berber Jews presently occupying Israel have no genetic link to the Jews that lived in Palestine during Roman times.
If you call yourself a Christian and are anti-Palestinian, you are denying God's true chosen people.
go fuck yourself mohammed
Wow, Israel is trying to get Europe to fight their battles for them? Those Jews sure have some serious testicles don't they my man? Or are you implying the one group of (((people))), who aren't condemned by the (((groups))) who condemn people, can say what they want with impunity? It takes some serious testes to do that. Unless of course that's just pure coincidence.
Why do ISIS travel thousands of miles to attack the west when Israel is right next door to them? Seems odd they would do that when the enemy they hate, more than any other, is so close and a much smaller target. It's almost like doing so wouldn't be in their best interest, sort of like it's Israel who are giving ISIS an easy passage into the west and sort of like are giving some kind of monetary compensation to ISIS, wouldn't you say? What I really mean is your basic point seems to be that Israel are trying to sort some kind of Holy War between the Christians in the west and the Muslims in the east and whoever wins it doesn't really matter anyway because if one side is wiped out then that's one less enemy for the Israeli who, by pure coincidence, hates Christians and Muslims in equal measure yet seems to be in bed with both at the same time. Like I say though, that's just pure coincidence. Look at it from this point of view, why are we even fighting Muslims in the east? Is it because of 9/11? We all seen the video of Osama Bin Laden taking credit for it didn't we so we know he was totally alive and totally saying he was responsible (you speak sand tongue, right? Or did you rely on the (((translations)))?). Imagine if something like that had happened before where there was a terrorist attack or some kind of false flag by Israel to cause a war between the east and the west, say something like the USS Liberty attack or the Lavon Affair, you know, good ol' Operation Susannah, something along those lines. Something you can only describe as being a P U R E C O I N C I D E N C E. Right?
Get a life fag, no one is reading that
10 Shkelim for Chaim
They wont