Redpill me on the male incel(involuntary celibate) epidemic.
Redpill me on the male incel(involuntary celibate) epidemic
Fat spergs have trouble getting laid.
Porn is a thing now.
It is wildly available.
People dont develop social skills because they are betas who spend all their freetime online, coupled with the media putting pussy on a pedistal while also granting women rights they havent had until very recently.
Betas cant get laid.
technology and feminism alienated the young
video games and porn is more safe and, in some cases, satisfying than playing the date game with all the diseases and woman treachery out there
the sexual revolution made mediocre men non-competitive
self-acceptance taught to children by hippies also allowed men to lose relational self-awareness, hence a dude with an otherwise acceptable beard like OP's pic completely ruining his image with glasses and horrible color choices
>woman treachery out there
No-fault divorce is what started it off.
Simple as this senpai
I'm a female that can never seem to find guys that look like OP.
too much effort
not worth the effort
Dating, if you've ever tried it, is actually really stressy and time consuming with a high failure rate.
I was getting some at university, occasionally, but university is swarming with drunk girls who have low self confidence and unremarkable features. The office lifestyle is just not the same... I know fewer girls now in this entire city than I did just in the same fucking hallway at university. When you think about it like that it almost seems worth being in debt for 20 years.
But yeah now I smoke weed and play video games a lot. More relaxing...
>pic related
>it is wildly available
>that flag
I don't get the incel thing. I used to give a shit about dating when I was in college and had next to zero success because I'm a fat sperglord, then I got a job, made more money than I knew what to do with, and looked into escorts.
Haven't looked back since. I don't want a family right now and I can score way out of my league at a reasonable price. If all you want is the sex then it's a fucking dream.
I'm still just here for lulz actually. Sup Forums has been the new Sup Forums for a few years now.
I'm a 31 year old virgin engineer and I've never even had a girlfriend or even a date before. I'm good looking and workout 5 days a week, but I'm only 5'10" so not even the ugliest girls would give me a chance. So fuck em.
The Fendippitous Eggmen are returning soon.
Looks like Jason blaha
Sex is a thing some people are able to obtain by having something of value to offer others.
In western society, the default is for people to be extremely pampered, pussies basically.
Nothing is less attractive than a man who doesn't know how to handle himself and take care of shit. Infantilizing, isolating consumer society breeds such spacewasters.
This is why white women like brown men and blacks: they command respect, on a biological level.
You have only yourself to blame
Epidemic? It's natural. The top men get all the desirable women and the beta males don't reproduce. It's always been that way
holy FUCK
you think the beard there is a GOOD choice?
That's like my mom.
I hope it's not hereditary.
Its easier to live alone than to share a living space with the opposite sex that is also the bottom 50% of humanity.
>tfw born in good times
>tfw I fit all of these
Spergs have trouble getting laid,never mind being fat.
That list is a bit out dated. The US prison system is full to the brim wtih psychoapthic losers.
>tfw have gotten this text more than once
>Use the same excuses each time
>Always get away with it
Damn it feels good.
I don't get what's the big deal, in the golden ages of western civilization, only degenerates and politicians ever fucked as many women as your average chad does today.
Just because the hollywood kikes got it into your head that it's normal to have a double-digit number of sexual partners during your life doesn't make it so, goyim.
I dunno, every incel I know have problems actually taking advice, working on themselves, and maybe low self esteem (justly so).
On the other hand, they make excuses for being incel, don't seem to want to approach women, feel that women owe them something, or believe in conspiracy theories about female behavior or social theories or MGTOW, or just toxically resentful.
They tend to engage in any sort of ill behavior like smoking, overeating, binging. They tend not to have anything to say because they have no life interests, don't challenge themselves, don't seek life experience, don't seek mentors, don't know how to flirt, respect women to much, hold too many sacred cows as beliefs, don't have a flexible intellectual style, hold contradictory standards for ethics and morality, believe in doctrinaire dogmas, self constructed fantasy worlds, etc.
Frequently bored, guilty about Masturbation, refuse to admit a right to a personal sexual life, have no female friends, believe that selling yourself is the best way to make friends if they even try to be friends with anyone. They believe women and men have biologically defined gender roles, sets of behavior, or ways of thinking- doctrinaire stuff, not allowing for individuality.
And above all, they have very poor sense of humor, self awareness, empathy, poor perception, engagement. Narrow interests, weak grip strength, poor self image, over reliance on perfumes and scented products, an imitative personal style, easily offended, self conscious, sometimes neurotic.
Add for WHY so many incels- male or female-
It's how we raise kids in an inauthentic society based on lies and prejudice against children. Society is sick- delusional and hates itself. It creates massive damage in everyone that must be acknowledged.
>conspiracy theories about female behavior
so fucking jewy
it only takes one of these bitches and your standard will be so high.........
Because once you love your job you realize it's more pleasant to bang a bimbo which is impressed by your success from time to time instead of having to endure all the downfalls of a relationship.
> I have been really busy this month
> A lot of important meetings
> I can't come to your boring family reunion
>20 chads have sex with 50 women each. Meaning that the chads got all 1000 women. Boo hoo!
No the reality is that 20 chads all have sex with the same 50 slut bags and the other 950 women have a handful of sexual partners the same as the 980 other men.
>Nuh uh, people who use online services seeking out promiscuous sex are representative of all humanity both single and in relationships.
something looks very dry about his skin.. I cant be the only one who noticed this right?
I seriously doubt your height has anything to do with it. You're probably just socially inept.
Women are just plain dull.
That's why I often ham it up and play a silly character so it's not so boring and why the media suggests you do so. Outside of everyday fluffy conversation it just hurts to talk to them because they're just a fuckin idiot and they seem to be flat out incapable of thinking about anything above common everyday life.
I think everyone generally underestimates themselves
And few really understand how sexuality works
>21 year old male, 22 in February
>Never had sex
>Never got a kiss
>Never got a hug
>Never held hands
Beat that and I'll post another Kenzi gif.
I think people that obsess that a small number of men are having sex with ALL the women are stupid.
I'm 32 and have never ejaculated. Now where's that gif?
28 soon to be 29. I gave up on girls years ago and married my business.
I know you're lying but here you go.
>mfw no business
I am going to marry my fiancee. You should see her face when I became a sperm donor and told her we won't have kids.
>she has to watch me going to jizz in a cup so a lesbian couple get pregnant
Guys that are afraid of being humiliated by women, but, ironically, instead watch femdom videos.
mommy issues?
5 10".. Dude, give yourself a chance bro. There are plenty of women who would date you. I'm a dumb mech eng who lost my job and is basically shitty at everything I do because ADD but I have a 9/10 wife who is loyal AF to me.
It's not ironic at all you fucking faggot. There's a difference between a girl saying "get away from me you creep" and "lick my asshole you dirty little slut."
but i'm thin and handsome af f am
>involuntary celibate
But I thought rape culture was a thing?!?!?!?!
Since the advent of contraception, men and women that WANT to have children will be the future of humanity.
No, fear of humiliation of not being manly enough to attract a woman is perfectly normal. But if you dwelve on femdom fantasies, that fear won't help you to not get humiliated, but bring you down.
Typical nonsensical retarded leaf post. "get away from me you creep" has nothing to do with femdom
I know several 5'5" guys who get laid consistently. I'm 5'8" and I've never worried about my height. The whole manlet thing is just one big meme. You just need confidence.
Take out the ones that require a partner and you have me.
Am I gaslighting myself?