RIP Western Civilization
RIP Western Civilization
links or it didn't happen.
>it probably did though didn't it reee.jpg
Google it you lazy fuck the title and source are right in the picture
no u
Did you just assume Oxford's hemisphere and sociopolitical economic position?
It did.
Fuck this country.
DayZE is coming
>tfw I go to the actual PCU
Feels bad man
Hey if OP wants me to read something he should link archive or greentext.
Told by who? Doesn't mean much if some fat genderfluid libtard shouts it at students.
Newfags defending op's faggotry are intolerable
Reminder that Oxbridge and Ivy League are a fucking joke now.
'Oh I saw Zim the other day'
"Zim! I saw Zer walking down the road with Zim around midnight."
'Oh what was ze wearing?'
PCU called this shit over 20 years ago. Must have been written by a time traveler.
On the other hand, I successfully told my teacher that if there are no objective standards, then there is absolutely no reason to prevent me from being a Nazi, and any attempt to shame or outlaw Nazi-kin is an example of bourgeois morality, and an example of privilege.
So either these faggots have to stop being faggots with their arguments, or shut their mouth while I recruit for a Canadian Reich.
Zhey're ridiculing ze German accent, zhat's racist!
inb4 the inevitable "So what if a university does crazy SJW shit like this, there will be no real-world repercussions for the finishing schools of the UK/USA's elites promoting crazy SJW shit"
>those liberals clapping obnoxiously hard to try to create the illusion that there's more of them
Here's a video of the protests outside
it was pretty awful and equally pathetic