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Trump will be president. I'm not worried about it like all these poltards freak out everytime a libjob comes up with a new headline to undermine Trump. This will go on his entire presidency. Libjobs after libjobs. I love all your desperate anti trump tears.
this is a "soft" coup
I've been calling it a quiet revolution
No, it isn't. Trump will be president.
All right, Americans, get good-quality cameras now because your civil war footage needs to be top notch. We're not watching a potato show of your civil war. So get a good camera now while there's still time.
You're falling for it therefore you're also undermining Trump and are just as bad as a libshit. You should feel bad! Sad!
so when will he finally, officialy be president? without any further recourse or wiggle room
>Trump will be president
You don't know this for sure, all you got is "muh feels"
Well, this is worrying. I believe they can turn the electors against Trump after all.
>"Don't worry, they'll Cruz/Rubio/Jeb! into the nomination at the convention!"
>"Don't worry, Hillary has a ten-point lead!"
>"Don't worry, top generals are poring through the Constitution RIGHT NOW to see how they can stop him!"
>"Don't worry, faithless electors are going to swing this for Hillary!"
Have some fucking faith Sup Forums
Don't post petukh of proofs anymore, it's very offensive. You'd get stabbed calling someone a rooster in Russia.
The recount hasn't flipped any of the states so these fucking cunts need 40 fucking Republicans voting Hillary and guarantee that none of the democrats don't vote Hillary for Trump to lose
Because even if they somehow contest Trump, if they can't vote Hillary in, Congress will vote him in
And if it comes to that, Trump will fucking rewrite the electoral college to ensure none of those chucklefucks ever work again
What happened to Trump's face since the election? He's looked very different ever since the night he gave his victory speech. Considering he looked pretty much the same throughout the election it's very strange.
better than a fucking leaf
People have a self preservation instinct.
Those electors would be unironically strung up and their families butchered if they did something stupid, and they know it.
That's just reality. Some appointed oligarchs overruling 80% of the counties in the US would lead to an immediate and bloody civil war with those who caused it being targeted first.
This is simple red team/blue team math.
December 19. December 19 is when all of this ends. Then they'll whip up some new non-issue to manufacture some outrage. The media will stir up fear in their faithful lemmings in order to oppose Trump for the next right years, all while claiming Republicans are stirring up fear in their voters.
god shut the fuck up with your fucking tinfoil, you are worse than a bickering old woman, FUCK! Go back to GLP all you fucking tinfoil faggots and stop spreading rumors against my Trump! I'd smack you in the fucking face right now.
He is the president elect.
December 19th is the electoral college official casting of their votes that he won on November 8. At that point, it will become more official that he is the president elect.
Then on January 20th he will be inaugurated. That will officially mark the beginning of his term in office.
But the liberal wiggle room wont end. They have already started calling for his 'impeachment'. So don't look for an end to the butthurt because there won't be one.
its a coup attempt
December 19 is when the electors will "chose" Trump. But he won't be president until he's sworn in January 20.
I think, in the end Shillary will lose more electoral votes, than Trump. something like 228-305
Thanks for the post i feel the Christmas spirit.
He's fucked the moment he's sworn in. Trump will have to give up ownership of his businesses (not just hand them to management by his family), or he'll be impeached.
>quoting John F. Kennedy all the time
>killing John F. Kennedy
pick one
It's easy to quote a guy who was shot before he could tell the whole story.
I asked what happened to his face because he does look different whether your underage autistic brain can deal with that reality or not.
That's guaranteed.
Many Democrat electors are lodging protest votes.
Finland should consider itself lucky to get potato at all, much less expensive potato show.
They're well within their rights to do so, it doesn't mean they shouldn't be lynched by the people for refusing to hear their voices.
No one cares about the electors opinion, they care about the candidate. The only reason the electors even have a vote is to literally prevent tyranny not a person who said mean things.
I really think we need to have some sort of addition to the Sup Forums sticky about what constitutes being "btfo" because liberals don't seem to know what it means.
Wow, with every passing day the left cares less about even pretending like they value democracy.
I can't wait until the press calls them out on....oh wait...nevermind.
Oh no, don't get me wrong, I'm enjoying the butthurt and salt provided by American liberals a great deal, they are performing a service for all the world, spreading joy and schadenfreude among all sane humans on Earth.
It's just the fact that until Dec 19th there still exists a small chance we won't get the US president the world needs...
The Electoral College was conceived as a way of preventing a demagogue taking power.
Trump is a dictionary definition of a demagogue.
They'll be working up impeachment every month like the GOP took in Obamacare.
Unlike Obamacare Trump will deliver, thus isolating the Democrats further as they pander to their radical base of unhinged minorities and unemployed liberal arts grads.
This will lead to a GOP supermajority in 2018, and ammendments for voting and immigration that ensure the Democrats never win another federal election. Ever.
After that, who knows. Monoparites tend to fracture. But I'm reasonably sure identity politics are dead in the US in 4 years and thus dead in western civilization in 8.
What's wrong with you? Trump is on the left!
Look up the definition of coup. This is completely legal and has been sort of done before (JQA over Jackson).
>This will lead to a GOP supermajority in 2018, and ammendments for voting and immigration that ensure the Democrats never win another federal election. Ever.
Sounds like wishful thinking.
Wrong. The president is NOT subject to conflict of interest laws in any way, shape, or form.
Short of treason or they have nothing. The President has huge privileges in this regard to prevent exactly what you allude to. Hillary for example had no such privilege.
>It's public knowledge that you're in the electoral college
>Expecting to live more than a week after going against the will of your statesmen
No, that's Caitlyn Jenner.
They aren't faithless they're dickless
Then isnt it the obligation of the people to execute them for being traitor fucks who think they know better and that their opinion outweighs millions of others
Can we get a list of electoral college peeps? Is this public info we can access?
It's always a good idea to be informed on our government and who is running this stuff! :^)
He pissed off huge swaths of the population. He won on policies that were in many circles wildly unpopular.
He didn't promise mountains of free shit and his policies are so conservative they haven't been seen in 40 years. He's the opposite of a demagogue.
Hillary was a textbook demagogue. She would say whatever a focus group said was popular.
But that's wrong, every single politician is a demagogue. Take Obama for example, why were there no faithless electors for Obama? He's the definition of using popular desires and prejudices to get elected.
It was clearly against tyranny you dirty sandnigger.
No comment section=fake news
It's apparent you don't know what a demagogue is...
>But that's wrong, every single politician is a demagogue.
It's apparent you don't know what a demagogue is, either.
Every faithless elector who is not voting Trump are from states that voted blue, so they wouldn't have anyways. Corrupt media in full swing. They've been trying to make it seem like there is a revolt in the electoral college, but it's just the losers trying to get the winners to be losers
It really isn't.
Democrats don't vote in mid terms and their thrashing insanity is turning off what moderate normal people they do have.
Reps amazingly barely lost anything in a presidential election year, which is very rare for them.
It's actually pretty conservative as they also have a very large chance of taking enough state legislatures to gain a supermajority via that method as well.
Unless something radical happens expect constitutional ammendments in 2019. These will be targeted at electoral fraud and immigration. Expect revocation of birthright citizenship (including nullification of citizenship given to children of illegals). Expect mandatory scannabe voter ID.
And everyone knows that winners aren't losers!
That works both ways you fucking leaf.
The fact of the matter is, he IS the president elect right now. Wait and see and then fuck off when he ascends
The media narrative that Trump is doing some kind of special appeal-to-white-voters voodoo is unsupported by any polling data.
It is more convenient for liberals to view the country as the great mass of people under the federal government, which it is not and was never intended to be in the Constitution. The states are little governments on their own, which is why the Electoral College exists in the first place.
>a political leader who seeks support by appealing to popular desires and prejudices rather than by using rational argument.
Literally every politician. Their job is to get elected not to work.
2nd amendment was conceived to prevent tyranny
A few people ignoring the will of the people and deciding the fate of a nation sounds like tyranny to me
>Electors should ignore their state's popular vote
California already belongs to Hillary, silly boy.
Playing to peoples emotions rather than their sense of reason is what a demagogue does. Trump's policies play to rationale rather than manipulating emotions.
Contrary to popular belief kicking out illegals and enforcing tariffs are rational ideas.
Youre sounding desperate, loser
>Every faithless elector who is not voting Trump are from states that voted blue
There's at least one from Texas voting Kasich of all people.
In b4 Isreal conquers you
>You don't know this for sure
"if you win an election, you lose" -weedman
Hillary is irrelevant. Only idiots who deserve to be laughed at still think she is relevant
Something about building a wall to keep the rapists, drug dealers and Murderous Mexicans out? Banning all Muslims entering the country?
Anyone who thinks Trump won't be President is willfully ignorant...or just as fucking stupid as a fucking brick.
It's apparent you don't know what a demagogue is.
If the shoe were on the other foot, would these publications be petitioning the electorals?
I mean, Hillary literally wanted to do damage, or rather "implement common sense measures" against the first and second amendment. How would it not be unconstitutional to vote for her?
Muslims are statistically dangerous and illegals are illegal.
Those are sound ideas for anyone who isn't a Muslim or illegal.
This is embarrassingly shitty work from a U Chicago professor. "People protested presidents in the past therefore it's constitutional to disobey the popular vote and misuse your electoral vote".
>oh no dont get me wrong
When people say this they are being disingenuous 100% of the time. Get fucked, lefty. Trump is president whether you like it or not.
You clearly don't know if you can't see how they're all demagogues.
Hopefully the rahowa will take you soon, mohammed.
The "will of the people" was to elect Clinton.
The Electoral College is voting for Trump, they decide who is President, not "the people".
>Increasingly nervous libtard shills attempt to subvert democracy with more and more retarded and desperate schemes to stop president ELECT Trump from assuming office for the 20th time this week
Isn't it 9 Democrat electors and 1 Cuckservative elector?
>ump's policies play to rationale rather than manipulating emotions.
You've just gone down the rabbit hole, my friend.
Inverting reality isn't a good long term stratedgy.
Since when was Time a tabloid-tier rag?
The Canadian is right, the Democrats haven't performed well in a Mid-Term since 2006, their base is extremely ignorant and hard to motivate with anything less than a massive presidential campaign and full media support, a good chunk of them don't even know that midterms are a thing. To top it off the senate seats up for re-election in 2016 are mostly blue seats in red states, the Dems are going to lose 5-6 senate seats and lose whatever swing house districts they picked up this year.
get out of US politics muhamad
you're a pathetic lil bitch
Better listen to the will of the illegals then.
Not even close to enough to stop him
>Muslims are statistically dangerous
Falling out of your bed is more dangerous than a Muslim.
>and illegals are illegal.
And, circular arguments and circular.
Did you know Obama has deported over 2 million illegals since he became President?
the will of the people was to establish a government where representation was balanced between those who live in an area and individual, hence the electoral college.
the electoral college, mind you, is created by votes of 'the people.'
As if you vote ever counted. If the CIA does not rig the electoral college it is just going to eliminate him like JFK. This time it won't be a bullet it will be something innocent like a heart attack.
They will find proof of polonium, blame it on Putin, and we get WWIII, enjoy the draft.
It's an odd photo. Kanye looks like a rent-a-nigger plastic doll, he doesn't even look alive in that picture.
>>god shut the fuck up with your fucking tinfoil, you are worse than a bickering old woman, FUCK! Go back to GLP all you fucking tinfoil faggots and stop spreading rumors against my Trump! I'd smack you in the fucking face right now.
Nice post m8, pasta material t b h
>t. Ahmad Khan
He stopped wearing so much makeup. Notice how he isn't orange or pink lipped anymore. Plus, the stress of taking over this country would be enough to age a month in a day.
Saying "they're all the same", when they are evidently not, is not an argument.
Even the right wing "alt" media acknowledge Trump is not playing by the old rules.
I hope Trump mentions all this bullshit the left is putting him through at his rally today. Get his base a little more fired up.
You're retarded. All you conspiretards are retarded. Trump will be president.
Each point is solid. Now you just sound stupid.
I'm not saying nothing Trump did during his campaign didn't appeal to emotion, just that the core messages of his campaign actually and quite surprisingly weren't that.
Building a wall is not an appeal to emotion, it makes you think first. Same with trade, deporting illegals. You think, then you feel.
Hearing a story from someone who had their child murdered by illegals is pure demagoguery, and was used, but again hardly the core of the campaign.
Hillarys campaign as far as I can tell was entirely about feels involving women, vaginas,and a mean racist Trump while involving no policy whatsoever.
You don't know how your own political system works...
Islam is dangerous. It needs to die, be contained and not allowed to spread (other than people picking it up *on their own in adulthood*) or reform. Islam should not be tolerated like Christianity, and I fucking hate Christianity but I can tolerate it. Islam I cannot