Tower of Babel

Multicultural societies are not the historical norm because they're too unstable to last. Prove me wrong.
>you can't

The Fendippitous Eggmen are returning soon.

All empires become multicultural societies, and all empires eventually fall.

>the assyrian empire

Countries decline because of a loss in social capital. A nation breaks down into ethnic, religious, political and racial enclaves. Like the tower of babel in the old testament. The more diverse culturally, racially, socially, ethnically, a community is, the less the community works together.

if a society stayed "multi-cultural" for too long it would eventually homogenize. the only way for "multi-culturalism" to exist is with separate countries for different ethnic groups.

Countries breakdown due to poor values.

OP has an insatiable cocklust. Prove me wrong.

>you can't

>it would eventually homogenize
India had castes system for thousand of years
Italy is split between North and South by it's creation.
USA still have natives in reserves

Society only homogenize if the state impose them to do, like China or Soviet Russia, and it cost loss of identity, culture, morals and lives.

Our tower will collapse. Even though it seems unbreakable, even though it seems perdect.

Once a nation loses its sense of identity it fails.

Which is the reason multiculturalism is being pushed. The global new world order requires it.

> Over extended empires become multicultural societies
Fixed. Societies that take on a singular culture are reasonably stable. The issues always always ALWAYS happen when their borders expand and create a catastrophic IMMIGRATION problem.

How come every country's trying to build big ass buildings and completely ignoring the whole Tower of Babel myth

The two biggest world superpowers, USA and China, have been multicultural for centuries.

In fact, the majority of failed states and annexed states are those who are too singularly cultural.

Basically everywhere on earth not worth living are areas that are of singular cultures: e.g. the cesspit of shitholes in Eastern Europe, the Middle East, and east Asia.

Meanwhile, the most enviable places worth living on earth are multicultural (US, Italy, UK, Germany, France). Pretty much the only exception I can think of is Japan, but anyone who is not a weeaboo gaylord would prefer to live long-term in any of the previous states.

>The two biggest world superpowers, USA and China, have been multicultura
no way china is multicultural

>Meanwhile, the most enviable places worth living on earth are multicultural (US, Italy, UK, Germany, France)
yeah like 20 years ago

Tower of Babel was not "Multicultural." They were "one people and one language."
God separated them to different languages to prevent global unification of the peoples and the worship of a global leader (anti-chirst). The "cultures" were God's protection for us, and any attempts to mix the peoples of earth is a plot by Lucifer.

China is an oldworld country, even in the same ethnicity old world cultures used to have different traits, local myths and dialects for every greater village.

>this much of a retard

>God made them multicultural to destroy them
You were saying?

But I think you are mixing up cause and effect here. These countries are 'multicultural', because they attract so many foreigners and they attract so many foreigners because they are worth living in.

Multiculturalism is not the cause of it, it's the effect and it's not unreasonable to assume that many succesful multicultural societies today are succesful despite being multicultural not because of it.

Decent bait, have a (you)

>Be in post deluvian Pangaea
>Global Economy, extremely high level of technology
>God-King Nimrod engineers plans for space elevator
>Mad man actually builds it
>virtue signals an alien being, aka God
>God says, "oh hell no"
>smite smite smite
>Uses orbital tectonic fracturer to fuck Nimrod's shit up
>send cerebral signal to the Broca's area and Wernicke's area of the brain, scrambling that shit based on genetic and geological groupings

Reminder, according to the bible, an alien has suppressed our technology, caused two near extinction level events, and the fruition of globalization will signal another assault.

Fucking retard.

A house divided against itself, can not stand.

No they were different people living together. Different