prove me wrong
>protip you can't
Is she /ourgirl/
literally who
Who is she
what a gay flag
hot muscle chick amirite
she used to think she was a guy, now she's a cosplaying musclegirl
not redpilled in the slightest.
cute as fuck though.
Moosefix is my girl.
pfff I have bigger arms than that. I might even have a bigger chest.
goodluck with the inevitable divorce friend.
Stop eating burgers then
>women don't put on muscle like men do
wow, I'm fucking shocked.
thx user, this was a ruse to find out who she was.
you could have just asked you fucking retard, I have literal 10s of pics of her.
Wtf kind of made up country is "Seychelles"?
probably a shitskin country.
yeah she's damn cute. too bad she's batshit crazy.
Guaranteed coal burner
Kill yourself ugly autistic ape
sage mods do your fucking "job"
>Sup Forums mods
>making this board political
lmao, there have been serious threads about political systems that have been pruned because the mods are so bad.
I want death by snu snu desu
don't sage my post bro
Anzu is /ourgirl/
>death by snu snu desu
it will be death by starvation through alimony not by any fun reason.
That's not Tay
How is a thread full of niggerlovers a /ourgirl/ thread
>How is a thread full of niggerlovers a /ourgirl/ thread
what do you mean by this?
No please don't do this, I've almost made it to 28 days of nofap
better yourself by learning discipline
The sperm in my balls are in full revolt against my willpower.
i just smoked some dank shit and my inner feels are moved by this.
By your inner feels you mean boner right?
no, ... no user, its much better than that, its the feels you get when a girl is about to suck your balls.
please stop posting pictures of her she's the only thing that gets me through the day, I feel like I'm getting cucked here
Tell me more about this feel
its why i like smoking weed, it makes me super horny, i can just sit here and no fap but instead rub my self and it feels really fucking good ;D
I had some crazy fap sessions while stoned as fuck. Intensifies the orgasm so much the first time I did it I thought I was going to die. I could feel my cum course through my balls all the way up my dick until it exploded upwards like a geyser of hot pleasure.
Get a room Liam and Nigel. Fuckin degenerates.
Does this chick even like guys btw or is she full time lesbo?
she dates boys, but she's insane and used to think she was one.
now she plays rugby, I would not be surprised if she was a whore she posts on the internet enough.
Off the charts natural beauty
She used to study at Plymouth Uni.
Someone in Brit/pol/ used to know her. Said she was a SJW. What a shame.
>Sounds really gay
I'm on many more days than three months. I'm sure I've gone past 120 days. Ain't lookin' back, baby.
where did you got that info that she used to think to be a boy?
tumbler from years ago.
I don't know about you guys, but her facial features look kind of asiatic
they dont. she seems to have ashkenazi blood though
you really need to read the thread before you start meming around faggot.
How do you even "think you're a boy"?
In a FtM type of thing or what?
stop projecting
ignerfux L0L
Most things may be traps here, >she is not.
>Having a bigger chest
It will be nice to see it Hans
What a disappointment fucking christ how can you just think you are a guy one min and stop the next? I'd never be able to get with such a good looking female ever but I am even more disappointed by the fact shes batshit insane even more so than other females. She must have had real fucked up childhood.
She's also suicidal and zonked out on meds 24/7 these days, so she says anyway
How do you even know this? Do you stalk this chick 25/7?
>She must have had real fucked up childhood.
I'm not positive but brazilbro once told me her father was abusive, which may be part of it.
holy fuck, kill yourself you illiterate retard obviously you don't know how to read.
>She's also suicidal and zonked out on meds 24/7 these days, so she says anyway
that's straight out of my /nope/ book
goddamn why are attractive women usually insane?
Her Tumblr
How many orbiters do you think bend over for everything she wants? I bet she has fucking literal slaves doing shit for her and they get absolutely nothing in return.
My kind of girl
Now back to feeling lonely and shitoosting about Jews. ..
Never tried
>holy fuck, kill yourself you illiterate retard obviously you don't know how to read
>Being this edgy
>>Being this edgy
I'm sorry that you are too retarded to read the thread spic.