Obamacare thread

ITT Tell us about your personal experience with Obamacare

>first year, got a plan for $8 a month in FL
>thought holy shit, this is awesome, based Obama
>next year it was $16
>huh, that literally doubled in price, but still cheap
>move to GA
>28 a month
>just enrolled for January
>cheapest one is $55/month
>spent 4 hours on the phone getting tossed between insurer and marketplace

It's nearly doubling every year, when the fuck will it end? At this rate, in 2018, the cheap shit will be back to the cost it was beforehand, and a year after that I won't be able to afford it.

Fuck this shit. How's Obamacare working out for you?

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Younger brother was diagnosed with asthma when he was very very young
experimental drugs helped him, but gave him cysts all over his mouth
he's spent almost half his life in the hospital

when my parents had him, they weren't ready for the hospital bills. I remember living on fried rice balls because we had to spend every dollar we got on my brother's health insurance, because if we couldn't pay it, it would become a permanent preexisting condition, and there would be no money to take care of him, ever

now that Obamacare is a thing, his preexisting condition cannot be claimed, and we can actually take care of my younger brother, though modern medicine is currently failing to help with the damage those drugs did to his body

>be on parents plan since ever
>two years into uni it becomes too expensive for our family
>I get dropped by my parents to save costs
>now on shitty medicaid by myself

>live a healthy life
>don't pay taxes for it
>a wild obamacare appears
>now have to pay a penalty for not checking my health privilege
Great policy, really well done, what a legacy, thanks Barry.

>cheapest one is $55/month
wow must be nice

Doesn't sound like the drugs were worth it.
Why did you try experimental drugs?
My girlfriend has asthma and just has an inhaler and takes some generic asthma medication daily.
Sounds like your family fucked up your brother for life.

I have meds now. I wonder if I will soon? but FUCK MEDS, I try to avoid taking them whenever I can get away with it anyway

Have cystic fibrosis.
Don't want to live off Welfare disability while still healthy.
Get job making okay $$$ can't leave ever or change plans because pre existing condition.
Watch insurance companies pretend to charged 500000 dollars a year.
Obama kills lifetime limit caps and pre existing conditions, literally care about nothing else.
4 years later insurance companies pretending to be charged 500000 a year.

Some stuff still broken, insurance still expensive, always will be. Need tax payer mandated government insurance to force price regulation. All other ways abject failure.

Pretending that asthma is a condition caused and regulated by one treatment. Shit tier troll, plz try again.

This is why we need better diagnosis on fetuses. Why subject a family to this when it could've been aborted?

>It's nearly doubling every year, when the fuck will it end?

Very soon, when Republicans take it away so you don't have any health insurance at all!

Or maybe they'll leave the mandate in place while cutting the subsidies and sending the market into a death spiral, so you'll be penalized for not buying a policy that's either way too expensive or no longer even exists.

see, Obamacare is just prolonging your family's agony.

Republicans will let your brother die like God intended!

Holy fuck. Good luck, bro.
My ex has that shit. The worst form of it, actually.
Luckily her family is very well off and can afford treatments.

Trump's going to keep pre-existing condition clause.

>Trump's going to keep pre-existing condition clause.

That will blow up the market, though. Policies will get way too expensive and insurers will pull out.

While I can agree, there was a fuckton of regulations in the ACA other than the pre-existing condition clause. If we limit the regulations to just the pre-existing condition clause, then we can rule it out if it doesn't work.

still free.

and why should *I* have to pay a dime for your brother? fuck you and fuck your sickly twin

You could've had a better system but GOP voters are always so greedy and pretend that paying for healthcare twice = pullin yerself up beh yer bootstraps

Because of this, and I know Obama is basically a sellout but this is important, because of this irrational attitude about how one should pay for medical issues, the GOP was able to obtain the political willpower to fuck Obamacare up. Blame Obama for being a cuck and trying to compromise with the GOP, don't blame him for the insurance system fuckery they inflicted

>Commit to M.A. at University
>Penalized both years for not having health insurance
>Work abroad for a year, return and pay for not being insured over the year
>Work in country, still can't afford a care plan
>Get kidney stones, operation required
>Now working, paying back medical bills, school bills
>Get e-mail "Don't forget to enroll or you will face penalty"
>Check packages in state, ~300 a month without dental
>Faggot friend working in China tells me I should appreciate Obamacare

Remove all Democrats and Communists.

>Check packages in state, ~300 a month without dental

There are subsidies that cover most of that.

unless of course your income is too low for them and you're in a state where Republicans refused the Medicaid expansion out of spite. then you're fucked.

Would you rather live 50 years ago with healthcare or live today without healthcare?

Subsidies only applicable if you are married, a single parent, or above 65. In this state (R) at least. I'm okay with there not being subsidies, but it's fucking garbage being compelled to buy into a plan under the threat of penalty when the consumer is not ready to commit to a purchase.

>get shitty healthcare plan that has a $6000 deductible
>pays for nothing unless it's over the deductible
>$140 a month for nothing
>at least I don't get fined for not being insured
>a week before election day
>get notification for 2017
>rate would increase by 50% to over $200
>damn it feels good to vote Trump

I've since changed insurance providers to a better plan that actually covers shit like doctor visits. Still expensive, $150 a month. I don't even really need it, I don't have any health issues requiring constant doctor or hospital visits.


* American healthcare costs are astronomically high.

* This is due to monopolistic and price fixing behavior that state and Federal AGs refuse to prosecute.

* While there are Congressional exemptions for a small number of abusive market practices, most are blatantly illegal under existing law.

* Market abuse is so bad that socialized healthcare (which Obamacare is not) would actually be better at this point.

* The best option would be to abandon Obamacare and then begin prosecuting hospitals, drug companies, and insurance companies for their illegal behavior.

* It's estimated that if there was a true free market in healthcare costs would be 1/10th to 1/20th of what they are now. Most people would not need insurance at all, or catastrophic insurance at most. A small safety net program could handle people without any means to pay.

Read healthcare related posts on Karl Denninger's The Market Ticker blog sometime.

So drop it. The fine is cheaper, and you don't have to pay it any way. The only thing the IRS can do to collect the fine is seize it from a tax refund. They cannot use any of their other methods.

Structure your taxes so you always owe a little bit on April 15th. Then the jews at the IRS can't ever get the fine. Obamacare will be repealed in 2017 any way.

same thing here, though i haven't bought in.
you don't even always need to do anything fancy with your taxes. mine are quite simple so i just use turbo tax, and using the "i couldn't afford it" option has always worked for me. never paid the fine. and the first year i got audited because i bought a house.

Civilized discussing healthcare with americans is futile. Dumb fucks like your sorry self dont realize socialised healthcare is helping them too. Its easy to say "i am paying for myself others can fuck off" but what happens when you are for some reason not capable of paying for your own health anymore?

Imagine you get cancer and treatment costs 250k dollars, and you dont have that much. If you cant afford it, you are dead man. Point of socialised healthcare is that you are paying certain amount every month which guarantees you that your treatment of any kind will be free of any aditional costs. I just dont understand why you people dont want to sacrifice for example 10% of your income in exchange for health security. Its 15% here but i dont mind because i know no matter what happens to me, treatment and hospitalization will not cost me anything. How can you not see that

This is the same country that "loves our greatest ally, Israel", remember. We're just a mass experiment in brainwashing.

>its fucked because democrats tried to compromise
>bill passed on a straight party line vote without any republican support
The law is exactly what the dems wanted it to be. They had the numbers and political capital to make that law whatever they wanted it to be. The ACA being shit is purely on the democrats and Obama.

I have the exact same problem, except my deductible is $8k and I pay $198 a month. I am in a blue state that has swallowed the Obamacare cock too.
Yeah, just pay almost a thousand dollars anyways and not have any form of healthcare at the same time. Solid plan broski.

>Imagine you get cancer and treatment costs 250k dollars, and you dont have that much. If you cant afford it, you are dead man.

People think 'that won't happen to me!' and also 'i'm willing to take the chance.'

and especially, 'i'm not paying for black people's health care, fuck'em.' probably the biggest reason we never got a proper universal health insurance as far back as the 1950s.

>They had the numbers and political capital to make that law whatever they wanted it to be.

They really didn't. There were a lot of more conservative Democrats back then. Single payer was never going to pass.

yeah i can see that, in posts like and "we live healthy life, we are healthy therefore we dont need medical insurance". People like these here dont realize bad luck and misfortune are literally behind the corner.

You can live healthiest possible but you never know what's coming around. You can one day wake up with sever stomach pain and get diagnosed with ulcerative colitis (like my mom) or can ride a bike home from a gym, have an accident and get your spleen removed (like myself).

What would you do in those cases? Ulcerative colitis requires lifelong therapy on corticosteroids, which is for my mother free, just like urgent spleen surgery was for me too, and all that was possible because every month we pay obligatory 15% "health insurance tax" or whatever its called in english.

tl;dr you dont need health insurance now but a time when you will need it can come sooner than you expect, no matter how much you take care of yourself. And if that time comes, you will wish everything is free, believe me


American who understands benefits of socialised healthcare, i cant believe. I just hope more of your compatriots will get redpilled on this topic too, so you can join first world, where people dont die if they cant afford hospital / medications. But as long as "that wont happen to me, i eat healthy and exercise every day" mentality is prevalent, nothing will change

It really is amazing that he can be helped at the expense of everyone else. We truly are our brother's keeper.

many of us want it, bro. just not here on Sup Forums where almost everyone is either an anarchist or a Nazi, or both.

also there is a lot of the /r9k/ 'i wish i was dead' mentality along with 'i just want to watch the world to burn' here. Sup Forums is not a place for good policy, it's for hoping that nuclear war will kill all the liberals and nonwhites living in cities and supporting the candidate who makes that more likely.

Still better than the way it was before. Denying people who need health coverage because of a previous condition was despicable. It's sad that insurance and pharmaceutical lobbyist have so much influence that they blocked single payer from happening

"Everyone gets just as much or more than they put in!"

That's not how the system works you third world shithole. It's the reason socialism is retarded and fails EVERY TIME. The number of people leeching off the system far out number the people contributing to it.

yes he can, just like you can if something happens to you and medical bills surpass your ability to pay them. You help other people in their time of need and other people help you in yours. Is that such fucking alien concept to you?

I agree that this isnt a good place to talk about it because it seems Americans see helping other people as "liberalism" and "socialism", two words that so many of them despise, even though they themselves would benefit from those policies too. I just dont get it, seriously

>want a strong Industrious America with national identity and unity
>don't want a safety net for citizens in our country that need it
What did you meme by this?




I may be 3rd world shithole but just last week i had hernia fixed and had to stay in hospital for few days. Do you know how much i paid for everything? Exactly zero. How much would you pay for preoperative exam, surgery, hospitalization, painkillers and everything else? Probably tens of thousands of dollars. And why to pay when it can be free.

There is a catch obviously, which is that only people who contribute profit from it. I dont support paying for NEETs obviously, but if you are working and have steady job, there literally isnt a reason why you wouldnt want to give 10% of your income for medical insurance. You never know when it might come handy, as i illustrated more than once ITT

Also how exactly did socialism fail in european states? We are nowhere near you in terms of economic development but it has literally nothing to do with health insurance system. Also just take a look at all those developed first world northern and western european countries, every single one of them has socliased healthcare and i somehow dont see them crumbling. You greedy and selfish people are literally the worst kind of people

>complaining about $55
mine is $300

How much do I pay for my healthcare? Exactly the amount I owe. Make sure you tell your fellow countrymen thank you for your health gibs.

Look I'll admit THEORETICALLY it sounds nice. And sure socialized healthcare is working to an exent in European countries (although I have a strong feeling Germany/Sweden's socialized healthcare is struggling suddenly).

However you have nooo fucking idea what America is like. "Lol just make healthcare socialized guys xd" you can say that after your country gets a large number of parasitic blacks and Mexicans. Sure I have no problem helping out knowing John's family also contribute to the system.

But you can fuck right off thinking I'm going to pay for Tyrone's drug addiction, his mom's weight problems, and his 7 brothers health knowing they contribute NOTHING to the system. That's not "improving the country" that's "subsidizing groups that are completely OK leeching off the system since it only hurts whitey"

see? it's basically just racism why we don't have universal health care.

I have to pay like 30€ when i go to doctor.

Dude it's like $6k a year for the cheapest one.

You're living on subsidies, friendo.

It's being a realist, yeah.

Have fun when ((((Mr. Insurance Man)))) denies your healthcare claims when you get cancer.

I never have problems paying for healthcare because I have a job.

I understand that's a foreign concept to you.

>only 30 yuro
it also comes out of your taxes.
Even if you get neetbux, I assume they tax your neetbux.

Nice ad hominem, have fun ignorantly believing the (((insurance companies))) have your best interests in mind.

>so you'll be penalized for not buying a policy that's either way too expensive or no longer even exists.

Already true. Thanks Obama.

Nice strawman. Not once have I ever defended the Jews and their insurance schemes.

However the current system works assuming you have a job. Not perfectly, but better than the "the taxpayers will handle my problems" system you NEETs and commies crave.

Yeah paying 20 times more than we have to for substandard healthcare and drugs sure is working great. Works great for those awful people who have cancer or some other life threatening disease and get their claims denied too

Look, if God had wanted those people to live long, healthy lives, He wouldn't have made them get sick.

i have to agree with guy above though, he used stereotype but there is people of every ethnicity who are leeches of society, and of course i agree they should be on their own, except if literally are not able bodied. Those people should have some kind of safety net, at least temporarily.

Yeah, it is nice, not having to contemplate how will you financially cover stay at hospital when you work and pay taxes. And yeah, i have no idea what is America like, but obviously i am NOT saying literally everyone, including parasites of any kind, should have free access to healthcare, i fully agree with you there. If Germany's and Swedens healthcare systems are struggling it's probably because they are covering healthcare for """""""""refugees"""""""""", who dont deserve it obviously

But world's leading country shouldnt be in situation where often even employed, productive members of society cannot pay medical bills. Those people should have best care possible even if they dont have 20 thousand dollars at hand for sudden ruptured spleen. I firmly believe that. I am not saying our system is THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST but here (and in many other EU countries) you know that if you are employed and something happens to you, treatment will be free of any extra cost. I literally dont understand how can anyone argue against that

>I literally dont understand how can anyone argue against that

Higher medical bills are just the literal price we pay for freedom, where freedom is not having our money go to people whom we hate.

I'm sure you were all for the millions in American tax dollars that went to pay AIG's bonuses and Katrina victims housing who were denied claims by insurance companies.
>there are people who unironically believe this
So you hate minorities so much you'd rather yourself and everyone in the country (not just in our healthcare system) pays more?

I honestly hope he and the GOP congress repeal the ACA and people die. Hopefully they will gut medicare and kill some more people

The idiots that voted for Trump deserve the lack of healthcare, they deserve suffering and death.

The only people who like Obamacare are always extremely sick, unfixable people who are never going to be healthy or able to afford the costs of their own care.

This is the goal - to subsidize the weak and unhealthy at the expense of a generally healthy population. These added expenses become prohibitively expensive forcing generally healthy people to forgo check ups and ignore issues until they become too big to ignore and thus can be subsidized.

This same principle is affecting every part of our lives. Decent, hardworking, healthy people are being made to be responsible for everyone weaker, less capable and sicker than they are. It weakens a society and makes for a bitter population.

They make you sick people into the anchor they use to drown us. And you're just fine with that, so long as you got yours, right?

All these people who would 'literally die' without Obamacare somehow survived before it and yet did nothing tangible to keep medical costs or insurance providers honest. You never pushed any laws, lawsuits, or filled out any forms to force regulation or common sense laws in medical or insurance prices.

But when you got the forms to basically steal money and force all the healthy people to pay for your own burdens you jumped all over those forms, didn't you?

>everyone in the country (not just in our healthcare system)

Everyone in the country IS in our healthcare system.

>All these people who would 'literally die' without Obamacare somehow survived before it

actually, many of them died.

Not the uninsured, illegals or people on visas

Let them die. Compassion is weakness. If enough people have loved ones die maybe they will vote for someone better.

If we are really lucky the CIA will increase the amount of fentanyl and heroin going into the red states and kill more people.

>Not the uninsured, illegals or people on visas

They are part of our health care system, too. If they arrive at hospital emergency rooms, they cannot be turned away.

Why is it doubling?

before Obamacare - paying $470/m for family of four, $500 deductable, doctor 4 miles from home.
after Obamacare - paying $930/m, $3500 deductable and doctor is 36 miles away.

>But you can fuck right off thinking I'm going to pay for Tyrone's drug addiction

I'm white and I'm a drug addict. Thanks to (((Reagan))) cutting all public drug and mental health now I'll just continue using, fucking up society, stealing, hurting others, while being white :^)

>first year, got a plan for $8 a month in FL
As an American, the only way this made sense back is if the insurance plan was garbage

What was your deductible and copay? What treatments weren't covered?

I paid $45 a month for my plan back in the US and my deductible capped at 1K, and my copay was $15 for Rx and $200 plans

>You can keep your coverages
>you can keep your doctors
>it will cover more of the "necessities" like dental, testing, physical therapy, and long term care
>it will reduce cost for the destitute
>it will insure that anybody who needs care can be seen and helped
>it's just what this country needs

>how is it this NEVER came up from the Trump fucking camp
Not fucking great, Sup Forumsfriend. Not fucking great at all.

If Ryan and Trump gut Medicare, Social Security, and Obamacare, the number of angry voters without healthcare coverage going to the poll alone would be enough to sink him in 2020

Wouldn't even matter what kind of cuck runs on the opposition ticket or whether or not Donald gets is into a kikewar with Iran

Before obamacare - healthplan paid 100% by company
After obamacare - no healthplan, cheapeast garbage plan on website is $260 a month with $6k deductable and 100% coinsurance payments on everything
Fine was something like $600 on my 2015 taxes, will go up to $1000 for 2016

OMG why are drumpftards so hateful.

medicade would cover the cancer.. or like other socialized systems, someone would determine that your treatment is not cost effective and you are fucked anyway.

You're forgetting somethings.


Do you know who originally advocated for the individual mandate? The American Medical Association and the private insurance lobby.

I can find an AMA draft circa 2004 that said the exact same shit.

>>first year, got a plan for $8 a month in FL
>>thought holy shit, this is awesome, based Obama

holy shit get into the oven

>People like these here dont realize bad luck and misfortune are literally behind the corner.
These people should be able to buy a catastrophic plan WHICH DOES NOT SATISFY OBAMACARE REQUIREMENTS AND YOU WILL STILL PAY A FINE

>tax fine

Don't pay it. Several state and federal courts have ruled that the fine is completely legally unenforceable.

Boo fucking hoo.

These fake sob stories are what got us into this mess in the first place. Fuck you, you goddam parasite, your parents should have saved more before they had children.

I had cancer. Never got denied. Went fairly smoothly. Only paid $65 a month for insurance. $10k deductible but wasn't working. Claimed indigent status. Oncologist office knocked it down to $650. That I can pay. No goverment subsidies needed. Now I'm paying $350 a month and can't even get my PCP to send a referral to a oncologist so I can't get my yearly scans. Thanks Obamacare

Gosh if only we'd have given them more money so they could still be alive, costing everyone more money...

>Have fun when ((((Mr. Insurance Man)))) denies your healthcare claims when you get cancer.
you mean like the socialized system of healthcare we have called the Veterans Affairs? You really want a government worker deciding when you get your treatment? I don't.

If I have learned one thing from the GOP it is that compassion for your fellow man will get you nothing. People will never vote for what is good for them, they have to find out how bad the GOP is before things get better

So fuck people, let them die. Maybe after a family member or two dies from lack of healthcare or heroin OD they might learn.

$400/mo garbage plan in my area.
Going to be billed about 1k penalties this year.
> tfw probably will die if any serious health issues
Works just fine, best president.

But healthcare expenditures aren't larger in socialized countries, and the level of treatment isn't diminishing either.

The biggest jew next to finance in America is the healthcare industry. They plan to take all of your money and force you to negotiate with someone who isn't your doctor the second you step into a hospital.

An unhealthy society is an unproductive one. Americans ought to invest in MAGA by guaranteeing that every citizen is receiving the proper care he or she needs so they can realize their full potential as members of the economy. It's a worthy investment if you ask me.

i am not sure what do you mean by "in socialized system, someone determines if your treatment is cost effective", honestly. European idea of socialized healthcare is providing unconditional medical service to everyone who contributes to the healthcare system, without exceptions.

Deciding if you are fit to be treated or not even though you regulary pay your insurance in one way or another is in no way, shape or form characteristic of socialized healthcare. Its some abominable attempt at it


>asthma copypasta
>AKA: An anicdotal family that has done ALL of the wrong things

Wow. Tolerant, and progressive too!

Wait, where are those damn almonds...

Obamacare is little more than redistribution m8

If you are a single mother or a neet (like op i guess) its fucking great. Ot I guess a aa beaner with 10 kids. Everyone else is left holding the bag for others who the government decides can't or don't need to pay. its social engineering

for reference, I also lived in Florida when Obamacare started, and even though my salary was under like 35 thousand at the time, since I was a single man the cheapest plan I could get was a 260/month that didn't pay for shit. It had a 5000 dollar deductible or something like that. It was so bad that it was basically nothing more than the government shaking me down for 3 grand a year to pay for little niglets ER visits for sore throats in South Florida

The whole thing is absolutely disgusting. Stormfaggotry aside, Obama care is anti-white and anti-responsibility in a practical sense

Maybe if I claim enough dependents to where I won't get a tax refund they can't deduct the penalty but I have a feeling it won't be easy.

>The idiots that voted for Trump deserve the lack of healthcare, they deserve suffering and death.
ironically they probably don't depend upon the government for their needs, they provide can take care of themselves, like adults.

He used realistic stereotypes croatfag

>hehe im on drugs and white so statistics mean nothing

Keep telling yourselves race is a social construct libtards

>I take no responsibility for myself while demanding that others must either be responsible for me or suffer because of me

>I can only be a decent person if my government provides me with pills!

What did he mean by this?

If socialized healthcare is so great why isn't it voluntary?

Oh wait, it can't be voluntary because you no one would voluntarily participate in such a shit system. healthcare prices would actually be allowed to fall again and obongocare and all the other shit pseudo-socialist europoor healthcare systems would be revealed for the ponzi schemes they are.

Here's a little life tip: if you have to force people to do something, it's probably not good for them.

like i said, if niggers dont work, they dont get to be treated "for free" (putting it in quotation marks because its not really free, you still pay for it through tax, you just dont get receipt at the end of treatment). But if nigger is employed, i see no obstacle to him being treated same way you are

OR, OR they could have been taxed at 10% of their income for obligatory health insurance together every other employed person in USA and never worry about being able to afford treatment of any kind. Luckily this thread showed there are people in your country who support that, and thats a big step forward

The healthcare was fleecing people long before Obamacare became a thing buddy. It is a redistribution of wealth where hard working whites and their entire families are indebted for treatments that were an absolute must for their survival.

You can keep your plan without Obamacare, just know that there's absolutely nothing preventing the private insurance companies from coming in and denying dropping your healthcare coverage at the last minute.