Fire safety

The Oakland warehouse fire occurred in a radical leftist commune rife with HIV, drugs, and alternative lifestyle degeneracy. These communes are known as "DIY spaces" to the bums, anarchists, and drug addicts who populate them. You might even have one of these rent-free flop houses in your neighborhood or city and not even know it.

The purpose of this thread is to save the lives of those who populate such places. As the incident in Oakland has shown, these dens of ill repute are often decrepit, hazardous, and in violation of city ordinances. As members of this board of peace, we are obligated to report building code infractions and get these death traps shut down.

>Flop House Directories

>Reportable Violations
>List of building codes

>Who Needs to Know
City Councils/Public Works
Fire Marshals
Alcoholic Beverage Control Boards
Local News

>Shut Down
Bell Foundry (Baltimore)
Rhinoceropolis (Denver)
Glass Menage (Nashville)
Kitty Castle (San Jose)
Purple 33 (Los Angeles)
Drkmattr (Nashville)
Werk (Los Angeles)
All safe and shut down because of you!

QuoLab (Savannah)

Other urls found in this thread:


On the twelfth day of safety my true love gave to me:
12 eviction notices!
11 salty liberal tears
10 battery-backed exit signs
9 smug pepes
8 puppers the safety dog
7 stab-proof vests
6 sprinklers dripping
a pair of caltrop-proof boots
4 5/8ths inch drywall
3 fire escapes
2 smoke alarms
and an extinguisher in the pantry

ohio shit posters report
Need someone to remake the lyrics of this for /diy/

>not naming the thread /diy/ Destroy It Yourself general

Hit the DC/Nova/Va ones hard....Inauguration time is coming on Jan 20, 2017 and Antifa and their Ilk plan on disrupting the inauguration!

On Jan 20 and Jan 21 2017 there will be a Million woman march ,which means places to stay in the city are going to be non existent, so these DIY spaces are going to be crucial to them!

If user is college student, hit up their College book store, student union, College Library, music department, and other gathering spots on campus!
LOW RISK to any of this, you are already a student and don't need to blend! It's low risk Intel gathering! Fliers are usually plentiful.

Also hit up used music/record shops/Hot Topics/Spencer bulletin boards.... lots of good leads there.

Reminder that if people are squatting in a foreclosed property a call to the bank that owns it will generate immediate action... the police kind and contractors to board it up!

Do your part for Fire Safety today!

>"W-Wait, why is the government shutting down our hangouts? W-What are building codes?"


I love saving lives

anyone ever reach out to /diy/?

yeah, maybe I'll polish it later

Be sure to report these places to you local news channel's "Undercover Investigative Team"

Reminder, that there's more to it than building code violations. These events push lots of illegal and seedy shit, and DIY openly admits to their wrongdoings. Make events quit that shit, and you have future teens and young adults growing up to be normal functioning citizens.

Hold these bars/clubs/warehouses responsible and get the law involved and a bunch of criminal activity that plagues California decreases drastically. Not only are you stopping SJW culture from spreading, you're also stopping mainstream edgy culture as well.

>Stops drug trafficking
>Stops drugs being sold to minors
>Stops alcohol sold to minors
>Stops degenerate performances
>Stops statutory rape
>Stops regular rape
>Slows down propaganda by Antifa
>Slows down propaganda by BLM
>Slows down Antifa from recruiting new members
>Slows down BLM from recruiting new members

All of that goes away and you've got people who'd prefer to get their shit together. Crime would also go down drastically, and rioters would be almost zero.

Here's evidence of DIY openly telling the police, FBI, etc to fuck off, as they know their events are unlicensed, allow underage drinking, statutory rape, drug peddling, and aren't up to safety regulations.

>Antifa direct involvement
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Safety regulations are just icing on the cake. The biggest issues are how they're hodbeds for heavy illegal activity, especially towards minors. Many of these events are all-ages, and tend to have adults and teens engaging in sexual activity and drug use and solicitation.

Proof of illegal activity such as selling alcohol to minors.


Godspeed, brothers. Let's clean our streets, not just of stupid hippie performances, but the real shit they're harboring.


Raves and punk shows today at these places are paedo central at this point. There's raves at clubs in CA that are all ages and you'll find an adolescent getting diddled by a 30-year old man.

There's an event in San Francisco called "FuckFest" and it's all ages. Now, tell me that's not seedy as fuck. In fact, DIY is part of that event.

I'm not joking. You'll see a tiny 14 year-old girl at a rave being hosted at a nightclub wearing almost nothing but underpants and a small top, aside from rave candy accessories, and some 30-something guy buys them alcohol from the bar and either sneaks drugs in it, sells them drugs, or tempts them with drugs, whichever method, and they end up looking strung-out as fuck. Also, since the places are usually dark, aside from the laser lights and glow sticks, all of this seedy shit on these girls is either ignored or goes unnoticed. And yes, you'll find them making out and being taken advantage of.

It's sickening. It's also the reason why real raves were shut down because some underaged girl either dies, is going through cardiac arrest from molly, or their parents show up and sue everyone.

Save lives, and save futures!

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>Antifa punk rocker has over 700 cases of statutory rape

Did you post the wrong video?

we did yesterday, and we found out we can easily shut down most of those places because making a building up to code is too much work for the average libtard

ah cool, thanks user.

Night of the Long Hoses approaches!
Open thy doors and show thy permits and be judged!

Let's get this rolling on twitter today eh gents? #Remember36

>Night of the long hoses

Oh my fuck

Yes, oopsie!

here's the original

Ok, ok, I see what's happening here
You're face to face with greatness, and it's strange
You don't even know how you feel
It's adorable!
Well, it's nice to see that humans never change
Open your eyes, let's begin
Yes, it's really me, it's Maui: breathe it in!
I know it's a lot: the hair, the bod!
When you're staring at a demi-god
What can I say except you're welcome
For the tides, the sun, the sky
Hey, it's okay, it's okay
You're welcome
I'm just an ordinary demi-guy
What has two thumbs that pulled up the sky
When you were waddling yay high
This guy!
When the nights got cold
Who stole you fire from down below
You're lookin' at him, yo
Oh, also I lassoed the sun
You're welcome!
To stretch the days and bring you fun
Also I harnessed the breeze
You're welcome!
To fill your sails and shake your trees
So what can I say except you're welcome
For the islands I pulled from the sea
There's no need to pray, it's okay
You're welcome!
Ha, I guess it's just my way of being me
You're welcome!
You're welcome!
Well, come to think of it
Kid, honestly I can go on and on
I can explain every natural phenomenon
The tide, the grass, the ground, oh
That was Maui just messing around
I killed an eel
I buried its guts
Sprouted a tree, now you got coconuts
What's the lesson
What is the take-away
Don't mess with Maui when he's on the break-away
And the tapestry here on my skin
Is a map of the victories I win
Look where I've been
I make everything happen
Look at that mini-Maui just tippity-tappin'
Well, anyway let me say you're welcome
For the wonderful world you know
Hey, it's okay, it's okay
You're welcome!
Well, come to think of it, I gotta go
Hey, it's your day to say you're welcome
'Cause I'm gonna need that boat
I'm sailing away, away
You're welcome!
'Cause Maui can do anything but float
You're welcome!
You're welcome!
And thank you!


oh look, I found some upstanding Sup Forumsacks!


He didn't stay safe :(


Ok, ok, I see what's happening here
You're face to face with safety, and it's strange
You don't even know how you feel
It's adorable!
Well, it's nice to see that liberals never change
Open your eyes, let's begin
Yes, it's really me, it's Pepe (Name holder, keep or replace): breathe it in!
I know it's a lot: the , the !
When you're staring at a fire-man!

Trying to figure out what would rhyme at that last bit.

here ya go. I'll take a look myself


also this one

Looks like a bunch of good lads out to help!

>What can I say except you're welcome
>For the codes, the truck, the air
would this fit in well?

One in Toronto. 156 Bathurst St. Pic related.

Another in Halifax. 5816 Cogswell St.

That looks like a perfect fit


>Hey, it's okay, it's okay
>You're welcome
>I'm just an ordinary fire-man
>What has two thumbs that put down the fire
>When you were stumbling real high
>This guy!
the 2nd to last line could use something better, but that's what I put for it

got a place in Toledo. not sure how old the photos are but it looks promising

Good advice posted here. In addition to the DIY spaces in NoVa, DC, Baltimore area we should make sure that any hostels are up to code. Additionally, anyone listing large spaces for couch surfing and the like should be investigated for fire code violations. We have the opportunity to save lives here before Trump's inauguration, but we need to move quickly.

safety bump

we're over here at the moment user


Here is the DIy in my local community. Apparently fires are rife in these homes.