>Pick CEO of 5th largest Multi-national corporation in the world for Secretary of State
Trump is a fucking joke. I voted for him, but like - what the fuck does he do? Why does he pick the oil jew?
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Yeah you tell them fellow forum user! I am so CONCERNED I can't sleep!
doing business in other countries doesn't make you globalist
globalism is about one government overseeing many countries, which is why europe is falling apart right now
we want to interact with and be friends with other countries, we just don't want to move in with them
wtf i guess ill vote hillery now
Oh and before you say how could I vote for him if I'm Polish, well I'm staying here for Christmas with my family!
Economic globalism is literally doing business in other countries.
Wtf I hate Glompf now
fair trade between countries will only serve to reinforce and strengthen sovereignty of participating nations
Then you're a fucking globalist, go eat a dick.
>drain the swamp
Where the fuck does he do it?
>globalism is about one government overseeing many countries
Americlap """"education"""" strikes again
again you seem to be confused, the "swamp" referred to career politicians bought and paid for by special interest groups and lobbyists
that's why his cabinet is made up of people who can't be bought off
They will support what ever he does because he's conned them.
You didnt do shit you fucking cunt. Check your flag you subhuman toilet cleaner. You want eubux? You want jerbs? FUCK YOU
Yeah because the lobbyists themselves are now elected by Trump.
brexit still hurts, eh? don't worry, plenty of toilets to clean elsewhere
when someone is holding public office and no longer employed by the lobbyists, they aren't lobbyists
Good. Our president emperor needs friends like Tillerman.
I can't wait for the American Power meeting
> Complain when Trump supporters get called fascists.
> Idealizes American Fascism.
You're everything wrong with our country.
there is objectively nothing wrong with fascism. Hitlers only mistake is he was too ambitious
You mean I'm everything right with this countree
Keep your friends close but your enemies closer
Maybe that's his retarded plan to keep them in check
Fascism is a horrific ideology governed by extremists who wouldn't mind purging to make their own 'utopia.'
Sage these raid threads
Fuck /leftypol/ and CTR
>Trump on Fox News Sunday 12/11/16
>Trump @ Army vs Navy Game 12/10/16
>Trump Rally in Grand Rapids MI 12/9/16
>Trump Rally in Baton Rouge LA 12/9/16
>Trump/Pence Rally in Des Moines IA 12/8/16
>Trump Rally in Fayetteville, NV 12/6/16
>Pence Rally in New Orleans LA 12/3/16
>Trump on F&F 12/2/16
>Trump Rally in Cincinnati OH 12/1/16
>Trump Speaks at Carrier in Indiana 12/1/16
>Trump Objectified 11/18/16
>Trump Meets with Obama 11/10/16
>Martha Raddatz Starts To Cry Over Trump Victory
>Best Of The Young Turks Election Day Meltdown 2016
>The Truth about Trump Protesters
>SJW Meltdowns
>Trump Saltmining
>Clinton landslide
>Trump Victory Speech 11/8/16
>Donald Trump projected president on CNN
>Donald Trump projected president on Fox News
>Putin congratulates Trump
>1/20/17 (Teaser)
>Donald Trump on Getting Revenge
>Inauguration of Fire
>In the Hall of the Trumpen President
You are an enemy of western civilization.
Globalist detected.
I'm not a lefist and fuck your CTR may mays. Trump is a conman and everything wrong with modern politics.
You must not have spent any time looking into who Rex Tillerson actually is, or what he believes. Believe it or not, CEOs of large corporations are quite different from each other, and to assume that they are all identical evil fatcats is evidence of your ignorant bigotry.
I'm not even sure why it's such a taboo, civilization was built on eliminating undesirables that hold back progress
shitskin detected
Globalism =/= Globalization
Globalism is taking political power out of nations and giving it to transnational bodies and institutions like the UN and the EU, and emboldening such changes by ignoring nation-states and differences between peoples with open-border policies and cultural relativism.
You cucks are just commie luddites, not anti-globalists.
I'm rubber you're glue.
>Rex Tillerson
This, T-Rex is based as fuck
Civilization was stifled during periods of the dark ages were tortured and conquered those who we viewed as below us. The enlightenment era and classical liberty are what have moved us forward as a species.
I'm paler than a ghost but thanks for playing.
>doesn't try to refute it
>muh Sup Forums maymay buzzwords! xD
Now leave our country for a theocracy for Iran.
Trump said he would fill his cabinet with successful business people.
> he actually did it, we should hang him WTF was he thinking
Thread #368036
From day 1, he said he would put "killers, the worst human beings alive" in these position to negotiate deals. Who the fuck would you rather have there? OK Dr. Scheuer would be my first pick, but that isn't path he's taking. but this is what he promised.
>dark ages
protip: stop referring to the dark ages like it was a bad time in history
it's called the dark ages because we don't have much documentation about what went on, it's called the dark ages because we don't know much about it as in the records are dark. not because it was a particularly brutal time to be alive
>OMG a successful businessman is picking other successful businessmen to work in his cabinet!
>From Poland
>"Hurr durr I voted for him!"
You faggots are clueless.
T Rex serves on the board of trustees for the Center for Strategic and International Studies.
He also gives talks and is a contributor for the Council on Foreign Relations.
He also supports the TPP and is a FREE TRADE advocate.
Rex is the definition of GLOBALIST KEK FAGGOT.
The dark ages were a bad time in history. Part of the reason it went dark was because many asshole tribes went around burning libraries. Religion filled the gap and this time with a more revengeful in person type of following.
Half of that era was catching up to were Rome was at it's peak and in no way would I consider it a great time period. We're living in a golden age right now; one so good it's almost incomprehensible for our generation to understand.
Oy vey, goyim. Iran must not be nuclear armed.
> I'm not going to drain the swamp; I'm going to make it go bling bling.
>well I'm staying here for Christmas with my family
Yeah right...Why couldn't Adolf killed your family too so we didn't have to read your shitty thread?
you understand the difference between Trump hiring these people to work for him vs someone like Hillary having to give power to these (((people))) because they paid her campaign.
Wow! Not free trade! We should be more like Argentina, Peronpf 2022
He was infiltrated in a bunch of organizations ot learn their tactics
T-Rex will make his office great again
> Goy may may.
I have nothing against Iranians or rather Persians for that matter. I'd rather they not be ruled over a superstitious theocracy.
>Poland can't vote
>I voted for him
FREE TRADE is good you retard.
TPP and NAFTA aren't free trade at all. They are managed trade deals that add extra layers of goverment power and pick winners and loosers.
It's interesting too see how Trump voters rationalize picking people who he purposely said he would be against.
Establishment doesn't seem so bad when it has an R next to it.
Those are people who know how to make deals, how to be leaders, how to be players and businessguys. They know how to get things done.
Being rich, doesnt make you automatically corrupt.
Now to be honest, I dont know Tillermann so I cant say much on the subject, but my point is that you shouldnt use "rich white guy" as an argument against someone, jst because they are rich and powerful
But all of those people gained their success by taking advantage of others. They stood on the backs of their employees and customers and shit all over the economy and their resources to get successful. And like i get that this capatlism and thats how it works but now those people will be in charge of the federal government. They are gonna make themselves feel good by shitting all over you and I. None of those men give a shit about the positions they are in. they dont want to make america great again. They wan to make themselves richer. Which is fine for them but means we are fucked.
is a good thing. our protectionist platform right now is because countries that were supposed to participate in free trade aren't playing by the rules
Why did you vote in the US election Bolan? He didn't pick the oil jew, he picked the only guy who's not a Jew or a Saudi shill. If he's going to restructure the petrodollar (and he must do so or succumb to globalism), this is who he needs at his side
>get elected on the back of people fighting globalism
>immediately hire someone from Goldman Sachs
>this is apparently ok
>already asking japan, taiwan, and argentia about building Trump hotels there while being the president elect
T. Rex joined Exxon as an engineer in 1975 and worked his way up the corporate ladder until he was elected CEO in 2006.
> anti-globalist means no international business
> you're either full NWO or North Korea mode
This is why you lost the election
for a guy in burgerland, no
WTF I love Hillary now
to get shit done, moron OP.... you think shits gonna get done with a bunch of newbies without inside knowledge? anyone got any good polish jokes to throw at this goy?
> t. Boris cleaning burger toilets
>this post is unironical
great, we need people who benefit from deportations to make sure they happen, if you put cucks who benefit from mass immigration they'll just betray trumppf
>anti-globalist means no international business
No, but it does mean not hiring someone who works one of the biggest pushers of the globalist agenda.
Or is that ok with you?
Didn't your little shithole just elect a Green party guy as President?
>all these fucking mouthbreathing retards that think globalism is capitalism
gas yourselves
No use picking complete outsiders who have no idea what they are dealing with or how to get us ahead.
He picks people who have experience dealing with the elite/swamp so they will already understand how to navigate. He needs people who are successful in business and foreign relations, he will refocus them to use that success for America.
He's picking people who understand our delicate position right now, who have dealt with the elite and can actually get stuff done to put us in a better position.
>I voted for him
I voted for Hillary because I'm tired of these elite globalists running the country.
You cuntservatives are getting what you asked for and we're all gonna have to wait til 2020 to allow Hillary to fix it.
Often one reason they will do a good job and benefit us is that it benefits them as well. For example, if we stopped paying foreign governments for oil and started paying Exxon to use our own energy resources, we'd have thousands of new jobs in the oil/steel/coal/etc fields and Exxon would profit enormously. Maybe T.Rex would also make a huge profit, but it wouldn't matter because America would be headed in the right direction. That's what the carrot and stick metaphor is, you encourage people to make good choices by having benefits in it for them as well, that's human nature. Also not all rich CEO people are evil, as and said
It's surprising to me that there are still people who can't see how Trump is arranging the chess pieces. He's preparing to gut the bloat and bureaucracy in the executive branch. Are business moguls not fit for that job? They know how to downsize and streamline a bureaucracy. The trade-off of course is you risk cronyism. But, we already have that. What we need to do is stop deficit spending and get our arms around the national debt.
Who are we supposed to hire for that? Alex Jones?
>billionaire with no political experience picks a billionaire with no political experiance
>I voted for Hillary because I'm tired of these elite globalists running the country.
I unironically want Alex Jones as the Press Secretary just because of the shitstorm that would follow
He is picking the elite to help them line their pockets. You failed for a businessman selling himself like the common people.
i literally wanted businessmen running this country because communists were fucking it up
A communist has never run this country. You now have a crony capitalist in power.
>I voted for him
Hol up
*checks flag*
Fuck off cunt.
leftists right now:
>haha, he's not even picking leftists for his cabinet! you got played, trumpfags!!
Has nothing to do with left right politics. He's appointing the bankers, CEO's and wall street lobbyist that he supposedly was against.
So who do you want him to pick for you to be happy? Some hobo on the street?
Fuck off nigger.
How about the people who don't use the system for their own gains? How about politicians not hand picked because they were CEOs or worked for Goldman Sachs . Jesus fuck you guys are hypocrites.
It is strange how much it makes sense to users of this site when dealing with criticism directed at their captor - I mean savior.
who's the wall street lobbyist or banker being appointed?
he never said he was against CEOs
>You now have a crony capitalist in power.
we didn't elect hillary
Hillary wasn't a crony capitalist. A man who creates a fake University is.
Trump is not an ideologue like us, he never has been. His MO has always been pragmatism and his cabinet picks are people cut from the same cloth. Just because these guys are rich as hell doesn't mean they're soulless, it's pretty credible that they're just as disappointed with America's decline as Trump is.
>>Votes for an unskilled nobody into presidency instead of a person with proven track records of success
>>supports him picking career establishment for his cabinet
fucking kek
>A man who creates a fake University is.
Holy fucking shit. How can "principled" conservatives and libertarians support Donald fucking con man Trump?
>it's pretty credible that they're just as disappointed with America's decline as Trump is.
Do you really believe the "all rich people are evil psychopaths" meme? Fuck off commie. Even the jews are not all evil, a higher percentage of them voted for Brexit and Trump than all other ethnoreligious groups except white christians and Sihks.
>wtf i guess ill vote hillery now
This isn't about Hillary Clinton. If Trump needs to be taken out, then things should go under administration until the system can be cleaned of corruption.
You from God knows where voted for Trump, OK.
>Trump is a fucking joke. I voted for him, but like - what the fuck does he do? Why does he pick the oil jew?
It's not like you had any real choice to being with.