4 years of non stop liberal buthurt thinly veiled with cheap humor. Thank you God.
4 years of non stop liberal buthurt thinly veiled with cheap humor. Thank you God.
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They are so annoying it isn't even fun anymore. Urge to purge intensifies.
Why isn't anybody talking about the incompetence of Obongo's national security apparatus that allowed the Russian hacks to happen and influence the election, doing nothing about it in retaliation?
Really user? He's only black. You can't hold him up to the same standards as a white president, that would be racist.
Because criticizing Obama is racist.
Daily Show and Colbert ratings nosedived during the Obama administration because they couldn't make any jokes and had to focus on anything BUT Obama. So people stopped watching.
Those shows were only successful during the Bush administration because they could mock that one.
i think they are now under order to agitate a civil war since the dnc is crumbling and trump is going to break up the corrupt media
according to wikileaks they were the ones supplying 'talk shows' with scripts
if they are cultural marxists they must be overjoyed for the 100th anniversary of the bolshevik revolution is next year and they are already coming up with a bloody way to celebrate it
They mocked Republicans for the retarded "Obama wasn't even born in America!" nonsense and then they turn around do the same thing with this "HURR RUSSIA DID IT" bullshit.
I can tolerate hypocrites if they at least stop and reflect on themselves, but the Left is just completely ignorant of their retardation.
Putin just wants what's best for America!
because it never happened and they know it.
Liberals cannot into civil war. What you will have is the entire libfaggot global conglomerate hammering Trump 24/7 on every issue and legitimising his presidency non-stop for 4 years combined with Soros funded chimp-outs and increased SJW activity across the board
Colbert is definitely being the most scathingly retarded of them all lately. up there with Ana Kasparian / Chunk Bison
It's true, just for different reasons. Guys like Colbert are the reason.
this cucky little guy was revealed to have been taking money from the dnc to make programs
he is a hack at best and a proven propaganda merchant at worst. why do people listen to him?
Oh no this faggot right here takes the prize
>thinly veiled
Liberals are as adept to subtlety as a Harley-Davidson
They brought in the big gun to try and change peoples minds.
Guess they're going to have to build a new one.
>Putin just wants what's best for America!
Fuck that was annoying to watch, the LOL RUSSIA DUDE was such low-hanging fruit.
Delet this
>fake news
>Those shows were only successful during the bush administration
Pretty much. """""Funny""""" news really only did well in that era. Now its struggling really hard. Trevor Noah is doing worse than Samantha Bee. I think Oliver is the only one who is doing decent but his numbers are nowhere close to what liebowitz's numbers were.
"The left is always the most dangerous because they see themselves as victims."
Martin Armstrong
They are victims. Of they're own gullibility.
They are the sheep and have been tricked by the wolves who dressed as shepherds.
We are the sheperds. We have mistreated the sheep and forced them into the arms of the wolves.
and to think I used to respect colbert...
He's a full blown McCarthyite propagandist now. The turnaround is incredible.
2016 is one hell of a drug.
he was always a shill tbqh
I was thinking earlier, I'd like to ask him whether Trump's a great president, or the greatest president.
Talk shows really suck when you know that the writing is directed by the government to manipulate public opinion.
Russia did win
but it has nothing to do with Trump
Russia has a future, and a Russian future
the US will go from 90% european to just 10% european in coming decades
from a super power... to a broke corrupt Mexico/Brazil 2.0
>Mainstream media can shill for Hillary
>Celebrities can shill for Hillary
>Social Media can shill for Hillary
>Damn near every politician can shill for Hillary
>Foreign leaders can shill for Hillary
>Comedians can shill for Hillary
>Businessmen can shill for Hillary
>People can be attacked in the streets for supporting Trump
But when the Russians hack the DNC and show the people what these people are really upto behind closed doors, that's taking things too far?
also revealed to be a clinton shill
>why didnt hillary go to Wisconsin once?
>why didnt hillary seriously campaign in the Rust Belt?
>why was the DNC hackable?
>why was the DNC corrupt?
>why was Hillary unpopular in 2008? and now again in 2016?
>why did Democrats alienate white voters?
Because the hacks happened into Hillary's private email server (non-government)
2020 landslide here we come!
web and pocahontas notwithstanding!
who paid for the roads? overtaxed producers!
same with shitty pub schools!
I remember seeing a video of this guy saying what Hillary and Trump did wrong and he put only one thing under Hillary (deleted emails) and several things under Trump, including bankruptcy and other stuff but I can't find it anymore
In the land of the free, you may not NSA into rich people.
The republican party undoubtedly had spies in the democratic party that could wire in Russian influence.
$$$ > state. Literally capitalism in a nutshell.
But keep defending your captor - it will all be okay.
Because there wasn't really a hack in the true sense. John podesta clicked a phishing link and exposed his email password. The "hacker " then logged into his account and archived the contents.
The argument is that this "sophisticated" attack originated from Russian government officials. This of course disregarding the fact that the contents are all factual and equally damming. They influenced the election via public opinion, not hacking actual votes.
Actually they hacked into Podesta's email account, which some faggot from Sup Forums later did as well because Podesta fell for a fishing scam and didn't even change his fucking email password as Wikileaks was releasing his emails
I'd laugh if some patriot took out Colbert. He's fucking cancer. It's not entertainment.
This is beautiful.
this is why no one watches this stuff anymore. I signed up for laughs, not a 20 minute sermon.
Very few 'hacks' are actually hacks.
The vast majority of the time it's an insider who has the password or access somehow.
People use a stupid password and scream they were hacked when someone guesses it.
>4 years
8 years.
>implying Colbert is gonna last another 4 years
well the soviets did win the cold war. Just look at the state the West is in
>Cold war
Sup Forums has been saying for years that the U.S lost the cold war. The only issue is that the marxist subversion they were using against the U.S take about three generations to truly set it.
THe USSR collapses due to economical conditions before they could see their plans come to fruition.
So technicality they did win, and people like Colbert spouting the nonsense that they do is absolute proof of it.
>implying Russia is some magical Aryan paradise
We've all seen the Russia threads.
Upside-down poland has a point.
funny, i remember them shitting themselves n breaking into pieces.
We are not much better though. At least Russian isn't hellbent on committing ethnic suicide
Don't worry my man, I've noticed it too. In fact it bears a striking resemblance to Gamergate when several gaming media installations were attacking "gamer identity", and it was later found out they were actively colluding with each other to push this united narrative.
Gamergate prepared people for this sort of shit funnily enough. Fucking video games.
> Colbert's writers hiring CTR to shill their show
You'renot witty, I ain't giving you hits. It's not the Russians, your candidate was just shit. Only the brain damaged, the brain washed, and illegal immigrants wanted her. Not even that, they didn't want Trump.
It's a shame there will be no big elections in the future, I would've loved to take in more of the liberal butthurt.
> Le pen doesn't count because she won't win
It'd also be funny cause no one would be able to take him seriously as a martyr
Welcome to Sup Forums
Now start drinking
Member when Stephen Colbert became famous as a conservative that sarcastically disagreed with the audience over common sense issues?
now he just panders. He's lost a crucial layer of irony along the way and his ratings reflect that. His Jewish producers are running him into the ground and he won't even question why he's lost his status as pop culture icon
There was a comment yesterday or the day before asking why it seems like all of the news is written by the same guy.
A Swedish poster pointed him to the (((AP))).
What they don't get from the (((AP))) they steal from each other.
t. former Journalism student
Also, thankfully ^ this.
It's so blatant at this point I think anyone paying the slightest attention knows now.
>This of course disregarding the fact that the contents are all factual and equally damming. They influenced the election via public opinion, not hacking actual votes.
That's the entire purpose of this. The DNC elite is afraid of a non-establishment candidate coming in and wrestling control way. They're afraid that Democrats might wake up and realize what happened. So they're attacking Trump, pretending it was a legitimate, and hoping that the populist movement within their party that almost selected Bernie is more content to attack Trump than to question what really happened.
> your texts show you were cheating on me with Stacy
> who told you that? John? He's a womanizer you know. This is what they do
> yeah John sucks
What if the cold war is really still ongoing? Like it never ended? May be this was an implicit period of it, cold-war gerilia, and undefeated KGB agents gonna strike back?
>Now you realise that most of America's secret intelligence is all a big bluff
I don't think it's actually true, the whole "trump is a russian puppet" thing.
But if it's true, then good. Taste your own medicine americunts, you deserve it.
He's so fucking dumb he doesn't realize:
1. Russia won the cold war because it was able to ditfh the commies and come back as a strong nationalist Christian state.
2. US lost the cold war in the 60s when communist cultural marxist subversion infiltrated the media and universities and destroyed US culture
3.He is popular by drones who lost us the cold war.
Honestly his butthurt is painful to watch. Literally none of the liberals are being sports about it.
Thank god it's not Saudi Arabia
Obviously they won. 50+ million Americans voted for Hillary Clinton. They couldn't have asked for better results.
So the sickle and hammer are totally emblems of modern day russia right? No they arent. They are representations of communism and the worker.
Forgive them father for they know not how retarded they are.
Our little subversion program essentially went rogue and worked just a day planned, and then some.
>Hillary Clinton illegally stored classified intelligence from secure government networks on an unencrypted private server
>illegally stored classified intelligence was accessible to numerous people without security clearances
>John Podesta gave away his password to a simple phishing scam
>direct collusion with SuperPACs revealed, in clear violation of election laws
>people in DOJ tipped off Clinton campaign about investigation
>DNC bias for Clinton revealed, lawsuit now underway
>DNC Chair resigns and immediately joins Clinton campaign
>Clinton given debate questions ahead of time
>Russia is a threat to our democracy
Yup. I get no replis from libshits when I post this question.
How has the left done a complete 180 on warmongering and is now trying to escalate tensions with russia higher than ever before? Aren't they supposed to be anti-war?
They could've just put a Russian map above guy, with Crimea glued in, along with Baltic states which the hacker could've hurriedly covered, saying 'not done yet, sorry, is secret, very importent'.
It would've been funnier and promoted their evil Russia agenda tenfold better.
I seriously think it is still going on. The tension between russia and america has always been tight. Trump is the only one who can end it and normalize usa russia relationships.
I liked him better when he was a faux conservative, even if it was only to be satirical. He was way funnier back then, but this is just sad.
> anti-war
Only applies to brown people and communists. If the enemy is literally Hitler the left will gladly shill for war
But instead they fuck their own propaganda up.
he's right, but not in the way he thinks...
>absolutely subversive
Though honestly, it's not that dumb.
They've done all they could to make Russia seem weak and powerless, it is hard to do a complete 180 and make us the threat to everything they know and love.
they don't realize that this is hurting the democratic party even more
That's a nice bait
You never had a proper subversion programme. The USSR supported shit tier Marxist worker organizations and anti-racist initiatives.
The CIA decided that they were gonna be a bunch of cucklefucks and create their own leftist movement by pozzing academia, creating modern art, creating hippies and the drug counter culture
Funny how we were saying the same thing just a little while ago XD
Of course they won. Lefties plague universities, media, politics...CCCP won and Colbert is their flag in Iwo Jima
what a brown-nosing, unfunny, tryhard faggot.
If the Jews thought Bush was Hitler, wait til they get 8 years of the God Emperor
I don't know if it's just not funny or if I'm too german to laugh.
HOLY SHIT. First time hearing of this
That's actually exactly what happened, someone on Hillary's campaign wrote their password in an email. Total carelessness, one of the defining characteristics of Clinton's campaign.
And for that to happen the government and all institutions must be purged of kikes
and for that to happen yous need a bloody revolution
because this is one parasite that has deeply imbedded itself into the USA down to the roots
I was a huge fan during the Bush years. It was an enormous disappointment when they turned out to be liberal pundits disguised as satirists. And Stewart is such a douche about it. "Journalistic standards? I'm just a comedian!"
>Makes le smug liberal face
>those comments
Pure liberal cancer, as to be expected of those following politics from '''''''comedy'''''' tv shows
That's exactly what I've been saying
Russia just won the cold war - they've just employed the same tactics both russia and the usa have employed to force regime changes for their benefits and they succeeded and they did it on the united states
I honestly congratulate them because it was a cool event I got to live through and we are all going to die due to ultra extreme agw in 30 years so it doesn't really matter what happens in the mean time
Ahahaha. It's no wonder why everybody is so fucking butthurt about Trump. They spent YEARS under Hillary's boot selling any shred of dignity or integrity only to die on her worthless hill. I'm so glad 2016 is a thing.
Stephen Colbert is unhinged.
Funny how John Stewart ended up the more level headed one in the end.
Damn, he's still salty
Is Trump half black?
Actually, the US electing Trump is a victory AGAINST the Cold War.
The neocons who Trump drove out of the RNC (only for them to set up shop in the DNC) are a bunch of anti-American Trotskyite subversive traitors who infilitrated the USA during the Cold War. As an aside, the best thing Stalin ever did was put an icepick through Trotsky's skull.