Why are Conservashits so against Globalism when Globalism is key proponent of the Free markets ?
Why are Conservashits so against Globalism when Globalism is key proponent of the Free markets ?
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freedom of trade is different from freedom of movement you faggot.
Dear Democrats,
You lost. You could simply accept that instead of making up extra reasons why you lost so you can still try and tell yourself you're morally superior and smarter than everyone somehow. Republicans didn't have this much of a sore loser shitfest when Obama won twice. They just accepted it. You're embarrassing yourselves.
not if you want a wife, asshole
The free market and global trade was designed to force international interdependence, by virtue of its function it is anything but free, it has crippled the national production and workforce across most of the world and has rendered the lions share of world resources and production entirely the private property of a few oligarchs and their numerous subsidies, choice is an illusion.
I actually think that someone is trying to stir up the shit with the Democrats as a way of embarrassing, and potentially destroying the reputation of the party.
Is this liberal's version of Obama was born in Kenya?
Global corporatism is not a free market.
Donald Trump is also not a Russian spy imho.
Putin just wants what's best for America!
remember how ridiculously stupid all those conspiracy theorists sounded when they said that obama was actually a member of some kind of secret radical islamic terrorist sleeper cell?
remember how we just got through 8 years of obama and nothing of the sort was ever proven or really even discussed seriously except for some whining from butt hurt mccain/romney supporters?
ya know how those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it? and how history just LOVES to repeat itself any damn way?
congratulations, you petulant bitch. now it's YOUR turn to be the crazy-sounding loser for 8 years. have fun chump LOL.
t. politically independent voter who voted trump
Stay butt hurt Obama leaf.
Enjoy you Muslims
Dear Democrats, the foil doesn't keep the Thetans out.
this, this is exactly whats happening
>Dear Republicans,
globalism =/= free market
I don't understand whats wrong with trump being a rissian operative anyway. I would love if putin took over america. he's like trump's even more badass older brother.
>Trump is going to nuke Russia :Dd
>He is also a Russian puppet :Dddddd Ebin
>Occupy Democrats
Opinion discarded.
I deliberately post "Muh Russian Hackerz On Steroids!" and "MUH RECOUNT, DRUMPF BTFO!" threads.
That's not cointelpro. It's just (You) farming.
It's actually kind of unnerving seeing IRL people taking these sort of wing nut conspiracy theories seriously.
>Trump on Fox News Sunday 12/11/16
>Trump @ Army vs Navy Game 12/10/16
>Trump Rally in Grand Rapids MI 12/9/16
>Trump Rally in Baton Rouge LA 12/9/16
>Trump/Pence Rally in Des Moines IA 12/8/16
>Trump Rally in Fayetteville, NV 12/6/16
>Pence Rally in New Orleans LA 12/3/16
>Trump on F&F 12/2/16
>Trump Rally in Cincinnati OH 12/1/16
>Trump Speaks at Carrier in Indiana 12/1/16
>Trump Objectified 11/18/16
>Trump Meets with Obama 11/10/16
>Martha Raddatz Starts To Cry Over Trump Victory
>Best Of The Young Turks Election Day Meltdown 2016
>The Truth about Trump Protesters
>SJW Meltdowns
>Trump Saltmining
>Clinton landslide
>Trump Victory Speech 11/8/16
>Donald Trump projected president on CNN
>Donald Trump projected president on Fox News
>Putin congratulates Trump
>1/20/17 (Teaser)
>Donald Trump on Getting Revenge
>Inauguration of Fire
>In the Hall of the Trumpen President
Reminder that occupy democrats will block you if you ask them if they like egg salad
I'm a libertarian that voted for a conservative
>Occupy Democrats
Even Facebook called them fake news. Let that sink in.
What's wrong with anti-intellectualism? Intellectuals didn't build America. Where would these intellectuals get their food if it wasn't for uneducated farmers?
Because uneducated fucks tend to be over Religious bigots
A better one would be;
>You really don't believe in anthropological global warming?
>Well I was in a camp once and I like to put penises in my mouth?
Korean Star Trek Man Destroys Ignorant Frog Poster On Twitter!
Yea you should have chosen for the Saudi/Israƫl conwomen.
>when Globalism is key proponent of the Free markets
but it's not
and you can't explain how it is
Fuck off with your Islamaphobia and anti-semitism.
Why are Democraps literally the most butthurt of people?
I got blocked after it, do they need a safe space or something?
Is it really so insane to want free domestic trade and movement but want to be more isolationist in foreign policy?
Show evidence that Russia had an extreme hand in manipulation of the US election.
>Occupy Democrats
Literally worse than the Australian Abo Thought Process
intellectuals deserve death.
whats wrong with russia manipulating our elections, libtard?
Isn't it interesting
Communism was mostly pushed by Jews. Capitalism also (look at the number of Jewish economists, it will blow your mind). Most libertarian intellectuals were jewish
Ever single jewish dominated ideology has the same things in common. Globalist egalitarianism.
>Intellectuals didn't build America.
Yeah they did. They thought of IDEAS like building factories and coming up with new inventions and ways of doing things. That's what an actual intellectual person does.
People give too much credit to the physical laborer without realizing he's only doing the work someone smarter than him came up with doing in the first place.
Because Obama was a fat white guy with nothing to lose, a degenerate history, and someone who said that he liked to grope women because of his status.
t. you are a nigger.
Why is red.dit shilling and b8 so terrible?
>SJW's support Marxist movements that literally demand the mass execution of intellectuals to rid the world of privilege
>Bitch about hicks who don't like intellectuals
> You elected a man who believes in national borders
God bless the USA!
Thank you, Occupy Democrats.
You've never steered me wrong with your wise political insight.
you are liberal cuck. Go run back to your JEWniversity, libtard. intellectuals should be gassed. EJEWcation is a joke.
Because conservatives aren't pro-free market
We should meme calling them McCarthyists, it would trigger the fuck out of them.... that is if they understood the historical irony of liberals mutating into the monsters they were so passionate about hating.
Reminder that russian hacking was impossible when they thought their shill was going to take the election
Not at all though.
Workers are just a resource, like steel or coal.
If democrats can have a president who has created interment camps, planted Hugo Black as Supreme Court justice, established the biggest debt program for American government, and have another president create Senators as super representatives in stead of State representatives and have the most. Corrupt. Politician. To ever run as their candidate.
As much as I'd like to see the democrat party die they(democrats and the progressive movement in general) are like a malignant cancer that cannot be removed because it is embedded deep within the body.
>Dear Republicans,
Tuned out. It's another whiny liberal bullshit
>Sage in Options field
If we wanted a republican we would have elected JEB.
We don't want another faggot BUSH.
you think theres something wrong with internment camps, cuck?
It's funny, McCarthy alleged that there was a mass program of communist infiltration in the USA. He drew up a list of names, it just so happened that every single person on the list was Jewish
Well as you might imagine, Jews flipped the fuck out. The media machine turned hostile. Hollywood started pumping out anti-McCarthy movies. "McCarthyism" was turned into a dirty word
Until 50 years later, finally documents were released proving that McCarthy was right. Every single one of those people on the list was a Communist agent
Why are libtards so retarded?
No I'm a fucking capitalist. The liberal fuck is the one who's anti-intellectual. It's "the worker" who's gets all the credit, not the person who came up with the idea. Did you not notice how communist regimes tend to kill all the scientists and researchers first?
Don't throw labels around you're clearly too stupid to understand what they actually mean.
>We should meme calling them McCarthyists
no, McCarthy wasn't a liar like these people
nice impotent rage dumb shit lmfao.
evil hillary lost. president trump won. there is *nothing* a whiny little shit stain like you can do about it.
learn to cope, kid. it's not your fault.
>I'm a fucking capitalist
Why? Capitalism sucks
Why the fuck does cr5+Qtpv not understand what words means? You're reading comprehension is beyond retarded. You are replying to words or phrases you see in the post and not even bothering realizing what the point or message in the post was.
are you talking about a document related to this document?
>the point
>you getting it
Pick one, you holocaust believing fuck.
You are a liberal cuck. You seriously think kikes and liberal arts majors are the way of the future. disgusting. I dropped out of school in the fifth grade and now I'm a millionaire. you don't need jewish mind control to become rich.
I bet you rub your circumsized dick like a little girl while you suck off your jew masters and dream about getting tenure at JEWniversity, cuck.
>Until 50 years later, finally documents were released proving that McCarthy was right. Every single one of those people on the list was a Communist agent
I want to see these documents. I've always suspected McCarthy was more right than history is willing to give him credit for. Hollywood's still stuck in this mentality too.
he thinks the democrats put people in internment camps, but of course thats a retarded notion because internment camps are a good idea and democrats never have good ideas.
>fake quote
Because you get what you pay for and a free market is completely worthless.
>You are a liberal cuck.
And you're just trolling for fucking (you)s. This is the last one you're getting.
Remember a month ago, when everybody accused libs of living in a bubble cuz Obama had been prez for 8 years?
Man, if you shitheads are already this arrogant on day not even the inauguration yet, it's gonna be a short four years
the holocaust never happened but internment camps still existed you retard. what do you think happened to all those filthy jap monkeys that attacked us in world war 2 you fucking disgusting tiny dicked libtard. you're dicks so small you get cucked by filthy bug eating japs lmao.
typical libtard, can't argue with logic so you just ignore facts.
because globalism is communism not free markets
>he thinks Trump won't be president for 8 years
>the point
>you are here
Nice that you like to believe in the holohoax goy, don't forget to donate to pro-Israel charities and member the 6 gorillian.
tl;dr lol.
keep bitching, moron. you lost. cope.
Pretty much this.
Everyday I wake up happy because I want to drink a new cup of liberal tear.
Maybe in brazil
i'm not talking about kikes you dumb fucking libtard. maybe if you stopped sucking circumsized kike dick for two seconds and cleaned all the cum out of your ears that festers there because you're constantly covered in cum you'd realize that we slaughtered nasty japs by the thousands during world war 2. internment camps are a proud american tradition and now that trump is president the kikes, niggers, psics and liberals like you will all suffer deaths in them.
>you didn't elect a republican as president
I know, that was the point.
>you elected a buzzword buzzword buzzword buzzword
lol k
lol even if he was a russian agent that would be a good thing. America should be owned by putin if you ask me.
The "free market" is a bastard child of tariffs and protective, national economic policies. Every empire tier economy was facilitated by protectionist economics. Follow British wool to British steel, or Canadian ship building to their 60% rule on auto manufacturing. Globalism is greed gone full blown sociopath. Capitalism is, but a method, for dull witted types, to cash in on individual excellence and inventiveness.
>tfw to inteliget to grow my own food
who the fuck believes this? Russian government doesnt care about anything except money.
>my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge
Literally sounds like Hillary when going up against Trump. He presented fact after fact and she responded with pseudo-emotional feely responses and vagaries.
Is there any actual proof that Trump has anything to do with Russia yet? I keep hearing people saying it, but I haven't seen any proof.
>the point
>you're still here
It's like you are wanting George Soros to win and you're just buttmad that "Jews" are being oppressed and women are being paid less than men. If you could actually only address the points of my original message and look at facts. Still glad to hear you're a race traitor and support Israel charities and want Assad to fail. Good to hear an honest Liberal shill.
>Until 50 years later, finally documents were released proving that McCarthy was right. Every single one of those people on the list was a Communist agent
False. Not a single victim libeled by McCarthy was ever actually a "communist".