>calls himself redpilled
>doesn't have a conservative Turkish wife who he will make 10 white children with
When will you fuckers realize that Turkey is the only uncucked European country left?
>calls himself redpilled
>doesn't have a conservative Turkish wife who he will make 10 white children with
When will you fuckers realize that Turkey is the only uncucked European country left?
I already have a Turkish qt wife, she's currently pregnant with our 3rd kid.
nice meme
I thought they didn't like Germans in Poland?
>calls himself redpilled
>still falling for the 3DPD
>Turkish wife
>White children
Pick only one
RIP Ireland, welcome Northwest Turkey
>not cucked
Fuck you, kike
I thought Poles didn't like Turkroach immigrants.
>Make a shill of the turkroaches your National Security Advisor
>When called by the turkish president tell him how much you like some executive that is involved in your building project
>Turkroach president arrests executive in order to strong-arm you to hand over some turkroach living in your country
Is that you Flynn?
Why not have 10 children whit nordic real white woman??
She looks Italian. I'd honestly be fine with a Turkish or Arab wife if she was one with a high European admixture with lighter skin and light colored eyes like that
Is that a real question? The males will go off and change their sex, then suck penis for the rest of their lives. The female will probably move out of your house and go live with a Somali refugee so she can have sex with him for the rest of her life
Why would I ever want Swedish cuck genes in my family?
They are white... look at OP's picture.
They are as white as you guys but do better in PISA tests
WTF i hate Sweden now
>Turkey is the only uncucked European country
Turkey is not a European country to begin with
Thrace is in Europe and over 10 million turks live there.
que brutal, lol
Give me a break Memet
>10 million turks
Turkey is not a European country
Turks are not Europeans
Thrace is a little piece of european territory that has been stolen and should be given back, the same way goes for Cyprus
>Turkish wife
>white children
what race is this chick?
>has no antisandnigger wall
choose one
>10 half Turks running around your house
Better go to the Netherlands to be euthanized
Sup Eurocucks
Turks are indeed white. In fact they are closer to the yellow spectrum.
However there are a lot of sand niggers mixed in too.
Don't worry though. There are a shit ton of Turkish nationalists that want all the sand niggers out. Also we do have a wall.
That's not Turkish, that's a muslim Slav from the Balkans.
There are millions of them in Turkey, many are secular or straight out atheist if they live in the West coast. There are atheist whites in Turkey who hate islam and the Erdogan regime, not to mention anti-SJW. I met quite a few in my travels.
You fags who bitch about not being able to find a redpilled woman in the west may go rescue some of those.
Or go to Poland, Ukraine, Baltic states. Whatever floats your boat.
That looks like a middle eastern Turk or Christian Arab.
Not if you pick a right wing Swedish chick who hates the shitskins.
There are a lot of muslim anti-Erdogan people, not just edgy atheists.
While 99% of all Turks are registered as muslims (the actual number is a bit lower, but a lot of atheists dont bother changing their official records), almost half the country is against Erdogan.
I am Turk and I fall under this category.
However in the right döner and chicken shops with the wrong lighting I look pale white.
Also does that mean I have Turkic ancestry?
She's not turkish, she's balkan
>christian arab
That's a race?
Turks migrated from far east. They can be yellow if they are pure Turkish (asian eyes and shit), they can be brown if they spent a lot of time in the Middle East, and they can be white if they lived near the Black Sea or the Mediterranean.
This guy is one of their celebrities, Bosnian immigrant descent.
They have received continuous stream of immigrants from the Balkans since the Balkan Wars.
There are more niggers in US.
Arab= semitic
Do I need to spell everything out? She looks semitic. There are loads of Turks who have semitic admixture.
Yeah, Turks are asian. Nice try, OP.
>Turks are indeed white
It's best to laugh...
yea go for turkroaches. i am woman and since all white men are autistic or go for asian or other "submissive" women i had to go for african man and now we have 2 kids together. its not ideal for me but what could i do...
While I never claimed OP's pic was Turkish, I haven't find any info on Aslı Tandoğan being from the Balkans.
Parents are from Zeytinburnu and Kadıköy, at least 50% of my bloodline is from Bulgaria back when they got assimilated during Ottoman Empire
but am yerrow nigga - at least that means I have stronk mongol blood in me
I thought the French were more literate than this.
You must be one of the Arabs living there?
Read my other posts.
Anyways, this is all for today. Goodbye Euros
who cares. only fags wouldn't impregnate that
Mongols and Turks were one, once. That's why Cengiz is a common Turkish name, and both Mongol and Turkish pagans believe in the same god; "blue sky".
Anyways this is my last post.
Well I'd get a conservative turkish wife, but we won't be making white children lmao
fuck you whites are retarded.
Falling for the Jew trip of divide and conquer. Whites on here shit on each other because someone has brown hair, while leftists are collecting everyone they can to fuck whites over.
You will never win the culture war.
>Poleposting this hard
go back and sleep in your septic tank, Lukasz
Always choose an Armenian before a Turk whore
she's not that great lookingg though
Well I'm not sure weather semitic means jewish or not, but yeah
holy shit is he bosnian?
well done friend.
Wikipedia says his mother is Turkish and father's family are Bosnian and Yugoslavian Albanian mix.
He is something like Turkey's Brad Pitt.
That woman is a converted slav. She is not Turk.
well he is qutie handsome indeed
>no wall
my mum says I'm very handsome and both my parents are Turkisch :DDDD
Little less fake smile would do.
Other than that, She has a great body and hair. Her face is not that bad.
And she is young. That increase the chance for healthy babies.
>My checklist is full
>Would bone
tfw no balkan turk gf
Seriously, could someone tell me why there has been so much Polish shit posting lately?
I mean I've seen shit load of leaf-tier threads made by plumbers lately.
Tell me
Nice proxy, leaf
can't say I disagree t bh
I have a conservative Polish girlfriend though, is that good enough Milosz?
go ahead and send a turkish babe this way then
because there certainly arent any here in assfuck western PA
Cute. CUTE!
You do realize she's only with you for the money, right? Whenever she's not home, she's probably having sex with a Somali immigrant. Nice job, cuck.
Fucking degenerate
don't remind me OP
>cuck if ya do cuck if ya don't
Sit down and eat your potatoes, Callum
Here is another one, Turkish model of Balkan descent