California is the greatest state in the Union. Debate me.
California is the greatest state in the Union. Debate me
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California is not. One word. Taxes.
-cant handle a drought
-H1B visa abuse
-liberals everywhere
-homeless everywhere
-illegal immigrants everywhere
great state you have there
behead those who post horsey
Right wing retards are jealous of California cause unlike their redneck hillbilly flyover states where Cleetus Trump voter's entire family is ODing on opiates, California actually has an economy. The 5th largest economy in the world in fact.
Right wing retards btfo
hes not wrong this leaf
literally the only good attribute it has going is the weather. everything else is trash
the driving. my god the driving
California would be a great place to live if you shot all the Californians
Good lord, Horsey is such a fucking cuck.
you lost, faggot
You forgot
>Greatest landscape in North America
>Beast beaches
>Best economy
California as a physical area: Huge natural resources, timber, oil, fisheries, good farm and rangeland, lots of incredible ports, massive diversity of ecosystems and climate zones to allow huge variety of farming, ranching, and lifestyles
California in terms of people: Two parasitic urban areas destroying all the things listed above to sustain their unsustainable way of life
I will never leave because I think it's worth fighting and dying for, but California is utterly fucked. If Eureka was allowed to develop it's port and regulations were lifted on development and sustainable forestry (and the roads didn't keep fucking sliding out due to lack of maintenance and the killing of the railroad by southern businesses who wanted to eliminate competition) Jefferson would be the best state in the union, hands down.
>socal is shit, norcal is the only tolerable part
>not the best freshwater beaches
>economy will go to shit once trump stops H1B visa abuse
pajeet wont be coming here without a fraud visa
Find out where 'away' is, and go to it.
California would be broke in 6 months if it wasn't for federal money paying for all their welfare
>once trump stops H1B visa abuse
I cant wait for Trump to stop this shit
How come the "not-so-legal immigrant" is hispanic?
Is Horsey a RACIST?
No its not
t. Lifelong Californian unfortunately
>freshwater "beaches"
>socal's deserts dont contribute to the incredibly varied landscape of California
>the economy will apparently go to shit even though Trump just met with silicon valley leaders
Truly grasping at straws.
>Non oil stained beaches
There is oil off the coast of Commiefornia?
>California rebels or secedes
>Whole state goes with out water because they have to fucking import the shit from neighboring states
Can the Big One just drop that entire area into the Pacific already?
I would debate you OP, but I can't find any rational line of argument to counter.
To all the fags in here wishing for their California destroying earthquake. Stay salty.
How's winter treatin ya?
he met with leaders but you are naive if you think silicon valley wont be affected by a crackdown on illegal visas and immigrants
you have to go back, poo in loos
time to hire americans!
>greatest state
Oh so that's why your state has the highest amount of unemployed and homeless people. Got it!
Guess which is the 4th largest.
how's losing a 3-1 lead in the nba finals?
If it's so great, why are the moving up to Oregon in droves?
Isn't California one of those states who contribute the most and take the least of federal money?
>that political cartoon
>not knowing the history of the bear flag
Yes, because silicon valley employs so many illegal immigrants. Why, they are positively robber barrons with their overwhelming army of indian illegal immigrant programmers
Wrong again. Hawaii and NY are ahead. Also if rent ain't a factor, why would you want to live in any of the other garbage states?
The Fendippitous Eggmen are returning soon.
they have a shit ton of natural gas
I agree!!
CEO microshit and Oracle and GE engineering all poos
ban offshoring programming!
ban ban!!
let computer guy make more than doctor
they do more!
only surgeons should get more pay than computer guy
and lawyers should make 1% what they amke now and always hourly never a cut
It was before Reagan beaned it up, and will be again if Trump holds up his end of the bargain.
>California with 70+% white population again
Mmmmm yes. Don't forget to kick out the Philippinos too, Emps.
>Be Californian
>Die of dehydration
California's geography is fantastic, it's a shame that the people are so shit.
So no oil and therefore this cartoon is factualy wrong.
Just wait until the brown skins start organizing and killing white liberals right along with white conservatives.
The city dwellers will be getting a big fat dose of their own hate whitey medicine.
H1B visa abuse is going to end
sorry, pay people domestically a fair wage, you can afford it!
think about that before giving pajeet or wang lee from china a visa.
Is this supposed to be English? Maybe you need to go back too.
t. lifelong San Franciscan
I wish they would secede or we expelled them and see how long they'd last with unlimited immigration and taxes up the ass without the rest of the country to back them up.
>cant even defend yourself with guns easily available in other States
Literally worst state
Economy rankings are highly connected to population size, which has little to do with actual productivity. The average salary adjusted for cost of living in California is lower than most red states such as Texas, Florida, and Alabama.
I don't watch basketball. How's it feel not being able to win a Stanley Cup in the last five years when the team from a city where it never even snows was able to do it twice.
and where did those players come from?
Cringe. Good bbq but thats it
>Deb8 me
>1 post by this id
Get off the proxy
pay debts
You have to remember that we have the nicest weather in the country which is why homeless people come here. Although I fucking hate all the liberals, they aren't as flamboyant as you'd think. However almost everyone I have friended on Facebook are cucked.
5th largest "country" not state, you inbred hick. The image is implying that California if compared with other countries has the 5th largest GDP. Florida isnt close.
Fucking h1bs
you have 1 post yourself friedno
But where did they go....
Cali is the place you go when you make it. Stay salty syrup.
do you own any properties?
I'll give you beaches and weather. San Diego is absolutely phenomenal.
The housing costs
Beaners everywhere (who frequent the beaches btw)
Traffic (it is hellish)
Remove federal gibs and hb1 and your economy is fucked. It's the feds and rich libs keeping the state afloat.
I live here, and it is DEFINITELY NOT the greatest state in the union. This fucking state is FUBARD.
1. Immigration fails
2. Debt
3. Population
4. Traffic
5. Taxes
6. Liberals
7. Sacramento
Nuff said. Only good thing about California is the weather and that's about it. And legalized weed (and that just changed.)
no, you stay salty literally
cause cali has no fresh water when a drought happens again
Nice meme. Do that and all the niggers would just move. Win win
So Cal bro here.
Yes, CA does have a large economy but it is literally the biggest house of cards you can think of. Only one card needs to take a hit and the whole thing will go toppling down.
>The only good thing about California is the space it occupies
Califorina's median wage is lower then it was in 2004 and the aerospace industry, one of California's largest has been leaving for Washington, Texas and Kansas.
>beast beaches
>what is florida
This is what made me a trumpfag. Easy junp from bernfag
obama leaf at it again i see
One word. Society.
California may not be the best state, but I think we can all agree that it's better than Texas
I would be worried about this but the average Aztec Warrior down here is severely overweight.
If you put body armor, an assault pack (like a backpack, not the huge main pack people think of when they imagine soldiers), and a machine gun and told them to hump a hill to establish a MG position they would probably die of heart failure, honestly.
Can I buy a pistol in 5 minutes without submitting any paperwork and walk home with it then and there?
Regan closed the mental institutions.
Republicans hire illegals.
Republicans are the fucking shittiest crew.
Ok you made me chuckle. The droughts are usually hyped up bullshit they sell to the average water user so the almond farms don't have to cut back, but I guess you are a cali expert after all.
So since I don't know much about you cannucks, could you teach me a little more about these different grades of maple syrup?
No, they are the 11% of the population and consume the 35% of the welfare
It's a shame what the baby boomer commies did to this state.
california is liberal land
texas is the land of men
you live in a cuck state
So you post under the pretense that you are going to debate people but you just shitpost instead.
>>Greatest landscape in North America
The mountains where I live are nice and filed with honest conservative folk. The rest of Cali can burn in hell.
Jefferson State WHEN?
Why does the flag have bear arms?
please secede from the US so we can sell you water for a massively inflated amount
it would be lovely
Agreed. Now quit coming to adjacent states and shitting up their politics.
>Land of """"men""""
AKA brainwashed right wing retards. Wtf you're not even American fuck off
Why would you want to go to the land of men?
What are you, some kind of fag?
>Can i act like a nigger?
Whats with nigger goals being top priority?
Commiefornian here. What really pisses me off about this picture is the last guy the surfer dude saying that our beaches have no oil . Californian seem to forget that we had a huge problem with oily tar covered beaches because of all the natural oil seeps up and down our coast . Capping all those seeps and pumping oil out of the ground cleaned up our beaches. fucking horsey
And yet you're state is still literally garbage, from the cheap imported Chinese labor to your "direct democracy" where any dipshit high school dropout can get shit legislated just by getting enough votes.
There's a reason all the young, inexperienced, children move to California and all the adults live elsewhere.
It's true, all of it! Save me, please!