Is she right, can minorities be racist?
Is she right, can minorities be racist?
Other urls found in this thread:
whites are a minority in the world, so therefore it is okay for us to be racist by """her""" logic
ignore mentally ill trannies
Is she right...
Okey, Sup Forumstards
>I'm straight as fuck
>I don't find men attractive
>I want to fuck Blair Whites arsehole and make her/him my bitch
You have the same thought. Don't deny it over a anonymous board you fuck
this, stop watching """"""""""""""""""""her"""""""""""""""""""" videos
They are the most rascist
Yes, I'm native american and hate niggers and spics that can't speak english
That thing is gross, stop posting it here.
I'd rather fuck the white-hating ape in the bubble.
There's literally a billion of them in Africa.
stop projecting fuccboi
It's the voice that kills the blood pressure down south desu
or is it because of the "feminine" penis
>tfw no feminine penis "gf"
Are there nudes
Of course they CAN be, in fact they are probably far more racist
but just because they CAN be racist doesnt mean youre allowed to acknowledge their racism, theres pretty strict guidelines on what SJWs are allowed to get outraged about
You're not straight. You're a desperate virgin who will fuck anything that looks remotely like a woman, even if it has a pair of bollocks dangling between its legs.
You're no straighter than some faggot licking up pozcum off the floor of a gayclub.
We are becoming less and less leddit by the day :^)
Its a tranny
I'm actually married, and have never fucked a male or trap in my life.
>shes a tranny
And what does that correct or answer
Based on the picture before I read this thread, I would agree
But... damn, I don't like dick, Well played trap
only true Sup Forumstricians have taste refined enough to like feminine penis
I answered your first question
But i guess you want an actual name
blaire white
There go jerk off to IT, you sodomite monkey
>make america brown again
I don't get it.
Only true Sup Forumsacks know that Sup Forums is a Christian board. Traps and sodomites are not welcome here.
Ya need Commonfilth.
I don't like dick. I just fuck the cunt in the arse, and dominate it.
Back in my dealing days, I'd have this younger black fuck suck my dick just to be my crack bitch.
>implying feminine penis is gay
I hope you're baiting
why do serbians like cf so much?
All you faggots say this shit but if you ever ended up in bed with that monstrosity you would end up sucking its dick, licking its balls and rimming its arsehole then begging it to fuck you arse to mouth.
There's no other reason why you'd be interested in a man that looks like a woman. You want to do things with its dick.
>Sup Forums
Nice try goldschlomestein
They are not racist. They are prejudiced.
Same feelings, different reasons.
Kill yourself
Anyoe know what this thing looked like before it became a "woman"
also no, racism doesn't exist it's as made up as collecting the tax money when you land on free parking
he preaches good values like family and being a sane, healthy person, since most Serbs are religious we share the same views
>The jew sells what the goyim buys
Not liking trannies is just some /r/theredpill thing
qt trap waifus are absolutely Sup Forums
>checks flag
you almost got me
I cbf reading your wall of text as I'm on my phone, but I didn't give a fuck about what some crack bitch thought about me in bed. Cunt just lets me fuck it, make me more shottin connections, and makes me money.
No. Minorities have no institutional power to be racist. Also, a fuckin tranny.
Pretty qt, what's her name?
/fit/ approves trap wifus. deal with it.
\pol\ is christian board.
If you weren't a dirty subhuman serb you might understand, but your people still live in mudhuts and bang rocks together for fire
She's fucking hawt, any nudes ?
>\pol\ is christian board.
You can keep repeating this as much as you want if it makes you feel better
I don't think you realize what website you are on, newfag
Nothing wrong with trannies aslong as you adopt white children for her to raise.
Everyone is racist. To imply you cannot be racist while being a minority (while being a global majority top kek) implies you are not human. Are you implying minorities are not human?
/fit/ and /fa/ are pederi
Pretty comfy faml
Traps are hot desu, you'd have to be gay not to fuck one
Are you scared of a little feminine penis? Kek, sounds like a classic case of homosexual insecurities.
Sup Forums was never good.
1 post by this ID.
Anybody can be racist, it's not that hard.
>Is she right, can minorities be racist?
are you fucking retarded?
of course not. only white people can be racist, because in 2016, that's the designated hated ethnicity
Wrong. I am not racist therefore not everyone is racist.
hating someone because of their race has nothing to do with numbers or minority status.
if you were a canadian I wouldn't be able to tell that you're joking
>No. Minorities have no institutional power to be racist.
racism has nothing to do with institutional power. Dictionarys still exist.
prove to me this is a boy
he's convincing so far
>You have the same thought
Nope. Can't repress the disgusting penis. It's like a horror movie. Revulsion.
>you faggot
>1 post
Yeah no shit? I just came on here. Sorry I don't lurk every minute of every day like you do, subhuman Serb.
>can minorities be racist?
Why wouldn't they be able to?
yea ok snowflake. you define racism as sieg heiling and gassing jews but you would probably prefer sharing a prison cell with same same race or simply living in a neighborhood with people that resemble you. Many would consider those racist preferences.
So if a mexican calls a black guy a "vine swinging moolie pavement ape", he's not being racist because he too is a minority. Interesting.
i would prefer to not share a prison cell with some faggot. i don't care about his ethnicity as long as he isn't annoying.