Arab fucking white polish. We are lost

I just found out that girl that i'm working with has arabic boyfriend. Poland is lost. The goat fuckers are stealing our women.

deus vult soon my ally soon

Check his visa Mariusz, he's probably Italian

Polish girls have changed ever since coming to London and get fuck by blacks. Then going home and getting married even though they are cuckhold.

can slavs and irish create offspring? we they be sterile like mules?

He looks like a Southern Euro or a swarthy Slav

Eastern europe has a ton of med students from shit tier countries and they bang white girls

This isn't news

So a sand-nigger 10 can pull a white 6. Good for him.

Looks Italian to me.

Is that her?

look how happy she is

> muh exotic boyfriend

good for her

one should be responsible for own deeds

that one can be stolen, user

As a Scots-Irish-Polish-American, can confirm we can breed.

"Fatih" doesn't sound like italian name to me.

There is many polish/eastern Europeans with Sand niggers and pakis here in London sadly.

Probbaly the most common after asian girl/white guy and Black guy/white girl

her face is so wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiide
16:9 face

lol she's busted and he's actually pretty good looking, you're probably just a jealous manlet with no chin

Polish, Spanish, Ukrainian and Romanian women are trash and shame of Europe



This is true just search for East London.

OP on the right

those are russian girls tho


Oh no, one girl is fucking an Arab. Call the FBI AND KING JESUS, IT'S THE END OF THE WORLD.

this one is polish

I like it how Sup Forums will post the cherry picked picture for the next month or so and tell each other how bad it is
> such an echo chamber

I want to throw up. I don't know if i want to marry polish woman. I'm afraid she had black dick already.
Same ukrainian. They are definition of whore.

Top fucking kek. Polish girls are literally the sluttiest some in all of Europe.
I'll quote my dad, "once they come to America they fuck everyone."

All of them are Polish. Women in Russia that give Russian women a bad rep are usually ethnically Ukrainian. The same way as many gopniks are some half-tatars and drunks that kill the stats are usually mongoloid and turkic

Pls stop, Poland is the whitest country in Europe. This bitch is just an exception.

In 1616 they imported lipkas to fulfil their women lust for exotic men
In 2016 they import negroes

"Poland! We are diverse since 1580"

>meine seiten

First of all thats the whitest Arab ive ever seen. Second of all hes a pretty good lucking guy so its not a surprise that hes going to have at least some success with women. Third of all stop being such a bitch and do something about it if you have a problem with it.

He's actually out of her league. She's a 5/10 whereas he's quite handsome, an 8/10. Whatever, they look happy.

Keep telling you that. White genocide has arrived in your country too

That's a 5 and only if you are hungover, with a headache and have recently had eyes transplanted and can't tell her ass from her face.

She looks ugly, t b h. The guy is more beautfiul than her. What's the big deal?

she doesnt look very attractive for a polish lady. the ones i've spoken to are bretty gud looking

I don't care about her, she's fat. I just don't want him to blow himself in our mall or make ISIS warrior of her.

>poland thinks that that guy looks arab
confirmed for having never seen an arab, he looks southern euro




>one arab guy dates one polish girl
>Poland is lost

are you guys autistic. didnt poland vote in a literal nazi party

It happened long ago. 15-20% of Poles are gookshits in denial. Look at their minister of defence. lipka untermensch/10

if he was fat that would be a funny name

Hey look, another demoralization thread.

Us newfag redditors will eagerly give this thread 300+ replies!

Southern euro here. He's definitely arabic looking. And no, it's not the same.

Why don't you treat him to a traditional polish Wpierdol?
She doesn't look worth it, though.

LOL Our minister of defence is a pedophile. He is even proud about that.

Almost Every Polish girl I knew wanted to made with a person of colour. It's good to see that Polish girls are embracing non white men. It's time to move with the times

>nazi party
i don't know about that

What's up with Slavs and Arab men? Seriously by the time the average white trash Slav Israeli girl reaches 18 she'd had dozens of Arab men in her - WTF?! Are they that slutty also in their homeland?

Then you should feel good for her, you autistic fuck. Try being less autistic if you want a gf.

An Arab is fine as long as he's not a violent Muslim. Know a Christian Egyptian that can't stand muslims and he's a top bloke.

doesn't sound Arab to me either
it's Turkish name you bigot, we aren't arabs we are just bulls and we like to fuck western women not because they are attractive or conservative (they are not, our women are) but because we like spreading our genes and soon Yurope will be konkurred by us!

Have you ever been here?have a walk in Krakow (2nd biggest city of Poland) and you will barely see niggers around. Not even comparable to the shithole Berlin or munich become.

>United states


Everyday going home from work I see wellfare sandniggers out shopping, looking like afghani versions of Justin Bieber. I bet swedish women are ready to spread them at the blink of an eye for them.

t. wage cuck

Munch is even WORSE than Berlin - I mean wtf it's Turkey 2.0.

It's strange. Eastern European women feel attracted to the south european, middle eastern and south american type or men. I went to Poland once, they were a little disappointed when I told them I was from Portugal yet I have blue-ish eyes, chestnut brown hair and my skin is whiter than theirs. They see them as exotic I guess.

She is not worth it. She will get wpierdol from her boyfriend when she will refuse to wear hijab

is that Jill Stein

do eastern european women like bald guys

in russia, are androgynous pretty boys seen as unattractive?

>"once they come to America they fuck everyone with money."
Russian schoolgirls here fuck arab men all the time because they shower on them money.

It's still full of polish people.

The poles in Germany were always one of this categories, either they were hating non whites or they were supporting and loving them. I never witnessed or heard of anything in between.

>implying you have ever seen an arab

Then why did one fuck my dad? A Arab from North Africa?

Krakow has many more blacks and arabs than most polish cities. Warsaw, Krakow, Wroclaw, etc are all growing small populations of them.

Although Poland is undesirable when compared to the western EU countries in terms of gibmedats and overall job prospects, it is a safe country and does offer an improvement over most african/middleeastern shitholes.

>it is a safe country

For whites.

Are you sure hes even an Arab? he certainly isnt Polish but the Arabic people Ive met have been much swarthier.


Not even true. Many of them want an escape route to a more prosperous place. Pussy niggers you see
Every German would say that Jewish diaspora quite literally like to get TURKED. In America many Jewish girls drop halfbreeds like there's no tomorrow. You probably need to genocide your diaspora yourself

Implying I need to see one to know what it is.

Arabs are white.

YES he is. I don't want to be a fag and say his last name because you could find his facebook. But his name and surname are defenetly arabic. She wrote on his photo " i love you my habibi". At work i can't even look at her because i'm feeling beyond disgusted.

What you Poles gonna do about it? You have to push back.

He looks like a fucking shitskin.

Fucking ugly tranny. The niggers can have her.

Such a lovely habibi couple -_-

You're clearly lying now. I've been to schwerin quiet a few times (visiting relatives) and every time i have seen shitskins there.
Nice try tho, tomasz :^)

I live in Krakow and i've seen no more than 10 niggers/arabs/subhuman since September.
Those categories still prefer Uk, Geamny and France. Why should they come here?
>Low salaries
>No welfare
>Hard language
>Closed society

That chick is the best that guy can pull? Based Polish women.

Oops i was talking about stettin obvioulsy

Schwerin? in Germany?


She's 2/10 tops you sub-human. Over girls who look like that mudshark. That A-rab is at least 7/10.

Are you jealous that he's fucking a pollock literal pig ?


>mfw I met a beautiful Polish grill and were going to get engaged soon and she'll move back to USA

don't worry I'm white, blue eyes catholic

i feel bad I'm stealing one of your good ones but Im forcing her to teach our kids polish

america needs to rebuild its white population and eastern europe is the world's breadbasket for white chicks

I'm not jealous. I don't want him to bring his brothers, cousins and friends to Poland and rape my sister. Get it?? Also he is showing green light to his muslim brothers that is ok to come here and fuck polish women.

>you will never be in these guys' position
Why even live?


I don't get it. How even they can suck black dicks??? It's like sucking shit that you just did in toilet. Fucking disgusting.

this is the most egregious one

I made a meme about you, faggot

They can keep her tbqh

No other race of people are more insecure about inter racial marriages than white males.

Really makes you think. Humans are one species after all.

he doesn't look like a goatfucker more like greek/turk rape baby

because the white race is the only race that has the responsibility to uphold its purity

even other race is just a combination of shitskins

>The guy is white
you are retarded

yes because all other races are the same in their characteristics: black hair and shit-coloured soulless eyes