Who here /regrets voting for Trump/

>mfw after I just found out he appointed the CEO of Exxon to secretary of state.

Did we fuck up?

do not post your personal opinion as a representation of an entire community

Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.

How could this much buttblast be considered a mistake?

I give him the benefit of the doubt as a fellow eagle scout, but only that

Learn 2 politics kid

This is a brilliant pick

Trump is making sure he's appointing people that can't be bought by (((them))).

he is (((them))) you fucking idiot. he's the fucking ceo of exxon mobil that's as (((they))) as they fucking come

Not at all. He's been making nothing but good appointments so far.

Maybe you just have a narrow worldview that isn't congruent with reality?

The best thing for you to do is to develop some basic principles and establish a morale code to live by. I would suggest starting with something simple, like the ten commandments.

Ahey user, in what city do you reside? Bet I could get some /Diy/ folks to show you what real problems look like...

>expecting impoverished leftist basement dwellers to make good choices and develop a decent degree of maturity

That's a tall order for the unemployed user

Always kill a traitor before an enemy and that's terrible advice you just gave

doesn't the guy have a masters in petrol engineering?

as long as he can put OPEC in their place them I'm good

>claims to drain the swamp
>hired the swamp

What did you really expect?

>1 post by this ID
>1 post by this ID
>1 post by this ID
>1 post by this ID
>1 post by this ID


>How could this much buttblast be considered a mistake?
I voted for Trump because:
> drain the swamp :^(
> washington outsider :^(
> peace and prosperity (maga) :^(
> piss of the liberals :^)
> watch the world burn :^)
> he'll help Putin secure control of Europe's oil supply, and bring back the iron curtain, perhaps killing millions of white people in the process just like last time :^) :^) :^) 8===>

>mfw they are already turning on Trump.

No refunds Trumplets


I dunno man. The swamp seems pretty upset about something.

The amount of shit being shat by the left and the right only confirms we made the right choice.

only the left is upset at people with wealth and powerful positions in life taking seats in the administration.
anyone who's doing their research can figure out why they're there.

>The amount of shit being shat by the left and the right only confirms we made the right choice.

Yeah bro because Soros, Goldman Sachs, and Exxon mobile is good for white working class people like me right?

>Dumpsters go on and on about how Clinton is beholden to corporate interests
>Trump cuts out the middleman and just appoints them to office


He's not Jewish you fag. Use fucking coincidence detectors only for Jewish people.

>only the left is upset at people with wealth and powerful positions in life taking seats in the administration.

I thought the right hated crony capitalism and wallstreet, or at least CLAIMED to oppose.

here's a good idea next time let's have a shift leader manager of a Mc Donalds be the secretary of state.


I'm a white working class person myself. Let's see what happens.

>this much backtracking

>Yeah bro because Soros, Goldman Sachs, and Exxon mobile is good for white working class people like me right?
At least maga folk kept Hillary from appointing Soros, Goldman Sachs, etc.

>Let's see what happens.



>1 post by this ID

Stop falling for this shit you cucks

Trump was victimized by a honeypot when he attended Miss Universe in Moscow in 2013


H-he''ll drain the swamp though, just you wait..

This is the most sperggy thing I've ever seen. No refunds? He self funded his campaign

I'm willing to eat crow if this goes horribly wrong. That's never been in question.

I mean, either it's going to go horribly wrong for sure, or maybe you can have some fun while it's going horribly wrong.

I've been pretty happy with most of his picks, then again I'm not a faggot like you.

He chose the guy with the best qualifications who wasn't a corrupt politician. Who would you rather he had appointed?

>Trump was victimized by a honeypot when he attended Miss Universe in Moscow in 2013
Ooh! Greentext please!

>He self funded his campaign


Guess all those super pacs funding him didn't exist?


You got exactly what you voted for. My only regret is that the heroin epidemic will not kill the red states fast enough. Thankfully when they repeal the ACA and cut medicare more people will die

>not even in office yet
Someone is easily manipulated by media trends.

>shilling after the election

Jesus, knock it off. Even if you're trolling, find a new shtick. Shit's getting old af.

It should have been someone competent like Romney or Jeb!

So rises the holy chao...

No you stupid fucking Shill.

He's picking people he trusts and/or doesn't trust not to stab him in the back if they aren't under his eye.

Have you even read "Art of the Deal" At all? His entire campaign and cabinet decision is following it to a fucking T.

lefties before the election
>but but no experience

lefties after the election,
>but but he's hiring experienced people

salt all around.

>berniefags actually believe that when Trump said "drain the swamp", he meant what they think he meant

>Who would you rather he had appointed?
Someone who wasn't quite so Russia-friendly.
That's my real problem with republican voters.
You don't really care what your guy does once he's in.
Just like Reagan: amnesty for 3 million illegals, assault weapons ban, negotiates with terrorists, trades guns for hostages. Any dem that did that you'd be bitching for decades.
But you cunts still love him.

>but but no experience

Where did we say that?

>but but he's hiring experienced people

Experienced in corporate America, aka fucking over the American. Nice try Trump shill.

Also right wingers claim to oppose wallstreet, but ok with Goldman Sachs shills?

the swamp is moocher-tier career politicians

he's hiring proven industry winners.
job creators, motivators, asskickers

Fuck no. Rex is a perfect SOS.
Together the USA and Russia are going to rule the world in peace and prosperity.
The world's most powerful nation mated with the world's largest nation. Nothing can beat us together.

I'm not republican but I can tell you right now if Trump goes back on his word he ain't getting my vote again. Unless Hillary or an equivalent runs again.

>Who here /regrets voting for Trump/
Nice try Divide & Conquer shill.

You aren't actually buying into all the anti-Russian crap, are you? If you follow the timeline backwards it started just after Putin said that the US should not invade Syria. It is all propaganda.

>He self funded his campaign
Nope, not even close.
He lent his campaign some money, but still expects to be repaid every cent.
Just look at his record. He's been in and out of court more often than Judge Judy, and has been proven crooked over and over since the Nixon administration.

Soros and his chronies are trying extra hard to divide us in our grandest hour.

ok, so who do you suggest to appoint instead?

my vote was for

ron paul - treasury
gowdy - doj
ministry of defense is good as it is
head of cia is so so

I think we'll be fine. The right people are butthurt, and the progressive movement has lost all steam. This isn't the backlash, this is the pendulum loosing speed before it turns around. It hasn't begun to crash into the faces of the left yet. And Trump isn't even the vanguard of the movement, just a front for the real change that is happening. So don't worry about some moderate republican republicing moderately, he will either go with our wishes, or lubricate the path.

I'd rather deal with barneyfag than CTR faggots

>My only regret is that the heroin epidemic will not kill the red states fast enough.

Whats up with heroin and midwestern states?

Seriously. Which one of you assholes cut down the tree and let Hexxus out?

Daily reminder that leftists can't justify their own opinions.

I do.

Shit wasn't worth it for the laughs.

we is being used as grouping the individuals that voted Trump

>You aren't actually buying into all the anti-Russian crap, are you?
Russia has been our enemy since the Bolsheviks took over.
They've deliberately murdered millions of civilians, and killed millions more through incompetent central planning.
Until your man-crush started licking their boots, Sup Forums hated them too.

>ron paul - treasury

Damn, I dont like Trump or anyone in his cabinet but this would've been based.


Basically. 99% of the populace of germany voted for hitler. After that mass murder took power he started destroying lives. Taking them and stopping choice. Do you know why 99% chose? Brainwashing through news and bribes though government. It's been happening since then. They go by fox and peices of shit amoral stuff. Examples American greed and muder stuff. Their esencily placing all their actions on their enemies. Imagine ah circle and pushing the outside out like in rectangles. That's what their doing. They make you paranoid so you see their lies as truths. Then they use those lies to kill them. Example money. Hog it all. But give it out to people you like. You give THE ILLUSION that their murders.


No, it's the left that hates wallstreet and successful people. The right actually like businesses. The thing we hate is the cronyism that is the only road to success in a statist society. But you probably wouldn't know what that looks like if you were being choked to death by it.

Bernouts are still full of shit, even if they lost long before they got the chance to be defeated.

Leftists can't handle being around so many conservatives.

Of course we did.

Everyone is just hanging on to pissing off liberals as if that makes it all worth it. Maybe that's all this election ever was.

Goddammit it's all fucked. It's all the same, except now the fuckers are ruling us outright instead of under any pretense. It was a fucking stupid as con and I fell for it like a goddamn shmuck.

Perhaps you're ready to drop all hope of a man led solution and are ready to follow a God-driven solution of morals, values, and personal responsibility?

No matter who you voted for, you fucked up. But short answer: Yes. Yes you did.

By "the right people" do you mean Ivy educated people out on the coasts?

Sure we're butthurt about the election and the direction of the country, but we'll be fine. I've published in scientific journals, written patents, and started businesses. Do you suddenly feel like you're any more competitive against someone like me?

If anything, this administration is going to remove some of the restraints/regulations that stop people like me from fucking over people like you.

I mean it was still possible for people to legally fuck you over under the Dems, but I feel that Trump is probably going to lower the bar for how sophisticated you've got to be to pull it off.

hes not a jew. do you even know who your talking about?

I didn't vote for Trump so much as I voted to swing the pendulum. Chances are I would have been disappointed in Hillary's picks too but thank god I live in best timeline so don't need to worry about that anymore. I'm apathetic at worst to Trump's picks.

Obvious concern troll. Sage.

The right lies.

Was worth all of the liberal tears/

That's nice. Liberal tears won't pay off your student loans. Nor will they put money in your pocket, a roof over your head, or food on your table.

oh no, what will i do without the gibs me dats from the government, i need mo' money for them programz

fuck off demoshill

>>Picks well known corrupt assholes to head the organizations they hate

he might as well put a BLM activist in charge of the police.

>>Politicians cant be bought by corporations if the corporations are in charge of the government
>>Multinational corporations in charge of the government cant possibly have any negative reproductions for Americans.

being this cucked by fly-over state politics

Don't mind us just literally letting the person who runs our foreign policy literally be the CEO of an oil company.

Get ready for another oil war guys. Who wants to be there will be a false flag within 6 months that will make us do 9/11 iraq invasion style shit again?

The neocons would like that, wouldn't they?

He said day 1 he would bring in people from the business world who could make deals.

Day fucking 1.

The swamp is the quagmire of career politicians who do nothing except bicker over little shit while wasting money and selling out to globalist kikes. What he has are people who know the game and subscribed to his plan. Only faggot shills and retarded leftists still doubt his hiring and firing prowess at this point.

>Guess all those super pacs funding him didn't exist?
Uh, no, they didn't exist because he disavowed all super pacs and didn't take money from them


Also it seems this is a leftypol thread.

I hope you commie fucks get gassed.

you don't know jack fucking shit about exxon mobile and yet he's bad... because why? Because he's rich, and a CEO?
Kill yourself you commie faggot

Who gives a shit about welfare? I'm talking about the upcoming implosion of the economy my man. Don't worry though, I'll be there with cash to buy your assets for pennies on the dollar when it happens.

We did. We allowed ourselves to be trapped in an echo chamber, making us completely unaware that we were voting for an establishment fascist demagogue idiot.

The memes were fun, but this is real life now. We fucked up big time...

not me.

3d chess.

trump is president now.

he funded himself with his campaign
he literally admitted to misappropriating campaign funds and paying for his legal fees (for his fraudulent college and the raping a child thing) and just paying his company to use his own property.
Trump never pays for anything himself. Thats the only way he can keep his fortune that daddy gave him.

So the Jew bankers who have run the country for the past 100 years are indeed going to throw a tantrum and pull the plug in an effort to control Trump? Is that what you're saying?

>tfw you're going to have to lie to your grandkids and say that you didn't fall for Trumps lies(assuming we don't have a nuclear armageddon by then)


This isn't leddit, people here don't care about the concerns of others.