Rational arguments against white nationalism
it raysis
it hurts my feelings
Makes no sense. White is not a race. It means European. There are Portuguese people, Italians French… besides America is a country of immigrants.
Genetic diversity and breeding amongst all types is what keeps species powerful and alive
Biodiversity (and the failure of it) is why our agriculture is shot
Define white
Its antisemitic goyim
Cross racial intermarriage is rather rare.
it hurts people's feelings
nationalism has nothing to do with race
They look white. European in stock.
There aren't any
>We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
But leftists are atheists, so they can't use this argument
it's literally just another gib-me-dat ideology
>give me preferred treatment over potentially better-qualified non-whites or you're a cuck!
By the same argument, black or asian is not a race because there are ethnicities within those categories.
The Fendippitous Eggmen are returning soon.
Are you even trying or just shitposting?
Devil's Advocate maybe?
If you support israel and zionism, you logically cannot be opposed to white nationalism.
As I cannot criticise zionism, I must support white nationalism.
stop quoting me with this
It puts you in a situation where you have to deport intelligent moral black people and keep degenerate white people.
>Devil's Advocate maybe?
actually, this stupid libtard at work gave me that argument. i know he's wrong though. what should i tell him?
>potentially better-qualified
Do you realize how big a ~15 point difference in AVERAGE IQ scores is. Again, we're talking about AVERAGE IQ here. 10-15 IQ points here.
Since races are subspecies like the doge and wolf, you could argue that it is in our interest to compete for ourselves, as not end out competed by coyotes so to speak.
People with pale skin, of European descent and certain genetic clusters. Also. no sickle cell.
Everyone but white people do it, why shouldn't we look out for our own?
>Rational arguments against islamic fundamentalism
>Rational arguments against white genocide
>Rational arguments against Asians taking over the World
White nationalism is a meme, just as everything in life is a meme.
We're a few tribes of ants on a rock flying through space. Some of the ants happen to be like 2 percent better genetically. It isn't much in the grand scheme of things, but we're ants and it's a lot more noticeable.
>why shouldn't we look out for our own?
you should absolutely look after your own. that doesn't necessitate demanding other people look after you
It depends.
If you see different races as different speciation events, then each brings a certain genetic set of skills to the table. Evidence on the difference in races genetically is weird to derive, in terms of which genes produce which behaviors, but we can talk about it hypothetically in this case. If they are better suited for different environments, then you might say that the migration of a new race to an unoccupied area may introduce genes which reduces the fitness of the population. Further, if some of these genes are related to certain behavioral tendencies, then you could say that culture may have some dependence on the genes in the population. It's a bit of a stretch, but if that were true it would mean the genetic drift of that incoming population would lead to different aggregate behavior in the population, which could lead to profound cultural changes that may end up being negative. This could explain why (anecdotally) I've seen a lot of people be fine with idea of whites and Asians mixing, but not blacks and whites (probably more reasons than that exist).
Personally, I don't believe this and think that borders should be open (so long as no welfare system exists and the government isnt shuttling in immigrants to vote), but if this was true it would be perfectly logical to desire their society to mate and be filled with those they found to be more successful on the whole.
So where's the line drawn on helping your chosen group?
'White' and 'European' is a meme.
The end game of an ethno-nationalist state must be global control in order to remove all possible threats to its existence.
Nationalism is globalism. An ethno-nationalist force with sufficient scale is destined to fracture into organic, stable communities with new self-interests.
Nationalism is a meme with no resolution, perpetual fighting at best, with no stable end game.
If you want an eternal empire you must destroy people's ethnic identities and allegiances.
>Woah man just smoke a joint dude
Yeah okay.
>'White' and 'European' is a meme.
Go to Chinatown and tell me White and European are memes.
Fuck off back to Sup Forums
people r plants.
Made me think
>Fuck off back to Sup Forums
What did he mean by this?
>tfw you take DMT at a house party and transcend all morality.
That might be true, but think of ants compared to us. We think they don't matter, or have any genuine struggles. Meanwhile, they help with decompostion of dead natural materials by eating and excreting them, and have to deal with enormous (comparatively) fucking wasps attacking them, flooded anthills, and sticks blocking and disrupting their travel networks.
It's all perspective. If you believe in the true and complete insignificance of life, why not just kill yourself? Why would it matter? It matters because from your perspective, death would be a painful and unpleasant experience, and you'd stop living. Meanwhile, the universe as a whole would barely even ripple.
You matter because your life is all you've got, the same for everyone else. Sure, in the grand scale of the entire universe, we're nothing. But fuck what the universe thinks, in relation to our own perspective, our lives are everything.
>dude ants
SO we're all just like, stakeholders and partners in an interstellar space rock community. Does that justify spending tax dollars to fly people in from shit hole countries to come fuck your sister?
you made me laugh in the night. +1 internet
Really activates my almonds.
White nationalism is bullshit, it's only nationalism. The media is using race as a way to smear an otherwise sound, but beleagered concept - nationalism. Note how pundits and propaganda always try to confound 'white nationalism' with 'white supremacy'. It's just nationalism.
most of Sup Forums believes it comes hand-in-hand with absolutely pants-on-head-retarded nazi or nazi-like economic fascism, which in reality was just a policy of hyperinflation. because germany was ruined, they believed it couldn't possibly be made worse by fuck-starting it. its like a heroin addict who has OD'd rolling into your ER and you decide to revive him with cocaine, adrenaline, an IV, forced oxygen, gallons and gallons of water, and endless defib shocks, to try to run his body as if it were an olympian's currently in the process of running an 800m sprint. it works the blood and lungs for 30 seconds and then it kills the patient.