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inb4 99% tax
is it legal to grow weed in Canada?
with a license yes currently
>I'll soon be able to avoid my degenerate dealer and buy my drugs at a cash register
Finally. What a time to be alive.
who can get a license ?
wait, In colorado it's leagal to grow weed?
I love that cukfagget decides to make headlines with weed legalization in order to stamp out the savage assraping he's getting for being the canadian version of hillary clinton.
Liberals never fucking cease to amazing the shit out of me.
>Smoking is bad for you, make cigarettes illegal, you cant smoke anywhere!
>Legalize weed, weed is good for you, make weed cigarettes.
As soon as Malboroo get a hold of it to sell, they will add addictive shit to them just like cigs and bam, new fucking market.
I dont smoke the weed but will try it out if it is legal. How much will it cost?
Maybe because tobacco is highly destructive to internal organs.
stop trying to dull us more kike
Varied price for varied weed. It's going to be the same as alcohol, but probably not for the first year or so.
I'd say 15-20 for a decent quality gram is going to be the standard.
That's the cricket team.
How long will a gram last?
nah the prices are going to plummet if it is legal across Canada.
A gram gives you about 3-5 joints, depending on how much you put in them. That's if you smoke with tobacco.
Pretty good
>get booed for being a corrupt faggot
Canadian politics everybody
Tobacco has killed members of my family and marijuana has killed nobody. kill yourself you worthless faggot
I just got confused leaf.
gets the green light? wtf. He's the prime minister
I don't care if it costs more.
Not having to deal with degenerates will be nice.
>inb4 pot smokers are degenerate
I own a home have wife kids great job
If wanting to smoke a joint and watch a movie before my wife rims me on a Saturday night is degenerate then fuck it I'm degenerate
Dont listen to the euro, we only smoke green in canada. A gram should last 2-3 joints or like 4-5 pipe bowls.
Meh, wouldn't be so sure. A gram for 20 is one hell of a fucking ripoff here.
And ofcourse I am assuming the quality of the weed will be similar to what we have here, if it's worse you'll obviously have to throw more in there. It can go both ways really.
>U-uh oh they found out im launderjng cash!
>quick, give them the weed before they impeach me!
shut up leaf
weed is not your expertise (yet)
mixing tobacco and weed in joints is a completely different buzz i find
i dont usually do it, but i like to mix t up some times
I live in bc and it cost 8 or sometimes less a gram for decent grade, probably save money if it stays illegal. Although growing it myself is a big part of why i want it legal.
As long as you want it to.
The thing with smoking pure is that your rolling paper burns much faster than the weed, so you'll end up wasting some.
Besides that, if you put some tobacco in you won't have to light it often and it might taste a bit better (subjective though)
In BC its literally the number one thing were known for, i think once its legal here it will be the hub of NA similar to how Holland is the hub of eu.
>tfw tolerence is so high I can smoke a gram of the highest quality buds I can get and still function
8 years of smoking steadily will do this shit to you, don't do it people, take tolerance breaks
For me to get really high anymore, I have to smoke at least 1/8th over an hour or two
north american cannabis has been better for at least five years.
it doesn't matter he's gonna get impeached
>if you put some tobacco in you won't have to light it often
What kind of shit joints do you roll where you have to keep lighting it?
It's way stronger than in North America. That's why they smoke pure joints over there. You don't get paralyzed after a few puffs.
There is literally nothing wrong with this. Canada is already the most weed consuming country per capita
why is everyone so butthurt about this?
with weed being illegal I can get it really fucking easily, except I cant be sure about what I get and it'll always be like 30% thc dude weed lmao and I cant pick and choose
with the legalization, I can get high quality, high CBD and low THC weed that'd relax me and it's really hard to get that from regular weed dealers because those strains aren't very recreational or psychoactive
no, it's going to be around $8 a gram but there will be potency restrictions. currently illegally its $10 a gram for the highest quality (it's impossible to find low quality weed especially in major cities in Canada).
>it will be the hub of NA
that's Jamaica, you dumb cunt
lol eat shit nig nog, smoking pure joints to get high says enough. give me some credible sources for that statement
i've been smoking before you wore diapers so my joints are totally fine. what kind of shit weed are you smoking if you only have to light it once? or maybe you're just rolling them in some printer paper kek
Fuck yeah bud
>He thinks smoking one plant for another is safer.
No, you kill yourself faggot, the normalization of Pot will raise the number of people with lung cancer, stuffing your lungs with smoke is still stuffing your lungs with smoke. The reason your family members died from the shit is because they was nothing better then addicted chain smoking faggots who would light a cig off a cig and never put them down.
>Holy shit sir, our profits are sky high!
>Gimme some Marlboro greens smoke weed son.
Been doing this in Toronto for over a year already, no prescription or anything required, just show ID to prove you're an adult.
in colorado you can grow your own plants if youre over 18 with no license but there is a 6 plant limit and also on how many are flowering at once
Where do you go in Toronto? I live in Vaughan but I work downtown, would be sweet if I could avoid my dealer
>he's surprised that the Canadian National cricket team is 99% Pajeet
>its going to happen the same as the LCBO
haha, ass raping incoming
Despite what the retard pot smokers try to brainwash people into believing; it's not remotely healthy to inhale smoke of any kind into your lungs.
>give me some credible sources for that statement
whatever man. just make a roadtrip from california up to BC and see for yourself.
i've had ours and i've had yours. ours is better.
CO fag here. its a 6 adult plants per adult in the household, you can have as many pre-sexed clones as you want.
Getting it right now for between 7-15 a gram for weed, shatter is around $50 a gram, hash usually like $20 a gram.....
Pay with cash or debit, just show legal ID. lol
>potency restrictions
Nigger you're a fucking goof.
>it's not remotely healthy to inhale smoke of any kind into your lungs
No shit. Despite what anyone tries to brainwash you into believing: you shouldn't care what anyone smokes.
Unless it's dick.
You're acting like weed is magically better for you than tobacco. It's not.
>i've had ours and i've had yours. ours is better.
well gee i'm sure no one could talk shit on the internet right
and where did you smoke "ours"?
you do understand that the Netherlands has a lot of coffeeshops that all have a large variety of different strains of weed, coming from a large variety of different growers.
what you're claiming is equal to saying that food is worse here because you visited one shitty restaurant. chances are big you visited Amsterdam where they make their money on dumb shits like you
dude, the legal stuff is super potent nowadays. an 1/8th (3.5 grams) lasts me a month and i smoke every day. a pinch is all you need unless you are trying to just get blasted.
smoking weed is the same as smoking tobacco only effects are better
vaping/eating weed is the future panini friend
They sell ''inferior'' weed to tourists, because most of them have NO IDEA on what is a good weed and which suck. Also, tourists often don't care about what they smoke. They're in Amsterdam, and that's what counts.
No problem with claiming vaping or eating is better because that's obvious. I'm sick of these dumbfucks pretending smoking weed is somehow better than normal cigs.
Just came in to post about that
What a fucking joke
>Trudeau isn't going to legalize weed it was just a scam to get elected
Trudeau haters btfo
Smoke weed in tar catcher bong and then smoke your own rolled tobacco cigarettes. The nicotine stops the memory impairment effects of the marijuana.
And the marijuana of course boosts your thinking in certain areas. So both marijuana smoked, and then smoking tobacco is an ideal ritual for heightened intellectual performance. Never mix the two, ever though.
It IS better for you than tobacco, there's nothing magically about it. Fucking retarded Irish, glad my grandparents got off that retard rock.
No it's not. Smoke is smoke. Your lungs don't care much for the difference in carcinogens in tobacco and wee smoke.
Does this mean Canadians will forgive him for giving favors to foreigners by getting them to donate money to his party in exchange for changing laws and such? He's selling you out, but at least you can get high dude.
Europeans in the middle ages would have smoke going through their entire house continously.
>smoke is smoke
Potato famine didn't kill enough of you.
What is with this meme about dude weed when the u.s is a much less strict than us about weed? they are literally amsterdam in many cities. We're conservative as fuck compared to them.
Yes and they lived such long lives didn't they.
Marijuana smoking is GOD TIER.
>3-5 joints,
yeah if you like smoking paper
Should just ban both. Crush degenerates from all angles.
how is there even 1 white guy on the cricket team
was hockey too hard?
Why don't you just stay in your straight edge safespace?
Do you ever fart in "her" mouth?
>That's if you smoke with tobacco
Americans in charge of reading full sentences
You are a fucking moron. Any irritant is bad for you full stop, that's chemistry 101. Smoke is never good for you, all smoke contains carcinogens. Christ, this is why I hate potheads, they think weed is totally safe against all logic.
>weed is not your expertise
>roll mole joints, take mole rips bro, I mix my weed with tobacco man XD
It's not even the tobacco, it's all the literally thousands of chemicals and toxins they add to the tobacco that causes all the problems.
Smoking pure, dried organic tobacco leaf, like what the natives here in North America were doing, is generally fine.
Degenerates must be actively crushed. Tolerance is degenerate. Why should degenerates have privacy rights? if the police raid you and you have illegal items then you should get fucked up faggot.
Wtf I love Canada now
You're the one arguing smoking weed is just as bad as smoking tobacco.
Why do tobacco users die to smoking related illness on a much higher rate than marijuana smokers?
Hallucinogens cause brain damage too, but the "I TOOK LSD AND NOW I KNOW WHAT TO DO WITH MY LIFE" crew are even more militant than the potheads.
quality leafpost
the weed we have here is much too strong to smoke without tobacco, it would just be a waste
>if u put tobacco in ur joint ur dumb
great argument lad
Cannabis Clubs at 801 Queen W. and 30something Queen E., currently hitting up Aleve at Church and Dundas.
inb4 $50 USD a gram.
True desu, Chong has had cancer twice
Cannabis Club has two locations that just require valid picture ID to buy, and a place called Aleve at Church and Dundas that requires you to fill out a 2-minute basic registration form first time then just show valid ID each visit after that. (the form never comes into play again, it's a formality)
You're just mad that we aren't anti weed anymore and your relevance is going down the toilet, where the shwaggy down town brown frown ditch weed you smoke should go.
who else would actually play cricket though for real
This, so much this
Weedman realized he had to deliver.
I think it's great that you're not anti-weed anymore, took you long enough
but you should accept that our weed is objectively better in every way.
the quality is higher, the price lower. maybe pay attention a little, you could learn our ways, little leaf :^)
I pay $35 for shatter and $5-6/g for weed
If the government doesn't match these prices the black market will survive
lmao no kys