>Hillary Clinton Lost. Get Over It And Stop Blaming Russia, WikiLeaks And ‘Fake’ News

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surprisingly based.

nice, the Huff Post is becoming actual journalism

Archive link.

>(((H. A. Goodman)))
>Columnist published in The Cleveland Plain Dealer, The Baltimore Sun, The Hill, Salon, (((The Jerusalem Post)))

wtf I don't know what to believe any more

>its real

What the fuck?

>Huffpost makes over 1000 Shitty posts
>Makes one post about BTFOing lefties
>Haha they're with us

Don't fall for it lads

a-are they finally on step 5???

Bs. The only way they can gain integrity back is to disband disown and publicly announce they're all ducked faggots incapable of redemption. Fuck huff post cnn msnbc etc forever

Someone is getting fired

this it's a trap

Read the other articles written by the same guy. He's their token sane lefty.

Kek, what the fuck is going on? Are we in the twilight zone or some shit? Huffpo actually being reasonable? Are these the end of times?

ha goodman is king berniebro

The only reason they'd do this is if their narrative wasn't working and they wanted to save face.

Interesting times ahead comrades.

>Supported Bernie Sanders.

>huffing paint post
>ever regaining credibility

dont make me laugh

>I’ve been warning Democrats since October 21, 2015 that Clinton would lose to Trump, and only Bernie Sanders could win the election for Democrats.

Nope. He would have lost even worse.

Sanders would have been hammered for being a commie, but he wasn't soaked in shit like Clinton, and he would have taken some of the anti-establishment vote off Trump.

This would have been the Bernie map and you know it, he had alot of support in the rust belt.

ha goodman along with jimmy dore are in my left-lean daily watches. both are fairly based.

Bernie probably would have taken Wisconsin, Michigan, and maaaaaaybe Pennsylvania, but gotten ravaged in Florida and lost Nevada and maybe New Mexico.

I saw people pushing that map saying that will be the map for Hillary and " I know it". Never underestimate Trump.

no, dude's been anti-hillary for several months now.

they're desperate for ad impressions. HAG has been saying/writing this shit for months.
huffpoop finally bought some words hoping for clicks.
reward these animals; turn off adblocks or view in-private and give them ad clicks.
The deprogramming of the left is urgently needed.

Yep. Trump would just have to hammer the point that Bernie is a socialist who was unemployed until he was 40 years old.

He could also say that Bernie has been in Washington forever and accomplished nothing.

Trump could mention that Bernie went on his honeymoon in the Soviet Union while the Cold War was still ongoing.

He could mention that Bernie once attended a Sandanista rally where people were chanting "Death to America." Bernie would later describe the crowd as patriotic.

Trump could point to Venezuela and say "This is what Bernie wants to do to America."

Plus, the big corporate donors that donated to Hillary wouldn't touch Bernie with a ten-foot pole.

Trump would utterly demolish Bernie in the General Election.

>The deprogramming of the left is urgently needed.

No. Let them continue to go off the deep end until the normies completely tune out of their bullshit.

Trump wouldhave annihilated Sanders even worse than he did clinton

No way in hell. He's a "commie".

Well at least there's a spot open at huffpo

Hillary faces death if ((their)) plan fails, right?

Hahaha no.
Until the very end they kept spreading every single fake news that the jews could come up with and writing about it like it was the absolute unquestionable truth.
And now that they remained literally the last people on Earth who still believed in the Russian boogieman, they come out and finally admit they were wrong. And now I'm supposed to be impressed?

They only wrote that article after every single one of their arguments were completely destroyed by the government agencies that are STILL under Obama's control and there is absolutely nothing left for them to cling to.

lol jebs green

No one's going to do that you spastic asshole, nor are they obligated to. Kudos to them for at least saying how bullshit all of this is.

They are not waking up.

Just like the fucking whitless dyke electrician who lied her way into the sjw cancer corporation I work for and carried on my back for three years who now says she supports's just scumbags trying not to end up in the wastebins of history....and keep their jobs media being the worst whores of them all.

We do not forget
We do not forgive
We are assholes.

Ha goodman is generally very good. An actual real leftist.

It's a contributor article. Tomorrow they'll post another set of conspiracy theories absolving themselves and their leftie readers of any responsibility for the Trump win.

>that comments section
Jesus, people are waking the absolute fuck up.
>tfw I'm one of them

The main problems of today are symptoms of a Jewish loss of control over Society

The two industries controlled by Jews, media and banking, are being revolutionized before our eyes. It is uprooting very old and very deep power structures that have been protected for centuries.

This is a damage control maneuver by the Jews just trying to retain influence until the next election.

They know their hold of the media is almost over. Jewish businesses bet big on clinton, and lost. We have not seen the last of their writhing

The jew will do anything to preserve itself.


WTF I love Huffington Post now

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You cucking stoopid!