Can a perfectly moral man make it into the kingdom of heaven without following any religion or accepting Jesus as their lord and saviour?
Can a perfectly moral man make it into the kingdom of heaven without following any religion or accepting Jesus as their...
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The Fendippitous Eggmen are returning soon.
Sure, just do a shitload of DMT
>a perfectly moral man
No such thing. No-one except Jesus ever has or ever could live a perfect life.
No, cos he is not baptised. Read divine comedy or talk to your priest
He was a Jew my friendo
children, retards, and people from savage tribes who've never heard the good news are all considered innocents and get into heaven
exactly. one guy has done it, and that guy was Jesus.
Found the christcucks
God wants you to drink the blood of your enemies, not bend over and let them fuck your wife.
God doesn't care about our shitty little planet, assuming god even exists. (assuming a lot)
Its laughable to think Earth has the highest concentration of calculations being performed per second compared to anywhere else in the universe.
t. Priest
We're a lottery planet, which is why God made humans in accordance to earth
Jesus (Enlil) was a fucking liar
Holy Mary is without sin
Good thing the real god actually is a dick with dark humour and only lets atheists into the good version of the afterlife.
Why do you think you just came about from nothing?
I swear atheists are the dumbest fucks on earth.
Would Robbie rotten make it into the kingdom of heaven?
Yes. Live a life according to Nature, as the Stoics said.
Is there scripture that covers this or is it just something accepted by the church?
You reincarnate after you die idiot
How do you know you are moral without following a moral law?
Atheists literally can't explain why anything happens at all
Why did the universe begin? Why are the laws of the physics installed, especially at the precise and exact nature they are? Why did life come from chaos? Why is the design of the world, especially things like the human body and mind, so unbelievably and exactly perfect?
You can't ignore these questions as they serve as the premise for all science and physics in the universe (not to mention ethics)
Actually, it makes sense that our planet is stable for other reasons.
You can only exist where you can exist, therefore a stable environment is most likely where we were going to find ourselves.
This applied to the whole universe, though. If there are multiple universes, one that is filled with black holes or a gravitational constant that is much higher might not even be possible to support life. Of course we don't find ourselves in a sea of pure chaos, because it would have prevented our existence in the first place.
Nobody said nothing except you. Just because we don't understand something doesn't mean magic pedo sky daddy did it.
the perfectly moral man already is in the kingdom of heaven
No. in the same way that a perfectly moral man does not go to an anime world, get the connection? It's fantasy, Heaven does not exist it is a byproduct of your animalistic side.
>divine comedy isnt just fanfiction
Jesus Christ this man needs help
God gifted us with reason to decipher and rationalise the world, so that we may understand it and live in accordance with it.
For example, the Stoics proved through reason alone that it is best for humans to help one another in kindness, to not be an angry or jealous person, to not complain about things out of your control, and to only follow those things which are just and avoid those which are unjust and out of accordance with your Nature. Sounds exactly like Christianity, doesn't it?
Top kek if you think humans are perfect or have perfect bodies/minds. Google birth defects and click images, and tell me that again.
Your questions are going to be ignored because they come from ignorance.
Again, magic sky dad didn't do it just because we haven't found the actual answer yet.
He's not a man, he's a demigod, and he had to pass through hell first.
christfag here, yes.
Only if you save the life of someone who accepted Jesus.
Sup Forums is atheist.
Why would you think an all powerful being that can make or unmake reality gives a shit about the mites on this speck of dust in this incomprehensibly large universe? Because some pages in a book told you so?
Yea, no.
Sup Forums has always been a Christian board.
The atheist came from reddit.
Atheist already got a board and it's called /x/.
i bloody well hope not
This. But if he got baptized and then went on to live a perfect life with no religion, he would go straight to heaven.
Sup Forums is, has and always will be a Christian board
kys heretic. Sup Forums is a place for followers of christ.
>Cheat on your husband
>Have the gall to lie and say god did it
>Without sin
You can make it to the magical sky kingdom you must have to believe in magic! Second star to the right and straight on till morning!
This answers everything
That's the fun part of dying user!
You get to go on the last adventure and find out. I trust in Jesus and God that I was born where I needed to be. I was raised a Roman Catholic but I'm also loyal to my Queen and the Church of England.
It's a tough question and you have to follow what God tells you.
Good luck making the right choice, I hope God has a plan for you that isn't burning in a lake of hell fire.
/x/ fits you guys better, after all its all just a bunch of nonsense either way.
and I did not know that Reddit was a better webpage than this one, thanks user.
The implications of reincarnation are terrifying, you're stuck eternally in a never ending meat cycle of pain and struggle
you're so new it hurts. :/
That is exactly why it does not make sense in a universe with an almighty, all knowing god.
but you can watch animey in that cycle, can you do that in heaven ?
ooohhhh, i'm not new. our opinions do not match because i'm not swayed by your(pol) shallow arguments.
Birth defects are very rare. If the universe was random (As is your presupposition), then shouldn't birth defects be MUCH more common? I mean to the point where there is no body that functions? Because if every body is entirely randomly generated, then no human would have the same set structure. But the fact it is so precise every time (with only minimal defect) is a testament to some design
Why can't you just give an answer and lead me out of ignorance, then?
And how can you find an answer to something that is beyond the parameters of scientific observation (ie. experience)?
The bible says so. Well Jesus does. Saul says no in the same book. In fact Saul thinks faith is all that maters and morals are subjective.
Was he exposed to the Gospel?
God will be merciful to those who didn't have a chance to meet him in life. If he was a willful fedora-tipper though, to hell with him (probably).
But are people not able to rationalize their own evil as a virtue?
I ask you who is more dangerous to society the feral African savage or the manipulating Hebrew?
While ones evil comes from a passion (Getting White booty or stealing) the other on has an active evil(Changing social norms and debt-slavery)
The more reasonable and calculative of the to evils is the greater one. Therefore I believe the reason of a man should not be considered his moral compass.
While I do have always admired the Stoics I do not believe it can't applied in modern society or by the majority of the people
Wellll, let's think about heaven for a bit, my idea of heaven is that you get to do whatever you want to do, and it does not matter how many times you do it, you will always enjoy it, right? so that would most likely include videogames/anime and other forms of entertainment; whatever you can imagine can be a reality in heaven.
"I am The Way, The Truth, and The Life; NO MAN comes to the Father but by me."
--Jesus of Nazareth
Assuming a moral man existed, and he does not except in the singular case of Jesus Christ, such a man would still be born spiritually dead, remain spiritually dead, be an unbeliever, and be sorted out into hellfire with the rest of the spiritually dead unbelievers.
Mankind does not have a sin barrier; Jesus tore it down.
Mankind is born spiritually dead, and unless born again in the Spirit, remains dead, and is separated from God forever.
Technically, uh, nah
If you want a pro atheist board you should check /lgbt/
No we can cannot redeem ourselves through good works. We were redeemed through Christ because only through a man without sin can redeem us, which is God. Our works are meaningless if we do not accept Christ as our savior because we cannot save ourselves from Gods wrath, Another Reason why Christ died. One thing that is interesting to note is that God in the Old Testament seems harsher than in the New Testament. God still sent his wrath upon us for our sins in the New Testament and was even harsher. But Jesus was the one to take our sins of the world and endure the wrath of God so that we have he opportunity to choose him and worship him for all eternity. How can man redeem himself if man is inherently sinful?
Your post gave me cancer.
You're opening a fucking tin of worms there.
I went to Reddit once to confirm /pol's/ trash talk about it... the Sup Forums community is pretty much worse than reddit, but i don't have fun there, so i'll stick to the best webpage.
Only one addition: heaven is better than you can imagine it. So promises God. So it will surpass your wildest imaginings.
nice head canon
heaven is so wonderful we won't care about animu and vidya and gfs anymore
Non-believers mostly likely believe the spooky things in /x/, so /x/ fits the "how to summon a succubus to suck my dick" type of atheist.
only if we don't shape up
talking about cancer.
we have something in common because your shallow world view will gave me cancer too.
My sheikh says that all the ignorants that were never given clear proof of the correctness of twelver shiism will get to heaven as long as they lead a moral and good life.
They will not reach the highest levels in heaven but still be in heaven.
by definition it is :)
It is a shame it does not exist, I would like to give it a try.
Well but that God dude is a snarky fucking fellow, wouldn't trust that one.
>Christian worldview
Pick one and only one.
>900 billion lightyears of rocks
>one planet with life on it
better ignore the one place where life exists to study this asteroid lmao
It's a shame you think it doesn't exist.
Same guy that made the earth made the heavens too.
Even atheists in this website are retarded, please do not group me with them. I understand and respect both sides of the coin... until they talk shit and start being annoying.
Oh, I think I'll take my chances with good, and truth, and life, and God, and heaven.
You can gamble with evil, and lies, and death, and the devil, and hell, if you'd like.
Up to you.
>not just another human
>implying anyman can be holy
o i am laghin
There's no argument to Sup Forums being primarily christian. If you choose not to honor god and his sacrifice for you, you are welcome to burn in hell with your shitskin family.
I have read this before ina certain book according to which Jesus was a sorcerer and even the best of gentiles should be thrown into a pit
All who trust on ignorance and allah will burn.
As is everyone else in heaven.
"sick burn" from the redditor over here
What's next, are you gonna start calling us ignorant white males?
>Pick one and only one.
that's exactly how Christianity spread.
It is shallow, you guys in the end fail to understand the true meanings of life and the great adventure it should be.
That's a fair point, but I think it boils down to if there is objective truth or not. Seeing that reason is an objective and truthful examination of the universe, you can't rationalise something that is false.
For example, if one person rationalises that helping others is reasonable, while another rationalises that hurting others is reasonable (as in the case you gave) - they both can't be right can they? Either one or both are unable to rationalise properly (due to an ignorance of some sort)
If there is an objective truth to the universe, it would mean that we are able to come to true conclusions that we can all agree on - meaning that if someone were to rationalise their own vice and virtue - they would be wrong. If there is not an objective truth (or rather, we aren't able to fully understand the truth) - then yes, people could rationalise their own evil as virtue as you mentioned
Well, that's how I see it at least
When you conquer the idea of your reincarnation you essentially become imortal
Are you perhaps interested in some snake oil or homeopathic medicine? Maybe a astrology reading? Now special offer, very low prices, only for you, good sir!
How cute you are, thinking you're better thanks to shallow stuff like skin colour... that's exactly why you've already failed at true enlightenment. how cute indeed.
To understand this side of the coin is to understand how dangerous is sin to society. The further society move away from God, the worse it's going to get.
>oh please, darling, that is not my style at all~
New wave feminism is as cancerous as you.
that says the opposite -- that Jesus is the only way to Heaven. This "priest" is saying man can reach the Father apart from Christ.
>thinking race differences is just skin colour
what was that denial about being new?
sorry nvm me i dont think i can match up to your sophisticated replies
Race is not skin colour you demi-human shitskin
I don't think that theist can explain any of you questions either. Simply saying because gawd with no evidence isn't a valid answer.
The reason behind that is because people live their lives like they are fucking stupid, they go with the wind, whatever works today will be our problem tomorrow, but let it be... what lacks society is not a god, society needs the discipline that religions administer, that is the true problem. Discipline is what humanity is currently lacking.
calling you shitskin, doesn't mean your degeneracy is only skin deep Ahmed. It is not a shallow statement. You are a shitskin by species. With horribly inferior genes and a culture that is so fucking worthless, we would benefit by wiping you off the earth. The fact you are able to live in the country my ancestors come from and suck up benefits and gov't money makes me sick. Please jump off a bridge.
oohh little slip there by me, i'll admit it, but you haven't even replied to me about your shallow world view and even get offended by meaningless shit like race and others.
are you trying to entertain me with those "basic bitch" comments?
Yes, indeed. Salvation is exclusive to those who believe Jesus is who he says he is, and did what he said he would do.
I've lived your life, and I've lived the life of a born again Christian.
The difference is more profound than being born blind, or with perfect vision.
I believe that for there to be Truth at all it must be objective and absolute. Because else it would not be truth it would be more like opinion(Muh everyone has his own truth). But I do believe that the absolute truth that is the essence of our existence can not be fully understood by the limited human mind. The human mind is clouded and cannot fully comprehend everything. For example you can understand infinity on an abstract level yet you can not realize what it truly is. I believe it to be the same as staring into the sun. Which our limited forms has made impossible, yet it is the source of our sight.
I can't understand what that retard meant either, maybe reading comprehension isn't to strong with them.