I have no idea what is going on anymore
I have no idea what is going on anymore
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That's because you, like the rest of the liberal retards, bought into the fake news that Trump is a racist. Liberal btfo.
Because he asked what was going on? Nice assumptions there m8
Who even mentioned race burger?
You drumpfies are really retarded
butthurt liberals are butthurt
that's because it's been too long since we've seen someone who actually can, and actually wants to, bring us all together to get shit fixed.
That doesn't look like Kanye...
did illuminati kill kayne
Yh I personally think he may have been cloned or under MK, he doesn't even seem humane...
You morons believe anything
MAGA is happening is all you need to know
It's clearly a hologram, Kanye is locked up
hard to tell if you're trying to troll or just dumb
he's one of the lizard people
took too much of the super male vitality
nice autism mate
i feel ya! he was just in the psych-ward and now he's visiting the prez???? what in the actual fuck ?!?!?!??
>we live in a world where a talentless nigger that makes shitty rap music for white kids can meet with the president
I can't for the life me understand why Sup Forums is so supportive of this nigger. Must be all the reddit refugees that fled here during the election cycle. Ya'll motherfuckers need to leave.
democrats are the real racists now, so we gotta be pro diversity or you are a jewish democrat shill working for CTR
Reminder Kanye is a black nationalist who understands the problems of multiculturalism. This is the beginning of an alliance between white nationalism and black nationalism.
He was supposed to be a sirhan sirhan 2.0
He was programmed at the hospital to attack. He resisted the programming.
black nationalist who has an armenian wife and mixed kid
race mixing is the new nationalism i guess
>When you OD on red pill and need more from the source.
He is rubbing elbows with the president elect, Republican Party, because he is switching sides. If you watch the vid, he looks like he is recovering from mental trauma and in a good place, but healing. No bullshit. Trump genuinely mentored him on life, it's a very sincere statement by Trump. Basic body language tells you that Kanye respects Trump greatly by leaning towards him, and still fucking hates the media with his arms crossed and limited conversation. He even lets Trump lead the conversation with the media, proving he has trust in his wisdom. Where he would be show boating to make everyone look at him previously. This is a strange situation, but we were right, Kanye is red pilled and going through the stages of figuring out wtf to do now.
this is literally meme magic
Have you ever listened to Kanye's music beyond the few songs which got famous I.E. Jesus Walks and Niggas in Paris?
Please don't worry kek has no plan but that's the most comforting thing about this timeline
>Trump standing with Kayne
>b-but I thought Trump hated blacks!
>b-but I thought Kanye hated whites!
Was there anything else going through OP's mind?
Never saw it in that way, have you got any sources on that topic of assassination and how it linked to his repogramming?
>fake news that Trump is a racist
How is this good?
Kanye is an antisemite
WTF!? I love Democrats now!
fuck off libtard CTR shills
you're so easy to spot
>21 grammys
>all albums critically acclaimed by literally all music critics
>not a virgin
>owns not one but multiple cars
>"talentless nigger"
>zero grammy's
>your soundcloud is dead
>doesnt own a car
it doesn't get much simpler, even a fucking leaf can see
Yeah, and he's an anti-white nigger.
Go back to nigger-loving wigger.
Yeezy looks so fucked up
What kind of drugs did they pump into him
so we are just supposed to magically know what you are referring to. get bent you retarded faggot
Nice clock Achmed!
USA 101:
We have sides, but anybody can join our sides, we make money, you join another side, you make money for other side, everybody is welcome, even the old enemy if switches sides.
So what did we learned? Jews don't care about Jews, don't care about planet, don't care about universe, don't care about anybody, only care about money.
It's the same Cypriot as always. He's a nast lib. Probably why the Greek Orthodox Church maintains their position on Cyprus. Fools like him.
fuck off roach
>muh shills
You're so easy to trigger.
Kek thread confirmed with triple 77 gets that Kanye is an avatar of Kek.
yeezys da shit my nigga
The eyes of a man who either just got woke as fuck or MKULTRA'd to shit
The President Elect is just taking a little time out of his day to meet with a friend who is recovering from an illness. Isn't that a nice thing to do?
America is being made great.
you guys know kanye 'melting down' is all just an eleborate psy op right?
kanye used his 'trump support breakdown' and his 'divorce from liberal wifey' to get in close to trumpe.
he either has used the opurtunity to poison him with a slow acting toxin, or hes using this as the groundwork for his 2024 run.
>Trump has only come down with Japanese Billionaire and a retarded Nigger
Really makes me think I'll be honest
what did CTR do to him?
alex jones need to send him a sachet of that super male vitality pronto
>all albums critically acclaimed by literally all music critics
>literally all music critics
is it true that Kanye went on a PizzaGate rant and was locked up for 21 days cause of it?
Kanye acquired Trump powers.
He is now Super Kayne.
>too obvious
you like orange jewish puppet?
how about black jewish puppet?
no he spoke out about globalism and woke up in the hospital
Kanye revealed power level
He is compatible with Trump's America
Trump extends a friendly hand to a Man who has been shit on for expressing views (((they))) don't like.
Maybe trump isn't racist aftet all?
>This German is probably a proxy Jew
Spreading they "Everybody is a Jew Puppet is one of the oldest (((tricks))) in their book.
it is literally impossible to come to this conclusion if you have ever listened to his music. he raps about red pilled shit like family values and cleaning up chicago
the truth
>oldest (((trick)))
this video is fucking epic
Kys faget
hey look everybody it's another pathetic shill
fuck off redd*t cuckolds
I'd rather hear both sides of the tale. See, it's not about races, just places, faces.
Where your blood comes from is were your space is, I've seen the bright get duller.
I'm not going to spend my life being a color
Don't tell me you agree with me
When I saw you kicking dirt in my eye
But, if you're thinkin' about my baby
It don't matter if you're black or white
He also raps about how white people are keeping the black man down.
Its kinda weird how he has a song about golddiggers and yet he married one.
>you drumpfies
The fuck you doing here nigger, Reddit is that way>>>>>>>>
maybe but he wants to do something about it, not cry, destroy communities and commit violence against random citizens like BLM or other "fuck whites" groups do
unfortunately, all these "fuck whitey" groups are funded and directed by rich white liberals that deeply hate minorities and desperately want a race war, so if any other MLK or peaceful type comes up, they are going to get assassinated again
Kanye better be careful fucking around and get himself killed by the Clintons for trying to be a strong black leader
>I have no idea what is going on anymore
I can smell the blue pill on you like a wolf smells fear
he has the right to think that.
Black is black white is white.
That's fine if you can mutually respect that idea, which isn't baseless senpai.
I do think white and black ought to be allies though you'd have to kill the divisive Jew first.
>I keep it 300 like the Romans
Kek what a retard
those are some intense biscuit lips
He's smiling again after getting his shit mkultra'd in the hospital.
>leddit filename
Also, are his eyes closed?
Maybe he's not the real Kanye?
Yep. Fuck this stupid ape and his pro-nigger white following.
pitchfork constantly rates black musician higher scores, specially if they sing about opression and shit, like this year they give album of the year to solagne, beyonces sister that talks about the difficulty of being a black woman in america, despite being fucking millionare, all this triggered because she was bashed for dancing in a kraftwerk concert (what kind of retard does that?)
im pretty sure kanye refers to that
nah, he's woke
he sees trough the matrix of matter
he´s calling out to this fucking pages, because they always give rap/hip-hop albums high scores for being liberal/black opression
Kanye hates that
Kim is worth about 5 million more according to this
literally not kanye