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Ok... what's the deal with Vice?

First, the old Vice. Even back in the day when all they did were those shitty docu-fictions, they were pretty bad. Apart from a couple of truly interesting ones, most were made by a bunch of cucks with no fucking grasp on how the world works. I specifically remember one hellish video about some nerdy manlet hitching a ride for 50km along the main highway in the civilized part of west africa, and acting like he was in the middle of the liberian civil war with a bunch of cannibals. Cringy as fuck. They are just perpetuating idiotic stereotypes for uneducated couch-borne wannabe travelers.

Now Vice News... holy shit.... what started off as an interesting experiment in underground reporting, in ballsy frontline journalism, turned to utter and complete garbage. It seems like all the original interesting reporters left the fucking ship, and all that's left are a bunch of faggot cucks in their (((New York))) air conditionned tower pretending to be hardcore and getting vacations abroad to film random shit.

What happened? How did something so promising fail so hardcore?

Or is there something I'm not seeing?

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$500 million in cash for a multibillion dollar valuation from globalists happened. Most flagrantly CIA news there is, how the fuck else does a western journalist go to Syria and come back alive

>Something promising

only a potato nigger would think they would be any different from there kike owned counterparts.

vice and vice news caught on because at first they were powered by nothing more than the will of the people working there. as they caught on they have to stop making work to make a name for themsleves and have to start making work as "vice", which as it develops gathers more and more people that are increasingly unfamiliar with the original goal, voice, and vision.

that being said it was always edgy. cool flag.

It all went to shit when Gavin left because he was the only one there to counter act Shane's retarded lefty bullshit and he was the only one at the top writing controversial off-left political articles.

Since then it's just been bought and sold itself out to please advertisers, cater to a young audience who will eat anything up. It doesn't challenge itself or it's audience anymore in the slightest. It's just like every other outlet of media, it just wears a youthful face.

I personally know real (western and not) reporters who have been on the ground in syria. Problem is, real reporters do real news, and that shit doesn'-t sell... so you never hear about them.

>>potato nigger
>>can't even read flags
American education.....

But why don't they employ real hardcore reporters?

I know a ton of young, brilliant, hungry reporters that want nothing more than do edgy, frontline journalism, but can't finance freelance work...

Gavin left and so did probably Suroosh (hes hardly anywhere to be seen). Shane went full left/lucas and fucked over everything.

I get that argument, but Gavin left way before Vice anews ever started. And even back then, Vice itself had a lot of cringy fake docu-shits.

wrong flag bro

Vice News went full SJW around the time Donald Trump dumped those redpills in June of 2015.

Everything is about some special snowflake trying to get ahead who dindu nuffin, is a gud boi, needs money fo' dem programs.

it's owned by rupert murdoch

Make SBS 2 Great Again

Dude weed lmao: the channel

Vice's COO as of 2014 is an Obama administration official. She's an SJW cunt which is all you need to know, Cote d'Ivoire.

I like the one where they went to Serbia and the nu-male cuck reporter was so grossed out by the masculinity he basically talked shit about them after every question


This is what I was talking about:

Matbe it's just because I live out here, but to me it's cringy as fuck and just plain retarded.

>learn to flag pleblord.

>turned to utter and complete garbage

>turned to

It didn't "turn" to anything, it's always been that way.

Look at all the Vice reporters. They all look like they could be working at Starbucks. I can't take those people seriously.

Newscorp bought them.
So yeah, literally fox news for hipsters.

Fair enough my man. I guess thst answers most questions. Just weird that they sold out that much.

That's my point though: WHY?

I distinctly remember a couple of manly reporters doing some crazy ass shit waaaay back in the day. But they dissapeared!

>Implying Vice hasn't been complete shit all along
At the moment the media are going all out in general.

That's what they do - they buy the media they don't control and put ideologues in leadership positions who dictate what their news is going to be. It's all propaganda now.

What's your guys take on "this is what winning looks like"? The Afghanistan documentary

>How did something so promising fail so hardcore?

Easy. Just get yourself bought out by Viacom, the same company that owns MTV, and belongs to one Sumner Redstone, formerly Rothstein.

what's his cuck used to be in charge then they sold it to some liberals or something

>But they dissapeared!

They were disappeared during the take over. Gavin McInnes was one of the original co-founders and Jim Goad used to be a regular contributor.

The mag went from punk rock, general degeneracy and political incorrectness to pure and kosher social justice warfare.

Their world news were pretty good back in the day when they just started branching out but they lost all of that edge for obvious reasons.

>sold it to some liberals or something
Murdoch bought vice you nit

Gavin didn't just leave. He was bought out during the take over, meaning he cashed out his shares, and part of that deal was a non disclosure agreement placed on him regarding that deal, indicating that it was pretty ugly.

Completely turning something from one thing into another takes some time. The change was gradual.

That one was excellent actually

>American ally literally kidnapping and raping little boys because he can

So from what I understand it's just basically another representation of greed over values?

Start something good that will bother someone enough to make them want to buy you up to shut you up, cash out while the going's good to people who's values are absolute opposite yours, and run away laughing?

If so, can't say I blame them. Buioding bloc of capitalism right there. Just kind of sad and depressing.

I like the one where the hipster goes to a machinegun shoot to show how scurry it is but instead everyone treats him really well and he ends up having a blast.

I don't blame Shane smith at all, give me half a billion and I'll do anything

What's your favorite vice piece? I like the giants of Iceland and Africa's cowboy capitalists

Vice never really was that good. It seemed so when we were young and naive.

Their travel reporting and coverage of wars was the journalistic equivalant of psuedo science.

I don't think Shane sold out as much as decided to fuck over Gavin in order to be able to push his politics more. Shane is still very much on board. Shane is happy with the direction Vice has taken as far as I can tell. For him it was more about furthering his career and growing his enterprise.

this user gets it
it was edgy (but not really)
and had hipster tits (which I was into)

The novelty wore off and by the time McInnes left I stopped paying attention. Then all of a sudden their news docs were everywhere, and now it seems like it's slowly fading into obscurity. Good fucking riddance.

why? Vice is a CIA op. Look at all the access they get. Fits in perfectly. Drug lords, Obama, ISIS etc...

Fuck off you twisted reflection

wtf are you on about. They literally have no meaningful access. I've had more access than them in many shitstorm countries, even as a "civilian"

I'm your evil twin.

Quite literally a dark version of me

Subtle rare flag
thanks reverse ireland

I might be dark on the outside, but you are on the inside.

Old vice was OK at best but solid gold compared to politically driven shit they've been putting out since 2012. Fucking awful smug leftist tripe.

And yet you are the ones known for famine

What do I have to do if I wanted to become a reporter or (((journalist))) or something? At least in the same vein as old Vice?

I have a meh degree from a meh uni, decent writing skills, and a huge desire to get the fuck outta where I am currently.

Hell, send me to all the shitholes - if I die, whatever, was probably gonna kms anyways.


The Vice doc. on Ebola was pretty good, I give it 3 thumbs up and whatever.


>tfw similar flags but different races trade bantz on a Mongolian basket weaving forum for Nazis

Multiculturalism in it's true form my fat friend.

And what does it say about your country when even aids niggers fend off starvation better than you?

Having lived in Liberia, i can tell you it was complete shit. Well edited and presented, but shit nonetheless.. NOONE there thought ebola was fake. People took that shit very seriously. Heavy as fuck quarantine, people shutting in, armed guards. Government even force blockaded the slums for a while which caused a mass revolt.

Same thing that happened to The Onion.

>start off decent
>get people saying theyll buy you out but only if you start doing x, y, and z
>start doing it, quality deteriorates to just liberal pandering
>get bought out

>also checked
>mfw I could've been a paddy but by the grace of God I was born an American

What in gods good name were you doing up in Liberia you god damn crazy potato alcoholic, nevermind, flag mixup. So what are you implying, all them peeps were in some stupified village of retards and didn't care or know any better or paid off to act ignorant?

It says it was run by uncaring/incompetent anglos and all the people worth anything left it behind for the nigger tier subhumans that populate this cursed isle.

I swear you people are making these places up.

Paid off, most probably, given Vice's track record for jnventing shit to fit the narrative.

In liberia you can make a man off the street say whatever the fuck you want for 50 liberian dollars. That's 50 US cents to you.

I was in Monrovia, Liberia, during the ebola outbreak. Ivory Coast had closed the borders.

Fair nuff. I hope you all kill each other in your little civil war and end up eating each other..

Oh wait, that's here. Nvm.


you might find this funny, but the unionists burn your flags by accident sometimes here.


Another race of slaves pretending to be like their imperialist big brother.

Ireland IS a colony. It doesn't OWN any.

But I'm sure it would be a funny sight.

Are you black?

>Ireland IS a colony. It doesn't OWN any.
for now.....

Does it matter in today's brown-is-crown multicultural world?

If you bring good beer, you can colonize me.

The beer I can do, how hard would it be for an army of around 7000 to conquer you?

It depends how much beer and presents you bring.

And whether we are currently at war with ojrselves or not.

This is the truth. They were funny and interesting and un-PC at first. That's what made them popular. Now they're the absolute worst.

I just thought of a great idea.
if we were to go through with this we would open the door for millions of your friendly country men to flood and end the eu forever.

Tchrrrrrr you have no idea how hard it is for an ivoirian to get an EU visa. Stop with the flood meme.

not if you were one of us

American education at work.

Yes. Tell me.

Do I have to fuck a sheep and eat its cum soaked bowels as an initation?

I'm white.

What industry you work in there senpai? I used to go on contract in Nigeria and Ghana and this documentary is what made me realize Vice was shit (I was blindsided by their earlier more entertaining ones and didn't think to question the presentation)

We arent wales m8 just handle drink and hate brits.

vice has always been cringy as fuck. Check out their old north korea docco from 2011. They take the state sanctioned tour and proceed to just make shit up for the voice over.

Absolute fucking hacks.

Old Vice was good, now they sold out

Do all shills learn to speak English at the same poetry slam?

... "security". Ish.

I can work with that. Want to become Ivoirian as well?

nice try, shane

eat more donuts

sure why not, most people wont notice a difference anyway.
what does it take to be a true Ivoirian?

>>be virile enough to fuck 6 different girls a day
>>trust that testosterone is enough to preserve you from aids
>>know how to drink shit beer and hard liquor. And i mean moonshide-herb grade liquor, not pussy whiskey
>>speak french
>>eat anything, and all of it
>>have low standards of comfort
>>be patient
>>can into banter

That's pretty much it. Simple.

Considering that the rebels are funded by the CIA that's who the vice reports survived. As any normal Syrian and they'll tell you the FSA are terrorists, Vice news was planted there to make them look like oppressed angels.

Most journalists who enter the country do so in Syrian forces or Kurdish controlled areas, to get into rebel areas is next to impossible unless you've got an inside connection. Sure lots of good goy news stations support the FSA but they're reporting from SA held areas.

wow leaf do u think in an election where over 120 million people voted that multiple issues actually swung it for trump. it's just as ignorant to say the unemployed people in the rust belt swung it for trump alone. that's totally discounting the massive Scandinavian population there that has never, ever been fond of Hillary's fake southern, full WASP bullshit. my buddy up there Thor who has a job cutting down fucking trees in the snow literally voted for someone named Barack Hussein Obama over a Hillary Rodham Clinton, think about it.

blonde haired blue eyed Trump always had an edge over Hilldawg in the rust belt.

this just might work
>I will happily try
>the blood of the Irish is more poisonous than aids
>drinking anything short of antifreeze is not a problem
>who needs food when you have drink
>I dont think I have ever felt true comfort
>patient enough to deal with this board
>we had some good bants in this thread already

Oh and I can speak a meme language already

Why are you in the Ivory Coast?

i know an independent journo that went to Syria when the war started really catching media coverage to shoot pictures. he embedded himself with a rebel unit and came back and won some prize for his reporting. then he decided life in the US was too boring and meaningless in comparison and went back to join them again as a fighter and shoot people. it's a fucking warzone dude, do you think there are people on the border checking to see if you have your official warzone papers and can enter? no man, the hardest part is securing local transportation and weapons but once you have that you can travel anywhere you're brave enough to. even during the US invasion of Iraq it was possible to smuggle yourself in with the entire country encircled by the largest military on the planet.

Then come on over my white redhead friend. And bring some nice Aoife's with you to breed

To be rich and truly free. Not your fake ass 1989 muh freedomz blindfold. Truly free.


I would knee that bitch in the face before pissing into her open broken jaw.

I hate her face
I hate her voice even more
I hate her useless questions even even more

Fucking useless trash

Santé, mon ami! On est ensemble.

Sure the Syria border was Swiss cheese early on but fact is he had to have entered the country illegally because no Americans can enter without a Syrian passport or visa. I'll agree it's not impossible but Vice gets in places no large crew should be able to get into with big help.

Sounds like the person you know was brainwashed too, pretty much very non-shitbag Syrian I know hates the FSA.